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Unexpected: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 13

by Ford, Aria

  She cleared her throat and locked eyes with me. Her expression was full of embarrassment, but there was a steely glint in her eyes that I recognized. Whatever was wrong, she was determined to get through it.

  “I’m sorry,” Olivia said. “I thought I would have the money to fix whatever is wrong with my Jeep, but I don’t. At least, not yet. Of course, I’ll pay you for the tow and the inspection but… I won’t be able to pay for the repairs.”

  My frown deepened as she spoke. I wondered why she was suddenly unable to afford the repairs. I knew she didn’t have a lot of money, she made that clear on Friday night, but this felt totally out of the blue.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  She blinked. “My parents cut me off. I’ve had their credit card for emergency use, but this weekend, they canceled the account. The only money I have it my own money, which isn’t much. I’ll have to find a job somewhere around here. Then hopefully I can get the car fixed later.”

  I nodded while she spoke. Searching her face, I could see how upset she was. My head was spinning as I watched her shift nervously from one foot to the other. It was obviously a hard conversation to have, and I felt for her.

  It didn’t help that my body reacted to hers without my permission. Just standing before her was enough to make my dick twitch. That little sundress of hers was unfair. I longed to hike it up and take her right there in my shop. Instead, an idea popped in my head. It wasn’t one I was proud of, but I couldn’t help but voice it.

  “Listen,” I said softly. “I can tell you aren’t the type of person to run out on a bill. So, what if we start on the repairs and in the meantime, we just, spent some more time together.”

  My words were innocent, but my intentions were not. I watched her eyes closely, gauging her reaction. From the way she flicked her eyes to my lips, I knew she understood my meaning. I’d fix her Jeep for free if it meant I could bury my cock deep inside her a few more times.

  She obviously needed help, and I needed to feel that tight pussy of hers. It was a win-win situation. Not to mention, I could tell how badly she still wanted me to. From the second she stepped into the garage, her eyes had been locked on my body. There was an undeniable heat between us that I didn’t want to deny.

  Besides, she would pay me for the repairs eventually. What did it matter if it took a little longer than normal?

  My eyes stayed on her face while she considered my offer. She searched my face for a few seconds, trying to see if I was serious or not. I was. I was more serious about this than I’d ever been about anything before.

  I enjoyed spending time with Olivia. She was sexy as hell, and her wit was unmatched. Our conversation at dinner on Friday night was easy and smooth. I could have spent hours just talking to her, listening to the rise and fall of her voice and watching those plump lips of hers curl around each word.

  “I can tell you need help,” I said softly. “So, let me help you.”

  She kept staring at me. I was afraid she would slap me and storm out, leaving her Jeep and me behind for good. Instead, she shuffled her feet and looked down at her hands. When her eyes met mine, I saw something that same fire burning behind them.

  She was considering my offer.

  Chapter 8


  When Brad gave me that offer, I didn’t know what to think. He was essentially offering to trade sex for repairs. It was illegal. It wasn’t right. Morally, it was reprehensible and yet I couldn’t help but consider it.

  As our eyes met, I lost myself in the blue depths. It didn’t take long for desire to pool between my legs. I remembered what it felt like to be with him, to let him take control of my body and slam into me with wild, passionate force. Just the memory was enough to send shock waves shooting down my spine. The orgasms Brad gave me were more intense than any I’d felt before. He knew things about my body that men I’d been with for months couldn’t figure out. It was crazy to even consider his offer but there I was, doing it.

  My arousal was undeniable. Besides, I would find a way to pay him back eventually. I’d get a job to at least cover the cost of parts. What harm would it do to have some fun in the meantime? If Brad was willing to work for nothing more than a few nights of fun, was I really going to turn him down?

  A voice in my head screamed at me to walk away, to leave the garage and never look back. But a louder voice took over. My eyes found Brad’s face again, and I felt myself tremble. I wanted him. God, I wanted him. If he grabbed me right then and threw me against my Jeep, I would have gladly participated in yet another round of mind-blowing sex.

  I could already feel his fingers hiking up my skirt and tearing my panties from my body. His cock would feel so fucking amazing inside of me, of that I was sure. My face grew hot as my fantasy continued, and soon I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist my urges. If I didn’t get out of there soon, I would never leave.

  “So,” Brad said. “What do you think? I won’t be offended either way.”

  “Yes,” I said. “Yes.”

  “Really?” Brad asked, his eyebrows raising and surprise crossing his face. I could tell he never imagined I would say yes.

  “Why not?” I asked. “We’re obviously attracted to each other…”

  “That we are,” Brad said, his eyes trailing down my body.

  “So, why fight it?” I asked.

  “Exactly.” Brad grinned, and I found myself grinning back. “Well, I have to get to work but…”

  “Tonight?” I asked. “Come by the hotel?”

  “Sure.” Brad nodded.

  With one last hungry look, I spun around to leave. I could feel Brad’s eyes on me as I disappeared around the corner. I didn’t know where I would go, but I knew I couldn’t hang around the shop all day. Brad had to work, and if I stayed, I’d be a distraction. I could tell he was already itching to take me.

  As I walked toward my hotel, I took deep breaths. My desire for Brad was out of control. I’d never felt so physically drawn to someone before. It wasn’t just about his body. It was everything. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the sound of his voice. Just being near him was an erotic experience that left me craving more.

  It took me a few minutes to calm down. I didn’t agree to Brad’s offer because of my Jeep. I agreed because I wanted him. God, I wanted him. I would have given almost anything to feel that kind of pleasure again. The closer I got to the hotel, the wider my smile became. Tonight, in just a few hours, I would have Brad all to myself again. That thought was enough to make my skin flush.

  I was almost to the hotel when I decided to keep walking. Moving was good for me. It kept my mind focused on something other than my fantasies. As I walked, I slowly came back to myself. I thought about what I would do with my time now that I was stuck in town for a while. There wasn’t much to do, from what I’d seen, but I hoped I could find a job. I thought about the diner where I ate breakfast on Saturday morning. Were they hiring? Would they let me pick up a few waitressing shifts?

  The idea seemed like a good one, so I decided to stop by the diner and check it out. On my way, I saw a shop that made me freeze. I hadn’t seen it before, and when I did, I thought for sure I was hallucinating. There was a small art gallery tucked away just off the road. I blinked and slowly made my way toward the front door.

  I was shocked to see an art gallery in this town. We weren’t far from Santa Fe, but still, I never imagined finding something like this anywhere around here. When I pushed open the front door, a bell chimed loudly above my head. I jumped but quickly recovered as I took in the art all around me.

  The walls were covered with painting and platforms stood in the middle of the room, each supporting a different sculpture. The art itself was magnificent. In the far corner were photographs that were so beautiful, I felt tears rise behind my eyes. Not only was I surprised to find this place, I was shocked by how talented the artists were.

  “Can I help you find something?” a voice said from behind me. I spun around to
see an older woman smiling at me. She had dark hair that was streaked with gray. Her eyes were kind as she took in my appearance. “Not from around here, I see.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Just passing through.”

  “From?” the woman asked.

  “New York,” I said. “My car broke down.”

  “Where you headed?” she asked.

  “Not sure,” I said. “Kind of anywhere. For now, I’ll be hanging around here.”

  She nodded and looked me up and down. Her eyes fell on my bag, which I was thrown over my shoulder. It was full of my art supplies and sketchbook. I brought it along today in case I found something worth sketching.

  “I’m surprised to see an art gallery around here,” I said. “Do you get many people?”

  “People come in from the city,” she said. “My stuff is pretty good. It draws them in.”

  “Pretty good?” I asked with a soft laugh. “Are you kidding? These are amazing.”

  “You an artist?” she asked.

  “Kind of,” I said. “I’ve been painting for years, but it’s not a career or anything.”

  “And why not?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said. “I guess I’m just…”

  “Waiting to take the plunge,” she finished for me.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  She eyed me closely for another second, then waved me over. She motioned toward my bag.

  “Let me see,” she said.

  I hesitated but pulled my sketchbook from my bag. Slowly, the woman took it from my shaking hands and flipped it open. Her eyes were narrowed as she took in each sketch. I watched her closely, trying to decipher her opinion. When she finally looked up at me, it was with a stern consideration I’d only seen from art teachers.

  “You looking for work?” she asked.

  “Actually, yes,” I said. “I’ll be stuck here for a while, and I was hoping to find a part-time job to cover my expenses while I’m here.”

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Olivia Storm,” I said.

  “Well, Olivia, I’m Carla Smith. Come back tomorrow morning. You’re hired,” she said.

  “Really?” I asked, my eyes flying wide.

  Carla nodded. “Bring the rest of your portfolio. I want to take a look. Maybe we can show some of your stuff. If you’re interested, that is.”

  “Of course!” I said, excitement flooding my veins. “That would be incredible!”

  “Great,” Carla said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

  “I’ll be here.” I smiled and bounced toward the door.

  My body felt light as I hurried back to my hotel. When I thought about getting a part-time job, I never imagined I would find an art gallery. My luck was beginning to turn around. I was grinning from ear to ear as I hurried up the stairs and threw open the door to my room.

  Hurling myself inside, I gathered my portfolio together so it would be ready for tomorrow. Then I jumped in the shower to get ready for my night with Brad. Not only did I have a sexy guy to spend time with but I now had a job at an art gallery where, if I was lucky, my work would be shown.

  When my Jeep broke down, I thought my road trip was over. I felt hopeless and lost, but after meeting Carla, I felt like I’d finally done something right. Maybe this small town on the outskirts of Santa Fe was exactly where I was meant to be.

  Chapter 9


  I watched Olivia saunter out of the garage, her hips swaying naturally from side to side. The motion drew my attention, keeping my eyes locked on her body until she disappeared from view. It was hard to get back to work after she left. Everything inside me called out to her. I longed to run to her hotel room and strip her naked, to feel that sweet pussy wrap about my aching cock. It was impossible to keep my desire under control, and while the day dragged on, I thought of nothing else.

  Olivia was more than just a sexual escapade to me. Already, I was interested in getting to know her. When the offer to trade sex for repairs slipped from my lips, it was with nothing more than desperation in my mind. I saw her slipping away. She was leaving the shop with no promise of returning, and I knew I had to stop her. Not seeing her again wasn’t an option. I was already too involved with her, too invested. The idea of never seeing her again was unbearable, and so, I offered something that made my stomach churn.

  I hated myself for sinking so low but what was I supposed to do? Watch her walk out of my life? I just couldn’t do that, so I offered and much to my surprise, she accepted. Because of her eagerness, I knew I’d made the right decision. On the surface, it seemed dirty. Wrong. But it wasn’t about that. Olivia and I were both attracted to each other. We had fun together that night, and we both just wanted to continue that fun for a little while. It was harmless. Innocent. Just two adults indulging in a passionate arrangement.

  While I worked, I thought only of her. My mind switched between sexual fantasies and genuine curiosity. I was drawn to her body, that much was obvious, but I was also drawn to her mind. She was an artist, someone who worked with her hands just like me. Not only did we share that but we’d also turned our backs on our parents. Olivia was cut off from her family’s money, which could only mean she walked away from their lifestyle. I felt a connection to her that had nothing to do with sex. Like Olivia, I turned my back on my family and rejected their lifestyle.

  It was a small thing, but it piqued my interest more than anything. Throughout the rest of the day, I found myself thinking of questions to ask her. I wanted to know more about her family and why she walked away from them. I was curious about her art, hoping I might one day see her paintings. It was strange. I wasn’t used to being this interested in a woman. For years, I’d been alone, only focusing on myself and my work. Now my body and mind called out to Olivia, desperate to know more about her.

  Rex and I had two other cars on the docket for the day, so I didn’t get to work on Olivia’s car until almost closing time. Rex was already tucked away beneath it, working hard and sweating profusely. I kicked his foot when I walked by to let him know I was there to help. He slid out from beneath the Jeep and jumped to his feet, wiping his hands on his rag and walking over to me.

  “Do we have any payment to put down yet?” he asked, tapping the side of the Jeep.

  “No,” I said simply. “We worked out a payment plan for a later date.”

  “Since when do we do that?” Rex asked.

  “She’s stuck in town,” I said, shrugging. “It was the right thing to do.”

  Rex eyed me closely but fell silent. I could tell from the way he searched my face that he knew something more was going on between me and Olivia. Still, he didn’t ask, and I didn’t offer anything. Instead, we got back to work on the car.

  I was pulled away a few times to deal with other customers, and by the time I got back to the Jeep, it was almost time to close. Rex was already locking up the garage, pulling the doors down and fastening the locks. He slammed the hood down on the Jeep and double checked that its doors were locked. I helped him clean up the tools, and then we headed into the office, both tired and covered in grime from the day.

  “Listen,” he said as we collapsed into our chairs. “I know you own this place and all, but I think you should be careful.”

  “Careful?” I asked, frowning slightly. “What are you talking about?”

  “I saw the way that girl was looking at you earlier,” Rex said. “I’m not an idiot, Brad.”

  “It’s nothing,” I said. “She’s just a customer. I’m helping her out. That’s all.”

  “She was staring at you like she was ready to mount you in the fucking garage,” Rex said seriously. “And you were looking at her the same way.”

  “She’s hot.” I shrugged. “So, what?”

  “She is,” Rex agreed. “But getting involved with a customer isn’t the best idea, especially a complete stranger.”

  “I’m not getting involved with her,” I sai
d. “You don’t have anything to worry about.”

  “I’m not worried,” Rex said. “Just thought I would throw my two cents in.”

  “Well, I appreciate it,” I said, though I didn’t appreciate it at all. Rex worked for me. He didn’t have a right to assert his opinions.

  “This place is doing great, but we’re still new,” he said. “If something were to happen, if we didn’t get paid for a job or a word of unsavory activity got out…”

  “Unsavory activity?” I scoffed. “Who the hell are you right now?”

  “Your friend,” Rex said. “I’m just looking out for you, man.”

  “Well, don’t,” I said firmly. “You’re right about one thing, I own this place, and it’s up to me how it’s run. Don’t forget that.”

  Rex held his hands up in surrender and took a step back. He shook his head in frustration but dropped the subject. My annoyance quickly faded. I knew Rex was only trying to be a good friend, but still, it wasn’t his place. If I wanted to fix a thousand cars for free, then I would. That was the beauty of owning my own shop. I made the rules. No one else.

  Rex and I finished out our paperwork for the day, and soon Rex was ready to leave. He grabbed his keys and stuffed his wallet in his pocket. He slapped my shoulder on the way out and stopped just before he reached the door.

  “Listen,” he said. “You know I didn’t mean anything by that shit, right? I just don’t want you to get hurt, man. She’s not from around here, you know? She’ll leave soon, and then what?”

  “I get it,” I said with a sigh. “But I’m a grown man, Rex. I can take care of myself.”

  Rex nodded and turned to leave. I watched him go, listening to the door slam shut behind him. I heard his receding footsteps as he crossed the parking lot and fired up his truck. The engine rumbled loudly and revved as he pulled away. I stayed in my chair, just listening to the sounds of the night.

  My work was almost done, and I was eager to see Olivia. Still, Rex’s words echoed in my mind as I closed out the register and locked the safe. He wasn’t entirely wrong. Olivia never said anything about staying in town. Once her Jeep was fixed, she’d probably hightail it out of here without throwing so much as a glance my way. The thought made my stomach clench painfully, but I pushed it away.


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