A Bachelor For The Bride (The Brides of Grazer's Corners #2)

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A Bachelor For The Bride (The Brides of Grazer's Corners #2) Page 14

by Mindy Neff

  “I’d like for you to dance for me...like you did that night at Gatlin’s.”

  Embarrassment flared, flushing her cheeks. Or was it desire?

  “But I think we’ll leave that for another time,” he said. “I don’t think I could last.” His lips lightly grazed hers.

  Wanting more, needing more, she leaned into him.

  “You’re the only woman who’s ever occupied so many of my thoughts, my fantasies.”

  Her breath was coming faster now. “That’s only because we’re isolated out here. There’s just the two of us.”

  “Not just this past week. For ten years, every time I close my eyes, it’s you I see.” He hadn’t meant to admit that. It made him vulnerable. To cover the slip, he jerked her to him, more roughly than he should have.

  For an instant he went absolutely still, alert to every nuance of her body language. If she’d indicated by so much as a twitch that he’d frightened her, he would have let her go.

  But she surprised him again, meeting his aggression with a greedy avidness of her own, rubbing against him, pressing as though she couldn’t bear to have even a layer of skin separating them. Sweet, seductive moans rose from deep in her throat.

  They set him on fire.

  She wasn’t a hothouse flower to be handled with kid gloves, yet he wanted to treat her that way, give her only gentle touches and stoke the fires slowly, easily.

  She took the decision from him, though, grabbing the waistband of his jeans, working the buttons even as she dragged him down with her on the bed.

  He chuckled when their legs and hands tangled, surprising himself. He couldn’t recall ever feeling the desire to laugh with a woman while they were in bed. “Hold it a sec, Blackie.”

  “I’m trying,” she said, slipping her hands inside his pants, pushing them down. “You’re not cooperating.”

  His shout of laughter was muffled against her neck. “Shameless.”

  “I repeat, I’m trying.” Jordan made an effort to curb her urgency. She smoothed her palms up his chest, then tunneled her fingers in his hair, cupping his face, holding him back for just a minute so she could enjoy that sexy dimple that winked in his cheek.

  As she gazed into his velvety brown eyes, amusement shifted, heated. Eyes open, steady, he lowered his head, his lips touching hers so gently, yet she felt their power rush through her veins, from the roots of her hair to the soles of her feet.

  Her heart quaked in anticipation once more, like a teapot simmering, about to boil. He was a beautiful, virile man.

  And for tonight, he was all hers.

  A sudden wave of desperation crashed over her and she wrapped her arms around him as urgency built. Like the fragment of a dream that materializes out of nowhere, she realized she’d been subconsciously waiting for him for most of her life.

  “Make love with me, Tanner.”

  “All night, baby.” His voice lowered to a whisper, roughening with a thrilling, excruciatingly sensual promise. “But there’re a few fantasies I want to take care of first...other than the solo dance.”

  His tongue traced the ultrasensitive spot just behind her ear, then slid lower, and lower still, covering every inch of flesh on her body.

  He savored, feasted, drove her mad. Her heart pumped and her hands fisted against the sheets as his flowing hair brushed against her thighs. When his lips settled over her in a shockingly intimate kiss, she nearly cannoned off the bed.

  “So sweet,” he murmured.

  She had a fleeting thought about the raw emotion in his voice, the absolute sincerity, as though she were the most cherished prize a man could wish for. But her mind went blank of everything except the wild, incendiary explosion that suddenly consumed her.

  Release shuddered through her, again and again, dizzying and glorious.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders as she tugged, panting. “Now...no more.”

  He seemed to understand her plea, a plea that even to her own ringing ears made no sense. All she knew at this point was that she wanted. Fiercely. Wildly.

  He rose above her like a tender warrior, his brown eyes blazing with heat, dark hair framing his face and shoulders. So unconventional... so absolutely perfect.

  Her breath caught at the look in his eyes—a look of possession, a look of love.

  No! she nearly screamed. Don’t fall in love with me. One of us with a broken heart is more than enough. But the words remained locked in her throat as he eased up her body, and joined them as one.

  He filled her completely, clear through to her soul. She hadn’t known—oh, she’d had no idea—that it could get better. The friction of his thrusts set off sparks of incredible sensation that burst through her in a powerful, pounding climax.

  And all she could do was hold him, meet his fervor, seeking an anchor, any anchor, in the turbulent storm that quickly spun out of control, giving her the rarest glimpse of what could only have been paradise.

  Chapter Ten

  With her heart still pounding against his chest, Jordan curled next to Tanner, feeling giddy, and yet fragile. What they had just shared had rocked her world.

  And the fact that they were on borrowed time, that he wasn’t hers to hold, made her want to weep.

  But now was not the time for tears. Seconds were precious. The world could wait for a while. For the time being, she could dream.

  “You’re a fraud, Tanner Caldwell.”

  He jolted. “Excuse me?”

  “You like to give the impression you’re a tough guy, but you’re gentle.”

  His dimples flashed. Chills chased across her skin as his fingertips feathered over her arm. “If what we just did felt gentle to you, maybe I’m losing my touch. It took damn near everything out of me.”

  His chest was damp beneath the caress of her palm. Strands of his long hair clung to his neck.

  “Your technique is definitely not in question, so put a rein on that ego.” She patted the firm skin above where his heart still beat rapidly. “I meant inside. You have a good heart, yet sometimes you give the impression that you’re mad at the world. I imagine it makes people scared to approach you.”

  “That’s something I learned the hard way.” His voice was hushed, as though to speak louder would disturb the stillness of the night, the isolation of just the two of them, alone among the mussed sheets of the bed.

  “Growing up as poor white trash, I had to fight for everything—even the right to walk through certain parts of town. I got to be pretty good with my fists, which was a bonus after I left Grazer’s Corners. It takes attitude to live on the streets.”

  She drew in a swift breath. “You were homeless?”

  “For a while.” A gentle breeze fluttered the curtains over the open window, bringing with it the sound of a night bird calling to its mate. “When my old man took off, there was nothing left for me here. I hitched my way to San Francisco. That chip on my shoulder you’re so fond of picking on saved me more than once.”

  “I imagine it caused you some grief, too.”

  “Some. I got in plenty of street fights, gained a reputation as a tough guy. That suited my purposes,” he admitted. “But the anger and the fire made the desire to be somebody burn even hotter.”

  “You’ve always been somebody.”

  He kissed the top of her head, her fierce defense of him taking some of the sting out of his memories. Memories of the uglier side of human nature that a sheltered woman like Jordan would know nothing about. Or shouldn’t, anyhow. If they couldn’t pinpoint the identity of the kidnappers, she’d likely get a fast education. No, he promised himself. Not as long as he was around. If it took all his time and considerable money, he’d make sure she was safe.

  “What happened then? What turned you around?”

  “Who said I’ve been turned around?”

  She thumped him lightly on the chest.

  He grinned and captured her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I saved an eccentric millionaire from being mugged and earned myself a jo
b as bodyguard.”

  “Mr. B.?”

  “Yeah.” He said the word softly and with deep affection. “He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Became a sort of surrogate father to me—the type of father I’d always wanted.”

  “And your own father?”

  “Dead. Jackknifed the travel trailer and wrapped the pickup around a tree. Drunk, as usual.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged, yet held her just a little tighter. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

  “But it hurt.”

  “I suppose.” Even through the shame, he’d loved that old man. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why.

  “So, what’s it like being a bodyguard to a millionaire?”

  “Bloodthirsty little thing, aren’t you?” He smiled when he felt her bristle. “It’s not as exciting and violence-ridden as you’re probably imagining.”

  “Obviously I don’t know much about bodyguards.” She sniffed, settling against him. “Other than what you’ve done for me.”

  His long hair shifted against the pillow, mingling with hers as he turned his head, looking down at her. “I assure you, baby, guarding your body is way different than anything I did for Mr. B.”

  Her surprised chuckle was muffled against his shoulder. “You’re bad.”

  “Yes. I can be.” He said it teasingly, yet there was a more literal undertone that he couldn’t ignore—a life-style that was ingrained in him, that would probably shock her right down to her sexy toes if he told her all the gritty details.

  “Anyway,” he said, dragging his mind to more pleasant thoughts, “I didn’t spend all my time standing around flexing muscles and looking mean. Mr. B. has a thing for collecting gadgets. At the time, his latest passion was computers, but he didn’t know anything about them. I was game to learn and he encouraged me to tinker. It didn’t take long for us to realize I had a natural aptitude for them. I spent hours hacking on those machines, going deeper and deeper into their workings, so amazed at the capabilities.” It sneaked up on him sometimes, this exhilaration that engulfed him, that could get him so wound up on a subject.

  “Those babies were limitless. And so was I, evidently—limitless and relentless. I turned into one of those eggheads.”

  She gave an indelicate snort. “Sorry, Tanner, I can’t quite get that image to gel. With your long hair and tough body, you don’t look anything like the stereotypical nerd.”

  His ego took a healthy leap at the admiration shining from her green eyes. “Thanks for the compliment.”

  “You’re welcome.” Absently, she gave his chest a quick kiss. “Continue.”

  His body went absolutely still. Having her full attention focused on the deeper layers of his life, of the things that mattered, was exciting. But his sudden need to have her focus on a different part of him was fast making its presence known. “This communication thing is wearing me out. Sure you want to keep talking?”


  The lazy way her tongue circled his nipple made concentration next to impossible. His own hands smoothed over her hips, then rested on her firm bottom.

  “The intricacies of computer technology grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let go. It became an obsession.” He cupped the soft curve of her buttocks, teasing, stroking, squeezing. “And although I didn’t have ‘the look’—as you put it—I had the aptitude...” His voice sounded hoarse even to his own ears. “And the drive.”

  “Obsession can be a good thing....” Her breathing wasn’t quite as steady now. Her hand trailed down his belly, skimmed his thighs, coming scant inches from the part of him that was hard and aching for her touch. “Definitely have the drive,” she murmured. “Go on.”

  “You’re a vixen.” In a swift move that made her breath catch, he hauled her on top of him, aligning their bodies in a way that both teased and thrilled.

  “When Mr. B.’s fortress was breached, I designed a surveillance program that even the most sophisticated burglar couldn’t penetrate—a high-tech sensor controlled by the computers.” She’d given him the perfect opportunity to fess up over the size of his bank account, to tell her that with backing from Mr. B., he’d patented the security program and made a fortune.

  Instead, every sane thought went right out of his head when she shifted against him, pressing, rubbing, driving him mad.

  “Smart man.”

  “Yeah, and a smart man knows when to shut up and concentrate on more important matters.”

  Jordan felt her smile blossom—slowly, brilliantly, bathing her insides with joy and wicked anticipation. Breeze from the open window whispered over her sensitized skin. The racket of frogs and insects, and the echo of an owl over the lake gave her world a surreal ambience.

  Oh, it was so easy to forget about everyone and everything outside this bedroom, so easy to dream.

  So easy to love.

  Her hands tightened on his shoulders and her heart leaped with a painful thudding. Could he see the truth in her eyes?

  The hopelessness of that truth?

  The bittersweet reminder sent a stinging rush through her blood. She closed her eyes, pressed her mouth to his, her urgency building, nearly consuming her. She poured everything she possessed, body and soul, into the kiss, angling her head for better access, holding on.

  Skin to skin, restlessly, she moved against him, telling him without words that he had her heart, apologizing with the brush of her lips that she couldn’t give him more.

  Like a sign of impending doom, an eerie sensation swept over her, closing her throat, spilling tears over her lids.

  Tanner tunneled his fingers through her hair, holding her back, searching her eyes.

  “Baby...shh. What’s wrong?”

  The concern in his voice and in his gentle brown eyes made her unsteady emotions sharper, like the blade of a razor slicing her heart into pieces.

  She shook her head, unable to tell him that she wanted him for a lifetime, yet could only allow the moment.

  “I want you,” she whispered, settling for the understatement.

  “And you’ve got me. All night.” He shifted her beneath him, brushed his thumb over her damp cheeks. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

  She gave a watery chuckle. “I’m not.”

  His brow arched. She knew he wanted an explanation. But she couldn’t give it. Instead, she drew him down to her, closed her teeth gently over his lobe, reveled in the tickle of his long hair against her breasts.

  - “You make me feel so full, Tanner. Like I’ll simply burst,” she whispered.

  “And that makes you cry?” He sounded so confused, so out of his depth.

  She smiled. “Yes. Pretty dumb, huh?”

  “No. Not dumb.” His lips rested against her brow for a long moment. “Scary, though.” He rose up a couple of inches, searched her features. “You sure they’re...like, happy tears?”

  Thankfully she had herself back under control. “Mmm-hmm. But they’re about to turn into frustrated tears if you don’t make a move fairly soon.”

  That sexy dimple flashed, and the look he gave her was so hot it was a wonder their bodies didn’t steam. “You were doing a pretty good job of making the moves a few minutes ago.”

  “Well, I certainly thought so... until a certain macho guy decided he needed to call the shots.”

  “You want to be on top?”

  “It felt pretty good up there.”

  Twin dimples now. Eyes twinkling like the devil. “Yeah. It felt pretty good. Next time,” he promised.

  “Next time, what?” Drawing a decent breath was becoming difficult. His clever hands and lips were busy.

  “Next time we’ll try it your way. Right now it seems I’ve got an obligation to uphold.”

  For the life of her, she couldn’t seem to follow his logic. Could be it had something to do with the wildly sensual thing he was doing to her ear with his tongue. Or the fact that his finger had just slipped inside her. Her breath snagged, the
n left in a rush.

  “Wh-what obligation?” she panted. Her stomach pulled deeply as pleasure spiraled, robbing her words and her sanity.

  “To show you my moves. Hold on tight, baby. This is gonna take a good long while.”

  And it did, each exquisite moment taking her higher and higher. In shocking, thrilling, erotically earthshaking detail, Tanner Caldwell showed her the difference between routine lovemaking and the dangerously addictive touch of a rebel.

  WHEN TANNER WOKE UP alone, he nearly panicked. What had possessed him to unleash his control the way he had? Man alive, he’d probably scared the hell out of her.

  He yanked on his jeans and didn’t bother with a shirt.

  But before he could make it out of the room, the cell phone rang.

  He snatched it up and punched in the code. “Caldwell.”

  A deep chuckle came over the line. “Catch you at a bad time, son?”

  “No.” Yes. Senses going on alert, he sank onto the mattress. If there was a need to apologize for his ardor, it would have to wait. “What’s up, Mr. B.?”

  “Well, all hell’s broke loose out here.”

  Tanner frowned, his tension inching up another notch. “Out here? Where are you?”

  “In Grazer’s Corners. And before you get all uppity, I’ll tell you that I’ve been in constant contact with Sonny.”

  A smile tugged. He’d known Samuel Bartholomew wouldn’t sit on the sidelines for long. “Okay. What have you got for me?”

  “Good news and bad.”

  “Go with the bad first.”

  “Maynard Grazer’s in the hospital. Looks like a heart attack.”

  Tanner swore. The promise of a hundred top-of-the-line Thoroughbreds wouldn’t keep Jordan away from town—and possible danger—now. “Bad one?”

  “Docs aren’t telling yet. They haven’t actually given a diagnosis. Could be all the stress from what’s been going on—his little girl missing, and all.”

  “Okay, we’ll get back to that in a minute. Give me the good stuff. And it better be something to do with it being safe for me to bring Jordan back home. This isn’t something I can keep from her, and I can guarantee you she won’t sit still.”


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