Book Read Free

Upon a Wishing Flower

Page 13

by Amy DeMeritt

  The mention of Manchester makes me freeze. I suddenly remember Isabell’s fake ID and the art gallery there in a couple weeks.

  “Are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost.”

  “Yeah, uh, I’m fine. I can send the rate change email out for the Sunbelt news customers if you want to send me the list. Definitely start making those calls for the car show. Did their rate card give a shared commission for the ad sales?”

  “Yeah, five percent. That’s on top of the ten percent we add for our booking services.”

  “Ok, we want to try to sell as many of those as possible, so let me know if you need me to split the calls with you.”

  After hashing out a few more details, Felicia leaves my office, but not before throwing me another concerned look.

  I need to talk to Hannah about this tonight. If Isabell is planning on going to that art gallery and confronting Jared Coffman, even if in disguise, that’s a very dangerous plan.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It’s the night of the giant art expo in Manchester and I’m nervously biting the charm of my necklace while I wait for Hannah to pick me up. When I told her about the fake ID and the exhibit a couple weeks ago, she became very grave and immediately brought up the website on her phone and bought tickets. It’s a black-tie event, as is typical for these, so I’m wearing my favorite dark gray slim fit feminine suit that I know Hannah loves with a black button up blouse tucked in and a thin dark gray tie that matches my suit.

  Hannah sent me a text this morning to let me know Isabell called out of work. This made us both very on edge the whole day. Hannah sent her a text midday to check on her and Isabell just told her she feels like crap and was going to try to sleep. It was basically a polite way of telling Hannah she wasn’t in the mood to chit-chat.

  I leap off my sofa to the sound of an urgent knock on my front door. I open the door and my porch light illuminates the most gorgeous sight I’ve ever set my eyes on. I inhale and my jaw drops. The look of worry on Hannah’s face immediate changes to pride and affection. Hannah’s wearing a black dress that comes just an inch above her knees, low open toed heels, and a black transparent shawl draped across her arms and hanging at her sides. Tucked under one arm is a small black clutch purse. Her hair is down and laying in shiny golden sheets on her bare shoulders and chest.

  “Hannah, you look remarkable. Not a single piece of art will be able to hold a flame to you tonight.”

  Hannah steps inside and closes the door with a satisfied glimmer in her glowing blue eyes and a smirk on her glossy pink lips. She tugs on the waist of my pants, pulling me in close to herself, and locks her lips with mine.

  We kiss for a couple minutes, and when Hannah releases my mouth, I’m left appropriately speechless and aroused.

  “Do we have to leave?” Hannah give me a cute smile as she pecks my lips. “Yes, we do. Did you eat?” I nod. “Ok. Are you ready?” I nod again and Hannah giggles. “Ok, adorable bobble head, let’s go.”

  Hannah and I decided it would be faster to just eat when we got home from work before meeting. With the hour drive, we didn’t think we’d have time to get ready and eat together before we have to leave.

  As soon as Hannah pulls out of my driveway and we’re on the road, my nerves return. Hannah reaches over and takes my hand, but we remain quiet. I can tell she’s worried. We’re both worried about what will happen if Isabell speaks to Jared and he recognizes her. An artist has an eye for detail and we remember little things that others may not pick up.

  When we arrive at the Manchester Symposium Center, we look at each other and take a deep breath. Hannah takes my hand between both of hers and ask, “Brooke, is everything going to be ok tonight?”

  “I will do whatever I can to make sure it is. There will probably be thousands of people in here. We need to stay close together, and if we spot her, we need to stay close to her. We don’t talk to her though unless it looks like she’s going off with him alone. If she’s in disguise, we don’t want to blow her cover by talking to her.”

  “Why would it matter if we talk to her?”

  “It could shake her up and cause her to lose her character. I don’t know what Isabell has planned, but we don’t want to scare her. A person who resorts to a disguise to get close to someone is typically desperate or has criminal intentions. Both of which are dangerous and could really make her very unpredictable. Since we don’t know what she has planned, it’s best not to engage her unless it seems absolutely necessary.”

  “I can’t see Isabell being capable of doing anything with criminal intentions, but I’ll just follow your lead.”

  As we make our way through the parking garage and down to the level of the exhibit, Hannah loops her arm through mine and holds onto it tightly, as if it’s the only thing keeping her standing.

  There are eight doors to the exhibit and thankfully all of them are open with suit wearing men and women scanning the tickets. We’re quickly scanned and handed a map and glossy brochure for the exhibit. As we walk through the entrance, Hannah gasps.

  “Wow, this place is huge and there are so many people. Brooke, it looks like a maze. How are we ever going to find her and keep track of her in here?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s just try to…”

  “Hello, ladies. From across the room you two looked flawless enough to be a life size photograph. You are even more beautiful up close. I’m Joel and this is Kev. Can we buy you two a drink at the bar?”

  Hannah’s grip on my arm tightens as we stare up at the two suit and tie wearing men who are just a few inches taller than us. Joel looks like the typical perverted “pretty boy” that thinks he is every woman’s fantasy. Kev is average looking, but looks awkward, as if he’s just along for the ride and Joel is his wingman trying to get him laid.

  “I’m the gorgeous lady’s escort, boys, but thanks anyway.” Kev blushes and nods in an understanding way and starts to walk away, but his friend grins in an excited way and grabs his arm, pulling him back. “That’s ok. We’d still like to buy you the drink.”

  “No, thank you.” I start to turn us to walk away, but Joel steps with me. “No drinks then. Maybe we could guide you around to the best exhibits.”

  “Do you know what clandestine photography is?” They look at me dumbfounded and neither answer. “Well, gentlemen, there is nothing you have to offer then. Have a nice evening.”

  Joel starts to say something else, but his friend, Kev, jerks on his arm and pulls him away.

  When we’re alone again, Hannah kisses my cheek and smiles in an impressed way.

  “I felt like I had an army protecting me with the way you rebuffed that guy’s advances. So, what is clandestine photography?”

  “It’s a fancy term for photos taken without the person’s knowledge. It mainly refers to surveillance or maybe if you were in the park taking pictures of people who didn’t know.”

  “Was that picture you took of the man fixing the girls bike a clandestine photo?” I smile and feel my cheeks blush, feeling touched that she remembered that picture. “Yes, it was. I told them afterwards and showed them the image on the screen after I had taken it, but they didn’t know they were being photographed.”

  We step to the side to get out of people’s way and I check the map to try to find Jared Coffman’s exhibit.

  “Great, he’s towards the back. Oh! Georgina Krum is here tonight! She’s on the way. We have to stop at her exhibit. She does mixed-medium paintings that are amazing.” Hannah smiles at me in an affectionate way and loops her arm back through mine again. “Ok, lead the way, Adorableness.”

  While we make our way through the crowds, we keep our eyes open for Isabell in both her real form as well as the disguise she was wearing in that fake ID.

  More often than not, we find ourselves stopping and looking at most of the exhibits, completely forgetting about the destination that’s the sole reason we’re here tonight. Hannah has never been to an exhibit like this before and she is completely en
thralled. I really wish tonight wasn’t about a mission to keep an eye on Isabell and we could just enjoy the evening.

  After about an hour, we’re still nowhere near where we need to be. Just as we’re turning away from one exhibit to move onto the next, I spot a black bob-cut in the crowd. I stop Hannah and watch as the head disappears behind a temporary wall. We make our way through the crowd, not so gingerly, and receive a few dirty looks along the way.

  As we come around the corner of the wall, we come face to face with the black-haired woman. It’s not Isabell. We quickly sidestep her and look at each other with matching frustrated looks.

  “Brooke, let’s just try to enjoy the night. We may never find her in here. The exhibit is just starting, so if Jared is actually here, I doubt he would wander off with her this early in the evening. Let’s just keep making our way back to his exhibit, but let’s try to enjoy the trip back there.”

  “Ok, babe.”

  While we go from exhibit to exhibit, a few more men and women try to hit on us. Thankfully, they don’t require more than one polite decline to get rid of them. Big expos like this are great for couples to get out for a date night and do something different together, but they are even better for single people to try to meet potential partners.

  Without trying, I met one of my exes at one of these events. We accidentally bumped into each other and nearly knocked a sculpture over. After we cleared the area, we laughed about it and started talking. We took to each other immediately and walked around together for the rest of the evening talking and laughing. We dated for about a year after that. I actually thought she might turn out to be “the one”, but one day, I walked in on her fucking the guy that worked at the newsstand by her apartment and that ended things immediately. She called for weeks trying to get me back, but I never took any of her calls. I’ll forgive many things, but cheating is not one of them.

  “Hey, babe, the exhibit you wanted to see is over here.”

  Hannah is pointing in the opposite direction I was about to walk. I follow her lead and I smile broadly when we enter the makeshift room.

  “Georgina Krum is a creative genius. Her work just makes me feel like I’m staring at worlds created by the gods.”

  “Thank you. That is quite a compliment.”

  I spin around quickly to find the source of the responding voice. Leaning against the temporary wall is a very pretty woman with reddish brown curly hair cut to her shoulders, green eyes, and thin rectangular rimmed glasses resting on a small round nose. She’s a little fuller figured, but not in a lumpy unattractive way. She’s smiling at me and I feel my cheeks blush.

  “I’m Georgina Krum, if you were wondering.”

  Her stare is unsettlingly and I find myself unable to speak. I’ve never actually met an artist that I respect so much. I’ve met some local lesser known artists, but never someone like Georgina. She’s known worldwide and her work has permanent residence in at least a dozen museums all over the world. I can’t believe she’s actually here at this small convention. Well, it’s a large convention, but a small stage for her status and talent. I feel an elbow in my ribs, and suddenly, my tongue remembers how to work.

  “I’m Brooke and this is my girlfriend, Hannah. It is truly an honor to meet you. I’m sorry for the silly awestruck look on my face. I’ve never met someone of your standing before.” Georgina laughs in an amused way and waves a flippant hand. “No worries. How do you know my work?”

  “The Arthur Grant Museum had a few of your pieces in a month long exhibit they had for mixed medium artists.”

  “I remember those pieces. I was actually upset with my agent for shipping those because I didn’t feel like they truly represented me. I wasn’t entirely happy with them.”

  “What? You can’t be serious. I stood in front of your wall for the longest time, multiple times. I couldn’t pull myself away from them.” Georgina looks at me with an amused grin and cocks her head to the side. “What was your favorite piece?”

  “Isadora’s Glacial Heart. I loved Niagara Blossoms and Spirit Arches, but Isadora’s Glacial Heart was my favorite.” Her eyes widen and she looks at me as if impressed. “That exhibit was over three years ago and you remember the names of the paintings?”

  My cheeks blush red again and I look at Hannah for a moment feeling embarrassed. She has an affectionate smile on her face, but I can see amusement playing at the corner of her mouth. I look back at Georgina and she has a similar smile on her face.

  “I have a good memory, but I’m big fan of your work.”

  “Do you own any of my work?” I laugh and shake my head. “I wish. I’ve never been able to find your work for sale before.”

  “Well, now you have. Pick a piece, any piece you want. ”

  “The work here tonight isn’t for sale.” Georgina laughs as she takes a couple steps closer to us. “This is my work. If I want to sell it or give it away, I can do that. You’ll have to wait for it, of course. I can’t just take it off the wall and hand it to you in the middle of an exhibit. Pick a piece and I’ll have it shipped to you within a couple months. This is a traveling exhibit, so I’ll have to wait till after the last show in Los Angeles to send it to you.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “If I was any more serious they could give me a critical illness name.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, look around, fall in love with the pieces I have here, and tell me what you think of them. Your honest heartfelt opinion of them will be your payment for the piece you pick.” I start to argue, but she cuts me off and addresses Hannah. “Your girlfriend seems to be having a hard time accepting my gratitude for her reverence for my art. Please take her around and help her pick a piece.” Hannah laughs and nods as she loops her arm in mine. “Ok, thank you.”

  Hannah pulls me away and stands me in front of the first piece. It’s exquisite, but I’m still in shock.

  “Hannah, I can’t accept one of these. Do you know how much her work goes for? Tens of thousands of dollars per piece.” Hannah giggles and looks around us before quietly answering, “She likes you.”

  “What? No she doesn’t. She just thinks I’m a silly obsessed fan that is in shock at meeting a celebrity. She’s just trying to humor me. She probably won’t even send it, even if I do pick one.”

  “She’ll send it and I won’t be surprised if it comes with a way for you to contact her with a little note to ‘keep in touch’. When you first spun around to see who answered you, she was looking at you like she wanted you. And she never dropped her eyes from yours.”

  “Then I definitely can’t accept one. I can’t give her the wrong idea.”

  “You’ve done nothing to give her an idea that she has any chance. Accepting the piece on the grounds she verbally laid out is ok. I won’t be upset if you accept it. I think you would be crazy to pass up this opportunity.”

  “Ok, but only if you are ok with it.”

  “I am. Now, try to relax and just look around and enjoy what you are seeing. Try not to think about anything else.”

  We walk around and look at all of the pieces. There are three that I’m really moved by that I have a hard time picking between. Hannah really likes them a lot too. I can’t pick, so I decide to let Georgina pick. We find her waiting in the same place we left her.

  “How do you not have a horde of people around you asking a million questions?” She laughs and shrugs a shoulder. “Because you are the only two people who know who I am. When I come to these, I prefer to be a proverbial fly on the wall and eavesdrop on the honest comments of people looking at my work. Like I did with you. Did you pick a piece?”

  I shake my head and tell her the three I’m stuck on. As requested, I give her my honest, and downright gushing, opinion and feelings about her work. After I finish the embarrassing rambling about how much I love each piece, I ask her to pick. She smiles and nods.

  “Ok, come here.”

  She pushes off the wall and starts wal
king over to a table in the center of the makeshift room with a tablecloth that reaches to the floor. She reaches under the cloth and pulls out a box. She ruffles through it and pulls out a couple pieces of paper and a pen .

  “Here, read and sign this – both copies. It’s a standard release form that basically proves this painting is yours so I cannot report it lost or stolen and have you arrested for possessing it. This also proves that you are the owner of this painting after today and can actually send the police after me if you don’t receive it in the appropriate timeframe.”

  I read the brief form and nowhere in it does it say anything about me having to pay for the painting. It actually just says exactly what she told me, just in fancy legal terminology. I sign both copies and then she signs them as well.

  She hands me a copy, and says, “There you go. You are now the proud owner of one of my favorites. Oh here, plug your information in here so I can get this sent out to you.”

  She hands me her cell phone after pulling up a blank contact form. I feel a nervous flutter in my stomach as I fill in my name, phone number, and address. I hope Hannah was misreading her and this exchange doesn’t become weird. I wouldn’t mind her keeping in touch as friends – that would be awesome actually, but I don’t want her to try to advance into more than that. I hand her the phone back and she smiles in a friendly way.

  “Brooke, Hannah, it was pleasure meeting both of you. It’s not often that I meet such genuine appreciation for my work. Now, if you don’t mind keeping my secret. I don’t want everyone cornering me. I don’t like that kind of attention.”

  “Of course. This is such an amazing gift. Thank you so much. I can’t believe this just happened and that I met you.” She laughs and blushes a little. “Well, believe it. I’m actually excited to have my painting hanging in the home of such an honest fan. Most of my work is hanging in museums, government buildings, and the extremely wealthy. That’s nice for soothing my success ego, but having a regular person own my work soothes my creative ego. ”


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