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Sekkol: (Scifi Alien Romance) (Galaxy Alien Warriors Book 2)

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by Lara LaRue

  I could feel the anger, the confusion, and the frustration swimming around in my head like a whirlpool, and I was growing dizzy from its effects.

  The hovercraft lifted from the ground and moved slowly before it increased in speed. Just as I exited the space, I saw Lord Styx eyeing me from his vehicle. He was angry—that much was clear—but there was something else in his eyes, like he too could see through me. I quickly turned away, even though inside I was growing more anxious as I thought about what awaited me at home.

  Chapter 9 / Sekkol

  As soon as I got to the door, it slid open, and the trusted voice of my automated companion greeted me.

  “Welcome home, Master Sekkol.”

  But she wasn’t the only one. Before I could take note of where the woman was, she found me.

  “What the fuck kind of place is this?” she asked angrily.

  Her language was unfamiliar, and I didn’t recognize the “fuck” word that she spoke. I stood there looking at her, a perplexed expression on my face.

  “Is this how you treat people? Lock them away all day while you go about your business? Just let me go!” she shouted as she charged at me.

  I grabbed her by the arm, braking her steps, which only caused her to crash into me.

  “Let me go!” she cried as she lashed out at me with the other hand.

  I used both my arms now to hold her in place as she flailed about.

  “Stop,” I barked, and she jumped at the sound of my voice. But only for a second. “Are the rest of your people this defiant?” I asked her as I moved away from the door. Her feet dragged behind her as I pulled her to one of the stools.

  “Defiant?” she spat at me and then brushed her loose curls from her face. “You kidnapped me. For God knows what. And I’m not supposed to be defiant?”

  “You are very angry,” I told her as I tried to analyze her face. Her skin color had grown lighter in her cheeks, and the white in her eyes now displayed red lines. “Is this how the women of Earth look when they are angry?” They were strange to me, and though I did not understand why I had imprinted, she made me curious.

  “Look, Master Sekkol,” she said as she prepared to stand again, “it’s clear this isn’t going to work, so I would appreciate if you would just send me back to Earth.” She folded her hands in front of her, and I watched as her chest heaved. As angry as she was, she seemed even more beautiful to me.

  When she rose, I held her and pressed my lips to hers. I felt her stiffen, and then she pulled back. Her eyes widened in horror as her hand came down on my face, leaving a stinging sensation.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me again,” she told me and backed away.

  By this time, my patience had worn thin, and I felt the fire rise within me to match hers. “You dare touch me?” I bellowed. She cringed and almost fell from the stool as I moved in her direction. I reached out and caught her hand before she did. “I am master of this house, and you are mine. You will do as you are commanded,” I told her as I brought her back to a sitting position.

  She pushed my hand away and stood. She had so much fire in her, and I was not used to this level of intolerance.

  “The hell I will,” she shot back. She folded her arms before her as she challenged me.

  I was not in the mood for another round of animosity. I walked away and headed to the bedroom. I knew there was nowhere for her to go.

  “Hey, don’t walk away from me, alien!” she shouted after me. “I’m talking to you.”

  “Be quiet, or I will find something else to do with you,” I snarled.

  It had been a long day, and I had not anticipated this level of insubordination. Plus, I was always of the belief that when one imprinted, the other would feel attraction, too, at some level. It seemed whatever I was feeling, I was alone in it. I looked back at her standing there in the center of the room.

  “Now, if you don’t mind, I need to cleanse myself,” I told her and then walked down the narrow hallway that led to my room.

  Only the bed was visible, everything else neatly tucked away. I fell on it, facedown, and allowed the dreadful day I’d had to suffocate into nothingness. The weariness rested on me now like deadweight, and my body felt limp as I remained there. Soon, I removed all my clothing and hit the section of the wall only I knew. An opening formed, and I discarded my garments there before stepping inside.

  The water came on, strong and forceful, as it beat down on me. But of everything, it had been the kindest thing to me all day. The faces of my father, of her, and of Commander Styx danced across my mind, and I slapped my hands to my temples to rid my memory of their influence. Then I stood there and let the water run over me, hopefully washing away my troubles.

  I had just stepped from the pod and was slipping into a sleep suit when I heard her again through the walls.

  “Hey!” she shouted and started banging on the door. “Where do I sleep?” I did not respond. “Where do I sleep?”

  I pretended as if I didn’t hear her and stayed inside a while longer; I thought I’d punish her, if even a little, for her earlier insubordination. Soon, her voice died down, and the house became still. I didn’t even know if she had eaten, but I saw she had clothes, and for that, I could thank Sari. Which meant she might have eaten, too. But I wasn’t sure, and it gnawed at me that she might be feeling some discomfort.

  I groaned and got up, stepping into the hallway and down to the sitting room. “There is a…” I began to say but stopped when I didn’t see her anywhere. I panicked and looked around for her for a few seconds, until I saw her draped over a chair in the library, the only other room that was visibly open. I stood there for a few seconds, wondering why she had chosen that room to fall asleep in and not the sitting room.

  Her face was peaceful now as she slept, and I walked over to her so I could get a better look. Her breathing was normal, not as short as before, and I watched the slow rise and fall of her chest. Her hands twitched as she sat there, her head now rolling to the side. I went over and propped it up, feeling the softness of her curls. I closed my fist around a clump of her hair and felt the silky strands, though a little rougher than mine. Her eyes fluttered as if to open, and I remained still lest I woke the sleeping beast.

  I lowered myself then and gently scooped her up into my arms. She was a plump little thing, and her flesh was soft to the touch. My hands sank into her like she was made of cotton. She stirred for a second as I stood there, admiring her face in the dim lighting. Then I started walking to the only other available room I had, one she could not have found on her own. When I got to the bed, I rested her there, and she moaned when I did.

  I found that I understood why I had imprinted on her now that she was asleep, and I admired the smoothness of her skin and fantasized about her touch. But I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to deal with the human when she was awake. Her eyes fluttered open once more, only halfway and still heavy with sleep.

  I leaned in and whispered into her ear, “What is your name?” There was no sound at first, and then I repeated the question.

  “Keira,” she replied, barely loud enough for me to hear, and then she fell back into a deep slumber, from which she would not awaken soon.

  I leaned in and kissed the top of her hair, and despite everything that swam around in my head and how wrong everything seemed, at that moment, it was real and it was right. “My Keira,” I whispered before I stood and walked out of the room.

  It was a long night after that. I twisted and turned as I tried to reconcile, in my own mind, the events of the last few days. Nothing made sense. Sleep was slow in coming, and when it did, relief did not accompany it. I jumped out of it, breaking out in a sweat and breathing hard not long after I had closed my eyes. I punched the bed, frustration embracing me too intimately, and then swung my legs around to the side. I stood and went out of the room and found the window of the sitting room. I remained there while the soft light of the moon danced over my chest, and the cool air brought me sol

  Behind me, I could hear her approaching. I turned to see her standing at the edge of the room, a picture of shock. Her eyes dipped low and then back to my face before she hurried off and disappeared again into the room. It wasn’t until after she had gone that I remembered I was naked.

  Chapter 10 / Keira

  After I saw him standing there, I found it difficult to fall asleep again. He was naked, and his back was turned to me. The moonlight had been streaming through the window and bouncing off his rigid frame. His skin was glistening, and I found it challenging not to admire the way his muscles contoured, making hills and valleys that beckoned me. I was immobilized as I stood there, as if in a trance. And then he turned, and my heart thumped in my chest. I couldn’t see his face clearly; the light obscured the image, and I only saw its shadow. I fled then, my embarrassment with me. But I had already seen him, and the image had fully registered in my mind.

  Sleep slowly made its way back to me, and when I drifted off again into peaceful slumber, he followed me. I jumped up what I thought was not long after, but when I went into the sitting room, the sun was already high in the sky. I peeked around every corner I was aware of, but it seemed he had already gone.

  “This is ridiculous,” I declared as I rested my hands on my hips. I went to the door and tried to pry it open, but it only activated Sari instead.

  “Please refrain from undue pressure to the doors.”

  “How else am I supposed to go out?” I asked, but this time, she chose to remain silent. I couldn’t see any buttons or a pad or lever, even though I searched high and low. “Come on,” I muttered and then went to the bathroom, or whatever they called it.

  And so began my long and dreary day in my prison home.

  By the time he returned, I was fuming with rage. “This is not going to work,” I said as soon as he stepped into the room. He had blood on his clothes, or what I thought it to be, and his face wore a scowl. I was only now noticing how flat his face was, like that of an Asian.

  “What isn’t going to work?” His voice sounded slow, deliberate, and almost dangerous. His eyes flashed, and he slowly pulled a cylindrical object from his waist.

  My movement stilled as my eyes followed his hand, and my words got caught in my throat. “This,” I replied, suddenly frightened of what he might do. I stepped back a little, but even that wasn’t far enough from him. He stood there, looking at me and forcing my explanation. “I had a life back home, and being here is disrupting that. Just send me back,” I told him as I slowly regained my courage.

  “We will have this discussion no longer,” he said as he began to move off. “You will remain here until I decide otherwise.” And then he was gone.

  It was useless. I came to the realization then that my current strategy would get me nowhere. I needed a different approach. I went back to the sectional and sank into the soft, leather-like cushioned seating.

  I was staring at the door when the thought came to me that I didn’t know how the door opened manually. By all indications, Sari recognized him when he came home. If I was at the door when he came home, then I could easily slip through and make a run for it. The thing was, I wasn’t sure what time he would be home. And where would I run? I didn’t know, but I didn’t want to remain here, not like this. So for the rest of the evening, I was quiet, and I noticed when he went for dinner that night how he observed me.

  I couldn’t figure him out, even though I looked. His face was always stern, and whenever I tried to approach him, he would grow even more aggressive, like I was invading his space. I’d had it.

  The next morning, I rose early; I had never seen him leave, but I knew it had to be early since he was always gone when I got up. I was already dressed and in the library by the time he emerged. I kept my head low and waited as he got tea or something from the kitchen. Then he walked off. My heart raced as I slowly crept from the room. His back was turned, and I was thankful for the carpeting that made being stealthy easy.

  I tiptoed to the sectional and ducked just in case he turned. When I peered over the edge, he was standing at the door. He hit a spot on the wall, and a transparent monitor appeared, displaying images. It had the face of a tablet, and I looked closely as he tapped something on the screen. He shifted to the left, and I buried my head again. By the time I looked up, he was gone.

  “Here goes nothing.” I raced to the door while looking around and wondering if Sari had cameras. I felt around the spot for the button and was relieved when the screen appeared. “Thank you, Lord,” I said ecstatically and scanned the surface. There was no keypad, just instructions, and I was surprised when I saw the open button. I tapped the screen, and sure enough, the door slid open. With no further thought, I dashed outside… and straight into Sekkol’s hands. My heart pounded when he held on to me, disapproval shining in his eyes.

  “You must think I’m stupid,” he said as he gripped my arm and led me back inside.

  “Stop. You’re hurting my arm,” I cried, and I stumbled when we were inside and he finally let me go. I rubbed the spot that throbbed now.

  “You will learn,” he began, as he moved toward me, “that I always get what I want. Right now, you are mine, and I want you. You are going nowhere, human.” He grabbed me and pulled me to him. I slammed into his hard chest as his hand flattened me to him. His smell was overpowering, and I grew dizzy from the effect.

  “Don’t… touch… me,” I said as I gritted my teeth and tried to squirm from his hand. But he was too strong, and before I knew what was happening, his lips were on mine again. “No,” I mumbled against him, trying to push him away, but he was determined to show me his prowess. At this moment, I realized I did not possess the skills to stop him. I remained tense as his lips crushed mine.

  It was then I discovered my purpose to him; I was to be his bitch. The thought angered me for a couple seconds, until I thought I could use that to my advantage. He had his guard up because of the way I acted, so changing it might make him less skeptical and provide me with an exit.

  So I stopped fighting as hard, just enough to put on a show. I pulled against him still, but my lips never responded. It was hard to believe this alien was trying to have sex with me, and I closed my eyes as the idea repulsed me. I kept them closed while his lips dominated mine and his hands explored my body. I cringed when he grabbed my hair and tugged it, and when he pulled back, I opened my eyes. Where I had seen fury before, there was now an intense need burning there, and I shivered as I looked at him.

  “Take off your clothes,” he told me as he released me.

  I stood there, militant and unmoved. “I’m not giving you anything. If you want it, then you can take them off yourself.”

  I hadn’t realized how fragile the fabric was until I heard it ripping as he tore it from me. The first tug came down below my left breast, and I gasped as my hand automatically shot up and covered it. I folded my body, but he gripped my shoulder and pressed me backward as he yanked the rest of my clothes off.

  It wasn’t until I stood bare before him that I abandoned the idea of giving in to him. “No, I can’t do this,” I said and started backing off. I wiped the smears of him off my lips and turned. I pressed my hand against my chest as it heaved.

  He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. “You will,” he told me, and my eyes closed again. He squeezed my breasts, one at a time, and then his hands ran over my body as if he were trying to memorize it. He inhaled sharply, and then his lips descended on my neck. Shivers ran down my spine as I stood there like a robot. He grabbed a handful of my hair and whipped my head around, bringing my lips to meet his once again.

  Just be still and it’ll be over soon. You can do this. You can do this.

  The words kept echoing in my head as I allowed him to have his way with me. I gasped when he made a sweeping motion that took me off my feet. Soon, I was lying completely bare beneath him, the carpet affording more gentleness than his hands. He gripped and clawed at me, and his breathing intensif
ied as he kissed all of me. I watched as his tongue flicked like a snake and circled the peaks of my breasts, and when my nipples disappeared into his mouth, I felt the cold chill of it. His fingers dug into my sides as he moved downward, and the image of him a few nights ago, naked, flashed before my eyes. My heart rate quickened. My mind tried to quell the rebellion that was surging within me.

  I got confused when his fingers found my arousal, the one my body insisted could not be denied. I jumped, and he looked up at me with curious eyes. He began to move his fingers slowly, as if trying to recapture my reaction, until I could feel my body growing wet.

  Shit! The voice in my head cried out, telling me to stop, but some parts of me didn’t want to. It was a thin line I was straddling between playing a game and losing complete control; right now I was tipping to his side.

  The noise inside me grew louder and came out in soft pants at first, and when he paused to lay himself bare before me, I choked. My eyes glued to his elongated member that waved from side to side in anticipation. It was every bit like the ones I had seen before, except for the color. It seemed transparent, almost plastic, and I could see blue lines crisscrossing it like borderlines on a map. It visibly pulsated, and I followed it until he pushed my leg upward and sank it inside me.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. I squeezed my legs together as I tried to feel nothing, but as his upper body fell back to give more room for his lower half to plunge deeper into me, I realized I had lost the battle. My hands moved as the state lines I had been straddling blurred, and there was just him.

  This is not happening. I tried to convince myself otherwise, but each time he pulled back and sank into me again, it confirmed the present. His presence. He overwhelmed my senses, my thoughts, and me, and for an instant, I forgot the plan I was hatching as I dug my fingers into him. My eyes closed again. Only this time, it wasn’t blocking out anything; this time, he consumed my thoughts, and the picture was even more vibrant through my mind’s eye.


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