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Nightworld Academy Box Set 1

Page 16

by L. J. Swallow

  This can't be happening.

  "I'm unsure what to do with this information," says Theodora evenly.

  "We need to focus on discovering what happens in these events Maeve sees," Sofia replies. "She has little information currently."

  Maeve swallows and focuses on her fingernails instead.

  "Yes. We must switch all Maeve's training to deducing this." Theodora's voice is firm and her sympathetic gaze rests on me.

  "I agree," says Maeve. "I'll try whatever I can."

  I don't know how to respond to Maeve anymore. When somebody tells you they predict your death, it's hard to say anything else to them without this hanging between you. Perhaps I was unfair in the library, but my emotions aren't under control right now.

  "What do you think would be the best course of action, Theodora?" asks Sofia. "More intensive tutoring? Perhaps daily?"

  Maeve's tired face falls. She's told me how exhausting the one-on-one lessons are.

  Theodora turns to Maeve. "Sofia tells me you repeatedly see a friend’s future when using the scrying bowl and that you saw more when Jamie was with you."

  She nods.

  "I think we need to focus on the pair of you working together." Sofia gestures between us.

  Maeve stares ahead and I don't want to catch her eye. Yesterday by the fire, I enjoyed helping and loved the strength of our affinity. How can they ask us to do this? The room lurches sideways.

  "To see my death?" I ask.

  Sofia's mouth parts. "Oh, no, Jamie. I don't think that would happen."

  "How do you know which vision I’ll have?" asks Maeve in a tiny voice. "I don't think it's a good idea for Jamie to see... it."

  "I'll try," I say, hoping to hell I don't regret this.

  Maeve pales and sits on her hands. "I don't know if I can."

  "We will work on the Halloween vision," says Sofia softly. "We can use that as practice."

  Theodora crosses to sit in the chair behind her desk. "But how long does Jamie have?"

  Her words slug me in the stomach. Maeve told me the incident won't happen at the academy, but I’m the same age as now. The holidays?

  Sofia reaches out to touch my hand. "I think the solution is to keep working with Maeve on her future-sight and ensure Jamie stays on campus. I'm confident between the three of us, we can make progress."

  "Stay on campus for how long?" I ask. "I was hoping to go home over half-term."

  Theodora shakes her head. "That's not a good idea. I'll speak to your parents and ensure there are no threats against you or the family and request that people are assigned to watch them. But I think you should stay here."

  I drag a palm down my face. My selfish thoughts focused on myself, but this could be a threat to everybody. My sister. My parents. "Okay. Thank you."

  "I can see you're unhappy about the situation."

  I blink at Theodora. "With respect a future-sighted witch told me she's witnessed my death. I'm more than unhappy."

  "I'll practice, every day," says Maeve.

  "Together?" asks Sofia.

  She looks at me with glistening eyes. "If that's alright with Jamie."

  What choice do I have?

  Theodora looks back to the window. "I don't want anybody outside of the four of us and Jamie’s family knowing about this. Maeve is correct that, without the full picture, we should wait to tell others. I will ensure Jamie is watched too and his safety is paramount to me."

  "Are you sure?" asks Sofia.

  "Yes." She’s firm, eyes flashing at Sofia’s semi-challenge to her authority. "Questions will be asked that may cause more pressure on Maeve than she can cope with right now. A future-sighted witch predicting student deaths? I refuse to cause panic if we don't have all the facts."

  Maeve chews her lip and her cheeks flush. My heart goes out to her and the position she’s in. Maeve never asked for any of this.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  There's something weird happening between Maeve and Jamie.

  Since the day at the groundsman's cottage, there's a tension between them when we're all together. I know Jamie’s into her—that's obvious—and maybe she likes him? That's why I thought they both stayed at the cottage the other day.

  Did something happen between them that afternoon, after I left? Their response confuses the hell out of me. Whatever happened caused a lot of trouble.

  Recently, they’ve had conversations that stop whenever I or somebody else approaches. There’s a secret between that becomes a wall surrounding the pair. Even Amelia is on the outside, and this creates a new tension between her and the other two witches.

  Maeve's withdrawn again and hyper-vigilant to those around her. I get Maeve alone sometimes and attempt to talk to her, but she switches on a light happy-go-lucky air and drags me back into the throng of people who usually surround me.

  We sit together at dinner, the four of us, and Maeve spends more time than usual on her phone. Eventually, she places it down.

  "I've decided to go home for Halloween."

  Amelia straightens. "You don’t have permission."

  "And? Others are leaving for half-term. I'll just go for an evening and be back again. Simple." She picks up her phone. "Tessa sent me a picture of her costume today. It's exactly what I saw."

  She shows a picture of a tall girl in a revealing dress—a sexy vampiress, complete with sultry make-up and blood around her mouth.

  "Do you think that's a good idea?" I ask cautiously. "You were attacked once."

  "And you guys helped me. We'll be fine if we go together. Besides, the evening out is last minute, so nobody will know I'm going to be there."

  I take a deep breath. "I don't know, Maeve."

  "I'll come," says Jamie.

  "You need to stay here," protests Maeve. "You can't leave the academy."

  "I don't care." His jaw clenches.

  I exchange glances with Amelia. Talk about intense. "Why can’t he leave?" I ask.

  Neither answers and they look away from each other.

  "If you don't let me come with you, I'll tell Theodora you're going," says Jamie.

  Maeve's eyes darken. "You wouldn't. She'd probably stop me."

  "Exactly. I'm coming with you," he repeats. "End of story."

  Whoa. Jamie and Maeve's relationship is tenser than I thought. Outbursts like this are totally out of character for Jamie. I rarely see him argue, even with the Petrescu dickheads.

  Maeve glares a moment longer. "You can't. Jamie, please."

  "Why?" I repeat. "What's happening?"

  Both clam up and Maeve stands. "I wish I'd never said anything. I should've just gone on my own."

  "And that's the problem. You can't. You need my help to deal with this," says Jamie.

  Nearby, other students watch the exchange, and I frown as Katherine whispers to Clive. "Keep your voices down, guys."

  Maeve throws a look in their direction and then stalks off.

  "Whoa, dude," I say to Jamie. "What exactly is happening here?"


  Amelia pokes him. "Liar."

  Jamie stands too. "I'm not talking to you about personal business between myself and Maeve."

  Shocked when he snaps the words at us and walks away, I turn back to Amelia, who chews on her sandwich as she watches them go.

  "Do you know what's happening?"

  She shrugs. "I've asked."

  "Do you think something happened between them at the cottage that afternoon and it ended badly?" She doesn’t reply. Crap. Did I miss my opportunity with Maeve? "Amelia?"

  Amelia bites on her lip. "Jamie’s attending Sofia and Maeve's private lessons. I've asked her why and she said he helps focus her visions."

  Weird. "Has Maeve mentioned any recently, apart from her friend at home?"

  Amelia shakes her head. "Whatever's happening frustrates them both. I overheard them once, late at night outside the door. She was upset."

  My muscles tense. "What the hell is go
ing on?"

  "I couldn't hear the whole conversation, but she accused Jamie of holding back from her."

  "That explains why they're odd around each other." I tap my fork on my plate. "Maybe Sofia is trying to get them to work together and they don't want to because they fell out?"

  "I don't know. They're hiding something." Amelia places her empty plate on the tray and stands, holding it. "I'll go after Maeve. I'm sure she'll talk to me eventually.

  "Do you think we should go with Maeve at Halloween, or stop her?"

  Amelia chuckles. "I'd like to see you stop her. See you in class."

  Within seconds of Amelia vacating her chair, Katherine appears and sits, angling her body to me. She shuffles closer and whispers, "Do tell."

  "Tell what?"

  Katherine smiles and waves a hand towards the cafeteria door. "The witches. What's the gossip? Did she cheat on Jamie? That was an entertaining lovers' tiff."

  I grunt in derision. "Keep out of this."

  She examines her nails. "I don't see the appeal myself. She's whiny."

  "She's struggling, Katherine."

  "Sure. She's playing you all." Katherine bats her lashes and twists a strand of hair around a finger. "'Oh, Ash, you're so hot, I need your attention because Jamie's not here to give me any, but don't touch me. Oh, Jamie, you're so smart and sexy but I'm just sooo confused, but I might let you hold my hand. No, I need to find Andrei and pretend I don't like him—he’s mysterious and dangerous, but I'm scared because I've never kissed a boy.'"

  She giggles at her mocking impression of Maeve and my hackles rise. "Don't be such a bitch, Katherine."

  She touches her chest with her manicured fingertips and gives a mock gasp. "That's an awful thing to say, Ash. But don't you think it's better to be an upfront bitch than a whiny human who lies and sneaks around?"

  "I'm warning you, shut up."

  She stands and straightens her blazer sleeves. "You're wasting your time. You all are. She's playing with you all. Maeve might not be a lamia, but she's using how you all feel to get what she wants."

  "Screw you," I mutter beneath my breath.

  Katherine bends down, in full view of Clive, and brushes imaginary dirt from my cheek. "You know you only have to ask me, if Maeve is frustrating you," she murmurs, lips almost touching my ear.

  I jerk my head away from her. "Don't touch me. How many times do I have to tell you I don't like your type?"

  Katherine places both hands on the table. Although she's standing, when she leans down, we're still almost face to face.

  "What will you do when your shifter nature takes over, Ashley? It won't be long now until we all see what you are." She moistens her lips. "That primal energy will need channelling somewhere, or someone might get hurt."

  I'm an ounce of self-control away from pushing Katherine in the chest, but my ingrained belief that I'd never hurt a female stops me. I'm not playing into her hands. Clive appears at her side, as expected, and looms over me too.

  I've seen his expression before: that of a guy prepared to start a fight with somebody he sees as a threat, like wild animals fighting over a mate. Katherine smirks. She loves this.

  Seriously? Clive can keep her for as long as she'll allow him to, because the girl is a lamia—she'll get bored and move on.

  My concern is Maeve, Jamie, and whatever will happen at Halloween.

  Chapter Thirty


  I startle as somebody knocks on the door to my dorm room and almost drop the bright red lipstick I’m applying.

  Amelia urgently waves a hand at me to indicate I should walk into the bathroom. She hasn't begun changing yet, but I’m in costume. I decided to select maximum humour for myself and bought a witch costume. A real witch costume would be me in my academy uniform. In reality, I wear a black dress that reaches my ankles, a cloak, and pointy hat on top of a black wig.

  Those who celebrate Samhain look down their noses at how humans have hijacked their festival, others take advantage of the situation to mingle unnoticed. I shudder to think how many real vampires surrounded me, at past Halloween celebrations.

  For those who know the human Halloween celebration, it’s obvious I'm dressed for a different party to the Samhain celebrations happening in the academy grounds today.

  Amelia and I will need to avoid people on our way out.

  "Who do you think it is?" I whisper.

  She shrugs.

  Please don't let it be Jamie.

  I'm trying to keep a normal relationship with him, but things are strained. Even though we spoke to others about the vision, he’s still annoyed I refused to tell him sooner. Jamie is jumpier too. Spends more time in the library and less time around the group. After arguing about tonight several times, I persuaded Jamie he should stay in the academy, because the vision I have happens elsewhere.

  He's safer on campus, and he knows.

  Jamie's sense of humour that helped me settle in the early days slipped away since he discovered my secret. The secret that remains between us and the two professors.

  But the secret isn't between us—Andrei and Tobias know something. I steer clear from both, apart from lessons. Sometimes I catch Andrei watching me and the group; occasionally he hangs around the edges, but I shut him out. How can I be friends with a guy who attacks humans and drinks their blood? One who has no remorse for his behaviour?

  Over the last week, Jamie joined me for the extra divination teaching as we join Sofia and try to get to the bottom of my visions. But his presence does nothing to help. Even though he’s forgiven me, the distance between us emotionally impacts on the connection that helps when I scry. If anything, his distance holds the images at bay and I’m headed backwards.

  I’ve seen nothing more—of him or Tessa. Not when I’m in the extra lessons, or when I’m alone. The frustration led to arguments between Jamie and me, followed by apologies that we’re trying our best. But are we? Sometimes I see fear in Jamie’s eyes, at other times sadness. He’s guarded against me, as if I’m the one responsible.

  I'm nervous about walking back into my own world for the evening, especially as I'm not allowed home. I begged my parents to tell the academy I needed to take a break, but they refused. On the occasions I've spoken to Mum and Dad on the phone, I've had to field questions about how my life at the academy is and morphed into the sullen daughter sulking about them sending me. They told me that the Headmistress and the teacher responsible for my pastoral care advised against it.

  Of course they did.

  My anger about this affected my ability to focus which led to frustration for everybody—myself, Jamie and Sofia.

  They don't understand how strongly I need to do this. Jamie is annoyed I won't let him come with us, but his worry about what might wait for him stops him pushing harder against our decision.

  Amelia isn't dressed in costume yet, and I listen as she talks to our visitor. A girl's voice. I relax. Jamie isn't renewing his attempt to come with us.

  She ends her conversation and pokes her head around the bathroom door. "That was Danielle. She asked if we were headed to the Samhain celebrations. I told her you weren't ready to be involved, and I'm staying with you."

  I nod but I’m twitchy about our decision, despite pretending I’m fine. We're not supposed to leave campus, and I'm unsure this is sensible. But this is a last-minute evening out, to the party and straight back. Perhaps I'm dismissing the danger I'm in, but with Ash and Amelia accompanying me, I'll have the same help as last time. If Dominion are watching.

  Tonight isn't about supernatural threat. This is a vision about a human who’s screaming in terror. I can’t let anything happen to Tessa. Nobody attacked me before I knew what I was— I'm more worried about the consequences if we're caught. But hell, I’m a teenager. Aren’t I supposed to disregard authority?

  Amelia spends a frustrating amount of time zombifying herself, but the results are impressive. Her skill with makeup and prosthetics comes from working backstage with cos
tume at academy performances.

  Her peeling skin and oozing black liquid are disgusting.

  "What’s happening between you and Jamie?" she asks. Again.

  "He’s annoyed he has to stay."

  Amelia checks her costume in the mirror. "No, not just tonight. Did he come on too strong the day you stayed at the cottage."

  "Really? Can you imagine Jamie forcing himself on a girl?" I shake my head.

  "True. But before this tension, there was other tension." She waggles her eyebrows and I fight blushing. "Did you tell Jamie you preferred Ash and upset him?"

  "Amelia!" I gasp.

  "Don’t deny it, Maeve." She turns and looks me straight in the eye. "That’s what happened, isn’t it?"

  I ache to tell Amelia the real reason, but this is one situation where I agree to follow Theodora’s demand. I hate people knowing but also feel I’m betraying mine and Amelia’s friendship. I’ve discussed this with Jamie, and he was emphatic we shouldn’t. This can’t be hidden forever.

  "Can we not talk about this?" I ask her. "It’s personal."

  She purses her black painted lips and returns to decorating her face.

  Please don’t let me lose any more friends.

  Amelia steps back, finally happy with her make-up, and we wrap long coats around ourselves and leave the dorm room. The hallways are quiet in Walcott house; most prepare for their party as we leave for ours. My town is an hour’s drive from the academy in one direction, and Ash's village is half an hour in the other.

  "Do we tell Jamie we're leaving?" whispers Amelia.

  I widen my eyes. "No. He's agreed to help by diverting attention. He understands we need help keeping this on the lowdown, and his role is as important."

  I'm lying. Jamie would leave in a heartbeat.

  "You have a weird relationship," she comments.

  I don't reply, refusing to be drawn back into that conversation.


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