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Shifters Forever Worlds Mega Box: Volume 1

Page 80

by Thorne, Elle

  Visit Dallas? Where was she going to live if she and Rafe were together? Did Rafe have his heart set on Italy? Or would he want to live in the US?

  “Have you already asked Rafe?” Jax wondered how that had struck Rafe, knowing he and Vax had a strained relationship.

  “That’s why we came to Italy. Vax wanted to talk to Rafe.”

  Jax’s tattoo started to become warm. Her body’d had that sensation before. It meant Rafe was back, somewhere nearby.

  A second later, Rafe stopped into the room, wearing an expression of concern. He took long strides in her direction. She stood, and Rafe took her in his arms. “You gave me cause for concern.” His eyes had that amber flare she’d learned was his tiger.

  “I’m sorry. It was a bit much. I had to get out of there, out of earshot.”

  “Then you missed the ending.”

  “What’s the ending?”

  “Happily ever after, of course.”

  “Until my parents get back?”

  “Maybe your parents need to meet Gio. Wouldn’t that be a party?”

  “Not.” She laughed. “I do need to go to my place, though. Look at me, I’m a mess.”

  “You’ll go to your place and pack. You still owe me a weekend.”

  “And you need to be there when my parents get back. You’re the perfect buffer, you know.”

  “Oh, I’ll be there.” Rafe kissed Jax. “I’ll always be there.”

  Jax waved at Callie as she slipped out of the room and into Vax’s waiting arms, a smile on her face.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “There’s one thing I need to tell you.” Rafe pulled Jax back onto the bed.

  She’d just barely got her feet on the floor when he’d grabbed her, moving with that supernatural speed his tiger gave him.

  She was still naked after the night before. A warmth traveled through her body at the thought of the love they’d shared. “What’s that?” What more could this man who’d claimed her have to tell her?

  “It’s weird to bring it up, what with your tattoo and everything we’ve been through before we even met, but I need to make you mine in the way shifters do.”

  Jax raised a brow, studying his face for sincerity. Yup, he’s serious. “Do tell.” She traced her fingers over his chest, making swirling patterns that grew closer and closer to his nipple. His muscles rippled beneath her touch, and her nails left red marks as she applied more pressure.

  He liked a little bit of pain mixed in with his pleasure. Actually, it was his tiger that did; she’d figured that out. Jax leaned down, took his nipple in her mouth and scored it with her teeth, teasing, nipping, biting, and licking.

  “Well, fuck.” The words seethed through his clenched teeth. “You’re making it difficult to talk.”

  She lifted her head, a gleam of amusement in her eyes at the tiger’s glow she saw in the depths of his. She enjoyed teasing his tiger, loving the way he released the tiger when they made love, taking her fiercely while loving her at the same time.

  Jax trailed her fingers lower across his abs, running them the length of each muscle, side to side, then down a notch to the next muscle, until she reached his navel. She did a little finger walk downward, letting the downy hair leading to his hardness be her guide.

  “You should tell me before I move to the next step. You won’t be able to talk after that.”

  Her fingers touched the tip of his cock, swollen with need. As soon as the velvet skin touched her fingertips, her pussy clenched with the fiercest of need for him. Like it did…

  Every single time.

  He groaned, a breath hissing out of him, fuel for her aching need.

  God, the headiness of her desire for him. May it never recede.

  “Tell me,” she demanded. “Tell me, because I need you.” She wrapped her fingers around his length, holding him tightly.

  He grabbed her hand, wrapped his large one around her tiny one and squeezed.

  “I need to claim you. To make you mine. And my tiger’s. To couple bond.” So overpowering was his lust, the words came out of him as if they’d been tortured out like a reluctant confession. “If you want to.”

  “If I want to? I’m already yours. I can’t imagine being more yours than I already am.”

  “You’ll see.” Still holding her hand, he moved it up and down, his movements rough, sexy, commanding.

  * * *

  Jax sucked her breath in at the assertiveness of his touch.

  He groaned, a sound that didn’t sound human. His tiger.

  The moisture between her legs multiplied while deep within a flexing she couldn’t control began in her channel.

  “Come here.” His voice had changed; it was earthy and almost a growl.

  She swung one leg over his body and straddled him, her opening against his lower abdomen, the fuzz of his trail touching her inner folds. He reached out, and his thumb rested on her clit.

  Rafe watched her face as he spread her lips and unhooded the tiny core of pleasure.

  “Fuck, I love looking at you.”

  The gravely sound of his voice made her hips rock slightly, rubbing her pussy against his stomach. She wanted to beg him to let her get on his cock, to take it deep within her. She bit her lip to hold back her request.

  Applying more pleasure, Rafe made circles on her clit, picking up speed, his thumb strumming her, working her.

  “Take me. God, Rafe. Fucking take me.”

  He moved his hands. Tiger-swift, he put them on her hips, raised her up and dropped her on his hard, waiting cock.

  “Ah,” she half moaned, half yelled at the sheer pleasure and concurrent twinge of pain. His girth stretched her, filling her, touching every part of her.

  Jax leaned forward with her hands on his chest, pushing herself down on him, taking him as deep as she could. She flexed her inner muscles, relishing the feel of him as he filled her.

  Rafe took her hands off his chest, twined their fingers and raised them over his head, stretching her out along his chest, her breasts pressed into him.

  His mouth claimed hers, his tongue dancing with her tongue, then shifting gears and taking control. With a groan she surrendered her mouth to his.

  He pulled away, and she whimpered at his mouth’s absence.

  “Are you mine? Forever?” he rasped.

  “God, yes. Forever. Make me yours.” She wondered what it meant but wanted it more than she’d ever wanted anything.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. Please. Now.” She begged but didn’t even know what she was begging for. All she knew was she wanted everything Rafe had for her, whatever it was.

  Rafe swiveled her, and, before she knew, it he was behind her and she was on her stomach on the bed. He pumped his hips, driving into her over and over while he held her down with his forearm against her back, keeping her immobile.

  He was hot and thick inside her, his length sliding in and out, driving her further and further toward the point of no return.

  Jax couldn’t focus. She couldn’t breathe. She bit on her lip to keep the scream from leaving her mouth as her channel wrapped itself tighter around him, pulling him in, holding him captive.

  His cock strained against her muscles’ grasp, pumping until she arched her back and released with a moan and a gush of her passion.

  Just as she began to come undone, a searing pain struck where her shoulder met her neck.

  He’d bitten her.

  His tongue lapped at the spot, hot and insistent, soothing, giving, and taking.

  The pain vanished, replaced by a pleasure that coursed through her body, leaving her breathless.

  She collapsed. “What—? Wow.” She panted the words out.

  “Now you’re mine.”

  “I was before.”

  “You’ll see what I mean as you transition.”

  His lips alit on her neck, where he’d marked her, close to the tattoo.

  Her nape felt alive with a warmth that traveled down her spine an
d into her limbs.

  This was surreal. Her tiger. Her dreams. Everything. It was real. He was real.


  A couple of days later…

  Jax, Rafe, Callie, and Vax had just finished dining at the Tiero Villa. Vax and Callie were flying out the next day, and this was their last night together.

  Jax now knew what Rafe had meant when he’d said, “You’ll see what I mean.”

  She’d changed. Her vision was better. Her sense of smell was more acute. Her hearing had improved immensely. Not to the degree of Rafe’s, she knew, but still, exponentially better than it had been.

  Rafe had also told her that now she wouldn’t age the way she would have as a human. He’d told her that was the best part, that losing a mate was devastating to a shifter because of their longevity. He’d said shifters rarely found a second mate, that he only knew of it happening twice. Once to his father with his mother, and to a shifter named Doc and his mate Mae. “You’ll meet them one day. When we travel to America.”

  She wasn’t in any hurry to leave Europe.

  Her mental meandering was interrupted when Rafe’s phone, on the table between them, buzzed.

  “Damn,” he growled. “It can’t be good if Niko’s calling me.”

  He tapped the phone’s screen and held it to his ear. He listened quietly then said, “What the hell is she doing on a private chartered boat?”

  Rafe paused, listening, still. Everyone became quiet.

  “Absolutely. Stick with her. She’s damned good at getting into trouble. Which ship? That’s ours.” He was silent for a moment. “She’s not using her name? Hell. I’ll get you on there. When is it supposed to raise anchor? Hold tight, I’ll have you on the list in less than an hour. Pack. Do you know the itinerary?”

  He scratched at the scruff on his face.

  Rafe continued, “What? I wonder why…? Never mind, it’s her. Enough said. You’ll be good to go before then. Thanks, Niko. The Tieros are indebted to you.” Another pause, then he laughed. “Okay, just put it on the bill. Make sure nothing happens to her.”

  Rafe shoved the phone into his pocket and shook his head.

  Vax frowned. “Sophie? Again?”

  Rafe shook his head in disgust. “Sophie. Again. I hope this Niko guy is up for it.”

  Vax raised a brow. “I would think he would be. He’s a cousin of Gavin’s, on his mother’s side.”

  “Oh, hell,” Rafe said.

  Jax looked at Rafe, a question in her eyes.

  “Part Irish,” he said. “Part Greek. Black panther. Their family tempers and passions run deep and hot.”

  “Maybe we should feel sorry for Sophie?” Jax said, the concern she felt for his sister plain her voice.

  “No, he’s got his hands full.” Vax’s lips twitched, and he seemed to be fighting a laugh off. “She’s Italian on our father’s side and Macedonian on our mother’s.”

  Rafe’s face sobered. “I miss my home in Northern Greece, on the border with Macedonia.”

  “Why are you here in Rome, then?” Jax asked. Did this mean he wanted to live in Greece?

  Rafe looked toward his brother but not with accusation. “One of us had to be here.”

  Vax shook his head. “You don’t have to, you know, just because Gio wants you to. It’s your life. Go live it.”

  A sound came from the front hallway, and Rafe cocked his head, listening. “Think that’s Gio?”

  “No,” Callie said. “I heard him talking to your uncle Federico this morning. He said he was going to Sicily. That he’d had enough.”

  “Then who…?” Rafe started to walk toward the alcove.

  His progress was stopped short by a giant of a man followed by a woman with luminescent green eyes.

  Vax stepped forward. “Kane. Astra.”

  The man smiled, the expression breaking the sternness of his face. “The driver said we should just come in.”

  Vax put his hand to his forehead. “Sorry. I forgot to tell everyone when you called.”

  The big man stepped forward. “I’m Kane.” His voice was deep, his demeanor subtle, but he seemed to have a core of strength that left no doubt he’d be one to have on your side in the midst of a scuffle.

  “Rafael Tiero.” Rafe put his hand out. “Call me Rafe. This is Jax.”

  They shook hands.

  Astra squealed. “Vax! Callie! You’re expecting.” Her light-green eyes glowed. “Want to know what gender it is?”

  “It’s a boy.” Vax practically growled the words out. “How are Mae and Doc?”

  “Happy. Mae’s always busy making arrangements for Bear Canyon Valley.”

  “Of course.” Vax grinned. “The valley wouldn’t be the same without her.”

  Kane put his arm around his mate. “Astra’s got her heart set on finding her childhood friend Anya.”

  Astra’s face grew serious. “The last time I saw her was the day my mom was killed. Anya saved my life. I have to see her again. I have to. It’s a mission. I’ve never forgotten her, never forgotten what she did.”

  Jax looked at the newly arrived couple. More shifters in the Tiero Villa, she decided. The man was definitely a shifter. He had to be.

  Then she glanced at Astra.

  Who was this woman with eyes that almost seemed to glow with a life of their own?

  Rafe reached down and put his arm around her waist.

  The woman with the ethereal eyes, the big shifter, Vax and Callie… It was all gone from her mind as she smiled up at the white tiger shifter who’d made her dreams come true.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from the next Shifters Forever Worlds.


  This swoon-worthy paranormal romance takes place in Europe, the original home of the Tiero shifters.

  Niko’s spent eight years in Sigma Eps Special Operations. He’s one of the best special ops soldiers around. He was. Now it looks like he’s a babysitter for a beautiful, curvy, headstrong tigress shifter with a secret.

  Sophie’s running away. From everything. From the truth. From her family. From her reality. Who’d have thought her new reality would include a black panther shifter with a crooked sexy smile and a sinful build of muscle on muscle. He’s a shifter with a secret of his own. And his secret pushes her over the edge.

  Chapter One

  Eight years of top-notch military training for this?

  Eight years of serving in the most elite unit of shifter soldiers, protecting a multitude of countries in a coordinated effort.

  Eight years of killing and avoiding being killed.

  And this was what he’d become.

  A glorified damned babysitter.

  Sure, the pay was good. Damned good. He’d admit that.

  And the subject was easy on his eyes. He enjoyed the opposite sex. He loved looking at a beautiful, curvy woman. And now he had one as his subject. It was easier to think of her as a subject, at least that way he could distance himself from her. The last thing he needed was entanglements. He bit back the bittersweet smile trying to slip onto his lips.

  Half-Greek, half-Irish, his temper was only matched by his passions.

  Nikolaos Pappas–Niko to his friends–hung up the phone. He was at the kafeneío in Athens drinking a cup of thick Turkish coffee, waiting for his subject to come out of the shop across the street.

  Rafael Tiero had given Niko a choice. He could either pretend to be a guest on the cruise or he could be an employee. The ship was too small; there were no other options that wouldn’t arouse the suspicions of Rafe’s baby sister, Sophie Tiero, while Niko kept watch on her.

  Niko had chosen to be a guest. If he was an employee, he might have been assigned to a task that would keep him from being able to keep an eye on her.

  And Rafe Tiero’s instructions were clear. Take care of my baby sister.

  Rafe made it sound as if it would be a big job. How hard could it be?

  Niko already knew what she looked like. A stunning, curvy female. Hair so blonde, he’
d never seen the likes of it before. She seemed sweet and mild. The worst he’d have to deal with, he was sure, was the occasional man hitting on her.

  Mentally, he shrugged, but the idea left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Why did the idea of another man hitting on her bother him?

  His panther snarled at him, knowing damned well why it bothered him.

  Niko had been following the woman for three days so far. He’d found himself in one shopping center after another, following her while she shopped. And she rarely bought anything.

  He was being way too relaxed about his reconnaissance. He should have gone into the store with her. But in a women’s dress shop that small, a solo male would be noticed. Plus, after three days of watching her go into store after store, he’d seen no logic in following her inside. It wasn’t like she had a reason to try to give him the slip. There was no way she knew he was following her.

  Niko stifled a yawn, stretching, adjusting the dark sunglasses—today’s disguise. He was in a suit and had donned a turban for the day. Nothing like pretending to be something totally different from what you were from day to day.

  Yesterday, he’d dressed as an American tourist, including some extra padding under his Hawaiian print shirt to give him a different look. A scruffy, long goatee had completed the outfit.

  Today, he had a nicely trimmed goatee to go with the suit and the turban. Being half-Greek helped. And naturally gave him something close to the complexion of a Saudi man.

  He needed to pick up plenty more hunter’s block from his stash to carry along on the cruise she’d booked, or she’d find out he was a shifter the minute he ran out. He’d better get enough for a couple of weeks, just to be sure.

  Christ, he hoped this job didn’t last that long. He stifled another yawn. This was not what he’d trained for. He was an adrenaline junkie, action-oriented. Should he order another coffee? He glanced at his watch. This was more boring than the most boring assignment he’d had in the military. He fought the urge to call Gavin and cuss him out for having put him here. Why had he recommended him for this damned job?


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