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The Ravens of Carrid Tower

Page 30

by David c Black

  God's they're eating him.

  The sound of the man’s cries horrified Rill and he tried again to get close enough to help. Suddenly Rill was jerked back by his armour straps and he swung sideways behind him with his blade instinctively. A mailed hand caught him by the wrist, pulling him away from certain death.

  "Sir, we have to go."

  Rill nodded still overcome with rage at what the fanatics were doing to his comrade. They ran, soldiers already over the garden wall helping them up. Rill made his way to a large clay hearth towering out of the garden, telling the others to go ahead. With the practiced skill of a veteran scout ranger he sheathed his short sword, took out his bow and strung it on the run. Jumping up onto a bin and then the wall, he ran across it to reach the oven’s chimney. Stones from the slingers above trailed his steps and he raised his shield over his head while, using the same hand to hold the bow. When the scout reached the relative high ground of the shed he whipped out an arrow and spun to load it.


  Ja Deist

  "I hope you've got more of those things Mage." The officer said to Harlon who was climbing down the building. They stood behind fifty or so Pikes whose turn it was to form the shield wall across the road. In front of them the pile of bodies had grown steadily throughout the day into a huge obstacle that was already starting to fill the air with a noxious stench and countless flies. Harlon had found it hard to breathe on the roof but down here he was close to retching. A couple of Pikes were throwing stray corpses back onto the mound and each impact was followed by swarms of tiny insects flying into the air only to settle quickly somewhere else. It was almost the height of the adjacent houses and when the waves of attackers came, fanatics jumped down from its heights onto the waiting shield wall. Most crumpled from the fall and before they could recover pikes took them on the floor. Smoke rose from the unseen burning bodies in the road beyond where Harlon had been throwing his fire bombs.

  With the citizens out of the way, the group of three hundred professional soldiers and this curious Mage had faired remarkably well, taking only a handful of losses. They controlled the roofs of the houses along the road to the side of the human wall. All of the alleys between were secure too and holding against each attack. The fanatics could not get close enough before being struck by the long deadly weapons, the fallen hindering access to those behind. Harlon had to admit to himself a growing respect for the discipline of these soldiers. They reacted to their officer’s orders without question, moving in practiced unison, forward and back, or enveloping the enemy in pincered jaws of razor sharp steel. They cut the Shaa's forces to ribbons and their blood filled the streets almost up to everyone’s ankles. It had started to coagulate under the days hot sun, and with each step Harlon was reminded of walking through the bogs and marshes near his hometown. The sucking on his boots as he lifted his feet and the accompanying sopping sound with each step.

  The Shaa's heavy infantry had tried climbing the bodies to tackle the Pikes, but they fell harder from the top than the unarmoured flock and died just as quickly. Seeing the futility of such an assault they moved in next to simply dismantle the wall and pull the bodies down. Harlon had been waiting for that moment to throw his firebomb. The knights tried through the side alleys again too, but being so narrow, they could never bring enough of them to the front to seize the initiative. Their long swords were all but useless against interlocked banks of shields and bristling eight-foot spears filling the entire space. The soldiers who couldn't fit in the shield walls were on the buildings throwing anything that could be recycled from the dead fanatics down onto the next wave. They stood now beside stacks of spades and wooden clubs waiting for the next attack to come.

  "You boys don't seem to need them."

  "It's not over yet. What's the plan? It's gonna be dark soon."

  I don't know.

  "We keep this up for as long as we can. Stop them from flanking Kellick in Market square."

  Unless they abandon their assault here.

  "And if they stop attacking us here?" The soldier asked echoing Harlon’s thoughts.

  "I was just thinking about that. We don't know yet if they've finished."

  "Been a while since the last wave."


  Shit, Locke would know what to do. Stay here and wait?. Go help Kellick and leave this place open? Or split up and risk getting cut down separately?

  "... Send a few men to scout. Find out where they are and why they aren't attacking."

  “Aye” The officer said with a nod. "Bed Bug, get up here. Volo, you too."

  Bed Bug?

  Azon rolled on the floor and kicked the ground with one foot, gaining his ground and righting himself. He back stepped as the first black armoured warrior lunged at him.

  Rill's right, I’m not going down without filling hell's halls with these animals.

  The monk spread his arms in a motion that stretched his chest muscles, both of his sabres curving out to either side of him reflecting the waning sun’s light. He roared at the surrounding men, an escape of emotion so rare from the monk, so carnal, that the man's anger shattered the hordes confidence, at least for a moment. Azon jumped forward between two men and sliced down killing both instantly. He ran in a ring, spinning and swinging between figures leaving a trail of dead.

  Azon, not like that. Drive through them. The gods voice sounded in his head once more.

  I'm done with you, let me concentrate.

  The dust, it's only in the camps centre. Break out and you can jump.

  Azon knew the words to be true and immediately pivoted right into the horde, slashing again and again. The warrior monks speed was astonishing as he carved in a straight line through the pack. But the deeper he went, the denser the bodies became, he could not slash quickly enough to keep them from overwhelming him. One sword stuck in a knight’s armour and the time taken to try and pull the blade free a second time was enough for everyone at his rear to come within hands reach.



  I won't let them take me. I'm going to end this. Thanks for nothing. The monk said as he withdrew his knife from the sheath at the small of his back.

  Your pocket Azon, you still have one of the mage’s gas bombs.


  The monk again acted on the information without pause. Leaving the sword still stuck in the knight’s armour, he dropped low while twisting on the balls of his feet, lashing out horizontally with the other blade, severing the legs of those trying to grab his back. Azon took a deep breath and smashed the vial on the ground, dropping the second sword and crouching for a few seconds with a hand covering his mouth and nose. He watched the effect on the people around him as the grey smoke spread wider. All of them had fallen to their knees or the floor clutching their throats and gasping. He ran pushing the dying men and women out of his way and fought the urge to breath the poisoned air.

  I still can't jump.

  It's on your boots and clothes. Take them off.

  This doesn't make it okay.

  I know. Get back here and we'll talk about it.

  No, I need to help Kellick

  You are in no state to help anyone.

  I won't leave them.

  The moment the monk jumped, he feinted and for the first time in cycles, the god acted directly to save a mortal.

  "Captain." Locke said reaching the officer on the roof of the square's corner house.

  "That was good timing mage." Kellick said "Did you see where they withdrew to?"

  "Still on Main street, but beyond that who can tell. They were all over the place on the way back here."


  "They're in the buildings, courtyards, all over the place looking for us. For passage deeper. Everywhere, sir. And that's just the east. We've already lost the south. It could be worse over there" He said pointing in the other direction.

  "Lieutenant Nivel is in the west, thin as his lines are, they seem to be holding."
/>   "So now?"

  "We're waiting. They're rebuilding the fortifications wherever we can access or conceivably hold. It will be dusk in a bell."

  "Think we'll have some peace tonight?"

  "Not a chance, but we can make it through, I’m sure of that. Until the morning."

  "And then?"

  And then we're completely surrounded. We'll be pushed back to the barracks and It's only a matter of time.

  "We send you and your two new recruits off into the city to stir up some hell."

  "Running low now."

  "How many."

  "Twenty grenades, not sure about Harlon."

  "Not many."


  Kellick turned to the Raven leaning on the wall, who he knew had listened to every word. "Canno, I need you to get Harlon back here."

  "I'll go with him Captain" the mage interjected.

  "No, I need you here for when the next attack comes."

  "Those two know how to throw."

  "Is it really just a case of throwing Locke?"

  "What? We... er..."

  "When this is done I want to spend some time making a proper regiment out of you mages."


  "Standardisation, discipline."

  "Is this the time sir?"

  "No, it isn't. So, they can handle this stuff then?" Kellick said pointing to the open crate of munitions.

  "Aye, they know enough."

  "Give them more and go with Canno. Take as many men as you need."

  "Sir what about Rill?" Canno said.

  "If you find him bring him back"

  Canno saluted and the mage just nodded as the pair walked along the roof away from the Captain. Canno rounded up any Pikes and Bows that had the misfortune not to look busy with anything at that particular moment.

  "We make the stuff you know." Locke said.

  "What?" Canno replied, waving two archers over to him.

  "We don't just throw."

  "He knows that, he just thinks you’re not as effective as you could be."

  "He said that?"

  "In a manner of speaking. Your... stuff there, it's like nothing we've seen before. But the way you deploy it, it's not..."

  "Not what?"

  "The ranger way. The most effective way at least. You've all got different weapons, different grades and potency. What happens when you get shot in the eye? No, it ain't right."

  "You have a better idea."

  "No, but he does, doesn't he? And he's right. If we survive this you and your brother saved us. Azon too, wherever he is. But even a bonehead like me can see we're not using those things right. Kellick said he wants to put them on arrows. Imagine that."

  "He will involve himself in committee business?"

  "Of course not. I said if we survive, and we ain’t going to mage."

  "Let's see about that, I’ve got debts to collect in Carrid."

  Canno laughed at that. "Well in that case..."

  The group dropped down from the roof and ran around the corner of the market edging around the square’s eastern blockade. The guards indicated to a thin ladder they should use to climb over the barricade.

  "We'll take that ladder with us soldier."

  "We need it here." The man protested.

  "The only place you’re moving is back. No one's stupid enough to go out there again tonight. Except us, so we're taking it."

  The soldier saw Canno was in no mood to argue and shrugged. "Fine."

  When the last archer crossed over the barricade, Canno shouted for the ladder to be thrown over. It came over fast, nearly hitting a Pike who was scanning the houses for any signs of danger. They walked cautiously down the street, four bowmen flanked by two pikes took point, arrows nocked. Canno had his own bow drawn, expecting an ambush from every dark corner. "Get one of those fire bombs out mage."

  "Already have." He said lifting his right hand.

  Corpses were scattered on every road they walked down, mostly fanatics, but more than a few of the defenders. Their armour had been ripped off and weapons taken but their boots, undershirts and short hair were unmistakably Carridean.

  "The lucky ones."


  Further up the road ahead of the archers a figure suddenly appeared from a house. Two figures now, dragging something out of the properties entrance. They saw Canno and his men a fraction of a second before he did and dropped their quarry. One ran back in the house and the other darted up the street. Shit. Canno thought as he drew his bow and aimed at the running man. Before he could fire, two arrows struck the running man’s back and he fell.

  "Get that other one, don't let him escape!"

  The two Pikes followed by Canno behind them raced towards the building, smashing open the door and charged the house.

  "Watch your backs." Canno said, stepping over the dead body. A Raven. "It could be a trap." He knelt beside the body and removed the man’s dog tag and a ring.

  Tonis. I'll give this back to your wife. Canno promised the fallen Raven as he stepped over to hunt the fleeing fanatic.

  "He's in the garden!"

  "Get him damn you." Canno shouted back racing forward. They were too late, by the time Canno and the Pikes reached the back door they saw only a foot disappear behind a low wall. The scout ran through the garden and lifted himself up, but he could see nothing.

  He's gone. Shit.

  "We need to get out of here, c’mon."

  The soldiers ran out of the building and up the road as fast as they could.

  "Which way?"

  "I don’t know." Locke said spinning his head around to find a way out.

  "Shit, we should have brought some citizens with us."

  "Too late for that now."

  "Aye. We just keep heading east."

  "And if they find us?"

  "Up." Canno said pointing to the ladder one of the Pikes was carrying.

  They pushed ahead trying to get as much distance between them and the street they had been spotted on.

  "There are no bodies here."

  "Been a scrap or two though." The Raven said observing the dried blood stains on the road where bodies had dragged away.

  "They've collected the dead. This way."

  Canno lead them away from wherever the dead had been taken and stopped suddenly as he almost rounded the corner into another alley. Scores of knights were in the far end of the road. He motioned for them all to stop, a slight look of panic that didn't escape the mage’s notice. Canno put a finger to his lips and waved his hand, silently gesturing for them to walk back. Quietly.

  "Canno!" Locke said in an urgent whisper. The Raven looked across.

  "Something’s coming."

  Uh oh.

  Canno heard it now too. Running.

  "Get that ladder, put it here." He pointed to a house. Then the scout changed his mind, seeing that the building was detached. "No, this one. Hurry." The archers went first, filing up the ladder. The sound was getting louder and Canno stole a glance around the corner.

  They can't hear it. Yet.

  "Mage, get up there next and be ready with those things. Stop the knights from joining whoever is coming."

  "Sir!" Someone said leaning down from the roof. "It's Rill."

  Thank the gods.

  "How many with him?"

  "Sir, they're been chased. Oh..."

  "What is it?"


  "Thousands of them." Another one said.

  Canno raced to the ladder, one archer moving out the way, another one stepping off to let the Raven up. He reached the top of the ladder and a gauntleted wrist reached out to pull him up. Before his feet landed on the tiles he had already looked around to see over the other buildings.


  "Archers! Shoot the ones closest to Rill's tail.” He ordered loudly. “Mage, get up here. Hurry, two of those knight are coming to see what the noise is about."

  The mage scrambled up the ladders and rested his bag behi
nd the house's chimney. Canno could see Rill now clearly with a few hundred soldiers and citizens running as fast as they could down the wide thoroughfare.

  And behind them looks like the whole damned horde.

  Canno put his thumb and index fingers together and placed them on his lips, whistling as loud as he could. The sound cut through the air like the call of a bird and Rill, red faced and exhausted heard the sound of hope. The Raven whistle. He looked up to find the sound’s origin, before locking eyes in the distance with his friend on the roof ahead of him. Archers at his back and pikes forming their interlocking shield wall across the road with a small gap in the centre for them to escape through.

  At least we'll die together my friend.


  Ja Deist

  "How many grenades you got Locke?"

  "Twenty including the one here. But this is it Canno. Until the end."

  "You've carried it all with you? All this time?"

  "There's some in the barracks, but I’m saving those for…"

  "We're not getting back to the barracks. Understand that mage? This is it."

  "I can see that."

  "Then we use it all, until either it's gone or they are."


  "Enough!" The Raven said harshly to the mage who broke eye contact.

  "Okay, let's do this then." Locke said composing himself. "I need your help."

  "Tell me."

  "You throw two at the knights when they come. You know how large the blast radius is, kill them if you can but you have to block the road. One either side will do."

  "And you?"


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