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Chasing Bad Boys 7_A Bad Boy Romance Series

Page 15

by Kylie Parker

  “Actually,” Stephanie spoke up, her voice carrying a victorious note. “The senator has just arrived. I will transfer you over to his line, and he’ll be with you in just a moment.”

  “All work, no play it seems,” Carson sighed. With that, Stephanie pressed the transfer button and shook her head as she hung up her phone.

  “Who is it?” Chris asked, his voice inquiring.

  “Carson,” Stephanie said, rolling her eyes. She saw Chris frown, and a soft grunt escaped his throat.

  “Did he call you just to get me riled up?” Chris asked as he settled into his chair behind the desk.

  “Well, he seems to have accomplished that goal,” Stephanie said over her shoulder as she moved to fetch Chris his coffee. “But no, that’s not why he called. He said he wanted to talk to you about your case.”

  “Oh,” Chris said, his tone relaxed as Stephanie headed his way, placing the coffee in front of him on his desk. “Well, I’d better pick up then.”

  Stephanie nodded, giving him an amused smile as he sighed, and then picked up the phone.

  “Carson,” Chris greeted the other man, his tone even. “You have something on my case?”

  Stephanie zoned out for the rest of the conversation. She knew she would not get much out of it just listening to Chris’s side, especially given that Carson would likely be doing most of the talking. She went ahead and made herself a cup of coffee, and sat patiently sipping at it and sorting through files on her computer.

  She allowed her mind to wander to the relationship between Chris and his brother. While Chris certainly did have a brighter personality, he was more like his brother than he would like to think. Both of the men were exceedingly charming and had a way of spinning words to get what they wanted. Since they were identical, they were both also extremely attractive. With all their similarities, though, it was hardly a surprise that they clashed with one another.

  Stephanie busied herself with various random tasks for a while longer before she heard the conversation die down.

  “Alright, thank you,” Chris said, his tone sounding more than a little relieved. “I appreciate everything. And thanks for the call.”

  With that, Chris hung up the phone, and Stephanie glanced over at him as he released a long sigh and leaned back into his chair.

  “Well?” Stephanie spoke as she stood up and moved over to lean against his desk, waiting expectantly for the news.

  “Carson, as much as I hate to admit it,” Chris said begrudgingly. “Is an absolute wizard.”

  “Oh?” Stephanie raised her eyebrow, prompting an elaboration as she sipped at her coffee.

  “It’s all taken care of,” Chris raised his hands. “He pinned the guy for blackmail. He called in some favors, or paid some people off, and he figured out where the guy who took the photos was. He set off with his security and paid the man a visit last night.”

  “Really?” Stephanie said in a bit of disbelief. She had no idea that Carson would go to such secretive lengths.

  “Really,” Chris confirmed. “He told the guy that basically if the case ever made it to court, he would personally see to it that he got absolutely destroyed, and sued for every dollar he was worth, and then some.”

  “Very impressive,” Stephanie nodded.

  “Even I can’t deny that,” Chris shook his head. “He definitely knows how to get a job done. And he had all the means of making his promises come true. I just hate asking him for favors. Because he always comes to collect.”

  “Well, at least neither of you is overly concerned about money,” Stephanie quipped, and Chris laughed lightly, but frowned.

  “Well, Carson seems to delight in taking far less material things away from me,” Chris said darkly, gently running his hand along Stephanie’s thigh through her skirt.

  Stephanie let out a sigh.

  “You shouldn’t let him get you so riled up,” Stephanie soothed him, placing her hand on his shoulder. “The only man I want is you.”

  Chris looked up at her, his eyes full of adoration, and gave her a smile.

  “Good,” he said softly. He turned his head and placed a soft kiss on the inside of her arm.

  They were both quiet for a moment, and at last, Chris moved back and took up his coffee with a satisfied sigh.

  “I can’t tell you how glad I am that this is all over,” Chris shook his head, and Stephanie could hear the relief in his voice. “Now we can focus on the big picture.”

  Stephanie smiled, glad to see his spirits back up. He clapped his hands together and turned to look up at her.

  “Unfortunately,” he said in a cheery tone. “I have to send you home a bit early today.”

  Stephanie frowned, feeling slightly confused.

  “Don’t worry,” he said quickly. “I just have a series of private meetings that I have to attend. It’s nothing to worry yourself over, but you can’t come with me to these.”

  Stephanie relaxed a little at his explanation, but she couldn’t help but feel at least a little bit disappointed.

  “But,” Chris held up a finger and gave her a smile. “I want to make it up to you.”

  Stephanie couldn’t help but perk up at that news.

  “Oh?” she asked, raising her brow. “And how do you intend to do that?”

  Chris’s face broke into a beaming smile.

  “I want to take you out for a lovely romantic evening tonight,” he said softly, gathering up her hands in his. “I want you to take one of my cards, go out and buy yourself a nice dress, get your hair and nails done professionally, and then I will come collect you from your apartment at six thirty.”

  Stephanie blinked at his words, and her head spun as he said all this.

  “Chris that’s too much,” she shook her head in protest, but he held up his hand, stopping her.

  “Not another word,” he said. “I want you to do all this. You deserve it. And I can certainly afford it.”

  Stephanie had to agree that whatever money she spent on all these things would not even make him blink. Still, maybe it was just the principle of the matter that made her uneasy.

  “I don’t know…” Stephanie frowned a little, still very reluctant.

  “Please,” Chris said softly, excitement bubbling up in his eyes. “Let me treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”

  Stephanie looked down at him for a long moment and finally sighed.

  “Alright,” she finally relented, and Chris beamed at her. He abruptly let go of her hand and stood up from his chair, reaching into his back pocket.

  “Here’s a card,” he explained, seeming a bit breathless. “Nobody should ask you any questions, but if they do, just tell them to mind their damn business.”

  Stephanie scoffed but laughed at his quip.

  “Take as long as you want on your hair and nails,” he said, sound every bit like an excited child. “And spare no expense. I promise you that I can afford it. Just be back at your apartment dressed and ready by six thirty so I can pick you up. Okay?”

  Chapter Thirty

  The words fairly flew out of Chris’s mouth, and it was a miracle that Stephanie had caught all of them.

  “Alright,” she nodded, taking the card he offered her and moved to put it in her billfold in her purse.

  “Like I said,” Chris said. “I’ll be in and out of private meetings all day. I wish you could come with me.”

  He had followed her over to her desk, and as he spoke, she felt his hands come to rest on her hips. She turned to face him and looked up into his eyes.

  “I’m sure they will go very well with or without me,” Stephanie assured him, lifting her hand to gently cup his cheek.

  “Maybe,” he said softly. “I’d still rather have you there.”

  Stephanie gave him a soft smile, and she stood up on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

  “I’d better get going,” she sighed. “I would hate to have kept you from one of your important meetings.”

  Chris sc
offed at her.

  “Go on,” he shooed her teasingly. “And try to enjoy yourself! Oh, and use the card to buy yourself a nice lunch as well!”

  Stephanie rolled her eyes as she headed toward the door. Chris moved and beat her to it, holding it open for her, but blocking her way.

  “I’ll try to call you if I get any kind of break today,” he said, his voice soft and urgent. “I love you.”

  The words sent a flood of warmth through her body, and she couldn’t deny the way her stomach fluttered.

  “I’ll keep my phone on hand,” Stephanie said. “I love you too.”

  Chris smiled widely and leaned down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.

  “Have a good day!” he called after he as she headed down the hallway, and she shot him a quick smile over her shoulder.

  Stephanie left the building and headed for the garage, then reached her car and merely sat in the driver’s seat for a long moment. With a sigh, she turned the key in the ignition and started the car.

  As she drove toward the part of the city with the best shops, she couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. She figured she should get her nails done first, then have lunch, then find a dress, and save getting her hair done for last. That way, she could just go home and put on the dress without having to spend much time getting ready or loitering once she was at home.

  When Stephanie parked in yet another garage, she ran a quick search on her phone for the best nail salon. She was directed to a salon called Gilda’s, and she decided that was her best bet. It was only a few blocks away from the parking garage as well, so she set off for it.

  So began Stephanie’s day of intense self-indulgence on Chris’s dime. Upon entering the salon, she was relieved to find it empty. A cheery woman greeted her and took her through all their options. After a bit of an internal struggle, Stephanie went for the most expensive package, which included a full manicure and pedicure, with massages for her hands and feet. She selected French tips for both her fingers and toes and then she was led over to a chair.

  The whole process was greater than she had ever dreamed. The hand and foot massage were wonderful, and they finished off with a hot towel wrap that left her skin feeling refreshed and soft. When they started in on her nails, they were so gentle and efficient that she nearly fell asleep as they worked. When they finished, she was instructed on the care of her nails, and she thanked them profusely as she left.

  That process had taken a couple of hours, and Stephanie could feel her stomach beginning to rumble. She vaguely recalled that she had not had anything to eat for breakfast. So, still feeling slightly guilty about using money that was not her own, she set out to find some place where she could sit down and have a good lunch.

  Yet again, she turned to the internet to give her the answer she sought. She found the location of a little bistro that was nearby that specialized in soups and salads. She was sure it was not quite up to the level of cuisine that Chris would have selected for her, but she was more than satisfied with her decision. It was a few blocks over and across, and she decided to just walk instead of going all the way back to her car.

  Upon arriving at the bistro, she waited in a short line to be seated. When it was her turn, she was led to a small, circular table by a window. The hostel left her a menu, and Stephanie quickly perused it. When the waiter appeared to take her drink order, she went ahead and ordered her food as well, a chicken pesto sandwich with a tomato basil soup.

  It didn’t take long for the waiter to bring out her food, and Stephanie didn’t hesitate to bite into it. The sandwich was delicious, and the soup was divine. She made herself slow down as she was eating, let it all be over too quickly. She enjoyed the sight of the people passing by outside, and she found herself enjoying her time.

  Just as she had swallowed a spoonful of soup, Stephanie heard her phone begin to vibrate within her purse. She put her spoon down and rifled through the contents of her purse, withdrawing her phone. She recognized Chris’s photo on the screen, and she smiled softly before pressing the answer button and holding up the phone to her ear.

  “Hello?” she answered cheerily.

  “Hey,” Chris said, his voice upbeat and happy. “How is your day going so far?”

  “It’s going very well,” she said. “I got my nails all done, and now I’m having some lunch.”

  “I’m about to go grab a bite myself,” Chris said, and she could imagine him nodding.

  “How have your meetings been going?” she asked in return, pushing her sandwich around her plate a little.

  “Very well!” he answered, sounding very upbeat. “Just politics and all that. But you know I feel like things are moving in a really good direction!”

  “That’s great!” Stephanie said genuinely. In spite of all the personal drama she had been caught up in as of late, her heart really did hold politics in high regard, and she secretly wished Chris would tell her more about all these meetings he was attending.

  “Anyway,” Chris went on. “I was just calling to check up on you. I’m about to grab a bite and then back to some other meeting. Enjoy your lunch, and keep having a great day. I can’t wait to see you tonight!”

  “I can’t wait to see you,” Stephanie answered, and she felt her face blush.

  “Alright,” Chris said, his tone still very cheery. “Bye then, I love you.”

  “Bye,” Stephanie blinked, still not entirely used to so easily using those words. “I love you too.”

  With that, she hung up the phone and let out a long sigh. She hoped that this evening he would fill her in on what had gone on in the meetings. For now, though, she decided she ought to just try to focus on finishing out the rest of her tasks for the day. She finished up her food and called for the check, her mind already wondering where she was going to find a dress.

  After she had paid for her meal, she left the bistro and started moving up the street. The streets were lined with high-end shops, and she was certain that’s he could find a dress here somewhere. A nice store with an evening gown on display caught her eye, and she breezed into the store.

  Upon entering, a sales associate immediately came up to her offering assistance. Stephanie explained her situation to the older woman, and she was more than helpful, leading her to a selection of dresses that were the perfect blend of casual and formal, and appropriate for just about anything.

  Stephanie immediately fell in love with a backless dress of deep green, with long sleeves, and a neckline that displayed a modest amount of cleavage. The hemline stopped just above her knee. She knew that was the one.

  The sales associate helped her to a dressing room, and Stephanie wasted no time putting it on, delighted to find that it already fit her perfectly. The sales associate was likewise amazed. She immediately offered up a pair of sleek black heels that were practically made for the dress, and after a moment of hesitation, Stephanie decided to go ahead and indulge.

  She paid for the dress and shoes with the card and even left a tip for the woman. Stephanie was immensely pleased with her purchases, and as she headed back out onto the street, she was already thinking of where to go to get her hair done.

  No sooner had she walked a block than she saw a hair salon. She quickly looked up the reviews for it on her phone, and she was delighted to find that it was one of the highest end salons in the city.

  She crossed the street and moved in the doors. The place was entirely filled to capacity with people getting their hair styled. Stephanie approached the desk and inquired about getting an appointment, and the receptionist pleasantly informed her that they’d just had a cancellation and that she could be seated immediately.

  Stephanie sat down, and a stylist was immediately behind her. Stephanie explained her situation to the stylist who listened intently. When Stephanie had finished, the stylist went through several options, and Stephanie decided on a trim and a regal looking up do that left just one ringlet of hair loose. The stylist also mentioned that for an additional charge, she cou
ld do her makeup.

  Stephanie felt slightly guilty; bit decided to concede.

  In the end, she did not regret it. Her hair looked fabulous, and her makeup was exquisite. She felt like a new woman. She thanked the stylist profusely and left a large tip for her as well.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  As she went out onto the street again, Stephanie checked the time on her phone. Her stomach flipped as the clock read five o’clock. She hastened in her steps, eager to get back to her car in the parking garage and then get back home so she could get ready for her date.

  Once she was in her car, it seemed like it took record time for her to make it back to her apartment. It was only five thirty when she stepped in the door.

  Immediately, Stephanie stripped off her clothes, tossing them into her hamper. She was about to slip into her dress when she realized that she had better shave. She moved into the bathroom, and ran water in the sink, wetting her razor before scraping every unwelcome hair off her skin. She then lathered her skin in a fragrant lotion, and she felt much more enthusiastic about everything.

  Having shaved, Stephanie once again moved to go ahead and slip on the dress. The thought suddenly came to her, though, that she needed underwear.

  Since the dress was backless, she knew that a bra was out of the picture. So she rifled through her underwear drawer in search of a pair of panties that would do the trick. She frowned in consternation as she failed to find a pair she liked.

  Suddenly, she had a thought, and she blushed even to think it. There wasn’t much point in wearing panties either. They would only serve to create a panty line and subtract from the quality of the dress. She couldn’t deny that the thought excited her, and so it was that she opted out of wearing panties as well.

  With that resolution made, Stephanie finally took the plunge and slipped into her new dress. Again, she was amazed by how well it fit her, and by just how incredibly beautiful she looked in it. It accentuated all her curves, and she couldn’t help but feel like a desirable woman.


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