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Chasing Bad Boys 7_A Bad Boy Romance Series

Page 9

by Kylie Parker

  Stephanie took a few steps toward the desk as she spoke, and when she mentioned the file, the man finally turned around, and Stephanie nearly gasped aloud as she stopped dead in her tracks.

  This man looked identical to Chris.

  He had the same blue eyes, blonde hair, and features as her boss, as well as the broad frame. He had a look of dark mischief in his eyes, and Stephanie vaguely noted the way her boy responded to his appearance. She suddenly wished more than anything that she had taken the time to relieve herself of the pressing arousal that had been distracting her all day. She suddenly wondered how on earth she was going to get through this meeting. She noted the way his eyes traveled over her body, and she couldn’t conceal a shiver that passed through her body.

  Fortunately, she was able to quickly recover and handed over the file to the tall man before settling down in one of the chairs across from his desk.

  “So,” the man drawled as he moved to sit down in his large chair in front of the desk. “I take it my brother didn’t take the time to tell you he had a twin.”

  “No sir,” Stephanie said, her voice a little more than a squeak. The man smirked up at her.

  “Well then allow me to introduce myself,” he said, a mischievous smile on his face. “My name is Carson Skii, attorney at law.”

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Stephanie said, somehow managing not to simply gape at him as her head spun. “I’m Stephanie Roberson, the personal assistant of Senator Chris Skii.”

  “A pleasure to meet you as well,” Carson said, his eyes traveling over her yet again. “Well, say what you will about my brother, but he has always been a man of excellent tastes.”

  Stephanie couldn’t help but blush at the remark, and she couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of being flattered and indignation.

  “So,” Carson leaned back in his chair and raised his eyebrow as he opened the file and began to slowly leaf through the papers. “What kind of mess has Chris gotten himself into this time?”

  “I don’t know,” Stephanie felt embarrassed to admit.

  “What, he just sent you here to deliver this file?” Carson asked, his tone imperious. “He could have had that faxed.”

  “Well, I have no idea what’s in the file,” Stephanie said, fighting her growing irritation. “But I assume it’s something of the utmost importance if he wanted it delivered to you in person.”

  “So you haven’t even seen what’s inside?” Carson raised an eyebrow as he looked over at her.

  “Well, no,” Stephanie answered. “He asked me not to look inside of it.”

  “Do you think it’s because he’s hiding something?” Carson asked, his eyes gleaming. “Or because he doesn’t trust you with the information that’s inside?”

  Stephanie could tell that this man was trying to rile her up somehow, and she was determined that it wasn’t going to work.

  “I’m his personal assistant,” Stephanie said simply. “It isn’t my job to ask questions. It’s my job to follow instructions.”

  Carson chuckled.

  “Well, you’ve delivered the file,” Carson said simply. “I guess your job is done. You can go back to taking instructions from the all-important Senator Chris Skii.”

  Stephanie did not miss the derogative tone in his voice, and she couldn’t help the way it irritated her.

  “Actually,” she said, mustering up more confidence in her voice. “I wasn’t just sent here to deliver a file.”

  “Oh?” Carson asked in mock surprise. “What else did he send you here for, then?”

  “He wanted me to secure a meeting with you,” Stephanie said.

  “Well, you’ll have to tell him my answer is simple,” Carson said, setting the file down on the desk in front of him. “That’s a no from me.”

  Stephanie was floored for a moment, but she remembered that Chris had told her that this might be a little tough, so, she gathered up her wits, and became more determined than ever to get the answer that she was looking for.

  “And why is that?” she asked, leaning back in her own chair and crossing her legs, making it very evident that she had no intention of leaving anytime soon. Carson seemed to notice, and he gave her a wide smile.

  “It’s simple,” he gave her a shrug. “I have no desire to meet with him. The troubles of my brother are not my trouble, and I’m not interested in wasting my time getting him out of a jam.”

  “Well, he is your family,” Stephanie pointed out.

  “Yeah, he’s pulled that on me before,” Chris shrugged. “Still not interested. I’ve been bailing him out of trouble since we were kids. I’m getting pretty tired of it, and I think you would be too.”

  “Well, I’m sure he isn’t asking you to provide free services for him,” Stephanie pointed out. “I’m sure he could pay you at whatever rate you demanded.”

  Carson laughed aloud.

  “Look at me,” Carson held out his arms and invited her to take stock of his fine suit. “Do you think Chris was the only one to inherit a fortune from our father?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Stephanie had to admit that he was right. She was quickly running out of her easy trump cards, and she knew that she would have to be more convincing if she wanted to secure this meeting. That wasn’t going to be easy, considering that she was getting more and more flustered, and she could not deny that she was slightly invigorated by the challenge, and by the attractiveness of the man in front of her.

  “Can I ask why you’re so intent on offering him absolutely no help?” Stephanie asked, sending the man a stern frown. He sent her back yet another wide smile.

  “My brother is used to getting everything he wants,” Carson said simply. “He has his dream job, money, cars, and a beautiful personal assistant. And now he wants my help on top of all that? I’d say no if only to annoy him.”

  “And you don’t have everything in the world you could possibly desire?” Stephanie rebutted, gesturing around her to the magnificent office they were speaking in.

  “Watch yourself,” Carson warned. “That’s no way to get what you want and a very good way to get yourself kicked out of my office.”

  His voice rang with the promise of his threat, and Stephanie shuddered and felt her inner muscles clench at the tone of his voice. His eyes were gleaming as they once again traveled up and down her body, and Stephanie couldn’t help but look back at him, having nothing to say in response to his threat.

  “Besides,” he said, his tone softer and gentler. “The answer to your question is no. I don’t have everything I could possibly desire.”

  Carson’s voice was a low drawl, and his eyes lingered for quite a while on her body. Stephanie felt her desire increase at his gaze, and at the tone of his voice. He was very up front, and Stephanie knew that her negotiations were going to take on a much more personal note.

  “I’m under strict instruction to secure a meeting between you and Senator Skii before I leave this meeting with you,” Stephanie explained slowly. “I will do anything that is within my power, and within reason to accomplish what I came here to do. If there is anything I can do to help you get what it is you want, I assure you I will do whatever I can to deliver it.”

  Carson looked into her eyes, seeming to think over her proposal. Finally, his face broke into a smirk, and he shifted his position in his chair, crossing his arms as he looked back over the desk at her. Stephanie’s heart pounded in her chest as the silence stretched between them.

  “Alright,” Carson finally spoke, and Stephanie felt herself stiffen even further in anticipation of his response. “I will have this meeting with my brother. I’ll call him up, and we’ll schedule a time that is convenient for the both of us.”

  Stephanie released a pent up sigh at his words.

  “On one condition,” he added, and Stephanie once again stiffened. “And this condition must be absolutely agreed upon and guaranteed before I make that phone call.”

  “And what condition might that be?” Stephan
ie asked, ready for the worst as a devious smile spread across Carson’s face.

  “You will have dinner with me,” he said simply. “Tonight, at seven thirty.”

  Stephanie’s heart nearly stopped. She knew that if she protested, he might withdraw the offer entirely, and she would lose the meeting that she had only just managed to secure. At the same time, she was very nervous to accept the dinner.

  “It would be my treat, of course,” Carson went on. “I’m not looking for a free meal. I’m just looking for some good company and some… stimulating conversation.”

  Stephanie couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes flashed as he uttered the word, and she felt her insides clench. She had to admit that the idea was not all unappealing to her. She decided that she had no choice, and with a mix of emotions, she came to the conclusion that she had little choice but to agree.

  “Alright,” Stephanie finally said with as much dignity as she could muster. “I accept your terms.”

  “Excellent,” Carson smiled widely, his eyes glinting. “If you’ll give me the address to your apartment- I assume you live in an apartment?”

  Stephanie nodded her confirmation of his suspicion.

  “Right,” he nodded. “If you’ll send me the address, I’ll be in front to pick you up at seven twenty. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Stephanie said simply, feeling a bit defeated by the whole situation.

  “Very good,” Carson smiled and clapped his hands together. “I’ll look over this file and prepare for my meeting with the good senator. I’ll call him directly and inform him of the good news.”

  “Great,” Stephanie said, a feeling of relief and satisfaction pouring through her at having secured the meeting.

  Stephanie stood and gathered up her purse, and turned to make her way toward the door.

  “I look forward to our dinner this evening,” Carson said from behind her, and Stephanie stopped in her tracks as her inner muscles clenched together yet again. “Be sure to dress for the affair.”

  “Of course,” Stephanie said with a sigh. “I’m sure I’m looking forward to it as well.”

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said. Stephanie took last breath to steel herself before heading out the door.

  Stephanie headed straight for the elevator and began the long journey back down to the first floor. As people filtered in and out of the elevator around her, she allowed her mind to wander and take in all the things that had just occurred in the office. Much to her aggravation, she constantly felt her mind pulled back to the gleam in Carson’s eyes, and the hungry way that he looked at her.

  She couldn’t deny that she was also incredibly attracted to him. She wasn’t horribly surprised by the act. It actually made a great deal of sense, considering that she was likewise attracted to Chris, and they were, after all identical. Still, she couldn’t help but feel as if she was betraying Chris by being attracted to his brother. Even so, she could not deny the way that her body responded to the way he looked at her.

  Stephanie shook her head to banish her own treacherous thoughts. She knew that they were just a product of her increased libido as a result of the intense teasing she had never resolved from early in the morning. Even now she subconsciously rubbed her legs together under her skirt.

  Finally, the elevator reached the bottom floor, and Stephanie eagerly stepped out of the confines of the small area. She pushed her way through the bustling crowds of people in the building, and she was relieved when she finally made it back out into the parking garage. She easily found her car and got in the driver’s seat, releasing a long sigh and granting herself a moment to gather her scattered thoughts.

  Her pulse was racing, and she could feel her blood pounding through her veins. She could feel her center throbbing, and she felt a wetness pooling between her legs to soak her panties. She was vaguely worried that it would soak into her pants as well. She considered pleasing herself there in the car, but she realized that she would have no way to clean herself up, and she would likely have to go home and get a pair of fresh pants.

  Stephanie decided, once again, that it was not possible to relieve the ache between her legs, and with a frustrated growl, she started the car and headed back toward her own office to inform Chris of the good news. Fortunately, the traffic through the city had abated, and she was able to make it back to her office in no more than ten minutes.

  She pulled into the parking garage and found a place, and then headed back into the building and to Chris’s office. No sooner had she entered the small room than Chris had jumped up from his desk and crossed the room to embrace her in a tight hold. Stephanie’s breath was knocked out of her as he held her tightly to his chest. He withdrew, and planted a kiss firmly on her lips.

  “Carson just called me!” Chris explained in a rush. “We scheduled a meeting for tomorrow at nine in the morning! I never even thought this would be possible.”

  “Thanks for all the faith you have in me,” Stephanie said snidely.

  “No, you don’t understand,” Chris shook his head and paced excitedly up and down the floor of the office. “Carson is my brother, right?”

  “Right,” Stephanie said, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow. “Which you could have let me know before you sent me in to have a meeting with him.”

  “Well, just hear me out,” Chris held up his hands. “Well, he had this ridiculous policy about not working with immediate family. Which basically just means me, since we have no other immediate family. So I’ve never even gotten as much as a meeting with him before. But here you are, and you managed to do it!”

  “Right,” Stephanie said, her tone flat. “And can you explain to me why he is the only lawyer in the entire city that could possibly help you out in the situation? And why do you even need a lawyer in the first place? What is even going on with you right now?”

  “Look, it’s just a little mess I’ve gotten into, it’s really no big deal,” Chris assured her.

  “If it’s not a big deal, then why all the trouble to get your brother’s help?” Stephanie pressed.

  “I don’t feel comfortable telling you the details right now,” Chris said uneasily.

  “Oh, of course not,” Stephanie scowled, annoyed. “I’m just your dumb personal assistant.”

  Chris looked taken aback.

  “What?” he said. “Stephanie, this isn’t about you and me. This is just about something I messed up, and I don’t want to take you down with me. If you know too much you might get in trouble yourself, and I definitely don’t want that to happen. I just need a good lawyer.”

  “No, apparently, there is only one lawyer that will do,” Stephanie rebutted. “And why exactly is that?”

  Chris drew himself up and scowled at her.

  “If you must know,” Chris spat at her. “I want him because he is the only lawyer I can trust absolutely. My brother and I may have our qualms with one another, but at the end of the day, we’re both absolutely loyal to our family and to one another.”

  “Just what exactly have you done that you can’t trust with anyone else in the entire world but your brother who doesn’t even want to defend you?” Stephanie kept on, knowing that it would get her nowhere, but her frustration and anger keeping her from backing down.

  “I will not disclose that information to you,” Chris growled out through gritted teeth. “If you keep asking, I will ask you to leave this office for the remainder of the day.”

  “Right, of course, you will,” Stephanie laughed derisively. “I’m just another one of your employees that you can dismiss on a whim and play with whenever you like.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chris’s face shifted from anger to concern.

  “Stephanie you know that isn’t true,” Chris said.

  “Isn’t it?” Stephanie inquired, her anger at full force. “You can just decide when you want to be my boss and when you want to be my lover, and I’m just left here to wait and try to figure out which role you feel like playing at
any given moment.”

  Chris raised his eyebrows, and his jaw dropped a little.

  “I- I’m sorry…” he stammered, shaking his head. “I had no idea you felt that way.”

  “Well you never did ask, did you?” Stephanie spat at him, feeling angry tears rolling own her face. She cursed herself for expressing her emotions that way, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Is this about this morning?” Chris asked, slowly moving toward her. “Stephanie, I’m really sorry about that. I thought you would have… you know, taken care of it by now…”

  Stephanie could only shake her head as her anger subsided, making way for her intense sexual frustration to come to the forefront.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I had no idea,” Chris said softly and soothingly as he moved toward her. “Come here.”

  Chris opened up his arms to her, and she hesitated only for a moment before stepping forward and allowing him to wrap her up in the security of his embrace.

  “I know I’ve been really busy today,” he said. “I didn’t expect it, and like I said before, I should have never started anything that I couldn’t finish. But now that I have a meeting set up with Carson, and he’s taking care of a lot of things for me, I am definitely a lot less overwhelmed right now.”

  Stephanie felt her skin break out in goosebumps as Chris gently ran his hand up and down her back.

  “Why don’t you let me make it up to you?” he murmured into her ear. “Tonight, my place. Dinner at seven. And then we can go back to bed, and I promise to deliver what I should have this morning, okay?”

  Stephanie felt her heart sink, and she nearly sobbed aloud with the knowledge that she couldn’t have any of what he had just described.

  “What is it?” Chris looked down at her in concern. “You don’t want to come over? I mean, if you don’t want to, that’s alright, I just thought you might want to…”

  “I do want to,” Stephanie said, shaking her head. “I just can’t.”

  “What?” Chris asked, laughing lightly. “Of course, you can, don’t be ridiculous…”


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