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Jasper: Purple Flamingos Fly at Midnight (Jasper - Purple Flamingos Fly at Midnight Book 1)

Page 28

by Refner, Daniel

  “Commander Mop, a moment more of your time. The angels on board this ship sing a continuous song on behalf of the humans we protect and serve. It speaks to the human condition. It can only be heard by the most pure among your kind. In an act of compassion for the loss of your brother, your men and the loss of Thunder, we would like to loan you a piece of supernatural collateral so that you may listen to the song this one time. It will help to restore your soul.” Abbadorn shifted and gazed at all of them standing in the room next to Dester and Rosezella. “Please, close your eyes and hear what the still, small voice of the Spirit would have you hear.”

  Silence… nothing but a calming wave of silence washed upon them all, and peace graced them. Then they heard it, soft and oh, so sweet. The angels sang, “Here I am, singing out. Crying out, full of doubt. All I want to be is here with you now. Come close to me, heal my soul, and set me free. Come close to me, heal my soul, and set me free. Taking your love, pouring out, and full of joy, shouting out. You came for me, and you’re here with me now. Come close to me, heal my soul, and set me free. Come close to me, heal my soul, and set me free.” The song continued round, after beautiful round and together they listened. They wept over their heartbreaking losses, and they found peace. Abbadorn lifted his hands, and slowly, all who were present in the room slumped to the floor in a deeply restoring sleep.

  chAPTER fifty-one

  Saturday Morning

  Lucifer stood next to his throne, too angry to sit, the yellowish green energy barrier buzzing close behind him. A demon named Tedious bowed before him and lowered his black hood. His red eyes seemed as dull as his name. He was old, perhaps one of the oldest demons ever to walk the earth.

  “My lord, we have uncovered nothing more on Jasper Indiana. We know all there is to know about the boy.” Tedious spoke in a deep voice riddled with a persistent hiss.

  “What of my son?”

  “Infernal Maximus is no more.”

  “Where is Gezon and that flea he calls Jayla?”

  “Whereabouts unknown. The betrayer is in hiding.”

  “His pride will not allow him to hide for very long. We will capture him, and then I will publicly and slowly eat him.”

  “The saints of old are bound to return if we press our boundaries any further than we already have, my lord.”

  “I cannot harm them, no one can, and they are protected by HIM until the end. We shall wait and see where Gezon and his pet turn up next before we decide how best to handle Jasper Indiana.”

  “My lord, if I may be permitted to offer one other footnote…Jasper’s girlfriend, Stacy Applekart. Our friends abducted her uncle Ben, twin brother to her mother, many years hence. His DNA was nearly a perfect match…what if the girl…”

  “IT MUST BE! Just like HIS holiness to hide her right under my nose. Her DNA could be the perfect compatible match I need to bring forth my pure son into the physical world…is she a virgin?”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “Send our alien friends to snatch her up. This must be the reason she is with Jasper, whatever he is. Oh, those clever little angels. They mock me…GET HER NOW!” Lucifer screamed, and Tedious placed his hood back over his head quickly and misted away. Lucifer clenched his fist together as he closed his eyes and said, “Finally.”

  Saturday Afternoon

  With the lava slide destroyed and more or less a solid rock for the moment, the humans boarded The Noah Portal Ship, departing to their homes. It was time to get back to life as they knew it. Dester and Rosezella were safely traveling on The Moses Portal Ship to Planet Iconium to obtain restorative healing from archangel Volnar. Aunt Debbie-Lynne and Jasper waved goodbye from the gallery observation window to Teddy below as they moved high into the air. Below them the villagers were busy with rebuilding and restoring the homes and structures that had been damaged during the battle. The hourglass and the key had both been retrieved by the group of angels on board The Noah and would be returned to the throne room of the Lord before the end of the day.

  Commander Mop and Agent Tate spoke with Abbadorn. “Will you be able to repair the lava slide?” Commander Mop inquired. Abbadorn looked cautiously at Mop and paused for a moment as if searching for the best answer.

  “Our governments will want to return here. We need to develop a defense against the real possibility of a reprisal from Lucifer at the loss of Max. Jasper may very well be marked for death,” Agent Tate added.

  “What of Gezon and Jayla?” Mop asked his second question.

  Finally Abbadorn spoke. “Sorry, please do not consider me rude, but I just received revelation from the Holy Spirit. The lava slide is currently powered by the same yellowish-green energy Jasper encountered when passing by our imprisoned brothers and sisters in the bowels of Hell…also, Gezon and Jayla are unaccounted for…they are not dead. Repairs to the lava slide may not be in our best interest, and yet we’ll still have to somehow shut off the flow of water into the pit. We will need time to formulate a plan of attack. Something wicked is coming; this is not over yet…evil is forever roaming to devour. If you cannot come here, then I shall meet with you at the palace. One way or another we will find a way to shut down this evil.”

  Agent Tate looked over her shoulder, making sure no one was in earshot of their conversation. “What is to become of Jasper when his parents return?”

  “I can answer that with one of Jasper’s idioms, ‘We will cross that bridge when we come to it,’ and in other words, I just wish I knew.” Abbadorn made a very human expression, lifted his hands and arms halfway up his body and shrugged his shoulders. Mop and Tate busted into a rolling laughter.

  The Noah twinkled for a second longer high in the sky and then disappeared. But not far ahead of them was The Moses. The precious bodies of Dester and Rosezella lay still upon their crystal medical bio-beds.

  The energies that all crystals can store, process, and transmute is a knowledge all angels understand. Jayla’s was surprised during the losing battle with Infernal Maximus that Gezon commanded her to follow him into the crystal warrior sword. Only astral energy could manage such a retreat. Infernal Max could not follow them, for he was only half-demon. They would be safe, and with the ceiling caving in from the crashing ark, it was their only chance at survival. Gezon always had a back-up plan, and Jayla wasn’t sure she was completely comfortable with this idea. If Gezon was true in his actions and certain of their outcomes, then why would he ever have need for a plan B? Jayla had her doubts.

  The angels that searched the wreckage of the drilling ship for the key and hourglass also found the crystal sword and returned it to the armory of The Moses Portal Ship. Once alone in the armory the crystal began to vibrate with power, and Gezon and Jayla misted into form. They quickly went to the medical bay and stood at the foot of Dester and Rosezella.

  “Gezon, we have to hide or get off this ship quickly before the angels detect us.”

  “Easy enough, and besides, they think we’re dead.”

  “The humans think we’re dead, but any moment now the angels will receive revelation, and then they will know right where to find us. We need to leave.”

  “Jayla, my dear, sweet, naïve Jayla, why do you still doubt me when we are right where we need to be? What we need in order to hide is camouflage, and what better camouflage than possessing these two who have spent the last decade and a half so close to the supernatural evil of Infernal Maximus that they are sick. We only need to jump in and enjoy the ride. They will take us right to the Trinity Throne on Iconium and right up to Volnar himself for healing, and when they do…” Gezon started to laugh as he dove into Dester’s body. Jayla slid into Rosezella, and together they waited…

  Saturday Evening

  The Noah had long since delivered everyone to where they needed to go. Aunt Debbie-Lynne had a tearful goodbye with Lance. Lance, ever the gentle Englishman, assured her they would have time to spend together after the Indiana Estate home was repaired and the lava chamber converted to the American-Briti
sh back-up command and control center. Aunt Debbie-Lynne complained about the government’s famous red tape delays, but Lance met her protest with gull and fortitude and made the claim that he would drive up to Allegan for weekend visits at least once a month. This action proved beneficial, and the waterworks show came to an end. Aunt Debbie-Lynne was happy.

  Agent Tate sat in her car far off the beaten path. The sun was starting to go down, and soon night would fall. She stared at the small farm home and said to herself, This looks eerily familiar…where have I seen this house before? Her cell phone rang.

  “Peanut?” Commander Mop asked from the other end of the phone.

  “I’m in front of the home now…something is out of place here, but I can’t put my finger on it…Hey, did you just call me Peanut?”

  “Why, yes, because I’m nuts about you.”

  “Call me that again, and I’ll crush those nuts.” She paused for a moment, full of regret. “Mop, when are we going to tell Jasper the truth about his bloodline…he deserves to know.”

  “When the time is right, he will know.” Now it was Mop’s turn for a pause that was full of regrets. “Is she home?”

  “Before I answer that just let me quickly finish this thought before I get to the business at hand. My government has more questions than answers.” Tate fidgeted in her seat as she scanned the front lawn looking for clues to the reason of that nagging feeling in her gut.

  “MI6 would agree with that statement. We would like to know how one family came to acquire two heavenly objects.”

  “The trumpet and the key, yes we know, what are the odds? The FBI would also like to know how and who broke the key?”

  “Why does that matter?”

  “Because Jasper and Stacy had at first thought it was Rosezella, it was after all hidden in the hem of that baby blanket, but she was frozen in place in the cave by the key being removed from the hourglass.”

  “So who did it and with what tool did they use to break a magical heavenly object?” Mop cleared his throat.

  “Do you think it could have been sliced? The statue of General Pritchard is still missing his sword.”

  “What if that sword was never his to begin with? One could say it was angelic the way he used it to capture fugitive Jefferson Davis at the close of the American Civil War.”

  “I was afraid you were going to make that connection. Is this our life now? Where angels, demons, ghost, and aliens become common conversation topics?” Tate sighed, “I need to get going. Her car is in the driveway. I’m getting out of the car now…when I finish up here, I’m going to head back to Allegan and follow up on the Gary and Amy couple Jasper and Stacy bumped into on the highway. I’m going to find out why they were at Debbie-Lynne’s farm. I’ll call you with an update later.”

  “When will you return to England?”

  “Spoilers…” Tate said with a high-pitched voice.

  “Oh, I love it when you go all ‘Doctor Who’ on me…Piddley-par, Peanut.” Mop ended the phone call.

  Tate stood at the door for a second, glaring at her phone with a twisted smile…Oh, that man. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. The door opened. A woman, looking about 50 years old and wearing an oversize sweatshirt accompanied by a pair of spotted red and white pajama pants, answered the door. Tate held out her identification badge. “Good evening, my name is Agent Tate of the FBI.”

  “Yes, agent…is there something I can help you with?”

  “Your name is Torii Indiana, is it not?”

  “It is…but you still haven’t answered my question. Come to think of it your organization stopped answering my questions years ago after you gave up on my missing husband. He disappeared at the same time my brother died in a house fire. My Donn was a handsome man. Is that why you’re here?” Torii removed her gold-framed reading glasses from the end of her nose. It was obvious she had been enjoying a good night of book-reading when Agent Tate showed up. No television was on, and there was soft instrumental music playing in the background.

  “Is that music the talent of Chris Botti I hear? Oh, my favorite album of his is ‘Impressions,’ what is yours?”

  “You have a good ear, Agent, and yes, it is the trumpet-playing of Chris Botti you hear. My favorite album is ‘Italia.’ I like the softer tones, but I highly doubt that the FBI is on my doorstep to establish my playlist selections.” Torii backed away from the door to allow Agent Tate to step inside. “Standing in the doorway is perceived by many cultures as rude. Perhaps you should come inside and explain yourself.”

  Agent Tate entered the home. They sat down in the kitchen at a small breakfast table. Torii poured her some water from a pitcher she took out of her refrigerator. “I am here about your brother Dester; the FBI needs a sample of your blood.”

  “Why, what for? My whole family passed away in that terrible house fire many years ago. I told the authorities all I knew back then, and still they questioned me for days after the event.” Torii seemed upset.

  “I’m so sorry to bring up these unpleasant memories for you, but…Ms. Indiana, Torii, your brother lives, and he needs your help. He is just not on this planet at the moment.” Agent Tate took a giant swallow of water, hoping that Torii’s next reaction wasn’t one of throwing her out of her house.

  “You’re going to have to show me some proof, you can’t just show up and tell me my dead brother is visiting another world. Prove to me that you know him, tell me something only he would know.”

  “Well, according to the file we have on you, Dester once told a story about how you received your nickname; ‘Stumpy,’ I believe, was the name I read in the file. Something about your fingers and a bedroom ceiling fan, the details are vague…please, I mean you no harm and your brother does need help. Will you help?”

  Torii placed her cup down upon the table slowly…“I have never told that story to anyone. Dester was the only one who called me that and only when it was just the two of us, never in public. He was proper, my brother. Always telling me that family had to always present a united front, regardless of what they did when they were behind closed doors.” Torii stood up from her chair and moved into the living room. “Follow me, Agent Tate; I need to hear your whole story before I give you my blood. I’m betting it is a long one, so we might as well be sitting in comfort.”

  Tate rose up from the kitchen table and followed. “Before I begin, I have just one simple question. Where is here? We are so far off the beaten path; is this Sand Creek or Adrian, Michigan?”

  “Neither, my dear, blink and you will miss are in the tiny burg of Jasper, Michigan.”

  Agent Tammy Sue Tate was absolutely speechless. Her mind headed off in a hundred different directions all at once, trying in vain to make the connection, but all she could say to herself was, How is this possible?

  chAPTER fifty-two

  Sunday Sunset

  There is a walking bridge that stretches across the lazy Kalamazoo River at the back of the Jaycee’s Park just on the edge of downtown Allegan. On a bench, sitting close together, Jasper and Stacy were watching as the sun began to set. The beautiful orange rays shimmered in the reflective waters below their feet. They sat in silence, holding hands, neither one of them able to talk much about the week that had just past. Jasper’s new and mature intuitive nature told him that Stacy was feeling extremely awkward in this moment. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable around him; he needed her support, so he attempted to make small talk. He promised they would have an amazing time dancing together at prom. Jasper forced a smile on the outside, but every inch of his being was sopping in sorrow on the inside.

  “When are your parents flying in?”

  “Tuesday morning. They are coming into the Gerald R. Ford about 10:00 AM. It’s my parents’ favorite airport in the world. All they do is smile when they look up at that enormous ‘Welcome to West Michigan’ sign at the family arrival section. Like most people who live in West Michigan, they also believe we should be a state un
to ourselves with Grand Rapids as our capital city.” Stacy pointed her finger to her chest. “I feel that way, too. Who needs the east side of the state, anyway?”

  Jasper smiled as he nodded his head in agreement, and together they shared a moment of laughter.

  Stacy cleared her throat. “Will you be riding the bus to school on Monday? It might take a week for the insurance company to settle the claim on Aunt Debbie-Lynne’s car. Thank goodness Agent Tate used the power of the Bureau to accelerate the process. I wonder if Agent Tate will come back and be our homeroom teacher to finish out these last few months of the school year?”

  “No bus for me…Kevin said he would give me a ride for the week. His dad is going to lend my aunt one of his spare cars for as long as we need it. They can afford to be generous at Kevin’s house. As for Ms. Tate, I wouldn’t bet on seeing her tomorrow. My aunt spoke with her on the phone and told me she is on the other side of the state. Doing what, I don’t know. Don’t care, really…all I want to do is get back to a little thing I like to call normal.” Jasper looked directly up into the sun for a moment and closed his eyes. He exhaled deeply.

  Stacy hesitated. “Did you tell Kevin about Thunder?”

  “Yes…” Jasper said with a lump forming deep down in his throat. His eyes began to water…a warm tear streamed down his cheek. Stacy squeezed his hand as hard as she could. Jasper’s voice cracked a little. “It’s okay…my eyeballs are just sweating,” Jasper said as he fought the rest of his tears into submission. They were both sad, but Jasper was feeling hollow on the inside. That part of him where Thunder had once existed was now empty, just a memory.

  Stacy attempted to change the course of the conversation. “Hey, I didn’t tell you, but Gena and I will be picking up our prom dresses on Thursday after school. You need to reserve your tux and my corsage. I want a real quality flower, no silk.”


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