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Inheriting Trouble (In Ashwood Book 1)

Page 9

by Kinney Scott

  Grandpa Pete sprung to mind, but she knew that wasn’t what Kent meant. She kept the conversation light. “The water, Puget Sound. After I sold grandpa’s boat to his friends, I still liked to hop on a ferry, as a walk on, to take pictures and escape the city for a bit. That salty smell, mixed with fuel and creosote down on the water, it’s addictive. ” Her eyes had a faraway look that Kent longed to untangle.

  “Have you spent much time in Seattle?” she asked.

  “Not really. Portland has so much to do, and the Oregon Coast is easier to visit.”

  “How often do you take off work to get on the river?”

  He lost himself explaining his love for paddling. Days spent in the sun, cooled by the spray coming off the river. Reading the elements, the rush of river running. His smile took on a darker cast, “Only one rush comes close, Natalie.”

  Kent loved the way she blushed, but he wondered if the sly smile hidden in her giggle belonged to him or Seth.


  Gathered in a large corner booth with another table pulled alongside, laughter flowed, along with pitchers of frosty beer. Mandy leaned across her sister Molly to ask, “Natalie, Molly and I have a school orientation in Seattle mid-July. Any recommendations on local spots. We’ve done Pikes and the other touristy-places before, but we don’t want to see the same sights.”

  “July? Would you mind if I drive you both out? I need to make a run to Seattle to take care of details with my grandpa’s estate. The timing will actually be perfect. If you like, you can crash at the condo. Fair warning, it is a retirement community. The place is quiet after ten.

  “We’re required to stay in the dorms for the week-long orientation. If we go a day or two early we could stay with you and check out Seattle. If a week is too long for you to stick around, Mandy and I can always take the bus home.”

  “No a week is perfect, I would be happy to stay in Seattle until you are finished. Then we can all ride back to Ashwood together. Having company for the drive would be great. You really would be doing me a favor.”

  “Thanks Nate, we will pay for the gas. Now I’m super excited. Road trip!” Mandy whooped as she stuffed a cheese laden French fry in her mouth.

  Moving across the shadowed interior of Iris’ bar, Natalie felt Seth’s presence before she actually saw him. From a distance, he took in the party, deciding if he should intrude or not.

  Kelsey spotted him, waved him over and he slid into a chair on the edge. His cousins, Molly and Mandy, filled him in on family news, and details about their upcoming trip to Seattle. Seth mentally added the dates to his calendar, after learning that Nate would be going with them. All of the girls rounded up quarters and chose music to dance, spilling out onto the floor.

  “When do you leave?” Seth asked Kent, trying to clear the air, and repair damage done to their friendship by the events of the last few days.

  “Tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn. I am crashing on Kelsey’s couch tonight to get an early start. Do you have a problem with that?”

  Muscles tightened in Seth’s jaw for a moment, but he moved past it, “Nah, it’s cool.”

  All four girls tumbled back to the table. Before she took her seat, Seth led Natalie back on the floor for a slow country song. Not speaking, enjoying the push and sway of their bodies moving, Seth pulled Natalie close nestling his face in the vanilla scent of her hair.

  “Spend the night with me Natalie. Come home with me.”

  She stared for a few long moments, making him worry that she may decline. With a nod and a tilted smile that he topped with a quick kiss, she finally agreed.

  Sliding into the booth together, Seth settled his hand onto Natalie’s upper thigh, longing to ease it toward her warmth to tease a little pleasure. He adjusted his jeans as this thought caused an immediate physical response.

  Conversation moved to details about the river levels in the area. Natalie’s mind wandered. Her nerves heightened. She thought about spending the night in Seth’s bed, as the heat of his hand radiated toward her core.

  About a half hour later, Rick gathered up Molly and Mandy to hit the road.

  “Hey Natalie can we go on home too? Kent and I need to get some sleep, if we are getting up early,”

  Kels stood and waved to Iris, “see you in a few weeks!” she called, as they gathered to head out the door.

  Iris hollered back, “Avoid siphons! See you soon.”

  “As everyone stood, Seth said loud enough for all to hear, “I figured you were driving your truck, Natalie. Would you mind if I followed to pick you up? We can continue on to my place from there.”

  Awkward glances passed between Kent and Kelsey. No one said a word. Seth’s behavior continued to puzzle them, but it was clear to all that a permanent shift had occurred, as he laid a public claim on Natalie.

  Long awkward silences took over the ride back to Kelsey’s place, “Nate, we will see you when we get back. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to call my parents,” Kelsey rambled.

  “I’ll be fine Kels. Have fun, both of you, and be careful.”

  Kelsey jumped out onto the gravel as soon as they pulled up in front of her house. She ran round Natalie’s truck to wrap her best friend in a long hug, saying goodbye under the illumination of the glare cast by Seth’s headlights. Kent’s hug was much more subdued. Natalie turned away, running to climb up into Seth’s rig.

  Finally releasing the breath he had been holding, Seth sucked in a gulp of air, wondering if he could calm the need to pull his truck over half way home and claim her in the cab.


  Under his predatory gaze, Natalie’s stomach flipped, not with fear, but anticipation. More dominant than anyone she had been with, she let her imagination spin with various possibilities. Already she could feel her panties growing wet.

  About half way down the dirt track toward the main highway, Seth pulled onto a short overgrown side road, unbuckled her seatbelt, and slid to the center of his truck. He effortlessly lifted Natalie to face him on his lap. She pressed her heat against his prominent erection. Placing a hand on each side of her face, he slowly explored every inch of her tongue and lips, nipping and sucking her tongue into his mouth.

  Natalie responded, pulsing her swelling pussy into the hard ridge of his cock. Seth’s hands slid under her shirt shoving the demi bra up, to pinch each peaking nipple with his calloused fingers. Her gasps increased along with the grind of her hips as she chased the tide of intensifying sensation. “I’m already close so Seth,” she gasped.

  Responding to her need, Seth eased the curve of her back across his muscular arm and lowered his mouth to her nipple, first teasing with his tongue, now sucking while increasing the pressure on her other pearled peak with his free hand. Just a little tighter, the pull on her nipple increased. He knew from the way she bucked on his hard length that she was close. With a slight scrape of his teeth across the tightened ruched tip, her body exploded with an orgasm that created stars behind her closed eyes. Riding him through layers of clothes to wring out the final waves of pleasure, she sank to the warmth of his chest.

  Kissing his way back to her waiting mouth he eased her onto the seat, buckled the seatbelt across her and adjusted his rock hard cock to drive home. So responsive. He pondered the edges of her sexual limits, wondering what she could take, as he kept one hand on the wheel and the other grazed the inside of her thigh.

  “I’ve lost all sense of direction. Have we been climbing for a while?”

  The crunch of gravel under the tires continued as they ascended a steep incline to a home perched on a wide overlook of a deep dark valley.

  “Yes, we are on a ridge that looks over Osprey Lake. From the deck out back you can see the lights of the homes that dot the edges.”

  She immediately jumped from the cab to take in the view of the dark open sky. Pinpoints of starlight seemed so close, that Natalie was tempted to reach out and try to pluck a star overhead. “My God, Seth, I don’t know if I’ve ever
seen a sky look so inspiring.”

  His body took over as he scooped her up in his arms. She tipped her head back to absorb more of the star-filled inky night sky. Using one arm to get the door open, Seth didn’t let her feet touch the floor. With ease, he moved up a broad staircase that overlooked a great room, dominated by floor to ceiling windows.

  He moved directly to his simply decorated bedroom, placing her on the thick mattress of his four-post bed. Seth prowled over the top of Natalie, to savor every inch, to memorize her desires, especially those she had not yet discovered. Sandals tossed to the floor, deft fingers shimmied shorts down rounded hips, along with red lace panties. Off came her snug top and red bra. Seth stretched her out smoothing over her body from fingertips to toes. Beginning at the arch of her instep, he kissed, licked and nibbled a winding path. As his warm wet tongue discovered each erogenous point, Natalie squirmed, her body replying to his physical exploration.

  Patiently mapping her, Seth discovered each unique response. Sucking at the inside of her wrists made her moan. Dragging the day growth of his beard between her breasts arched her back like a cat. Flicking the tip of his tongue on the hollow of her throat caused her to cry out.

  Just when she wondered if he had completed his exploration, he flipped Natalie to her stomach to explore the backs of her knees, hollow of her back, and rounded cheeks of her ass. Each nip and suck tightened the tension that Seth would release, when he was ready. “Please” she begged.

  Fully clothed he stood at the foot of the bed, her body completely bare before him. He drank in her curves and valleys, eyes greedy to memorize each detail. Still on her stomach, she heard his buckle fall to the floor along with his jeans and shirt. His weight dipped the mattress, followed by the heat of his entire bare body covering hers. The hard length of his cock nestled up the crease of her rounded ass. Natalie arched her back to grind against his arousal.

  Seth went to his knees on either side of her torso and flipped her over. Immediately overwhelming her mouth with a kisses designed to scramble her senses. “You taste so good, I need to taste you,” he murmured as he made a slow glide from her throat, pausing to suck on each nipple.

  His wide shoulders pushed her thighs apart. He closed his eyes and inhaled in the sweet heady scent of her arousal. Using the pads of his thumbs, he gently parted her and slid the tip of his tongue along the creases of her dewy seam. “Love the sweet honey of your pussy,” he said as he lifted her hips. He plunged his tongue deep into her core, lapping for a moment, before moving to the sensitive bundle of nerves, that he gently kissed and sucked.

  “So close, please Seth, make me come,” she begged. He increased the velocity of his attention and sent hers spiraling into an orgasm that had her bucking into his plundering tongue.

  “Again,” he growled with an assertive command, moving to his knees between her thighs. Inserting first one finger followed by another he fucked her channel. When he leaned over chest and bit one tightened rosebud peak he brought her quickly to a second more powerful orgasm

  He could not wait another moment to plunge into her wet swollen sheath. Seth quickly covered his pulsing cock with a condom, and pushed into her passage in one hard drive. Sweat bead down on his back, his balls already drew tight, as he grasped for control. He set up a slow rhythm to find his own satisfaction. Natalie writhed beneath him, each pass of his cock past her internal nerves increased the fist like hold her body had on his. He lost all sense of reality when her channel pulsed in yet another explosive release. Natalie’s ever tighter passage brought him over the edge with a roar.

  Seth longed to remain sheathed in the tight grip of her pussy, but had to pull free to take care of the condom. While in the attached bathroom he got a glass of water for himself and brought one back to Natalie. She thanked him, drank the water, then curled into his body as he stroked her back, and toyed with her hair.

  When his breathing had changed she whispered, “Seth, are you still awake?” He seemed to have slipped toward sleep. As he did not answer, she added, “I’m afraid of needing you this much. It’s moving so fast.”

  Seth barely woke, “Scares me too Natalie, but I’m powerless when it comes to you.”

  She had not intended for him to hear. At least now, she knew he also shared her concern by the speed and overwhelming pull of their connection.

  Seth woke again and nuzzled her breast, teasing her pink peak. Lifting her by her hips, he placed her on top of his muscled frame. Natalie began to move, slowly gliding her wet arousal over his hardening shaft. She pulled the tip of his cock just barely into her body. “I’m on the pill,” she shared. “I’ve never been with anyone without a condom before, and it’s been more than a year.”

  No wonder she was so incredibly tight. Seth did not want to think about his past with other women right now, but he was meticulously careful and knew he was clean. “I want nothing more than to feel your heat surrounding me.” She just nodded, as she sheathed him skin to skin in her body, his gasp of sheer pleasure spread a wide smile across her face.

  Taking a patient measured pace, she watched his features shift as his arousal increased. A gentle moan cried out timed with each lift of her hips, followed by a slow deliberate slide down Seth’s cock. Filling her, Seth memorized the bounce of her breasts, the arch of her torso, and the dewy glow of perspiration on her frame. Natalie’s body took over the pursuit of a slow climb to release.

  I need, more, please,” she begged. He reached between them and pulsed his thumb on her begging clit. “Yes, oh God,” her head arched back, her heartbeat visible in the quickening of the pulse at her neck. She slammed down again, riding his length, her pussy tightened around him, drawing his shaft fully in.

  “Natalie, I’m not going to last. Come. For. Me,” he moaned as his body responded to the onslaught of friction. His involuntary thrusts filled her. His orgasm, shooting liquid pulsing heat, added just the sensation she needed to find her own molten release.

  Spent, her slender frame sank to his muscled chest, incapable of movement. Her mind lost the ability to form any coherent thought. They breathed together as he softened in her slick body.


  Awakened by beams of light streaming through the vast windows, Natalie wrapped herself in a blanket to take in the view from Seth’s bedroom. Sparkling in the morning sunlight, Osprey Lake dominated the wide valley below. Cabins dotted the shores. Tucked toward one alcove she recognized the collection of buildings that made up the farm owned by Kelsey Fisher’s family.

  Seth, a towel slung low on his hips, moved silently across wood floors in his bare feet. He paused for a moment, enjoying Natalie’s silhouette, back lit by the morning sun.

  Why do I feel so comfortable with her in my home? How has she been able to reach so deep into me? Walls he had constructed and carefully maintained crumbled effortlessly under her delicate touch.

  She stayed looking over the view as she spoke, “When we arrived last night in the dark, I didn’t realize your home overlooked the lake. Did you build this Seth? What I have seen so far is simply beautiful.”

  “The exterior of the home was almost complete when I purchased it. The previous owners already owned homes in California and Arizona. When it was under construction, we had an unusually wet fall. I think they decided that the price we pay for all this green was not for them, especially when they realized how isolated this area can be.

  She turned, the soft blanket still surrounding her, while she listened to Seth. His hair held droplets of water that sparkled in the light. “While I was working on some of the custom woodwork, I could tell they regretted their choice to build a home in Washington. I made an offer, and they accepted. It had a lot of work left to complete, so the price was right. To save money, I lived here while I completed the home. By slaving on it weekends and evenings, I was slowly able to take my time and finish it the way I wanted.”

  “You made great choices. The whole house reflects you.” She opened the door to the deck and walked in
to the cool morning air in bare feet, still wrapped in the blanket. Seth moved behind her, pulling her close, taking in the changing light as the sun burned away the fog from the lake’s glassy surface.

  “I’d like to grab a quick shower before you drop me off at Kelsey’s. If I spend some time on the supply list for the coffee business, I should be able to have it for you in a day or two.”

  “Would you like to work on that from my office? That way if questions come up we can go over details together.”

  “I’m worried I’d be in the way. We will be working together all summer. You might get tired of having me underfoot all the time.”

  “Underfoot is not how I picture you under me, Natalie,” he said as he scooped her up and carried her to the shower.

  She squealed as he tossed her body over his shoulder. Her round bottom begged to be slapped. He gave her a firm smack, once, twice, three times on the way to the bathroom. With each tingling strike she moaned and wriggled her ass, “I think we will be a little late to work,” Seth said, his towel dropped from his waist. Natalie took in the delicious upside down view of his chiseled butt from the perch across his shoulder.

  Adjusting the temperature of the massive multi-head steam shower, her nipples tightened and breasts felt heavy begging for a tease. Pulses of water tickled their bodies from multiple angles, heightening sensitivity, increasing her arousal.

  Seth picked up the bottle. “Sit on the bench so I can wash your hair.” Positioning her head, to tilt slightly down, he massaged her head with his woodsy scented shampoo. “That feels amazing”, she moaned as he worked his fingertips over her scalp to the base of her neck, then rinsed using a shower wand that pulsed water in gentle rhythmic jets.

  Cream rinse followed, massaged in and rinsed. Using the pulsing jets of water, Seth ran the massager across her shoulders. He explored her response as he circled each rosebud nipple. Her chest bloomed pink under the warm spray. As he trailed the jets down, she eased her hips forward and spread her legs, her pussy begging for the same attention. Droplets of water sparkled across her eyelashes as she gazed up, watching his reaction as she cupped his balls and licked a line up his cock.


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