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The Ravens of Carrid Tower

Page 17

by David c Black

  "Why do we need to send anyone if we know it's a trap"

  "We need proof of course. Evidence!" The god slammed the table and a few heads turned at the far end of the tavern.

  "The stolen ore is just a story now. But an attack from the Shaa cannot be talked out of. Carrid is at war again moments after Jaro declared peace. Aldo can then work with someone, perhaps Annick to start to fix this mess. In any case Jaro is finished."

  "And we are at war?"

  "It is inevitable now, the Shaa is at this moment clearing out the last few tribesmen from that mountain fort" The god looked away then and for the faintest of moments, mostly hidden under the flicker of ore light, was despair. "I thought I had seen it all Azon"

  "What is it?" The monk asked with genuine concern.

  "Savagery Azon. He revels in it. I feel his spirit rejoice while he. We. Calmly gaze at the madness. I feel it all. Every impulse, desire and emotion. Right now, as we speak monk there are two groups in symphony singing louder than all others on the continent. The very peaks of pain and pleasure competing for the highest tenor. And while all day I listen to that chilling music, I see Azon. I see it all."

  "They are dying at this moment?"

  "All day long. He is tearing the men apart, one by one. Making sport. A reward for his flock. The women have mostly been raped to death. The children. Well the horde haven't started eating yet."

  "Why don't you do anything?! You are a god, these are your people, damn you!" Azon cut in angrily, clenching both fists on the table. "What is even the point of you. Sitting here all day, intoxicating yourself with the agony and ecstasy of your people. How can you allow the Shaa to twist your words into this monstrous cult?"

  "I can do nothing more than I am already."

  "Nonsense. You scheme. You manipulate. You plot. No different from Jaro. You do nothing! You have already given up on any hope of preventing another war and spend time turning it to your advantage. Whatever end that may be. Why did you ever the allow the Shaa to grow? Why let Jaro sell those minerals. If you see it all, huh?!"

  "It is too late Azon to prevent war. And I am forbidden to intervene directly."

  "By who?"

  "This is a discussion for another day. You must go now. I will keep you more apprised from now on. Tell Mak and Aldo about what is to come. Obviously, you cannot name your source, but they will trust the message coming from you."

  "And then?"

  "Come back. We need to talk about Galtus and that bitch Acalley".


  "She's not blameless in this mess. At least Jaro is out for profit, her crimes are vanity and entitlement."

  Azon left the room with his mind exploding with questions. He had not seen the god so emotional before. So drunk.

  Not from wine though.

  The monk rounded the corner into the stairway up to the guest rooms and after quickly looking for anyone around him jumped up to his room.

  Clear breach of protocol.

  He hurriedly dressed back into his Raven armour and sheathed two long blades over his back. Walking to a chest next to the hearth, he pulled out a couple of leather wrapped glass vials, pocketing them in a black cloak which he threw around himself before disappearing.

  I have to see this. I have to stop this.

  Don't do it Azon. The monk heard the gods words in his head.

  You won't stop this, but I will.

  You can't.

  Watch me! Azon screamed in his head at the deity.

  Azon appeared in the spot he had previously waited the day the Ravens abandoned the siege and jumped up again high above the mountain and then back down to a ledge that gave him a view over the smouldering encampment.

  What? But…

  You see it now Monk.

  Where did they come from? So many? When I left here yesterday they had twenty thousand men at best.

  Everyone, even Mak has underestimated him. He sent twenty thousand because that is how many he knew you thought he had.

  There must be...

  Nearly two hundred thousand. More will be here soon. Still want to jump in?

  I cannot.

  "And even if you could you should not. They will know it was a monk that struck them, what else could it be. They will say Carrid declared war. Jaro will have deniability and deflect blame. Hang out the Ravens or even the whole 4th army as a rogue element. He will flee justice and worse, make the fate I fear inevitable"

  Look at what they are doing. Oh… How can they?

  You have the luxury not to see Azon. Go and talk to Mak and Kellick.

  Yes. I…

  The god materialised next to where Azon had been crouching and watched the madness unfold. Tears welled in his eyes before he broke down sobbing. The horde had no more need for converts and depended now instead on feeding itself. It's cold up here, they can sustain themselves for a week or two before the meat goes bad. Then on to Ja Deist.



  Yarrian passed through the door into the Emperor’s private residence and started running up the stairs. The two soldiers at the bottom of the marble staircase parted quickly, they had seen the thin man charge upstairs, red faced and out of breath many times before.

  Another soldier in the gallery had already started walking across to the Emperor's office, motioning for it to be opened.

  "Imperator, we must talk."

  "Yarrian, sit down man. Catch a breath. It's not seemly running about the Palace like this."

  "There was a riot in Ulon."

  That was enough to make Galtus freeze for a moment before nodding, "close the door."

  Yarrian pushed on the dark hardwood and it glided towards the frame effortlessly. A gauntleted hand grabbed the edge just before it connected with the frame to close it quietly.

  "What happened?"

  "It's still going on. Acalley has blockaded the eastern quarter around the temples. It's a standoff for now."

  "This is it Yarrian."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Wake Dokra up and tell him to come here immediately. And the rest of them."

  "I will my Lord. Do we have a message for Nathanial?"

  "Tell him he’s done well. I'm sure we’ll have some further need of his services in Dror, but after that he can return. To Narubez. And to court. All will be forgiven."

  I'll never forget though.

  They assembled less than a bell later in the war room, which had been renamed after the continental war to the less provocative 'situation room'. Dokra's officers had been the first to arrive in the Palace bearing brown leather brief cases, filled with Narubez's existing plans for a potential campaign in Drorea. They had rearranged the room, adding pins and notations to the charts that hung from almost every wall in a similar disposition to the map room, though the charts were much newer, representing the disposition of forces either side of the border. The purpose of the meeting would not be the formulation of strategy. That had already been decided and these bright young men, hand selected planners from the Imperial Academy had been working in secret on nothing else for moons under Dokra's and some of his more competent staff officer’s tutelage. They would strike for Dror’s capital without notice or pause. He had steered them away from any impulse to complicate the plan with exotic tactics drawn from their classes. The Field Marshall advised that there was a time and a place for elaborate manoeuvres, but not here. When facing a weaker foe, nothing is gained from chasing armies around the country who have an interest in not joining for battle.

  Especially an enemy with such effective mounted bows.

  The Naru will simply take the road to the city, before any semblance of resistance can block it. Wings of lancers sweeping the low rolling country making it impossible for Dror’s commanders to block the main train’s march. Once in Dror territory they had planned for a three-day journey by foot. Another day for the siege equipment and engineer corps who would be the last to cross the Ciavelli river. Once the capital was captured,
then the remaining elements of Drorea's forces could be hunted down.

  From a position of strength.

  The planners had accounted for a protracted siege at the walls, but they did know yet that Galtus had other plans.

  Plans which could go awry. Better to have them prepare for the worst.

  The door suddenly opened and as Galtus walked in followed by a pair of aides, the room snapped to attention. "Gentleman." He announced crossing the floor towards his chair, scanning the assembled faces. Mostly sleepy eyed old men, standing none the less eagerly waiting to hear the reason for such an early wake up call. “Thank you for coming so quickly. The Queen of Drorea has betrayed us.” A murmur or two escaped the silence and the Emperor lifted his hand for it to wait. “Yesterday she sent in soldiers to butcher our brethren living in Ulon.”

  A voice called out from the group of sombre faces. “Imperator, if I may ask?” He said respectfully. “Why would she do that?”

  Respectful, yes. There is a hint of scepticism there though.

  “An informal agreement was made between her husband and I, that the Naru in Ulon are to be left alone. She spits on that deal now and forces our hand I’m afraid.” He said with a dramatic sigh of regret before pausing to stare at each and every man facing him. “Tomorrow I will formally declare war."

  A quietness hung in the room, then from pockets, hushed murmurs.

  "Imperator, you are to be commended for acting so quickly."

  "There's a ‘but’ coming isn't there Admiral"

  "Yes, Imperator I’m sorry. I just don't understand how we got to this point so quickly."

  "You cannot be unaware of her actions of late?"

  "Of course, but it’s still a surprise that she would risk this, surely we couldn't have... Well couldn't have done something to put some sense into her. Have we even opened a dialogue?"

  "I thought the same Admiral. I never told the Admiralty as it seemed like a problem that could be quickly solved, but embassies have already been sent. Twice. First when the king died, passing on our condolences as a nation. This also included some small words about our shared interests and my hope that the goodwill her husband and I had built together could continue. To date we have had no reply. I overlooked this, she must of course be grieving. Then when she began to clearly act in prejudice to our kin in Ulon, I sent another message. This time by my personal aide. He told me that entry to the Palace was not permitted. How am I to act in this situation? Again, I remind myself that she is grieving. Yarrian tells me she has not resumed full Council yet so yes, perhaps she is still mourning her loss. Behind on her duty maybe, so I will give her time. Then the very thing I feared happens. Our people, quite fairly start to complain about their worsening condition. They have no grain, taxes have been raised, town guards withdrawn from only their Cantons, leaving the communities open to crime and banditry. They protest. What does she do? Contact me to help her? Calm the people and work out a compromise with us? No. She does not. She sends in the troops. Slaughters hundreds on the first day.

  "I see my Lord, I am sorry I did not..."

  Thank you Admiral Benik, for being the only one brave enough to give me that opportunity.

  "No, it is I who must apologise. I should have kept you all informed on the issue. Our fleets would be more conveniently located in the least."

  "What about now? Are our people okay?"

  "They have brought us pride Admiral. I will make those men and women heroes of the empire. Right at this moment they have blockaded themselves in the industrial quarter and fighting back tooth and nail. Yarrian says it’s a stalemate, but If we get there in time we can save them."

  "I will ready the fleets for war immediately, Emperor."

  "And depend on them we shall." Galtus said smiling warmly.

  "Are we ready, Imperator?" Another voice asked from the crowded room. "What about Carrid? Can we expect them to come to Acalley's aid?”

  "I hope war will never come with Carrid, however preparation for that event is and has always been necessary to maintain the peace. We are not wholly ready no, but we will be should that day arrive. In any case, Carrid will not intervene. Jaro has declared victory in the desert and now has more concerns with his election. Starting another war will not benefit him. We can expect public condemnation and the usual espionage, little else. There are also other matters at play too, which I am not yet ready to reveal".

  The Shaa is coming for you Jaro. Foolish, greedy Jaro.

  "I understand, Imperator."

  No, you don't.

  "We move tonight Gentleman. Supplies and necessary provisions have been allocated to each of you. Marshal Ji’ath, I want orders sent to the Army of the West to cross the river immediately. Dokra will be accompanying you with his expeditionary force. Benik, the 3rd and 6th fleet will move to the Drorean coast and beyond. The rest of you will all have a hand to play in this war even if it isn't a direct one.

  Even if it means just keeping enough troops on the Ciavelli river to make Jaro think a hundred times about even considering stopping us. Not that he could even get here in three moons if he tried.

  "Individual packets with your orders will be handed out. Any questions?"

  None came. The uneasy atmosphere in the room had suddenly become electric. Dokra's aides began walking the room passing leather folders to each of the gathered men, uniformed in a blend of colours from the infantry’s light grey and red, to the darker hue of the cavalry. Three rear admirals dressed in a blue so dark that at this time of the morning, despite the oil light, looked black. They stood together towards the glazed window. Only one of them would play a role in this with their two fleets. The others had a far more difficult task ahead of them. Turning thousands of pirates into disciplined sailors.

  "Good luck Gentleman. For those of you that will not be leaving the city, we meet again tomorrow at the same time. I expect to be kept informed in the meantime of any developments. Understood?"

  "Yes, Imperator," called a few in unison as they made an orderly exit from the room. Only Dokra remained standing with Galtus.

  "I don't want any mistakes here, Field Marshall. We need to take the capital quickly."

  "We will. If what you say about Nathanial is true we need only arrive. I'll send the horses in between their forts and town and won't let them regroup. Keep them on the backfoot."

  Don’t talk to me about the details Dokra, just get it done.

  "I leave it in your trusted hands."

  "My Lord, what about the Drakes?"

  "I have been giving that some thought. We have no need for them now. However, a test is certainly in order, isn't it?"

  "It is my Lord."

  "Take three of them, but don’t show our hand too early. There may be a town or position we can try them on without word getting back to the tower too quickly."

  "As you wish. I wonder how Carrid is going to react."

  "It will scare them Dokra. All the more reason to wait before they are unveiled. As things stand now we can be assured that fool Jaro will not prevent us here. But the drakes could change the stakes, especially with the Assembly. Keep them locked away for now and away from the rest of the troops. By the time they have a chance to formulate a reaction to the invasion the Queen will be dead and it will be too late to intervene.

  "I hope you're right. We cannot expect desperate men to act rationally."

  "No, but if what Yarrian tells us about the Shaa is true, Jaro has a much bigger problem to deal with first. Half a million cannibals about to race across the border."

  "Then we have time."

  "Yes, but not you Dokra. Gather your Legions."

  "I will do that, Imperator. And keep our losses low."

  "As long as it is quick Dokra. As long as it is quick." The Field Marshall nodded leaving Galtus to stand in front of an ancient map of Lathania, arms clasped behind his back. It was at least four centuries old, for there were no harsh lines of borders, only the hashed marks of different provinces. It was the
map of the first Empire. The last time the continent had ever been united under one banner.

  Under one man.

  After a couple of minutes he sighed slightly, turning to leave the chamber and re-join his entourage who waited patiently for him outside.

  That’s what a real empire looks like.



  Jaro walked out of his office in the Assembly with a handful of well-dressed men and women following him out.

  Not Senators. Look more like patrons. Party business. You're in for a shock Consul. Aldo thought to himself.

  The Consul paused mid-sentence the moment he laid eyes on the old spy master, sitting alone on a bench with crossed legs and seemingly fully absorbed in reading a journal of some kind. Pretending not to take much notice of the man, Jaro walked the crowd down the hall in the other direction before returning shortly after.

  "I didn't think you wanted to be seen here, Aldo."

  "I don't. We need to talk."

  "Come, come, we can use this office." He said with feigned frustration.

  "We're going to need a bigger one."

  Jaro ignored the remark, sitting on a sofa resting beneath the room’s only window.

  "Well, what is it?"

  "Our monk in Narubez has just jumped back. Galtus has declared war on Acalley."

  Jaro's mouth seemed to drop open, before snapping back closed. His hand gravitated towards his mouth stopping only when the man suddenly jumped out of his chair. Aldo could see the colour had drained from his face.

  Never seen you lost for words before, Consul.

  "How could this happen? Aldo are we sure? Galtus wouldn't, the bastard wouldn't dare. Would he?"

  "Please sir, sit down. But yes, we're sure. Ditoria jumped after Galtus addressed his people. Before coming back, he jumped over the Wirrow to see how long Drorea had."


  "The infantry is already crossing the river in multiple locations. The imperial lancers were further north on the Naru side of the river approaching shallower crossings. By now they will most likely be in Drorea. Naru engineers have almost finished a pontoon bridge too, so they will have their siege equipment and war wagons joining the forces within a day or so."


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