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The Progenitor Project

Page 14

by Bob Cooper

  “Let me get right to the point,” he said. “AI, display the schematic,” he commanded.

  A holo floor plan of the secret lab facility hung in the air in the middle of the table. A red indicator light flashed incessantly.

  “This is the location of the hostages. It is in a secured area of the Citizen Guard HQ building, several stories down. Our mission is to free them,” he said, letting them study the schematic for a few minutes.

  The room hung in silence, so Captain Ryan continued. “We have Guards surrounding the area now. We’ll meet up with them and use the gas canisters, as we used on Dysnomia. We can pump the gas through this duct here,” he said, pointing to the area on the holo display.

  The area turned into a green path that led to the room where the hostages were believed to be located.

  “Since Private Eloy is the gas expert, he’ll be in charge of deploying the gas canisters at the duct. We will need some blowers to get the gas to circulate. As you can see, this vent can only be accessed the maintenance closet right here,” he said, pointing to the holo. “The trick is to deploy the gas and get to the hostages. They have booby-trapped the stairway and the elevator leading to the hostages so we’ll have to be very careful. This is a dangerous mission. It’s getting late, and we need to do this tonight. I have requested the weapons and other equipment needed, so we can leave immediately after our meeting. Now, here’s my plan.”


  The overcast skies were not typical this time of the year in the desert. The threat of rain loomed as Acey watched the clouds move in. Her security guard stayed on the park bench not far away but in full sight of her. The thought of being kidnapped again or worse was ever-present. She was glad he was there to protect her.

  Acey stood up and waved as Aidan and Annie came into view. He had a backpack, and both of his hands were carrying baskets, blankets, and other bags. He struggled to juggle it all without dropping the items. Annie held her Panda Bear close, as she skipped down the path ahead of him. She stopped abruptly when she saw Acey.

  “Who’s that?” she asked, turning to face Aidan.

  “That’s my friend, Acey. You know, the lady I was telling you about.”

  She moved closer to Aidan and held on to his leg.

  “It’s okay. Go on and say hello.”

  She chose to walk with Aidan. Acey smiled as they approached.

  “Here, let me help you with all this stuff. What in god’s name did you bring?” Acey asked.

  “Thanks. My arms are killing me. Well, Billy got me what he thought I needed for this occasion and the next thing I know, I’m carrying enough food to feed the entire third platoon of the Citizen Guard,” he said smiling.

  “I’d like you to meet Annie Stewart. Annie, this is Acey Saunders.”

  Annie moved even closer to Aidan and managed a soft hello.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Acey said, extending her hand.

  Annie looked at Aidan, and he nodded his approval. She shook Acey’s hand and then returned to Aidan’s side.

  “Who’s this?” Acey asked, pointing to the Panda.

  “This is my friend, Sam.”

  “Well, I had a friend, too, when I was your age. Her name was Natty, and she was always with me,” Acey said, sitting on the blanket that Aidan spread out for them.

  “Was Natty a Panda Bear?”

  “No, she was an Aardvark.”

  “What’s an Aardvark?” Annie asked, laughing at the sound of the word.

  “I’ll tell you what. Next time I see you, I’ll show her to you, and you can see her for yourself.”

  Annie nodded in agreement.

  “Annie, why don’t you tell Acey about painting your room,” Aidan said.

  Aidan brought out a bottle of wine as Acey and Annie chatted. He was no connoisseur, but he knew Billy picked out something very nice for the occasion, which included cheeses, pâtés, and breads that were totally foreign to him. Pouring Acey a glass of wine and some fruit juice for Annie, he held his glass up.

  “To my two best friends in the world,” he said.

  Acey touched his glass, and Annie did the same.

  They ate as much as they wanted and played the games Annie made up. Acey’s laughter brought back memories of how it used to be for Aidan. Annie was laughing too, and it was good to see her happy and getting acclimated to her new life.

  “Can I show you my pictures?” Annie asked Acey.

  “Sure, what do you have?”

  Annie took her scrapbook and opened it. Mementos of her past life were pasted throughout.

  “Look at this. Here’s a picture of my dad and Aidan. He was kind of geeky back then,” Annie said, laughing.

  “Yeah, he’s kind of geeky even today,” Acey said, snickering at Aidan.

  “Okay. I’ve had enough. You ladies have your fun. I’ll be talking to the security guard.”

  Annie continued to go through her book, and Acey sat there captivated. The guard seemed preoccupied as Aidan approached. Sitting down next to him on the bench, the guard finished a conversation on his com link.

  “Any news on the hostages?” Aidan asked.

  “I haven’t heard anything yet. But it’s been a while since they killed the first hostage, so I think something is bound to happen soon.”

  “How much longer are you assigned to Acey?”

  The guard looked at Aidan and raised his eyebrows. “Not very much longer. My superior officer is complaining about the backlog of work that’s piling up, and he wants me and the rest of the team to return to regular duty.”

  “Yes, I can understand his position,” Aidan said.

  Aidan returned to the picnic. It grew dark as they watched the sunset below the horizon. Aidan picked up the food as Annie and Acey continued their conversations. He told the security guard he would take Acey home. In the vehicle, Annie fell asleep in the back seat.

  “So, what do you think?” Aidan asked.

  “She’s a beautiful young child who has been through a lot.”

  “Yes. When Mike died, and he asked me to take custody of her, I almost refused him. My life was complicated enough, and I couldn’t possibly think about how I could take care of a child.”

  “Well, you must be doing something right. She really likes you.”

  Aidan let Acey words register. He needed to hear that. He needed to hear that from her. Pulling up to her apartment, he noticed someone outside waiting. As he got closer, Dirk approached the vehicle.

  “Is everything alright?” Acey asked.

  “It’s all over the news. Captain Ryan and his team rescued the hostages. They are all safe. There will be a news conference at the top of the hour.”

  Acey leaned over and kissed Aidan. It took him by surprise, but it felt so good. She looked back at Annie, who woke up once the car stopped.

  “I have to go now. I hope to see you soon,” she said.

  Annie reached out, half asleep, and touched Acey’s hand.

  “Okay,” she said, before falling back to sleep.

  Dirk followed her into the apartment and turned on the monitor, waiting for the news conference to begin. Captain Ryan appeared with a host of other Citizen Guard and political dignitaries. The media crawled all over them as he struggled to begin.

  “This is indeed a great day for our citizens,” he proclaimed to the hundreds who gathered on the steps of the Citizen Guard HQ. The courage and dedication of these men and women allowed us to free the hostages with no additional loss of life to the hostages or to my team. They are safe and being tended to by physicians. As for the kidnappers, there were several casualties. Those who survived are in custody. This sends a message loud and clear—we will not tolerate criminal acts from any individuals or organizations. I will now take your questions.”

  Dirk turned the sound down and poured a tall scotch. He noticed Acey staring at the monitor, but he could tell her mind was somewhere else.

  “How did your outing go with Aidan?” he asked.
/>   “It went well, I suppose.”

  He took a big gulp of scotch and sat next to her.

  “He came to see me the other day.”

  “For what?” she asked, giving him her full attention.

  “Well, he said he wanted to help with the media campaign, but I could tell he was more interested in you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because he asked if you were seeing anyone.”

  Acey sat back, put her legs on the table, and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I’m so confused. I love him, but I’m not sure I can handle the extra responsibility of caring for Annie. I can’t see myself as a mother figure; I mean I don’t know if I can be a good mother not having….”

  “Shhh,” Dirk said, putting his arm around her. You’ll do fine. I know you haven’t had much female influence in your life, but I have no doubt you will figure it out and be fine,” he said reassuring her. “I need to get to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  Dirk peeked out the window. Acey’s security guard was parked and watching the building. As he was leaving, Acey stopped him.

  “Thank you so much for everything,” she said, kissing him goodbye.


  Dirk had barely fallen asleep when the alarm rang. After two cups of coffee and a quick shower, he drove to the hospital where the hostages were being treated. An entire wing was dedicated to them, and security was heavy. He had a dozen red roses with him. At the nurse’s desk, he waited for help. A young nurse greeted him.

  “Hello, my name is Dirk Saunders. I would like to see Ms. Norma Evans?”

  The nurse accessed the registry. “She’s in room 2301, but you must be cleared by security,” she said, motioning to a large officer standing in the hallway.

  “Thank you,” Dirk said, walking towards the officer.

  Dirk talked to the guard, and he cleared him for a visit. He walked down the hall to see Norma. She was in bed, sleeping. He put the flowers on the stand next to her and waited. She was as beautiful and radiant as the day they met on the Academy campus.

  He had come back from a survey mission to the exoplanets of the solar system and was downloading the results to the Academy’s lab computer systems when a young lab technician stormed in and raised holy hell for monopolizing all the computer resources and causing her analysis programs to fail. New at the Academy, she did not recognize him then, but after her ranting subsided, she noticed everyone staring at her in shock. Then, she realized who he was. Norma tried to apologize, her red face evident to her embarrassment.

  Dirk waited five minutes for her to cool down before finding her in the corner of the lab, trying her best to be as inconspicuous as possible. He apologized to her for the disruption and asked her out to dinner. She accepted, too afraid to say no.

  The next night, it was raining in the desert, and they met in a smoky, downtown bar, where they debated the merits of hands-on archeology versus computer-generated simulations until the bartender announced last call.

  That’s when they realized they were the only ones there. It was the beginning of many such discussions. As they grew closer, Dirk knew that the timing was wrong to think about going to the next level. Acey was young, and she was his primary concern. His feelings for Norma hadn’t changed over the years—in fact; they had grown stronger. She stirred as Dirk squeezed her hand. Waking up, she squinted to bring her eyes in focus.

  “I’m so glad to see you,” she whispered slightly sedated.

  Dirk smiled at her. “How are you feeling?”

  “My nerves are frazzled; otherwise, I’m okay. What’s been happening since I was taken?”

  Dirk gave her the short version about the involvement of the “Righteous Way”, and their plans to thwart any knowledge of the artifacts to the public. He told her of plans to disclose the information in hopes of exposing the sect and thereby eliminating them.

  “As soon as you get out of here, we can start working to make this happen. I have a team of media consultants lined up, waiting to help us,” he said.

  “Well then get me out of here,” she said.

  “Hold on. Not so fast. You need to rest.”

  “No, I need to get back to work,” she said, pushing the button summoning the nurse on duty.

  “Can I help you the nurse said,” turning off the call button.

  “Yes, please contact my physician. I need to leave here tonight.”

  The nurse raised his eyebrows. “I’ll see what I can do, ma’am.”


  Hillary prepared for the gala event of the year. Every notable southwestern artist was in town for the show, and she was fortunate enough to have several of them display their works at her Gallery. Billy went to the deli to prepare the food for tonight, while Hillary made last-minute calls to prospective art enthusiasts. They were set for the opening at seven that evening. Leaving the Gallery to meet Billy, Hillary headed home with her security person in tow.

  “She’s leaving. I’m on her,” said a voice to Stryker.

  “Good. I’m on my way,” Stryker replied.

  Hillary and her security guard walked down the busy streets. By now, she was somewhat comfortable with him being there. He became uneasy as they crossed the road into her apartment building. He leaned over to her.

  “I think we’re being followed,” he whispered.

  Hillary stiffened up and grabbed ahold of his arm.

  “Keep walking naturally, and don’t turn around.”

  Hillary walked up the stairs to the scanner. After a quick scan, the green light lit up, and the door unlocked. They walked in quickly and headed for the elevator.

  “Hold on right here,” he said to Hillary.

  Hillary froze and waited.

  Giving them a minute to enter, Stryker’s accomplice approached the scanner. The scanner didn’t hesitate as it gave her the green light. Stryker did a good job on these contact lenses, she thought. Cautiously walking in, she surveyed the area.

  “There, over there by the door. Have you seen this woman before?” Hillary’s security person asked.

  “No. I don’t know her.”

  “Wait here,” he said, walking towards her.

  Several people were in the lobby. She saw the security guard approach and reach in his pocket, easing out his disruptor. She searched for Hillary and saw her watching from the elevator entrance. Several more people walked towards the elevators. She didn’t like the situation, but it was too late to do anything about it now. She had to make her move. Stryker would be in the side alley waiting for her to bring Hillary out.

  “May I please see some identification?” the security guard asked?

  “Sure,” she said before kneeing him in the groin and firing her disruptor directly into his neck.

  The muffled shot was loud enough to get everyone’s attention. Hillary screamed and ran towards the elevator. Those in the lobby panicked, and most of them ran for the front door. She followed Hillary, who was pushing the button frantically, waiting for the elevator doors to open. Seeing her approach, Hillary ran to the emergency exit door by the alley before she caught up to her. The alarm went off as Hillary scrambled through it. She grabbed Hillary’s shoulder and spun her around. Hillary’s right fist met her nose, shattering it to the left side of her face.

  “You bitch!” she screamed, holding her face.

  Hillary tried to run, but the hand on her shoulder stopped her, and a fist to the left side of her face stunned her. She crumpled to the ground as Stryker pulled up.

  “Get her in, and let’s get out of here.”

  She dragged Hillary through the door and hopped in next to her, aiming the disruptor at her face.

  “You do anything funny, and I’ll blow your head off,” she said as they climbed to the air lanes and sped away.

  Stryker dropped his assistant off at the outskirts of the city and headed to an old cabin in the North Country where he secured and gagged Hillary.

  He grabbed a cold beer and
watched as Hillary struggled against the ties.

  “Don’t worry sweetie. This will be over shortly.”

  Sitting down next to her, he picked up his com link and contacted Myra.

  “I have her.”

  “Where is she? Why didn’t you bring her to the agreed location?” Myra asked furiously.

  “Because it’s now my game, and you’re going to play by my rules. Is that understood?”

  “Are you out of your mind? What the hell do you think….”

  “Shut up and listen. If you want her, you’ll do exactly as I say. I want two million credits deposited into my account. I’ve sent you the details in a secured link. You have until nine tonight. Follow them exactly, and you will get your little darling,” he said glancing at Hillary.

  “You will not get away with this,” Myra shouted back.

  He terminated the link knowing Myra and Tim’s superiors would deal with them harshly. It really wasn’t so much about the money but more about payback for the lack of respect. He was now in charge, and if they wanted to see Hillary, they would have to play by his rules.

  Hillary struggled until her gag slipped down enough for her to talk.

  “They know who you are,” she said, catching her breath.

  Smiling at her, he picked up his com link again.

  “Hello, this is Captain Ryan.”

  “Captain, as you probably know by now, I have someone of interest to you.”

  “Stryker, is that you? Where is she?”

  “Well, I’ll be glad to tell you, but first I want something. I want two million credits deposited into my account. You should have the account information by now. As soon as I’m notified that the credits are there, I will return her to you.”

  Terminating the link, he sat back and chugged the remaining beer.

  Hillary stared intently at him.

  “Now we relax while I become a rich man.”


  A guard picked Billy up and escorted him to the Citizen Guard HQ where they gave him the bad news. Aidan heard the news through friends at the Citizen Guard and notified Acey, Raina, and Dirk. They all met in Captain Ryan’s office. It seemed they were spending a lot of time there, and Captain Ryan wasn’t pleased when they arrived. Captain Ryan shared Stryker’s demand with them.


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