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How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)

Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  He cupped her chin, his heart hurting for her. What kind of mother would do something like that? “Hell, that’s just stupid. I’m so sorry. I can understand you fine.”

  Cato smiled, wishing she could believe him. “My mother was a beautiful woman, an accomplished woman. She won pageants and her looks never really faded. She was slim and elegant up until she got sick.” Cato hung her head. “I was nothing to brag about. I must look like my dad.” She sighed, taking his hand and weaving their fingers together as if it gave her strength. “When I was younger, I took voice lessons and mother hoped I would shine in that way, but my deafness stole that dream.”

  “I would love to hear you sing.”

  Cato groaned and covered her eyes. “I’m sure I’ve forgotten the tunes by now. I’d just caterwaul.”

  Heath was about to comment, he wanted to tell her that he didn’t care. Cato spoke up and continued before he could begin. “My first cousin Tessa saved me. When I was over at her house, I would talk up a storm, make up for lost time, I guess. She and her mother helped me with phonetics and learning new words so I wouldn’t be stuck with a sixth grade verbal vocabulary.”

  “Well, I consider you to be brilliantly bilingual.” He assured her. “You can speak and sign. There’s nothing wrong with your voice and there’s certainly nothing wrong with your body—you’re fuckin’ gorgeous.” He kissed her on the lips, determined to show her how perfect he thought she was. “And look, I remember what you taught me.” He started making the sign for sex over and over again.

  Relieved, she let out a long breath, feeling better. Cato giggled. “I’ll have to teach you more words. You’re sounding like a broken record.” She watched him gather her a towel and adjust the water in the big shower.

  “There you go, you’re all set.”

  “Okay, thank you, I’ll hurry. After all, we have a torrid affair to get off the ground.” For a second or two, she stood, gazing at the door he’d just walked through. Being here with him was so surreal. Yet, this was exactly what she wanted. God, she hoped he didn’t look back on this one day and regret she’d bulldozed him into this situation. Shaking her head to dispel her doubt, she stepped into the shower.

  Quickly she soaped up, washed herself and rinsed. Spying a disposable razor, she did some spiffing up, wanting to be as smooth and pleasing to him as possible. She had no more than gotten out, dried off and redressed in the lace cover-up that she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. Cato realized Heath had returned with his arms loaded. She gasped when she saw all that he was carrying: champagne, flutes to drink it out of, and candles. He also had a small paper bag with the logo of Bed, Bath and Beyond on it. Oh my goodness. Now, she knew what he had been up to. Heath was setting the mood for them to make love. Her heart fluttered, he was being romantic! “For me?”

  “All for you.” He nodded, as he dimmed the lights and prepared the candles. “I raided my sister’s bathroom too, but I’ll confess that sin later.”

  “No, now. What did you get?” She started to open the bag.

  Snatching it back, he shook his finger at her. “Uh, uh, that’s for me to know and you to find out.” She pouted a little, but he made her smile when he said, “Now I’ll pour our champagne.”

  “I’ve never tasted champagne.” She stood close by as he filled one of the flutes and handed it to her. Taking a sip, she giggled a tiny bit as the bubbles tickled her nose. “This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.”

  “Well, I decided it would be nice.” As Heath drank his glass of Dom Perignon, he realized Cato had no idea what she was drinking and he didn’t care. She seemed to appreciate him and not what he could give her. She looked so happy, Heath hoped he wasn’t going too far. He had no intention of giving Cato the impression he wanted more than the sexual liaison they’d agreed to, but he also didn’t want to cheat her out of the attention and affection a beautiful woman deserved when she was generous enough to share herself with a man. “Sit down here, gorgeous, while I light the candles.”

  “Candlelight, how thoughtful.” Cato was torn. She would be able to see his lips and he would be able to see her body.

  “I don’t want it to be dark. Looking at you brings me pleasure.”

  Cato blushed. “I want to look at you too.” Heath felt himself harden at the way her eyes moved over his body. Then she said something that surprised him. “After I went deaf, I hated the dark because it felt like I had been shut in a box with no sound and no sight. This way I’ll know if you say something to me.” She met his gaze. “I don’t want to miss a thing.”

  Heath felt his heart stir. Standing, he took her now empty glass. “Don’t worry, as long as I’m around, I’ll make sure you’re never in the dark. Or if you are, I promise to rescue you, how’s that?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Letting a hand glide up her thigh and under the wrap she wore, he relished the tactile enjoyment he felt touching her. “I want you.”

  Cato was enchanted by the look on his face, he was staring at her with undisguised hunger and it made her dizzy with desire. “I want you more, I think.”

  “I doubt that.” His whole body was shaking with the need to possess her and make her his, but she was a virgin and he wanted to do everything just right. This was unknown territory for him, he’d never been someone’s first. Even Amy, perfect Amy, had lovers in college. The mere thought of his ex-fiancée caused bile to rise in his throat—now was not the time. Cato was his focus. Taking someone’s virginity was a huge responsibility and Heath was determined to have her mindless with ecstasy before he took her. Nothing else would do. “Ready to go to bed, sweetheart?” He ran his hands up her arms, ending to frame her face. “I need you so much.” He felt her tremble as he kissed her eyelids, one by one. “I’m aching for you.” Slipping his hands under the wrap, he skimmed it over her head, then he swallowed hard as he saw her unclothed once more.

  Standing before him, vulnerable, Cato felt a sudden flush of shame. Her overgenerous curves were blatantly displayed. She bowed her head and turned away, her cheeks reddening, a desire to cry almost overwhelming her.

  Placing one finger on her chin, he bade her look at him. “Don’t.”

  Cato didn’t look up, didn’t respond. Instead, she drew in on herself, moving an arm over her breasts and one leg over the other, attempting to hide even a little bit of her body from his eyes.

  “Hell, no.” Heath moved over, bent down, again lifting her chin. “Cato, stop.”

  It took every ounce of courage she had, but Cato finally looked into his face and was shocked to see a look of pure desire reflected there. His gaze swept over her body, taking in every feature. Her nipples beaded at the carnal need she could see in his eyes.

  “I love your body. If you don’t believe me, look at what you do to me. This isn’t a response any man can fake.” Stripping off his shorts, he let her see his need. His cock was erect, thick and long. Cato realized she had made him that way. Even with her less than perfect body, Heath desired her.

  Cato was enchanted. Heath was in full seduction mode and she was totally at his mercy. “I’m ready,” she murmured, her head thrown back as he kissed and nibbled on her throat and collarbone.

  “You’re not quite ready, treasure, but you will be before I’m through.” With trembling hands, he began to caress her body, allowing himself to rub and touch as much as he’d dreamed of doing. A woman’s body was such a perfect creation. He let his fingertips dance over her shoulders and around her breasts—lifting, weighing, plumping, molding—moves designed to give her pleasure while driving his own lust off the chart. Then teasing himself as much as he was teasing her, he let one hungry hand slide down to her mound, the place his cock was demanding to be. He pushed his fingers between her legs and swirled them between her labia lips, spreading the cream he found up around her clit. “So sweet. Before I’m through loving on you, you’ll be drenched and begging me to take you.”

  Cato whimpered, “I
don’t think I can wait.”

  “Oh, yes you can.” Applying gentle pressure to her shoulders, he pushed her back toward the bed. Her big brown eyes were glazed with desire and a blush had risen from her breasts to her neck. “Lie down on your tummy, beautiful.” Knowing he wouldn’t be able to talk to her once she was face down, he prepared her. “Close your eyes, I’m going to give you a sensual massage. It’s a fantasy of mine. That all right with you?”

  Did he think she’d say no? “Oh, yes, please.” Cato felt different. She wanted to do whatever it took to please him. “Is that what you have hidden in the sack?”

  “Yes, unopened jars of body butter I found in Pepper’s bathroom. One is vanilla and the other is brown sugar. I’m opting for the sugar.” He gave her an almost chaste kiss on the forehead. “Now, lie down and let me get my clothes off and I’ll join you.”

  “Don’t look at my butt.”

  Heath snorted. “I’m not only going to look at your butt, I’m going to touch it, rub it, taste it—hell, I may bite it.”

  Cato gasped, feeling her heart begin to pound. “Oh, Lord, I’m excited.” The thought of what Heath was about to do to her made her tremble. What would making love with him be like? Would it hurt? At this point, she just wanted him, it didn’t matter. Turning, she crawled on the bed and positioned herself as he asked. Since she couldn’t hear anything, all she could do was wait and anticipate. When she felt the bed dip, her breath caught in her throat.

  The sight that met his eyes was one he’d never forget. Cato wasn’t under the covers. Instead, she was laid out on top like an offering to the gods. There wasn’t an angle to be seen on her body, everything was a curve, a dip, a valley, a sensual feminine rise designed to drive a man mad. “Fuck me,” Heath moaned as he surveyed what was his to enjoy. His cock was strutted with need and he gave it a sympathetic stroke from base to tip. God, he was going to enjoy this.

  Cato had a hard time being still. She started to turn her body over, but a big warm hand settled on the small of her back, bidding her to be still. Her head was resting on a pillow facing the bathroom door, she felt removed, vulnerable, until she noticed the shadows silhouetted on the wall. Oh God, it was almost like looking in a mirror. She could see everything from her own body lying on the bed to the outline of Heath’s body as he knelt at the foot of the bed. It was so erotic—his breadth, the perfect lines of his shoulders, his jutting manhood—nothing was hidden from her sight. Cato watched him rub his hands together and held her breath for what was to come.

  “God give me strength,” he muttered. His control was hanging on by a thread, but he was determined to see to Cato first. The first touch of his hand on her legs made her jump, so he rubbed her back to reassure her. This was all pure instinct for him. He had never set out to give a woman a rubdown. He was beginning to think he’d missed out. Picking up one delicate foot, he rubbed it between his hands, running his thumb over her arch. When Cato moaned, he knew he was doing something right. Moving from her foot to her ankle, he admired the fine bones and smooth muscles. She had beautiful legs.

  Cato watched their figures, the candlelight enhancing the contrast of dark and light as his hands created magic on her skin. The feel of him massaging her calves, the back of her thighs, made her want more. Cato parted her legs, giving him access to her pussy if he wanted it.

  Heath saw her tilt up her delectable ass, wordlessly inviting him to skip the preliminaries. But that wasn’t the plan. To appease her, he bent and nipped one plump hip. She let out a startled little yelp which ended in a throaty moan when he began kneading the trembling flesh of her epic little ass. Heath scooted up her body so he could rub her back. She didn’t lie back down flat. Cato kept pushing backward, raising her bottom to him like she was in heat. And he hoped she was, he sure as hell knew the feeling. Their bodies were fitting together like puzzle pieces when he noticed that his cock was at the perfect angle to nestle into the cleft of her pussy—not penetrating but sandwiched between her labia lips. Not one to miss an opportunity, he began flexing his hips, moving up and down, nudging her cherry clit with every stroke. Damn, it felt so good, he almost bellowed.

  “Heath!” she exclaimed, clutching the sheet. Ripples of sheer excitement were tingling up and down her body. If she didn’t get to touch him soon, she’d faint. “Can’t I turn over? I want you inside me.”

  His cock was being bathed in her juices, so he knew his tactics were working. Still, he wasn’t through. “Not yet.” He put his hand on her back again, showing her she needed to stay where she was. Heath couldn’t help but notice that her back was a thing of beauty—so smooth, the line of her spine a kissable valley in the silken expanse. With palms and fingers, he showed her how he felt, stroking, rubbing, kneading her delicate frame until she was panting and whimpering.

  “Please, please, please…” Her eyes were closed, so the first touch of his lips on hers caused Cato’s eyes to spring open. He was bent over her, his body covering hers. “You can turn over now, beautiful.”

  “Oh, yes, good,” she breathed, allowing him to maneuver her the way he wanted her to be. Once she was on her back, there was no hiding her body’s response to him. She knew he could tell she was turned on—her skin was flushed and she was panting with desire. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Giving you pleasure,” he answered simply.

  Cato was overwhelmed. He was all she could see. Hands on either side of her face, arms stiff, his big body hovering over hers, covering her from head to toe like a large lion dominating his prey. “I need you so much.” She took both hands and moved them over his chest, scratching it lightly with her nails. “Why are you making me wait?”

  “Trust me, you’ll be glad I did.” He sat back, straddling her and reapplied oil on his hands. “I still have some work to do.” Beginning at her throat, he rubbed the back of her neck and her shoulders until Cato was limp in his hands. The only thing betraying her stimulated state was the way her breasts were swollen, the nipples puffy and distended. Heath could only resist them so long. First, he worked them with his hands, pushing her tits together and rubbing the nipples with his thumbs in a circular motion. This caused her to groan and Heath couldn’t stop his hips from moving, rubbing his cock sensuously over her mound. He kept at it, plucking her nipples, tweaking and twisting them, the little taste of erotic pain only increasing her pleasure.

  Cato couldn’t stand it any longer. She was past the point of coherent thought. Reaching up, she took Heath’s nipples between her fingers and repaid him in kind. As she did this, she parted her legs as much as she could and arched her back, tilting up her pussy in invitation. “Please?”

  “Almost, baby.” Heath moved to one side and lay down by her. “You want me, don’t you?”

  She never knew he asked the question, but he knew the answer. Pressing his mouth to hers, he coaxed her lips open, mapping the inside of her mouth with his tongue. Heath prayed she was ready. If he didn’t get inside of her soon, he was going to spontaneously combust and spill his seed against her thigh. Cato grabbed him by the hair and kissed him back voraciously. And when she arched her back, rubbing her tits against his chest, Heath dipped his hand between her legs, relieved to find her pussy drenched with passion. She moaned when he passed his fingers over her soft, silky flesh. Cato’s pleasure driving his, Heath pushed two fingers up into her sheathe, working them in and out. Her little pussy clenched on his fingers, as if she wanted him so much she couldn’t stand it. “God, you’re tight, baby. You want me, don’t you?” She nodded her head, biting that lower lip again. Lord, the woman was going to drive him to drink.

  Cato watched him open the drawer of the bedside table and take out a condom. “We’ll talk birth control soon. If we’re going to be together a while, I sure would like to ride you bareback. And you don’t have to worry about me. I haven’t taken a woman without a condom since…”

  She knew he was referring to his fiancée. Cato sought to reassure him. His semi-crude statement about ridi
ng her had sent an electric zap to her clit. “You don’t have to use one, I trust you. I’m on the pill, l was getting prepared.”

  “God, yes.” Just thinking about sliding into her creamy cunt without latex between them made his cock pulse and jump with need.

  “You’re really big.”

  Heath tossed the condom to one side. “Nothing for you to be nervous about, your body was designed for this.” Kneeling at her side, he palmed her breasts, kneading the tender globes and milking the nipples. “God, I love your tits.” He loved a lot of things about her and the fact that she was staring at his cock like it was one of the seven wonders of the world wasn’t hurting anything either. His cock loved attention and it hadn’t been getting near enough of it lately.

  “Heath, please.” Cato was leaning back on her elbows, eyes shining with trust, her thighs spread wide open in absolute surrender.

  Heath fought back the urge to whisper sweet nothings to her. That could come later. Right now lust was clawing at him, his cock was throbbing, begging for attention. Positioning himself between her legs, he took his dick in hand and dragged the tip up and down her slit, teasing them both. When she was mewling in need, Heath placed the head of his member against her small opening and pushed between the pink folds. Mercy, she was so tight, so hot. He stopped.

  Cato jerked, her nails biting into his shoulders. The reality of Heath’s body merging with her own was overpowering.

  It had been too long since he’d felt the heaven of a woman’s hot moist pussy and never one this hungry, this grasping. She was clutching at him, clamping down on him. The sensation was blinding him with pleasure. It took everything he had to resist pulling out and ramming in until he was buried to the hilt. No, he had to go slow. “Relax, baby. Let me in.”

  Oh, she wanted to. There was just so much of him. Lifting her hips, she sought to take him deeper. “I’m trying.”

  The slick tender squeeze of her inner muscles almost pushed him over the edge before they’d even started and he placed a hand on her waist. “Be still, you’re lethal to my control.” A quivering uncertain smile came over her face and he had to fight down a wave of tenderness, Heath knew emotions like that were off limits in this temporary arrangement they had.


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