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Chasing Bad Boys 7_A Bad Boy Romance Series

Page 32

by Kylie Parker

  Throughout the flight, and between the landmarks Lawrence was pointing out, he described the benefits of the merger in his smooth voice. All the while he kept a hand on her arm. Selena couldn’t believe she was riding in a helicopter with Lawrence Striva and had to keep shaking herself to make sure it was true. She tried to ask intelligent questions but felt totally out of her league especially considering she had no lead time to research this story. Her mind went back to the previous day when she had been called to cover the story for their usual reporter. Many others wanted an opportunity to do the story because it was so controversial and Striva was so powerful. Even Selena had requested that someone else might be better suited. But Edwards had insisted, and Selena had spent one night and one train ride scouring the file and trying to play catch up in regards to the story. And now she was headed to a dinner party and an overnight stay at one of the richest men in the world’s house. Shit. She had no clothes, what was she going to wear to a dinner party.

  “You look concerned about something,” Lawrence said looking at her with widening eyes.

  “I didn’t bring a change of clothes or anything…” Selena stammered feeling silly and small.

  “No worries. I will find something suitable for you to wear. You are a size 4 is that right.” He asked.

  Shocked by the wording of the question and a little embarrassed he guessed her size she only nodded and looked at him. She hoped he could not tell how inexperienced she was. This was her first big interview and could make or break her career. Now, if only she had time to plan. Hopefully, she could get access to a computer or at least have some time to make notes. This man worked fast, and he was so hard to keep up with.

  Chapter Two

  As soon as the helicopter touched down, Lawrence was out the door walking down the stairs. Selena followed running to keep up. She chased him down multiple hallways and stairways and had no idea where she was or where she would end up. Finally, she found him waiting for her at a thick wooden door.

  “Go on in there. Make yourself comfortable and I will be back in a while.”

  Selena smiled at him as he left then took the time to call her editor and complain. Unfortunately, he seemed angry at her. Apparently, the only way Scriva would give them the story was if she came. It was a last minute change to have it be an overnight stay and Edwards was livid that she had not been properly briefed and might miss an opportunity for a great story. There was some controversy with this new merger, and he felt they needed a seasoned journalist, not an intern.

  “You better not screw this up.” He hissed into the phone before hanging up.

  Well so much for the support. Selena was on her own and under a lot of pressure. The odds were stacked against her, and the file she had was missing key information. Frustrated tears ran down her hot cheeks. This was ridiculous. Selena slumped back on the bed and lay sprawled out trying to muster to courage needed to continue this charade. She got back up and walked around the room noticing the pictures, awards, and books out for her perusal. Looks like she could do some research right here. She opened a book and a picture of Lawrence, in a tight swimsuit on what looked like a yacht fell out. Selena stared at it, admiring the body of the gorgeous CEO. His perfectly chiseled brown chest glistened with water in the picture, and his swim shorts were just tight enough to hint at an impressive package.

  Letting herself relax, Selena remembered a few years ago with her boyfriend (she had only ever had one boyfriend, and she had been alone since he broke up with her three months ago). He thought she was too freaky in the bedroom, so he had eventually left. Sitting here she remembered role playing with him so she could spice things up. She had encouraged him to be more playful and one time got him to agree to some roleplay. He had pretended to be a rich billionaire, and Selena was the innocent journalist sent to interview him. In their play, her boyfriend had not been commanding enough to make it work. This situation was a funny comparison. And Lawrence, Selena guessed would not have to pretend any of it. Thinking about his dark, sleek hair and personality to match made Selena excited. She wanted to touch herself while thinking about him and let her hand creep slowly under her clothes. She breathed in deeply as a voice boomed from a speaker overhead.

  “Selena I trust you are making yourself comfortable. Please choose a dress from the closet and be ready in 15 min.” The thick accent was hard to place, and Selena looked around to see if there was a way to communicate.

  “Can you hear me?” She asked.

  “If you need to communicate press the intercom button beside the door. It is the only way someone can hear you.” The voice lied.

  Finding the button, Selena pressed it and tentatively said, “Thank you, but can you tell me what is appropriate attire?”

  “Yes, anything in that closet will do fine. Will there be anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” Selena said, and she walked over to the closet. Opening it, she found a huge array of evening gowns. After trying on a few, Selena settled for a shiny black dress with a long slit up one side. Looking herself over in the mirror was like looking at a different version of herself.

  The knock came a few minutes early, and Selena opened the door to see Lawrence in a tuxedo. He looked at her appreciatively and then took her arm and guided her down the hall. Into a conference room, she went and sat down in the chair Lawrence directed her to. This was apparently a pre-supper meeting, and Selena sat and listened to almost the same spiel regarding the merger and who it would benefit. One name was mentioned, Ziti, and it triggered a memory or a niggling idea to look into that Selena just couldn’t place. At the end of the meeting, Lawrence came up to her and once again grabbed her by the arm and guided her away. This time, he brought her to a quiet balcony where wine and glasses waited. He handed her a glass, his hand lingering on hers as she took it.

  “You are very poised for someone so young.” He said as he let his hand drop to her waist.

  Blushing and looking away Selena smiled and said: “Then I am good at hiding it.”

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit. You know what you want so don’t be afraid to go get it.” Lawrence stared at him, his eyes half covered by long strands of black hair.

  “I should be taking notes,” Selena said. “Or asking the questions.”

  “Ask me anything.” Lawrence challenged her, leaning in a little closer.

  Biting her bottom lip, Selena thought for a moment. She did not have a creative question about the merger but more thought about Lawrence personal life though he might not be keen to answer.

  “How many people do you share this house with?” It may not be her most clever question but with his eyes on her, she couldn’t concentrate.

  “Depends on how long you stay.” He said in a light voice putting a hand to her cheek. She didn’t move. This was supposed to be all business, yet Selena’s mind kept wandering, and she could not help it. Fortunately, they were interrupted when someone came and told them supper was ready.

  A formal meal, Selena sat between Lawrence and some of the other Scriva executives. She smiled and watched with wonder how the other half lived. She was thankful to have recorded it all. The wine was making her hazy, and she was sure it was Lawrence’s leg pressing into her. The executives scrambled to share their version of the story with her, and she nodded at their requests. Finally, after five hours they had a full course dinner and Lawrence walked Selena back to her room.

  At the door he followed her in, claiming he wanted to make sure she was comfortable. Sitting down in a chair beside the bed he asked her if she needed anything else.

  “It has been such an amazing night. I cannot imagine anything more.” She said, but her eyes lingered on his lips.

  “Well, that was all business so we will have to work on the pleasure.” He said, his eyes fixed on her.

  “Oh,” she said in surprise. “This is a business trip…”

  “Oh.” He said, making his lips the same shape hers were, mimicking her body language. “And d
o you have no time for play?”

  “I am sure our ideas of play are very different,” Selena said in a coy voice, sure now that he was flirting, though she was so out of her element she couldn’t know.

  “You are not as innocent as you seem,” Lawrence said with a growl.

  “And you are not as intimidating as you seem,” Selena said, brushing by him as she paced the room.

  In a flash, Lawrence was up and grabbing her arms. He pushed her against the wall and pinned her arms above her. His body pressed lightly into hers as he whispered near her lips, “I seemed intimidating to you?”

  “Oh yes.” Selena moaned feeling his bulge press into her as she spoke.

  Her body shivered at its lack of control and she tried but couldn’t move. He stood in silence and looked at her. Then pressing his lips to hers he tasted her. Pushing harder and deeper he forced himself into her mouth, keeping her arms pinned up above her with one arm and he pulled at her dress with the other. She struggled underneath him eager to touch his body, face and hair but he only grunted and held her tighter while he kissed her lips, neck, and shoulders.

  When he pulled away briefly to look at her, she gasped “what is this?” Lawrence stopped for a moment then pulled away.

  “This is goodnight.” He said. “Sweet dreams.” And he kissed her cheek and left the room.

  Chapter Three

  The next day Lawrence’s assistant brought breakfast and prepped Selena for the day. She was to be touring three different Scriva sites in order to gather information for her story. The assistant, Alice, would accompany Selena for the duration of the day and answer any questions.

  “Where’s Lawrence?” Selena asked.

  Alice laughed loudly. “Oh, he is working dear. He does not have time to do all the sightseeing and entertain the random journalists.”

  Her comments made Selena feel small, and she fell silent only speaking when she had an intelligent or appropriate question. She knew Scriva wanted a fluff piece on how wonderful they were, but she was going to give a fair and accurate interpretation. Selena ignored multiple calls from her editor, not sure whether to be angry or elated and chose a mixture of both with an attitude of professionalism. She focused on pretending the whole thing was a job interview because she had the underlying feeling this was a test. After lunch with Alice, who had as much charm as a bored sloth, she was taken back to her room. Before she turned to walk away, Alice spoke. It sounded like she was reciting orders.

  “Go in and write your article. Then in two hours Lawrence will review it. Be ready for dinner at that time, wearing a different dress. Something short.” Alice said nothing else, only walked away.

  Feeling infuriated Selena couldn’t believe Scriva thought they would control the story she wrote. To have them review it was not uncommon but usually electronically after the work was done. In any case, having nothing else to do, Selena sat down and worked on the article, contacting her editor to check in and report progress. A lot of the information was a blur as she checked out a rough draft.

  A knock at the door broke her concentration. She opened it and was surprised to see Lawrence standing there dressed casually in a loose shirt and light pants.

  “Do you mind if I come in?” He asked as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. “How was the tour?”

  “It was very thorough and informative; there is a lot of information to include,” Selena responded as he stepped closer to her she slumped onto the bed and instantly regretted it. Her breasts bounced loose under her shirt, and her eyes glanced quickly towards the chair where her bra sat.

  With his eyes on her chest, Lawrence sat beside her. “I was hoping your day went well. It looks like you are making yourself at home.” His gaze traced the room and landed on her bra. He stopped for a moment and looked back at her chest.

  Selena blushed and went speechless; she should be discussing the article and the angle from which she would write it, but her brain felt sodden, and she sighed. Staring at his large hands, she silently urged him to touch her so she could unleash the passion she felt for him.

  “We’re not finished yet.” He said sliding closer to Selena.

  Uncertain and still feeling like she was taking part in a test, Selena tilted away from him. Her breasts bounced as if to denounce the motion and Lawrence put a hand on her waist, at the edge of her shirt. Hearing a slight moan, he put his hands under her shirt on her stomach before moving in slow circles to her back and breasts. She arched into him and groaned. He silenced her with his mouth pushing hard into her and removing her shirt with one hand and then climbed on top of her. He still had her shirt balled up in his right fist.

  “This is against the rules.” He whispered into her ear grunting.

  She grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to her, kissing his neck, enveloping his essence. “Don’t you ever just stop and have fun.”

  Dark eyes clouding over he looked at her with a smirk and slowly smiled. “Oh, I like to play, and I am going to introduce you to my game.”

  Pinning her down she writhed beneath him feeling wet at her powerlessness and his ability to pleasure her. She didn’t want to speak because everything she would say would add to the weirdness and she was too turned on to want it to stop. Lawrence was movie star sexy and suave and obviously rich and powerful. Having him on top of her was strange and random and amazing. As another moan escaped her lips, Lawrence pushed into her more forcefully and moved away.

  “Now let’s get you dressed.” He said as he stood up and strode towards the closet. Opening the door, he rummaged through the dresses and took out two he seemed satisfied with them. He looked back and forth between the two dresses and finally held one out. It was a short black strapless mini dress and in it, Selena would be showing a lot more skin than she was used to and she would have to be naked underneath to pull it off.

  “Put this on. I will use your bathroom and freshen up, and we will go.” He looked at her like he wanted to stay right where they were and continue where they left off. Instead, he walked to the bathroom, and she followed with her eyes, imagining jumping in the shower with him.

  Selena stripped off the rest of her clothes and pulled on the tight dress. It was short and low-cut, but her breasts filled it nicely, and she was surprised at how comfortable it was. Instead of entering the bathroom she gave herself a once over in the mirror by the door and waited.

  Chapter Four

  On their way to an employee appreciation dinner, Lawrence was quiet for a time. He had slid in next to her, but he had been quiet, and she was too nervous to touch him.

  “We didn’t get a chance to talk about the article.” She said tentatively.

  “I haven’t wanted to talk about that.” He replied.

  “Oh? Why not?” She asked.

  “I am not happy you sent a request to your editor without checking with me first.” His tone became serious.

  “How do you know that?” Selena asked. When he didn’t answer, she laughed it off and said, “Well I guess you will have to punish me.”

  He drew a sharp breath, and his voice came out gruffer than usual. “How do you think I should do that?”

  Seeing that he was turned on flipped a switch for Selena, and she was ready to play with this gorgeous billionaire. If he wanted games, she could give them to him. “I think you better spank me to teach me a lesson.” She said in a sweet voice.

  Before she could breathe, he grabbed her and bent her over his lap. Rolling her over he pulled her dress up exposing her bare cheeks. His hand caressed her, and before she could struggle, he spanked her hard twice on each cheek. Selena cried out and felt a tingle all over her body. Before he covered her, he sat her up on his lap and kissed her hard. Then he adjusted her dress and set her down on her seat. She was panting and trying hard to control the outburst of emotion inside her. Wet between her legs she wiggled in her seat a little.

  “Now will you behave?” He asked, seeing how turned on she was.

  “No.” She
said stubbornly and smiled.

  Lawrence growled and moved towards her when the door opened, and they were greeted with flashbulbs.

  “This is employee recognition gala so just smile pretty and stay close I am sure you will gather all the information you need here.” He put an arm behind her back and smiled widely while guiding her through the crowd.

  When they finally arrived at their table, Lawrence held out a chair for Selena to sit and then took off looking for some drinks. Once again, Selena found herself struggling to stay afloat as she made mental notes on what to send to her editor in the morning, hoping Edwards had gotten back to her with some direction. She was used to cut and dry court pieces where she reported the facts. In this situation, there were no cut and dry facts. There were the facts Scriva wanted to be published, and there was a deeper story as well, something they worked hard at hiding. Then, of course, there was the more recent X-rated story. All her mind kept traveling to was Lawrence on top of her, and how she wanted so much for him to fill her and pleasure her in ways, he could only achieve.

  Throughout supper, Lawrence kept the conversation light and friendly with their table mates. At the same time, Lawrence was whispering in her ear, though not entirely visible to anyone else he told her how hot she looked when she was eating her breadsticks. When he touched her thigh, she bit her lip so she would not tremble or call out his name.

  This was a game to him, seeing how riled up he could get her and it was putting him in a good mood. Fortunately, it was a big banquet and the lights were soon dimmed so that the main presentations could begin. Everyone turned to face the stage which left them alone, and Lawrence was enjoying the game. He slipped his hand under her mini dress. Slowly rubbing circle upwards on her inner thighs, he pushed the mini-dress aside.

  “You’re gorgeous.” He whispered in her ear before one of his colleagues interrupted.


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