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Willa's Way

Page 7

by Reagan Woods

  “Ok…” She dropped the hand from her mouth. “What has happened to change all of this?”

  “I was prepared for the fact that another male might have the Right of First Refusal to you, but I didn’t realize that Earth was valuable enough to merit Tribal consideration,” he said simply.

  “Back it up, Tiron.” She stood and faced him, her expression fierce. “Just what is ‘Right of First Refusal’?”

  He’d never seen her out of sorts before. She wore her anger magnificently. Willa was sexy and fiery in a decidedly un-Corian way that was also strangely cute. The way her eyes sparkled…

  “Right of First Refusal means if, at any time before or after you were claimed, you gave yourself sexually to another male, he could demand the Right to Seek Claim for you if we end our…association,” he explained.

  “That doesn’t apply.” Willa visibly relaxed. “So, what’s the deal with Tribal consideration?”

  “If the High Council votes to extend Tribal rights to Earth, then you will be an unmated female residing with an unmated male. That is not an acceptable practice among my people. We would be required to either separate or bond.”

  “Ok, let me get this straight: I either go to a work camp or live with you as your mate?”

  Willa was adorable with her little face scrunched in thought. Tiron wished with all his might it were as simple as that, he would gladly take her as his bond-mate. She’d never want him the way he wanted her, but at least he’d know that she was safe and cared for.

  “Not quite. You know females are rare among us. Any un-bonded male could invoke the Right to Challenge if he thought you were being forced into the situation,” he finished dismally.

  “But…I don’t understand. How could someone just decide I wasn’t willing to be bond-mated to you?”

  “It’s a pretty safe assumption. They would take one look at me and think they were doing you a favor.” Tiron felt his scars pulling his lip into a bitter twist, but couldn’t prevent it. He couldn’t look directly at her, he didn’t want to see the rejection in her eyes. “No one would ever believe that you had willingly become my lover.”

  Her sharp intake of breath was enough to tell him her feelings on the subject.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Retracing her steps to the apartment was markedly less jubilant on Willa’s part. The same males who’d shoved into the lift with them on the trip up were waiting in the car, and they’d brought friends. Ugh.

  She tried to be cordial, but it was difficult with her mind replaying that ominous conversation. It seemed as though the Commander was also unable to be polite because he snarled at the greeting party, physically shoving a few out of the way.

  Before she could respond to his assertion, Tiron had rushed her out of the observation room with the lame excuse that it was nearly curfew. As the head honcho aboard the Trident, one would think he could issue a hall pass, but she’d let it slide. He seemed wound tight and the closer they got to their abode, the tenser he became.

  “Are you so eager to see me humiliated?” he hissed, turning on her the moment the door to their quarters locked shut behind her.

  “What?” She was surprised as much by the accusing tone as the ugly words.

  “Don’t play dumb with me, female. You’ve issued an invitation to every male we’ve seen tonight.” Crowding her back against the door, he got right down in her face.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You smiled. At. Them. All,” he bit out, not giving her an inch.

  “Because, unlike some people, I was taught good manners,” she snarled back.

  “Rumors of Earth becoming a Tribe are already circling. If they get even the slightest hint that you aren’t happy in my care, they’ll be lining up to challenge for you. They’ll be com’ing and stopping in when I’m not here.”

  “Obviously, I didn’t intend to embarrass you.” She thumped her head back against the door in frustration.

  She didn’t want to argue with Tiron, and she certainly didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. The only male she wanted was the stubborn a-hole in front of her. But noooo, he couldn’t even give her the chance to spit out the words when he’d broached the subject.

  The more she thought about it, she realized that he didn’t want to bond with her. She was just a way for him to get out of his responsibilities to his family. Or maybe to force the beautiful female from last week to give him the contract terms he wanted. She hadn’t thought he was that kind of person, but maybe she was wrong.

  “I don’t want anyone fighting over me.” She dropped her head wearily. “I was just trying to be nice.”

  Very gently, Tiron lifted her face. What he saw must have convinced him of her sincerity. “For now, you probably should avoid answering the door and the com. I’m sure we have time before they can Challenge for you. And it could be that the Earthers won’t be granted Tribal status at all.”

  “Tiron.” Willa grabbed the hand cradling her cheek so he couldn’t move away. “What is this Challenge you’re so worried about?”

  “Because you don’t have a mother to negotiate your bonding contract, any male that believes you’ve been coerced into the arrangement can issue Challenge.”

  That didn’t quite answer her question. “Can’t I just tell them I’m not interested?”

  “Er – no.” He looked away. “Basically, I have to prove that I can…satisfy you. If I cannot, the Challenger has the opportunity to prove that he can.”

  “Oh no.” Willa shook her head in disbelief.

  That wouldn’t do. She definitely wouldn’t be participating in any Challenge, no matter what their stupid laws said. The last thing she would ever do is give up her virginity simply to prove a point. She didn’t feel particularly attached to her virginal status, but, come on, people.

  “I’m afraid so. You’ve already demonstrated your lack of interest in me, but I doubt you’d be able to hold out against a more appealing male,” Tiron answered quietly.

  Where had he come up with that bologna? On second thought, she didn’t want to know. He’d already cost her enough IQ points. Male logic was mystifying, and she’d probably become irreparably brain damaged if she tried to think like one.

  “Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.” She gave a bitter chuckle, pushing past him. “For the record, I never intended to demonstrate a lack of interest in you.”

  Willa didn’t wait around for Tiron’s reminder that their arrangement was one of convenience, he’d already made that abundantly clear. This craptastic evening would live in infamy as far as she was concerned, and the sooner she went to sleep, the faster tonight would be in her rear view mirror.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tiron watched, mouth agape, as Willa disappeared into the bathing room. Had he heard her correctly? What had she meant by that remark?

  Fighting his first instinct to barge in and demand an explanation, he forced himself to take a seat and think things through. He’d already made the mistake of jumping to the wrong conclusion once this evening, the last thing he wanted to do was insult her again.

  In his heart, Tiron had to admit that he might be grasping at straws, but he swore she’d just admitted to wanting him. Well, really, she’d admitted to not actively not wanting him. Or had she?

  His thoughts looped in confused circles until he heard her exit the bathing room. She didn’t speak, didn’t even look in his direction as she walked into the sleeping room.

  Coming to a decision, Tiron followed purposefully behind her. He would have answers and he would have them now.

  She was climbing onto the sleeping platform when he entered the room. The shirt he’d lent her barely covered her heart-shaped bottom as she slinked across the sleeping surface on all fours.

  He was instantly thankful for the constraining fabric of his uniform. Were he in his sleep pants, there would be no hiding what she did to him.

  “Willa?” The one word barely made it past his lips. He felt like he was
suffocating, all the air stuck in his lungs, none making it to his brain.

  She shot him a look over one round shoulder, eyebrow cocked inquiringly.

  It was too much, all that satiny brown skin on display, long hair flipped to one side…she was magnificent. He needed her, ached to possess her and would do anything to have her.

  “Tiron?” his name sounded so good coming from her mouth.

  “Say it again,” he commanded.

  A puzzled frown creasing her forehead, she turned to face him. She sat gingerly and folded her knees to one side, supporting her weight with one arm. “Tiron? What’s the matter?”

  He cleared his throat, eyes glued to the shadowed area between her upper thighs where the shirt rode high. Was she doing this on purpose? Teasing him? “Where is your brace?”

  She pointed to the corner where the contraption sat. “Dr. Balcar needs to adjust it again. Right now, it hurts to wear it at night.”

  Approaching the platform, he slowly shucked his boots and shirt. He knew what he wanted, he just wasn’t certain exactly how to get it. He’d studied the art of seduction as all eldest sons did, that part wouldn’t be a problem. Right now, he needed to know where they stood.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Tiron? Seriously. What are you doing? You’re starting to freak me out.” It wasn’t that she hadn’t ever seen him dressed in only pants, usually those soft, satiny sleep pants…yummy. But he never changed clothes in front of her.

  “We haven’t been communicating well,” he rumbled, sitting on the edge of the sleeping platform.

  “I think we understand one another just fine,” she argued. “You believe that we aren’t right for each other. How much clearer could you be?”

  “Willa, you’re a beautiful female, inside and out. Any male would be lucky to have you.” A scarred hand reached tentatively to cover her own where it rested on her thigh. His touch sent a warm buzz up her arm, and having him so close made it hard to think.


  “I’m afraid they’ll take you from me and I don’t know what to do about it.” He tilted his head to the side, golden eyes studying her, giving nothing of his thoughts away. Turning her hand over in his, his thumb swept back and forth over her palm in a tantalizing rhythm.

  “You’re afraid that someone will Challenge you for me?” Maybe he really did like her.

  “Yes,” he sighed, drawing his legs up to mirror her. “I am.”

  “And they wouldn’t be able to challenge for me if we had sex?”

  “They would still be able to challenge, but, at the most I would have to move you to orgasm at the Challenge. It would be a problem if I could not do that. Far worse would be, if the Challenger succeeded where I’d failed.”

  She’d like to encourage him to practice giving her an orgasm. Or six.

  His already ridiculous physique upped its sexy-ante when he rested his weight on his arm, flexing each and every muscle from his manly forearms, up his cut biceps and across his chest…down to where her IQ points started their suicidal partying again.


  She tore her gaze away from his ripped abs, not an easy task. “Uhhh...What makes you so certain you would fail?” Eyes, girl! Look at his eyes! The abs will only get you in trouble.

  “We’ve slept in the same bed for weeks now, Willa. I think that, if something were going to happen, it would have by now.”

  “Maybe you haven’t tried to make anything happen. Did you ever consider that?” Mmmm…look at those muscles…

  He gave her an incredulous look.

  “To be fair, I haven’t tried too hard to make anything happen, either. Maybe we should remedy that right now.” Casually, she reached out and snagged his waist band. “Can you come here, please?” She flashed him her most flirtatious smile, hoping to bamboozle him into compliance.

  He blew out a deep breath, and she was sure he was going to do as she asked…but then, “No. As much as I want to, and I do, I think we need to have a clear-headed talk, first.”

  Willa flopped onto her back, air hissing out from between her teeth. Rejected.

  “You suck.” She dropped an arm over her eyes to block her view of him and his perfect abs.

  “Willa, I’m trying to help.” He pulled her arm off of her face, looming over her. “I think you’re being influenced by a chemical reaction.”

  She scowled up at him, stuffing all of her displeasure into that single expression. He wasn’t listening to her at all. Not that he ever did.

  “Yes, your pheromones increase my desire,” she agreed, hooking an arm around his neck. She tried to pull him down to her, but ended up hanging off of him. Damn, he was strong.

  “You know it’s the pheromones that make you want me?” He pulled back, inadvertently taking her with him.

  “I know that’s what you want to think, but your pheromones, lovely as they are, couldn’t make me want you. They only increase the desire I already feel.” She laughed at his skeptical expression.

  “Willa, are you interested in…me?”

  “What do I have to do to signal an emphatic yes? Be specific.” She gazed unflinchingly into his imperfect face, trying to show him her heart. She wanted him to know how much she cared for him, how much she desired him, but knew he wouldn’t believe mere words.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tiron’s stomach did a slow somersault. He’d faced off against hostile enemies and survived horrific tragedies, but this harmless female had his whole body taut with nerves. The way Willa looked at him made him feel like a hero, as if he mattered. And that terrified him as much as it drew him in.

  Heart in his throat, Tiron slowly leaned down, hovering indecisively for a long moment, before he kissed her upturned lips. He waited for her to reject him, to voice her displeasure. Instead, her soft moan of assent caused a blistering wave of heat to race over his body.

  Delving deeper, he worked his hands underneath the shirt she wore and gently explored her soft curves. He’d imagined them like this, mouths entwined, frenzied hands surfing over heated skin, often over these long weeks. Holding her pliant body in his arms surpassed his fantasies.

  Breaking the kiss, Willa swiped her pink tongue over that bitable bottom lip and said, “Just so we’re clear: yes. Yes, I want you. Yes, I expect you to act on that. But, Tiron, I’ve never been with anyone in this way before.”

  “You’re a virgin?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Ummm…this is awkward, but…are you?”

  “No,” he said gently, afraid of disappointing her, but wanting to be honest. “But it’s been a very long time. Does that bother you?”

  She smiled up at him, “Actually, I’m relieved that one of us knows what they’re doing.”

  He wouldn’t have cared if she’d been with a hundred males before, but the fact that he would be the male to initiate her into the pleasures of the flesh filled him with reverence. He knew he would make it good for her, he’d prepared for this opportunity for years, and he knew just where to start…

  After stripping her of the provocative shirt, he carefully arranged her limbs, paying homage to each beautiful inch of satiny skin. He learned that her pebbled nipples were incredibly sensitive and that a firm touch elicited the best response. By the time he began kissing his way back up from her dainty feet, she was thrashing beneath him, begging.

  Her skin tasted sweet on his tongue. At the juncture of her thighs, the smell of her arousal nearly caused him to lose his grip on his self-control. Mindful of her sore hip, he used an arm to restrain her. He couldn’t wait to bury his hardness inside her heat, but first...

  Willa shrieked his name when he dipped his tongue between her labia, slowly tracing each fold, savoring her taste. Alternately teasing around her clit and breaching her entrance with hard, well-timed thrusts of his tongue, he drove her towards her peak.

  Slowly, he worked a careful finger into her tight channel, then added another. She stiffened and he lathed her clitoris with soft, flutterin
g strokes until she relaxed. When he’d stretched her enough to make room for a third digit, she was moaning.

  “Please, Tiron, please,” she wailed.

  He decided to take mercy on her this first time. A few nibbles on her hot button and she tipped over the edge of orgasm, coming hard.

  “Ohmigod, I’m…oh, oh,oh!”

  “That’s one,” he said when she’d struggled into a sitting position.

  “One?” Her eyes soft and unfocused, hair wildly tumbled around her shoulders, she appeared dazed.

  “It will take several more before you’re ready.” He gently tilted her back, savoring the feel of her body beneath his fingertips.

  “But-but-but! That’s not fair! I want to play, too,” she groused.

  “Tonight is about you.”

  Looking at her skin glowing in the dim light, eyes shining as she gazed at him trustingly, Tiron knew real happiness for the first time in a very long time. Stroking her wild hair back from her forehead, he kissed her pouting mouth and began the seduction anew.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “I think you’re going to kill me,” Willa panted after her third orgasm.

  He presented a roguish picture, golden eyes gleaming wickedly, her knees over his broad shoulders. “I don’t think you can die from pleasure.”

  Her body felt noodle-y, but, when he kissed a path up her torso, the electric thrum of desire buzzed across her skin, making her needy again. Dancing, pleasure-drunken brain cells skittered to a halt, her knees reflexively pulling closed, when he levered his solid mass atop her.

  “Relax.” He braced his weight on one arm, content to give her time. His other hand came up to smooth her curls away from her face in a tender gesture.

  Nervously chewing on her lower lip, she took inventory of her feelings. She wanted him, but… she was apprehensive.

  “We can stop right now,” he whispered into her ear, his hard, hot body blanketing her. “We can turn out the light and I’ll hold you. Nothing has to change.”


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