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SECRET BABY (Book Two) (Billionaire Secret Baby 2)

Page 5

by Layla Wilde

  My keys jingled as I pushed open the door to my office. As I walked inside, I heard something to my left. Turning my head, I blinked in surprise when I saw, of all people, Darla. I stared at her, wondering if I was about to get another tongue lashing. Her arms were folded across her chest, and she looked anything but friendly.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, using my professional tone.

  “No, you can’t help me. But you can help Stephanie. Just at least pretend like you care. It’s really—”

  “Darla.” I spoke firmly enough that she stopped talking. “I really don’t have time for this. But just so you know…” It was time for those great acting skills again, if only to get her off my back. “I stayed with Stephanie last night after you ran off. We worked things out, and she’s fine. We had a really good talk about… everything.”

  “I know. I called her a few minutes ago while waiting for you.”

  My eyes narrowed a little. “Okay, so why are you here? You’ve more than said your piece.”

  “I’m here because I’m angry. And I’m here because my best friend is scared and confused and hurt. And as much as I hate to admit it, you’re the closest one to her heart, Damian. And I’m terrified that you’re going to shatter the hope that you offered her.”

  I continued to stare at her. “You aren’t making sense, Darla. Just say what you need to say.” I spread my arms in a gesture of uncertainty.

  “She needs you, Damian. She doesn’t just want you there, she needs you to be there. And I think, deep down, you need to be there, too.” She nodded. “That’s why you walked out on that agent, isn’t it? You walked out because you know how much you need her, and you know how much she needs you.”

  Darla was, admittedly, scaring me even more than Stephanie had this morning. “I have nothing to say about what happened on that set.” My jaw tightened. I could feel the muscles ticking. “I know I need to step up my game, and I will. I already have. But I have work to do, and I have a company to help run.” I felt as irritated and as exasperated as I sounded.

  “Right. Fine.” She shrugged a little. “Just don’t screw this up. When I talked to her this morning… Let’s just say I haven’t heard her that happy in a long time.” Darla shook her head at me before she turned on her heel and strode down the hall.

  I watched her go, and my nostrils flared as I huffed. “Oy vey,” I muttered, a growl in my tone. Stepping into my office, I closed the door and locked it. I made my way over to my desk and pulled off my jacket. After hanging it on the back of my chair, I folded my arms across my chest and moved over to the massive window that stretched across the entire wall. I stared down at the traffic and the people, but I didn’t feel small. Instead, I felt as though I was above them, looming over their lives. I had never really been part of someone’s life before. And, suddenly, I was being thrust into Stephanie’s.


  I turned away from the window at the sound of my phone. Walking slowly over to my desk, I picked it up, eyeing the message from my father: “Call me.”

  I blinked a few times, wondering why he hadn’t just phoned me instead. It had been a long time since we’d spoken face to face. Usually, we talked via email or text. Moving back to the window, I pressed the ‘call’ button next to the message and waited impatiently for him to pick up.

  “Masters.” I heard the deep gruff of my father’s impatient voice. He was the only one who, even over the phone, could make me feel small.

  “Dad, it’s me.”

  “There you are. I was waiting for you to call back.”

  “What do you want?”

  He grunted. “Is that the way you treat your father?”

  I hesitated. “What do you mean?”

  “No ‘how are you?’ No ‘what have you been up to?’ Just ‘what do you want?’ That doesn’t sound like the kind of son I would raise.”

  “Seriously, Dad, what do you want?”

  “Fine, have it your way. I want you to come to your own party in two weeks. And bring a few of those girls you always have hanging on your arms.”

  “Party? I don’t recall seeing any kind of party on my schedule.”

  “That’s because I just arranged it. It will be at the Future Tech Hall from six p.m. to ten p.m. Dinner and dessert will be provided. There will also be a raffle and a silent auction. The proceeds will go into a private fund for you just in case you mess things up.”

  A frown touched my lips; I decided to ignore the comment regarding the raffle and silent auction. “What’s the party for?”

  “You! Are you daft, boy? Or just deaf?”

  My brain was going in about a billion different directions. I tried to grasp what he was going on about, but there was just one thing that made sense—he was turning the company over to me. I decided to take a shot in the dark. Actually, it was more like a shot in the pitch black. “I thought you weren’t retiring for another few months.”

  “And he finally clues in! I’m retiring as early as possible, and that day just happens to be a Friday. You’ll come, give a nice speech, and take the reins. I can trust you with this, can’t I, boy?”

  “Yeah, Dad, of course. I’m ready for it.”

  “What about that woman you knocked up? What’s going on with her?”

  My face and hands cooled. I was positive my face was as pale as snow. “How did you find out about that?”

  “When you’re as old and as sly as I am, you learn some tricks. After you walked out on your modeling agent a few days ago, I did some digging because that’s just not like you. My son’s not a quitter, so there had to be a good reason. You wrote a check for 500K to a woman named Stephanie Sanders, and, well… It wasn’t that hard to it figure out after that. It was either drugs or a damn baby.” He snorted.

  I glanced toward my window. Being near the top was a good place to be, but my father made it really, really hard. “Dad, do you have to be like that? It was an accident.”

  “When you’re at the top of the food chain, boy, accidents can’t happen. You can’t make mistakes or you fall from the top of that spiffy building you’re in and crash land without a parachute. And believe me, no one up there is going to help you if that happens. Hell, they want you to fall. After I retire, they’ll be all over you like crocodiles on a gazelle carcass, so you’d best be ready for war.”

  My nostrils flared as I drew in a deep breath. Reasoning with my father was nearly impossible, and I wasn’t in the greatest mood. “I don’t get it, Dad. You talk to me like I’m some kid who doesn’t know anything, but how many kids have you ‘accidentally’ had because you were sleeping around behind Mom’s back?” I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth, and my shoulders tensed.

  “What the hell did you just say?”

  There was no turning back now. “You heard me.”


  My father hung up on me. Something like dread—ice water rushing down my spine—gripped me. Breathing evenly, I slowly put down the phone, a slight shake in my fingers. I knew for a fact I was going to regret those words, but I had no idea how, and that scared the hell out of me.


  As soon as I heard the car pull up, I rushed to the door. I would recognize the sound of that vehicle anywhere. Pulling open the door, I hadn’t gone two steps before Darla slammed into me and hugged me so hard I thought I was going to pass out from lack of air. My eyes widened, and I hugged her just as tightly, my whole body trembling.

  “I’m sorry. Stephanie, I am so sorry. I just got so angry with him! He’s put you through so much shit, and when I saw him, I just freaked out!”

  “It’s okay. Darla, it’s… I get it. I was really angry with him for a long time, too, but things are different now. After you left, he…” I hesitated. Should I tell her the rest of the details? Would she be angry? “Darla, please don’t be mad, but after you left, we talked about things. And I think he really wants to give this a shot. I mean, he was just like he was when I first met him at the clu
b. He was sweet and gentle and…” I stopped when my face flushed. “He opened up to me. He actually told me about himself. He told me things I never expected to hear from him. I really think he’s trying.”

  “I know. When I talked to you this morning, I had a feeling, and it’s okay. I went and talked to him, too.”

  My heart sank a little. “You didn’t yell at him again, did you?”

  She chuckled. “A little. But I think he got the message.”

  I took her hand and led her away from the door to the couch. She sank down next to me after I sat, pushing her hands through her hair.

  “I know why Damian left the set. He told me.” My voice was very quiet. When Darla simply watched me, I continued. “I sent him a picture of the baby. When he was about to do a scene, he saw it. He said…” I shrugged, not knowing how to explain what had happened with him. “I really think being there with me for the ultrasound changed his perspective. I think the two of us will be okay now.” I swallowed, looking to her. “He even stayed with me this morning for a little while before he had to go.”

  “I really hope you’re right, sweetie. And I think hearing what I had to say—about how you two need each other—helped, too. At least, I hope it got through that thick skull of his.”

  I laughed, feeling better, and I nodded before hugging her again. “How did I get so lucky? Why do I have such an amazing friend?”

  “Because you’re awesome, that’s why.” She flashed me a grin. “By the way, has he invited you yet?”

  I frowned, confused. “Invited me? Where?”

  “There’s a big event at Future Tech Hall from six to ten p.m. two Saturdays from now. I saw it on my phone before I came over here. It’s all over everywhere. Everyone who is anyone is going.” She looked excited. “He’s taking over Future Tech because his dad is retiring early. Don’t you ever read the news?”

  I stared at her as though the rug had been pulled out from under me. “I haven’t heard anything. He didn’t tell me.”

  Darla stopped talking and reached for my hand again. “Maybe he just hasn’t had the time to tell you about it yet. I mean, if he doesn’t take you, I’ll kill him. I swear to whatever gods and goddesses are listening, he will be in so much trouble!”

  My throat clenched, and I felt little butterflies in my gut. “Yeah… maybe.”

  “Steph?” She touched my elbow. “Are you with me?”

  “Yeah,” I repeated, nodding again. I gave her a brave smile. “It’s just the hormones, I think.”

  “No, I think it’s because you care about him.” She tilted her head. “Maybe more than you think.”

  I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. “I think so. I think, maybe, I love him, Darla. That scares me to death, but I really think I do. And the fact that all of this happened because I was an idiot one night and had a one-night stand just blows my mind. Some days, I can barely even believe it! How am I even functioning?”

  Darla hugged me, a large grin on her face. “I think you’re crazy. Because he’s Damian Masters. But I’m also willing to support you. You have a little one on the way, and you seem to think he’s getting himself together. So, I trust you, Steph, even if my gut is telling me something different.”

  I was almost afraid to ask. “What is it saying?”

  “Run.” She raised an eyebrow. “Run far away and don’t look back. Men like Damian are sleaze balls with only one interest: getting into women’s pants. It’s what he’s always been and probably what he always will be. But maybe there’s a chance he’s different. And I’m willing to give him the chance as long as he doesn’t hurt you again.”

  “Thank you. I know it’s crazy, but… she needs her father.” I placed a hand over the bump in my belly and looked down at it.

  “Agreed.” That sparkle suddenly shone in her eyes. “So! How about you call him and ask him about the party?”

  My heart sank a little. “No. I mean, isn’t that rude?”

  “Sweetie, he got you pregnant. I’d say that’s rude!”

  We both laughed, me nervously, as she handed me the phone. I took it with some hesitation, terrified he had planned to take someone else. What if he was trying to keep this a secret? After last night, though, and this morning, I had to know. Darla was right.

  Swallowing again, and feeling a cold sweat prickle across my brow, I dialed Damian’s number. Holding the phone to my ear, I listened to it ring. And ring. And ring. And ring. When I finally heard his voice, I sat up, the words right there on my lips, but I was listening to his voicemail message.

  “This is Damian Masters. Please leave your name and a number for me to reach you, and I will return your call as soon as it’s convenient.”

  When I heard the beep, I almost hung up, but Darla waved her hands at me not to. “Hey, Damian, it’s Stephanie. I was just wondering if you wanted me to come to the party with you to help you celebrate. And um… Congratulations.” I hung up the phone quickly and placed it on the table next to me as though it was going to bite me. “That sounded so wrong. I sounded desperate, didn’t I? I sounded like I was some poor, desperate girl who—”

  “Stephanie.” Darla snapped her fingers in my face to shock me into silence. “You’re rambling. You sounded a little bit desperate, but that’s okay! I’m sure he’ll call back when he’s not busy.”

  “Maybe…” Sliding my fingers through my hair, I eased out a deep breath. “I’ll be seeing him next week, anyway. He’s meeting me for an appointment with Dr. Clause. We’re going to talk about the ultrasound and other things. Vitamins and blood tests, I think.”

  One week wasn’t a long time, but all I could think about now was the fact that I might have made things even more awkward between us. “What if my message scares him? What if he doesn’t return my call?”

  “He will… if he values his life.” Darla smiled and hugged me again.

  As if on cue, my phone rang. My eyes widened at the sight of Damian’s name on the caller ID. “Hello?” I said as I answered the phone. I put it on speaker only because I would have told Darla everything about the call later anyway. Besides, she was staring at me like a cat ready to pounce.

  “Hey, Stephanie, it’s me. Sorry I didn’t catch your call. I’m pretty busy over here covering for my dad, plus some small modeling shoots.”

  “Oh. No, it’s okay. Did you get my voicemail?”

  “Yeah, I got it. I’m not sure how open the party will be, but I’ll keep you updated when I find anything okay?”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay. Great. Sorry to bug you while you’re working, but I’ll let you go. See you at the appointment?”

  “No problem. If anything changes regarding the appointment with Dr. Clause, I’ll let you know. Gotta go, though.”

  “Okay. Bye.” My stomach was in knots of the better variety when I hung up the phone. I looked at Darla and gave her a happy little squeak. “Thank you!”

  My best friend laughed and returned the hug. “You’re welcome. I must admit… he does sound like he’s getting it together.”

  One week later

  I walked into the waiting room at nine a.m. I sat down in one of many empty chairs and continued glancing at both the door and the clock. My appointment was scheduled for 9:05. To my disappointment, Damian wasn’t there. He and I had talked briefly on the phone a couple of times over the week, and while he’d seemed distant, I assumed he was just really busy getting ready for his father’s retirement. I checked my phone every few seconds, though, obsessed with the time.

  “Miss Sanders?”

  I jumped a little at the sound of a voice and looked up. “Yes?”

  “Dr. Clause will see you now.”

  Feeling a faint whisper of panic, I looked once more to the door. He still wasn’t there. How many more excuses could I make for him at this point?

  “Okay, thank you.” I got up, an uncomfortable lump forming in my throat, and walked, alone, into the office. When I sat down, I clenched my fingers tightly together, my kn
uckles white. I wanted to call Darla and tell her she was right, but there was still a large part of me that told me I was overreacting.

  “Stephanie, hello.”

  When Deborah came into the office and greeted me, I offered her my best smile, though it probably looked fake. “Hey.”

  “No Damian today?”

  I shook my head. “He was supposed to be here, but… I guess he got caught up with work or something.”

  “Did you want to wait a few minutes for him?”

  I wanted to wait—so badly—but I found myself shaking my head. “No, that’s okay.”

  She offered me a sympathetic smile and nodded. “Alright. Let’s get started then.”

  As she spoke, showing me pictures of the ultrasound and describing the textbook-position of the baby, my thoughts drifted. I was only half paying attention, and my eyes lifted to the clock or my phone more often than I wanted them to.

  “…in three or so more months, you’ll have a healthy little girl.”

  That last sentence brought me back into the present, and I smiled that same fake smile. “That sounds wonderful.”

  “Stephanie…” She looked at me closely. “Are you feeling alright?”

  “I’m okay. I promise.” I tried to perk up a little, sitting straighter in the chair. “There’s just so much to think about. Some days, I don’t even feel like myself… or that any of this is real.”

  She smiled sympathetically. “I understand. Here are your prescriptions and some paperwork for your blood tests. I take it you know where to go by now.”

  “Yes, thank you, Deborah.” I rose and took the papers, a hand moving to my belly. My stomach twisted itself into knots as I left the office. I checked the phone again and noticed a voicemail. With a deep breath, I listened to it:

  “Hey, it’s Damian. Sorry I couldn’t be at your appointment today, but I had some things to catch up on at work. I hope it went well.”


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