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Perfect Form (Texas Tornados Book 1)

Page 4

by Britney Bell

  He breaks the silence. “So, how long have you been a masseuse?”

  “Around five years, but I only started my own traveling business a year ago.”

  “I’ve actually never heard about in-home massage therapy. How did you get started in that?” Tyler questions with a look of general interest.

  “My very first client was this sweet elderly woman. She came in religiously every other week, but some days were difficult for her to make it in. She didn’t like driving in any kind of weather. One day, she mentioned to me that it would be nice if we could do the massages at her house, so she wouldn’t have to worry about missing any of them. The massages help keep her muscles loose and pliable, and if she missed her appointments, it was a lot harder for her to get around. That got me thinking about the possibilities of owning my own business, rather than having the spa pay me commission. Helping people feel better physically, less stressed, and live a more active lifestyle, is my passion. From the elderly, to the active Mrs. Briggs and her friends, to getting you back out on the field; those are all reasons why I do what I do, and I absolutely love it.”

  “That’s really brave of you to step out on your own.”

  “How about you? How long have you played football?”

  “Around 20 years.” What? There’s no way he’s played professional football for 20 years.

  “Sorry, I meant, how long have you played professional football and been on Mr. Briggs’ team?” He’s laughing, and I realize that he knew what I meant all along.

  “I’ve played professional football for five years, and all of those years have been under Coach Briggs.”

  “Oh, so you are a little jokester,” I reply to him with a sly smile.

  He shrugs a little and takes a sip of coffee. “What’s life without a little fun?”

  Good question, let’s see what kind of guy Tyler Beckett truly is. “Right, so when you are not playing football, what do you do for fun?”

  “Ummm.” He’s quiet for a minute. “I don’t really know. It’s been a while since I’ve thought about it. I guess I’d say, hanging out with friends and good company,” he continues with a tip of his mug toward me. “On a very low level.”

  Aww, so he’s not the big partying type of guy, like the majority of professional football players are. I probably should know this, but as you know, I do not watch tv or follow sports.

  “That’s exactly my kind of fun. I’m not one for the really loud overcrowded clubs.” I hop off the stool and place my mug in the sink. “The stones should be warm. Shall we start?”

  “Sure,” he adds in response, as he comes around the corner of the bar towards the sink. At the same time I go to move away, but I run smack into him. His arms catch me, and he holds me there, flat against his body. We both stand so still, as to not break the spell that we just stepped into.

  I take a breath in, and smell a masculine cool and spicy scent, which triggers a memory in my brain of the time I was standing in Mrs. Briggs’ entryway wrapped in large strong arms with the same scent.

  No way, it can’t be.

  Finally, he takes a slow step back, holding my shoulders out from his body. “Umm, I’m going to go down and get ready and onto the table.”

  “Okay,” I manage as a light whisper. As soon as he’s gone downstairs, I take another much needed breath in.

  That voice. Holy shit! It is him!



  Her hands are amazing. They feel so warm, strong, and smooth kneading and gliding all over my back, ass, and down the backs of my legs. It’s like my muscles obey their every command. Matt’s a great masseuse, but I know now that I have been missing out. Jordan’s hands are absolute heaven. Yeah, I could definitely do this all week, but I know she’s going to get tired. It’s a lot of massages this week. My last thought, as I drift into a sleepy relaxation state, is that I will be enjoying every one.

  Once again, I wake to the buzzing of the timer and Jordan nowhere around. So, I slowly move my limbs and sit up to get dressed. She reappears, to give me an orange drink, a water bottle and all of her demanding instructions to hydrate.

  Her last instructions throw me. “Your next massage should be in four hours. So, I’ll be back at 12:30 to get the warmer going and be ready by 1:00.” I don’t know what I’m feeling, but I don’t want her to leave. I like her being around.

  “Where will you go? Do you live close by?” She looks up at me with bright blue eyes and blinks lost in thought.

  “Oh, I hadn’t really thought about it. No, I don’t live close. It takes me about 45 minutes to get here, but I can go find something to do in order to get out of your hair for the time,” she says as she turns and reaches down to grab her bag, putting that perfect peach ass in my face.

  “Nonsense, you are not in my way. I don’t have anything planned today other than ice on and off my back. Why don’t you stay and hang out? We can order lunch and have it delivered.” Did I really just ask her to spend the day with me?

  “Tyler, I really don’t want to be a bother, and you need to rest.”

  “We will be resting, just sitting watching tv or a movie, and you are not a bother. The least I can do for you, committing to a week-long job to me, is buy you lunch and dinner, while you are here.”

  I can see that she is giving it some hard thought. Her bottom lip is slightly tucked into her teeth and she’s biting down on it. She releases her lip, it’s swollen just a little and is begging me to kiss it. Shaking my head to break the thought, I confirm, “What do you say?”

  “Alright, I’ll stay.”

  “Great, make yourself at home, and I’ll run and take a shower. The tv remote is here, and there are drinks in the fridge, down here and upstairs.”

  “Thank you, I don’t really watch tv much, so it’s fine. I’ll be okay, and will keep myself entertained.” What? She doesn’t watch tv much? Maybe that’s how come she didn’t know who I was. Interesting.

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Racing upstairs, I can’t get in and out of the shower fast enough. It’s crazy, but when I realized that she really has no clue who I am, it excited me in more ways than I can count. An actual person who could have the potential to like me for me, or hate me for me. Even though she’s being paid to be here, she still seems genuine, and I’m eager to get to know her.

  All clean and free of the spearmint smell, I grab an ice pack and head back down to the game room. It’s still pretty early in the morning, and we won’t have to order lunch for another couple of hours. Maybe she’ll want to watch a movie.

  As I hit the bottom step, I see that her shoes are kicked off and placed to the side. She’s curled up in the corner of the couch with a fluffy blanket that I had on the ottoman and reading something on her phone.

  “Hey,” I say softly as not to startle her. “Did you find everything that you needed okay?

  “Yes, thank you. This blanket is way too comfortable.”

  “Yeah, it is. I have a couple exactly like it, upstairs by the couch and one for the chair in my bedroom.” Now, I want to see her curled up in that chair in my bedroom, or laid out on my bed with nothing but that blanket covering her.

  “Tyler. Hello?”

  Shaking the thoughts, I respond, “Oh, sorry. I spaced out there for a moment.”

  “Yeah, you did. Did they check for a concussion when you got hurt? Are you sure you are okay?” She’s sitting up on her knees leaning over me looking into my eyes. I automatically grab her hips to hold her and keep her from falling. Her waist feels so good. Not too skinny, athletic and just right, which means she won’t break while I…

  “I’m fine, Jordan,” I rush to say and place her back on the couch. My dick has jumped to attention, and I have to jump up for a distraction and move to the bar. “I’m going to grab a water. Do you want anything to drink?”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.” The refrigerator feels good and is calming the heat running through my body. I’ll just stay here
for a bit, acting like I’m looking for something.

  Sexual chemistry, have I ever had this hard of a time controlling it with anyone else? Slowly making my way back to the couch, I see that her cheeks are flush, and her neck has a slight pink tint. Is she as affected as I am? Would it be so bad if I pursued it? Do I give a damn? With this much sexual tension, there’s no way in hell it could be bad.



  Holy cow, that was intense. The look in his eyes clearly said that he wanted to do unspeakable things to me, and I think I really want him to do them all.

  Focus, Jordan, you are here to help him recover. Yeah, but the best way to relax the entire body is by way of orgasm? Haha, a chuckle escapes my mouth.

  “What’s so funny?” Tyler questions me from the bar area.

  “Nothing,” I’m short and quick to respond. Answering would be too embarrassing, and I’m pretty certain it’s written in red all over my face.

  “Oh, really? Nothing, you say? I hate to tell ya, peaches, but your face tells a different story.” I chance looking up at him, and he’s got the biggest trouble-making grin on his face. “So, go ahead and tell me. Come on; you can do it,” he prods, propping his hip to rest on the bar and takes a slow drink of water.

  At the same time as he’s taking a drink, I spit out, “Orgasms are the best way to relax.” Water shoots straight out of his mouth, and he starts coughing. I rush over to check on him, and he grabs his back in pain.

  “Tyler, you have to calm down. Here, take another drink.”

  As I am handing him the water bottle offering him another drink, he grabs it by covering my hand that’s holding the bottle. He uses his other hand to take his shirt and wipe his mouth, all the while staring at me.

  “Jordan.” My name is a statement filled with desire from him.

  “Tyler,” I reply with just as much desire in my voice. With his watery eyes boring into me, he reaches with his free hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear and continues softly touching downward. My neck naturally arches, welcoming his touch, hungry for more.

  “Jordan,” a rough whisper, a plea from him.

  “Tyler.” My voice echoes his.

  Should I pull away? His touch is all consuming, burning me to my core. I need more, but he is hurt, and I have to help him recover. We can’t go farther without injuring him more.

  I just can’t.

  My head falls to his chest and rests there, as his large hand comes up and holds the back of my neck, securing it to his chest.

  He rubs my neck and asks softly, “What’s wrong?”

  A slew of words escape my mouth without my permission. “I feel this strong pull to you, and it’s hard to resist. Yet, I don’t want to resist, but I’m here to help you heal, and that will definitely not help you heal. You just cough and your back goes into spasm fits. We have to get you well. You have to be there for your team.”

  Tyler bends down a little and looks straight into my eyes, searching for something. Slowly he leans forward, watching me and closes his eyes just as he places the sweetest, way too short, kiss on my lips.

  “You are right, Jordan. Dammit, I feel this pull, too. Maybe we can come up with creative ways to test the theory you were just laughing about,” he says with a huge smile and a shrug of his shoulder. “It would only help with recovering faster, and relieve a little of this tension we both have.”

  Chuckling, I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest in a tight hug, not wanting to disconnect from his touch.

  We spend the next couple of hours talking and resting, as we continue Tyler’s ice therapy and getting to know one another. We seem to keep finding ways to touch each other or just be closer; his arm on the back of the couch with his fingers rubbing soft circles on my neck, or me leaning on his shoulder as we watched some tv. It’s nice and comfortable, and our conversations just naturally flow, like we’ve been friends for a long time.

  He tells me all about his family, and I think it’s cute how his mom and sisters keep texting him to check on him. Assuring them that he is alright and that he does not need any of them to come by requires a couple of phone conversations for them to be certain that he is in fact taking care of himself. He never mentions that I am here with him, which is a little odd, but that is his family business, however he chooses to handle it.

  For lunch Tyler orders takeout through Uber Eats delivery service.

  “I hope you’re hungry cause this place has the best burgers and cheese sticks,” Tyler says as he unpacks our food onto plates.

  I have my back to him, preparing some drinks for us as I answer, “Yes, starved, and I love cheese sticks. There’s this little bar down town that has the best cheese sticks. Have you ever tried...” I freeze on the spot as I turn to see the exact cheese sticks I’m describing laid out on a plate. “Mickey’s? Is that?” I ask, pointing to the plate.

  He’s silent, and I look up to check to see why. The look in his eyes, is one of pure hunger and desire. In one step he cups my face, pushes my back into the counter to cage me in place and kisses me so passionately. My body accepts and asks for more by pushing forward and trying to feel his body against mine. Our tongues are tangling, and I lose all since of time and place.

  We break for air, he rests his head on my forehead, and breathlessly asks, “Jordan, were you in Mickey’s around a week ago, picking up takeout and talking to a blonde guy standing at the bar?”

  I pause and think for a second. “Yes, I actually was.” My response earns me another heated kiss that makes my toes curl.

  He splits us apart again and says, “I was there that night and saw you. Well, I really only saw your back side, and damn it was fine, but it was you.”

  “Holy shit, that’s crazy! You want to hear something even crazier? I noticed this morning that you are the one I bumped into going in to Mrs. Briggs’ house the other day.”

  “No. Fucking. Way.” He laughs and shakes his head in amazement. “That is so wild.” Pulling me in for one much shorter kiss, and holds me close while he adds, “We better eat before it gets cold.”

  We’ve gone through the afternoon massages and only have one more tonight before I say good night. My mind is reeling with creative ways that we can help him ‘relax’ even more. Yes, I do mean, orgasm. There is one technique that I have not ever tried on anyone before, and with our chemistry, I’m sure he wouldn’t be opposed to being my guinea pig test subject.

  My mind is made up. Let’s do this.

  “Alright, Tyler, it’s time for your last round of painstaking rub downs for the night.”

  “Painstaking. Yeah, there are some parts that are definitely not as relaxing as others.”

  “Right this way, sir. Please remove your clothes, lay stomach-down on the table, and I’ll be right back to begin.”

  I run up the stairs to give him a moment to get situated, and try to calm my racing heart. Am I really going to do this? Instructing myself to take a deep breath, exhale out, repeat, until I feel a little steadier and am ready to conquer this challenge.

  “Knock, knock, are you ready?” I announce as I move down the stairs with confidence that I don’t have.

  “Ready. My body is all yours.”

  “Oh, I intend to own your body with this massage.”

  “Really?” he responds turning his head towards me off the table a little, to quirk his eyebrow at me in question. “Jordan, so far you have done wonderful things to my body. I trust you. However, you have a look on your face that is hinting to me that this may hurt worse than the last couple of massages.”

  A laugh escapes me, and I only answer by saying, “Lay back down and close your eyes, so we can get started. I have brought a few more towels, as this massage does require quite a bit more massage oil.”



  Jordan dims the lights by turning off the ceiling lights, but leaves the illuminating soft light with the wall sconces on. It calms my body, and I sink deeper into
the table.

  Her warm, oiled hands begin at the heels of my feet, massaging up to my calves and back down to my ankles. Each time her hands come up, a little higher on my legs, while her fingers leave a tingling feeling in their wake. They make it to my ass, and I instantly go hard, reminiscent of every time she has massaged me. Good thing I’m lying on my stomach, and she can’t see; however, it is quite uncomfortable. I’ll deal with the discomfort, just to have her hands on me.

  She’s on to the lower back and moving to the shoulders and arms. Just as I’m falling asleep, she whispers in my ear to roll over to my back. Confused a little, but not caring. I do as I’m told, careful to keep the towel covering my midsection in place, but not really giving a damn if it falls off.

  She begins back down on the bottom of my shins, again moving up my legs slowly and making sure that every inch is being massaged. As she inches closer to the inside of my thighs, the harder my dick gets. I know it is starting to tent the towel, but I just don’t give a fuck.

  Her hands provide amazing relaxation. As I try to mentally coax her hands farther up my thighs she moves to my arms and north to my shoulders. It would have been fucking unbelievable if she would have gone a little farther up and massaged my dick. As my thoughts are stuck with her hands on my cock, the harder I get. It’s almost painful, but the tingles in the rest of my body keep my dick from exploding.

  She’s at my abs and lower abdomen, pushing down under my towel on each leg, careful not to touch the very large boner and the reason for the towel to be almost falling off. Her hands skillfully run down my hip bones and around to the outside of my hips, with each swipe they get closer and closer, and my dick is so hard. Pre-cum has wet the towel.

  Finally, the towel falls, and she looks up into my eyes silently asking for permission. With a droopy smile and a wink, I grant her approval. At that point, all is lost to giving my body completely over to her. I know I’m in good hands. Literally.


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