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Inheriting Trouble (In Ashwood Book 1)

Page 25

by Kinney Scott

  A flurry of activity nearly overwhelmed the kitchen, potatoes being mashed, gravy prepared at the last moment, turkey carved, and casseroles pulled hot from the oven. Around the table everyone joined hands thanking God for a year filled with family and friends, now gathered together to celebrate. Seth squeezed Natalie’s hand and she smiled just a little, peeking at him from under downturned lashes.

  After the meal, Seth pulled Ben aside, stealing him away while Amanda and Natalie cleared the table. They stepped outside together, wandering away from the lights of the house, walking a path that led in summer to the garden. A few stray pumpkins sat on the frozen ground near dried corn stalks shaking in the breeze.

  “Ben, I wanted to know…well I thought I should ask…Ben, I want to marry Natalie. I felt I should ask you first. Would you give us your blessing?”

  “Wow, Seth, I’m honored you would ask me. Of course, nothing would make Natalie happier, and her happiness is part of my own. Have you talked to her?”

  “No, I wanted to talk to you first. Can you keep this between us? I’ve got a few things to take care of before I ask her.”

  “Congratulations Seth, I look forward to celebrating your engagement.”

  “She hasn’t said yes, yet.”

  “The way she looks at you, I have no doubt what her answer will be.”


  Seth had to sneak away from Ashwood and visit Portland to buy a ring. Ben helped him pull off the arrangements. He stole his sister away for a day of shopping for Christmas gifts. That turned out better than expected, considering how much Ben despised shopping.

  Seth found a simple one-carat diamond set in platinum. When he spotted the slightly different yet classic band, he knew he had found Natalie’s ring. He carefully hid the solitaire at home, until the day they planned to decorate their first Christmas tree together.

  Early Saturday, a week and a half before Christmas, they set out to find a tree. Both snug in boots and snow gear, Seth carried the slightly rusted, ancient bowsaw. Barely twenty-five degrees outside, with at least four inches of snow on the ground, they hiked out to find the perfect tree. Natalie shivered as soon as she walked out the front door, “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hardware store, babe? I saw quite a few nice trees set up in their lot.”

  “Are you kidding, Natalie? This is the best part of Christmas, where I get to impress you with my lumberjack skills.” He stomped a path through the snow trying to clear the way for Natalie.

  “When you put it that way, I’m sold.”

  Holding hands, as best they could with winter gloves on, they walked the back road that wound down toward her lake property. Seth seemed to have a place in mind, so Natalie enjoyed the snow, the crisp air, and the occasional curious bird that swooped along the road, attending them on their snowy journey.

  A well-hidden path meandered off the road. Seth led the way until he came to a tree that stood about seven-feet tall. A wide velvety red ribbon looped among the dark green branches. “Seth you’ve had your eye on this tree, haven’t you? You chose such a perfect tree. I love it. It looks so happy here. Are you sure you want to cut it down?”

  “I think it wants to come home with us.” He put his jacket on the ground, and kneeled on his coat to draw up the bowsaw. “Natalie, step over here, and hold up this branch. I need to get a better look at the trunk.” She held the branch out of his way, watching Seth as he sighted the best spot to make the cut, but he lay the saw down on the ground.

  From under the evergreen, Seth pulled a small crimson box, the same color as the velvety red ribbon entwining the tree. Natalie held her breath. Seth knelt on one knee before her, and lowered the branch she still clasped in her hand. Looking up from his perch on one knee he said, “Natalie Journey, I’ve loved you from the first moment you drove into Ashwood. My love only grew stronger as you discovered where you want to build your life. I hope you want to join our futures together, half as much as I do. Please, be mine, Natalie. I promise to love you forever.

  “Oh, Seth,” tears brimmed her eyes. She knelt on the snow with him, “of course I will. I’m already yours.” Taking the solitaire out of the velvety box. He slipped it on her finger. Seth watched her reaction to the ring. Natalie beamed, “Perfect, so beautiful, I love you.” Still on their knees, in the snow they kissed sealing their forever promise.



  Wade Michaels mixes business with pleasure…

  Trouble Brewing

  the second book of the

  In Ashwood Series

  Brewery owner Wade Michaels discovers two women more than willing to help with the expansion of his popular brewery. Chaos and sabotage attempt to derail his dream of bringing his popular beer to a wider audience.

  Iris, the tall slender owner of Northside Grill, has always been a supportive friend, and now craves more.

  Ravenna, a stunning petite executive, holds power over Wade’s dream to expand Mosquito Creek Brewing. Wade doesn’t willingly give control to anyone, especially a woman he’d like to possess.

  Tempted by one, obsessed with the other - Wade must decide if trust outweighs lust in pursuit of his dream.

  Second Title Releasing, September 2017

  Read the Following Excerpt from Trouble Brewing


  Thank you for reading the first book of the In Ashwood series! Please keep reading for an exciting preview of Trouble Brewing. Wade’s story continues in Ashwood…


  The party dissolved rapidly, as everyone tried to beat the accumulating snow. Wade was in no hurry, as he planned to stay on site in the tiny home Whitewater kept as a demo unit. Lately he spent more time in that bed than his own. His home and original brewery sat about an hour north of town tucked close to Mount Adams’ flanks, on Mosquito Creek, the namesake of his brewery.

  Iris was the last to gather up her winter coat. “Are you staying here on a cot in the office?” she asked wondering why Wade seemed settled in for the night.

  “No, Seth has a tiny house on site, stocked and ready. I’ve been there more often than not lately.”

  “Convenient. And right here - is it nice? She smiled adding a slight sway to her walk.” Iris wondered if Wade would take the hint, if not she would leave their friendship as is.

  His body responded to the not so subtle suggestion, heating with possibilities. “Yeah, would you like to take a look?” Her gaze went from slightly steamy to unquestionably molten.

  What Wade offered, she seemed more than willing to take, but he wanted to be sure. Until today, their contact had been professional and friendly, without a hint of desire.

  “Lead the way,” she said. The breadth of his hand spanned the sway of her back, leading her to the small side door of the shop. Just a few steps away the little home welcomed Iris as the porch light illuminated the falling snow.

  “Wow, it’s really coming down out here.” She feared that this could get awkward if he didn’t want her to spend the night.

  “With this turn in the weather, I think you should stay.” He added as he reached around her to swing open the door, but used the movement to press the length of his torso against her back, inhaling the warm natural scent of her lavender shampoo. She moved slowly to allow him to draw closer.

  “Are you sure?” She asked, “I think I can make it home, if I leave now. Or, I could borrow one of the Mosquito Brewing fleet.” She turned to Wade, waiting for his decision.

  “Don’t you think you would be safer here with me?” Wade asked, as he grasped the nape of her neck in his hand and teased his lips over hers.

  Her tongue responded, sneaking out to stroke first his bottom lip, next tasting the top. “Wade, safe is not the word I had in mind,”she whispered.

  Immediately, he parted her moist mouth, his tongue exploring while he lowered his grasp from her waist to the swell of her firm behind, locking her body in place to drive the evidence of his arousal against her. She moaned at the sensual contact, enc
ouraged by his clear response.

  Wade eased the muscular length of his thigh between her legs, inching her apart, teasing her heat. Her humm of pleasure vibrated softly, and damn if he didn’t feel the sensation in his cock.

  Iris took back a small measure of control, pulling his shirt from the waistband of his jeans. Sliding her slender hands across the ridges of his stomach. She finished the path by smoothing her fingertips around to touch the corded muscles of his back.

  He growled as she worked her gentle caress back to his pecs, teasing her nails over the ridges of his small nipples. “You like that,” she said, when he shivered. Then in one quick movement, he tore his shirt off over his head. Stepping back for just a moment, she enjoyed the contours of his well-chiseled physique, eyeing the detailed shading of his black and grey mosquito tattoo…

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  Kinney Scott lives near Tacoma, Washington. After completing her degree in creative writing, she left a career in the insurance industry to begin writing romance novels. Her steamy heroes and complex heroines feel most at home in the rugged and uniquely romantic environments of the Northwest. When she has time away from her computer, she spends time gardening or hiking with her husband and boxer on trails near her home.




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