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The Minute Boys of York Town

Page 15

by James Otis



  Sorely afraid though I was to go out of the cabin lest I find myself aprisoner on the charge of being a spy, no danger however great couldhave prevented me from following little Frenchie when he thus led theway.

  I was so timorous at that moment as to be irritated, and it would havedone me a world of good could I have taken the little lad by theshoulders and shaken him severely, because of thus venturing forth whenhe might have remained in hiding a few hours longer without sufferingoverly much from lack of food.

  Once in the open air, however, I the same as forgot that I wasfaint-hearted, because of the scene which was presented. Lookingnorthward we could see closely surrounding us, hardly more than acannon-shot away, our people who had come to capture Cornwallis and hismen, and in so doing were preparing a way for our escape, if so be welived long enough to take advantage of the opportunity which they werecounting on offering.

  It was a sight well calculated to warm even the most timorous heart,that vast army pressing forward as if certain of victory, and holdingthe enemy on this peninsula from whence he could not escape even bywater, for at Lynn Haven bay lay the French ships ready to intercept anyflight.

  We of Virginia had remained so long under the heel of the invader, withonly now and then a glimpse of small detachments of our soldiers, thatit seemed for the moment almost incredible that there could be so manymen ready to sacrifice their lives in the effort to free the coloniesfrom the yoke of oppression which bore so heavily upon them.

  Looking Gloucester way, by which I mean gazing across the encampment ofthose who held our village of York in a wavering grasp, we could seethat the red-coats had not only withdrawn from the outermost works; butappeared to be massed together close within the limits of the village asif for mutual protection, and little Pierre, ever quick to see, and keento understand what he saw, said to me in a tone of triumph as he laidhis hand on my shoulder:

  "Look yonder; see the red-coats huddling together like a lot of rats ina trap, and verily they are trapped now, for so long as the Frenchvessels remain inside the Capes, so long are they shut in here at themercy of those brave fellows who have drawn the net around them!"

  Then it was that I began to question if Cornwallis was indeed in suchclose quarters? In the river lay, as I have already said, the_Guadaloupe_ and the _Charon_, and in addition were a number of otherlarge vessels, the names of which I do not remember.

  I asked myself whether, by making a brave attempt, they might not forcetheir way past the French fleet, and thus escape by the sea?

  "There is no chance they will try anything of the kind," Pierre saidwhen I suggested that mayhap our people did not hold the British insuch a firm grasp. "Look more closely at the ships, and you will seethat but two of them are armed for war, the others being onlytransports. What chance would all of them have against a single frigate?No, no, Fitz Hamilton, Cornwallis knows only too well that he is in atight place; but he is not such a fool as to make so desperate aventure. Here he has taken his stand, and here he must remain untilhaving beaten off our people, or made up his mind to surrender."

  I wish it might be possible for me to paint a picture of the Britishencampment surrounded by our brave Americans, as Pierre Laurens and Isaw it that afternoon when the shades of night were gathering. Points oflights, betokening camp-fires, or torches set up in the entrenchmentsthat the troops might be able to strengthen their defences, twinkled inevery direction. Then was a zone of darkness lying between the enemy'sworks and our forces, after which came again a circle of twinklinglights that seemed to shine out in a most friendly fashion, as iftelling us lads to be of good cheer for kindly aid was nigh at hand.

  Now and then would come a great flash of fire, followed by a heavybooming noise, as one army or the other sent a shot across the lines toshow that all were on the alert, and again we could hear in thisdirection or that, the sharp crackle of musketry which caused us tostart forward toward the sound believing a battle had begun. During allthe time we were besieged in the village of York did it appear to mecertain the two armies would come together immediately in a hand-to-handgrapple, and many times did I believe the end was nigh at hand,although never were both forces in their entirety engaged in conflict.

  Not until night had fully come did Pierre and I cease to gaze around us,at the same time exulting and despairing, allowing our eyes to restlongest on the encampment of our friends, and then it was that thelittle French lad brought me to a realization of the task before us, bysaying laughingly:

  "We ventured out to forage, not to watch the two armies, and I am of theopinion that we had best get about our work, else will Saul and Uncle'Rasmus believe we have been taken prisoners. That cousin of yours isnone too patient under the best of circumstances, and I can fancy how heis raving at this moment because of being forced to stay in the loftguarding the prisoners, while the old negro remains at the windowwatching for our return."

  It was one thing to say we would forage, and quite another to do it.There were provisions in abundance in the British camp; but nopossibility that we lads could come upon them, either by begging or bystealing, while our only chance lay in finding some of the villagers whowere able and willing to minister to hungry boys without questioningwhether they were for the king or the colonies.

  Left to my own devices, I should have returned to old Mary's cabin,declaring it was impossible to get that which we needed; but Pierre wasnot minded to confess himself beaten, and proposed that we presentourselves boldly at a dwelling mayhap an hundred yards away, which weknew was yet occupied by its owners.

  I tried to dissuade him from such a course, insisting that most likethe people were Tories, else they would not have remained to be shut upin this beleaguered village; but he only shrugged his shoulders andwaved his hands in that peculiar fashion of his, as he said in what hecounted should be a careless tone:

  "It is better, Fitz Hamilton, that we are held in the guard-house evenunder the charge of being spies, than that we starve to death, as youmust admit there is danger unless we speedily find provisions. Let thepeople in yonder dwelling be Tories or Whigs, I question whether theycould get the ear of any British officer within a very short time, andif we find that they are inclined to do us harm, it is only a case oftaking to our heels. Besides, I am of the mind that those who were rankTories yesterday, are standing undecided to-day until they shall seewhich side wins the victory that they may put on the proper coat."

  Then, without waiting to learn whether I agreed with him, the lad led meforward by the arm with such a tight grip that I could not escape himsave by a downright struggle, and knocked boldly at the door of thedwelling.

  It was opened by an old man, whom I believed I had seen more than oncesince we had come to this village of York in converse with some of thered-coated officers, and even then I strove to pull Pierre back that wemight make our escape in the darkness.

  With a strength such as I had not believed was his, he held me by hisside as he said to this man who might prove to be our bitterest foe:

  "We are lads who came down from the Hamilton plantation to look after anold negro who was too feeble to leave his quarters here, and now are weshut in with nothing to eat and no way of getting provisions save bybegging. We ate our last morsel of food yesterday, and have come herebelieving you would give from your store rather than sit down at tableknowing there were those near you dying from starvation."

  "You don't appear to be very near death just now," the man said gruffly,as he came nearer to peer into our faces. "So you belong on the Hamiltonplantation, do you?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "And when Captain Hamilton went North to join the rebel forces he leftan old negro in this village, did he?"

  "It is not to my mind certain that Uncle 'Rasmus was here when CaptainHamilton went away; but I know only too well he is now in this village,and in need of food."

  "I don't claim to know very much of military movements," the man saidgrimly, having satisfied h
is curiosity regarding our personalappearance; "but it seems to me you might have waited a little with thebelief that the rebels are bound to make their way inside those lineswhatever my Lord Cornwallis may do in opposition."

  "It is painful waiting even for a short time, when one's empty stomachreproaches him," little Frenchie said with a shrug of his shoulders, andthe man stood irresolute while I might have counted ten, after which hewheeled about suddenly, and entered the house saying as he did so:

  "Wait until I come."

  You may be certain we waited, although I had many misgivings as towhether the return would be to our advantage or to our sorrow, forthere was a possibility he might hold us until he could send word tosome of the Britishers telling them who we were and much of this fear Iwhispered in Pierre's ear, whereupon he said cheerily, shrugging hisshoulders and waving his hands:

  "I cannot believe any in this village would be so unwise, just at thistime, as to take advantage of our helplessness, save it might be suchcattle as Abel Hunt, for even the dullest must understand that ourfriends are like to have the upper hands before this affair is finished,and he who sent two lads to their death might himself suffer in likefashion when the Americans held possession of this town of York, as theyare certain to do before many days have passed."

  Whether the man to whom we had appealed was at heart a friend to thecolonies, or if he was prompted as Pierre had suggested, I cannot say;but this much I do know, that he brought us in a bag near to half abushel of corn meal, and with it a large ham, saying as he laid theprovisions on the threshold:

  "To these you are welcome, lad, whether you be for the colonies or forthe king; but I am asking that you do not come to me again with storiesof your hunger, for my larder is not so well filled that I can share itwith any outside my own family, lest we ourselves come to want before itis settled as to who shall be master in the village."

  Pierre thanked the man in a manner which would have been impossible forme, tongue-tied as I always am at such a time, and then gathering up thebag and the ham hastily we went with all speed toward old Mary's cabin,mentally hugging ourselves because we had succeeded so well when thereseemed little possibility aught of good would come from our foraging.

  No sooner had we opened the door of the hovel and spoken to Uncle'Rasmus, when Saul cried impatiently from the scuttle above:

  "There is no good reason why you should loiter around the encampmentwhen I alone am left in charge of the prisoners. Could you notunderstand that I ought to be relieved after so long a watch?"

  "We understand nothing save that it was necessary we bring back food,"Pierre said laughingly, giving no further heed to Saul's impatience.

  The lad would have set about building a fire that we might cook themeat; but Uncle 'Rasmus eagerly prevented him from so doing, declaringthat such task belonged to him, and Pierre, with a laugh which had in itmuch of content, gave way before the old negro and at once took up thebucket, running out of the cabin to get a supply of water.

  "Heard you aught of the Jerseyman?" Saul cried from above, and I repliedthat there was little chance we could have had word concerning him.

  If Morgan had been able to slip through the lines, then would there havecome to us no token whatsoever, and if peradventure the enemy shot himwhile he was trying to make his escape, then again must we have remainedin ignorance, for at such a time when many thousand men were facing eachother, striving their utmost to kill or wound, the life of one, be hesoldier or spy, would appear of but little importance.

  "I'se boun' to believe, honey, dat he got trou all right," Uncle 'Rasmussaid as he busied himself with preparations for the supper which weneeded so sorely. "Dat 'ere Jerseyman is mighty spry, I'se tellin' you,an' ef he could hang 'roun' here wid de Britishers, keepin' his eye openebery time dey jumped, I'se 'lowin' he's gwine to make a small job obgettin' out ob dis yere place."

  "If it's such a simple matter, why don't we try it ourselves?" Saulcried and started with surprise, for that very thought had been in mymind during the last five minutes.

  So far as our being able to work benefit to the Cause was concerned, wemight as well have been on the Hamilton plantation, and there I mostardently wished we were. It would be impossible, and most likeunnecessary, for us to get word of importance to our people, no matterhow many risks we ran, and I was of the mind that it was useless to takeany chances, for surely the Americans, being so near, could keepthemselves well informed of all that went forward in the encampment.

  Pierre came back with the water; Uncle 'Rasmus made a pudding of thecorn meal, and toasted slices of the ham before the fire. Saul came downfrom the loft, leaving the prisoners alone when the food was thusprepared, and we three lads and the old negro enjoyed that meal,surrounded though we were by enemies, more keenly than I ever rememberof pleasuring myself in a like fashion.

  When our own hunger had been appeased we set about feeding theprisoners, and this task in case of Horry Sims was a simple one, for wedared set his hands free that he might wait upon himself; but when itcame to Abel Hunt it was a horse of an entirely different color.

  We ran no little risk even in removing the gag from his mouth, and Ifirmly believe but for the fact of Pierre's standing over him with theloaded pistol which the Jerseyman had left for our use, threatening toshoot with intent to kill if he uttered the slightest sound, the fellowwould have striven to give an alarm.

  It was some minutes before he could work his jaws, so cramped were theyfrom being held fixed in one position since we had made him prisoner,and then instead of eating, although I knew full well he must be hungry,he set about threatening us with what he would do when he was atliberty, striving to impress upon us that we could not hold him in theloft many days without attracting some attention from the Britishers.

  "I am well known inside these lines," he snarled, "and had beenintrusted with important business, so that if I fail to present myselfat headquarters within a reasonable time, search will be made for me.You can guess what must be your plight once a squad of soldiers entersthis cabin to set me free."

  "I'm thinking, Abel Hunt," Pierre replied softly, "that the Britishershave got as much on their heads as can well be attended to just now,without troubling their minds regarding you. Don't expect a squad ofred-coats to come here on your behalf very soon, and, in fact, I wouldadvise you to give over thinking of such a thing, for there is everyindication my Lord Cornwallis will be too deeply occupied with theAmerican army to give heed to Tories, however important they may believetheir business to be."

  Abel continued to threaten, declaring he would send us to the gallowsbefore many days had passed, if we failed to release him, and he wenton in such strain until even Pierre lost his temper, and roughly toldhim that unless he made ready for eating he would get no food until nextmorning, whereupon the fellow opened his mouth obediently, much like acalf.

  Mine was the disagreeable task to feed him, and it may be I thrust thepudding into his mouth with unnecessary force; but certain it is I wasin no wise tender with the scoundrel, for I knew to a certainty that ifthe tables were turned, and we in his power, we might hold ourselvesfortunate indeed if we were given the slightest morsel to eat.

  That night we lads took turns standing guard in the loft, each remainingon duty two hours, although as Saul said, if we had been willing tocause Horry Sims suffering, all of us might, by gagging him, have takenthe rest which we needed. I am not sorry that we failed of following mycousin's suggestion, for since that day I have come to know from painfulexperience how much suffering may be caused by a gag firmly fixedbetween one's jaws.

  There is no good reason why I should strive to set down all the doingsof each day while it seemed to me much as if our people were making slowprogress in this work of capturing my Lord Cornwallis.

  Having been so successful in our first attempt at foraging, we wentalmost boldly around the village when our store of provisions ran low,begging at this house or at that without questioning whether theoccupants might be for the king or for
the colony, receiving sometimeswith a generous hand, and then again in niggardly manner, at leastenough of food to keep us alive, although I am free to confess thatnever once from the day the Jerseyman left us until I was home again onthe plantation, did I feel as though my stomach was well filled.

  Instead of striving to tell what we lads did, which is of littleconsequence compared with what was going on around us, I had best holdthis poor apology for a story to the movements of those brave fellowswho had come down from the North to rid our colony of Virginia fromred-coated invaders.

  During all the while, whether by day or by night, one of us three ladsremained in the loft doing guard duty, while the other two, if by anyfortunate chance we had a small store of provisions on hand, were atliberty to watch our people. It can well be understood how greedily wegazed out upon that army which we counted friendly, watching for theleast change of position, and even questioning with impatience how longit would be before the end came.

  It was as if the Britishers gave no heed whatsoever to anything savetheir own defense, and I question whether we lads might not have boldlypresented ourselves to the quartermaster begging for food and receivingit, instead of striving as we did to keep ourselves from theirparticular notice.

  We could see day after day our people bringing up heavy guns, diggingditches which Pierre called parallels, meaning embankments thrown up toprotect the advance of a besieging army, and otherwise seemingly makingpreparations to fall upon the enemy in overwhelming force.

  I remember well on going out early one morning, after it seemed to methat we had been shut up in this town of York weeks and weeks instead ofonly a few days, and seeing much to my surprise a parallel, orembankment, not more than five or six hundred yards from the outermostof the British works, which had been completed during the hours ofdarkness. With a great joy in my heart I ran into the cabin to makeknown the welcome news, for surely did it seem as if the American armyhad taken their first step toward entering the village.

  We expected each moment to hear sounds of conflict; those who were noton duty in the loft remained out of doors watching the soldiers in thedistance, and greatly disappointed were we when night came and nothingdecisive, so far as we could see, had been done.

  Next day Pierre pointed out to me as he and I stood overlooking theAmerican lines, that two or three redoubts were being thrown up, andbatteries placed in position. Then came that for which we had beenhoping and praying--the sounds of conflict.

  It was in the afternoon that our people opened fire upon the enemy withgreat vigor, and until the end came the earth trembled continuouslybeneath the heavy detonations, while the smoke of the burning powderhung over us until our throats were parched and smarting.

  It is impossible for me to set down of my own knowledge all that wasdone during this seemingly long time by the Britishers, for I saw only aportion of the movements. Often the clouds of smoke prevented me fromseeing friend or foe, and again, when came this change of position, orthat counter-marching, I failed to understand the meaning, therefore itis that again shall I make my story more plain by setting down the wordsof another, which I have seen on a printed sheet:


  "The evening of the sixth was very dark and stormy, and under cover ofthe gloom, the first parallel was commenced within six hundred yards ofCornwallis's works. (Parallel is a technical term applied to trenchesand embankments dug and thrown up as a protection to besiegers againstthe guns of a fort. In this way the assailants may approach afortification, and construct batteries within short gun-shot of theworks of the beleaguered, and be well protected in their labors.)

  "General Lincoln commanded the troops detailed for this service. Sosilently and so earnestly did they labor that they were not discerned bythe British sentinels, and before daylight the trenches weresufficiently complete to shield the laborers from the guns of the enemy.On the afternoon of the ninth several batteries and redoubts werecompleted, and a general discharge of twenty-four and eighteen-pounderswas commenced by the Americans on the right.

  "This cannonade was kept up without intermission during the night, andearly next morning the French opened their batteries upon the enemy. Fornearly eight hours there was an incessant roar of cannon and mortars,and hundreds of bombs and round shot were poured upon the British works.So tremendous was the bombardment that the besieged soon withdrew theircannon from the embrasures, and fired very few shots in return. Atevening red-hot cannon balls were hurled from the French battery on theextreme left, at the _Guadaloupe_ and _Charon_.

  "The _Guadaloupe_ was driven from her post, while the _Charon_ and threelarge transports were burned.

  "The night was starry and mild, and invited to repose; but the besiegersrested not, and York Town presented a scene of terrible grandeur such asis seldom witnessed by the eye of man.

  "From the bank of the river I had a fine view of the splendidconflagration. The ships were enwrapped in a torrent of fire whichspread with vivid brightness among the combustible rigging, and ran withamazing rapidity to the tops of the several masts, while all around wasthunder and lightning from our numerous cannon and mortars, and in thedarkness presented one of the most sublime and magnificent spectaclesthat can be imagined.

  "Some of our shells, over-reaching the town, were seen to fall in theriver, and, bursting, threw up a column of water like the spouting of amonster of the deep. All night long the allies kept up a cannonade, andearly the next morning another British transport was set in flames by afiery ball, and consumed.

  "During the night of the eleventh the besiegers commenced a secondparallel, between two and three hundred yards from the British works.The three succeeding days were devoted to the completion of this line oftrenches, during which time the enemy opened new embrasures in positionsfrom which their fire was far more effective than at first.

  "Two redoubts on the left of the besieged, and advanced three hundredyards in front of the British works, flanked the second parallel andgreatly annoyed the men in the trenches. Preparations were made on thefourteenth to carry them both by storm.

  "To excite a spirit of emulation the reduction of one was committed tothe American light infantry under Lafayette; the other to a detachmentof French grenadiers and chasseurs commanded by the Baron de Viomenil, abrave and experienced officer.

  "Toward evening the two detachments marched to the assault. ColonelAlexander Hamilton, who had commanded a battery of light artilleryduring this campaign, led the advance corps of the Americans, assistedby Colonel Gimat, Lafayette's aide; while Colonel Laurens, with eightymen, turned the redoubt, in order to intercept the retreat of thegarrison.

  "At a given signal the troops rushed furiously to the charge withoutfiring a gun, the van being led by Captain Aaron Ogden. Over the abattisand palisades they leaped, and with such vehemence and rapidityassaulted and entered the works, that their loss was inconsiderable. Onesergeant and eight privates were killed; seven officers and twenty-fivenon-commissioned officers and privates were wounded. Major Campbell, whocommanded the redoubt, and some inferior officers, with seventeenprivates, were made prisoners. Eight privates of the garrison werekilled in the assault, but not one was injured after the surrender.

  "The redoubt stormed by the French was garrisoned by a greater force,and was not so easily overcome. It was defended by a lieutenant-colonel,and one hundred and fifty men. After a combat of nearly half an hour,the redoubt was surrendered. Eighteen of the garrison were killed, andforty-two were made prisoners. The French lost in killed and woundedabout one hundred men.

  "During the night of the fourteenth these redoubts were included in thesecond parallel, and by five o'clock the next afternoon some howitzers,which had been placed in them, were opened upon the British works.

  "The situation of Cornwallis was now becoming dangerous. Beleaguered onall sides by a superior force, his strongest defenses crumbling orpassing into the possession of the besiegers, and no tidings fromGeneral Clinton to encourag
e him, the British commander was filled withthe gloomiest apprehensions.

  "Knowing that the town would be untenable when the second parallelshould be completed, he sent out a detachment under Lieutenant-ColonelAbercrombie, to make a sortie against the two almost completed batteriesguarded by French troops. They made a furious assault at about fouro'clock in the morning and were successful; but the guards at thetrenches soon drove the assailants back, and their enterprise wasfruitless of advantage.

  "Cornwallis, confident that he could not maintain his position,determined to make a desperate effort at flight. His plan was to leavethe sick and his baggage behind; cross over to Gloucester, and, with hisdetachment there, disperse the French troops; mount his infantry onhorses taken from the duke's legion, and others that might be seized inthe neighborhood; by rapid marches gain the forks of the Rappahannockand the Potomac, and, forcing his way through Maryland, Pennsylvania,and New Jersey, form a junction with the army in New York.

  "This was a most hazardous undertaking, but his only alternative wasflight or capture. Boats were accordingly prepared, and at ten o'clockon the evening of the sixteenth a portion of his troops were conveyedacross to Gloucester. So secretly was the whole movement performed thatthe patriots did not perceive it, and had not a power mightier than maninterposed an obstacle, Cornwallis's desperate plan might have beensuccessfully accomplished.

  "The first body of troops had scarcely reached Gloucester Point when astorm of wind and rain, almost as sudden and fierce as a summer tornado,made the passage of the river too hazardous to be again attempted. Thestorm continued with unabated violence until morning, and Cornwallis wasobliged to abandon his design. The troops were brought back without muchloss, and now the last ray of hope began to fade from the vision of theearl."


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