Book Read Free

The Shoma

Page 2

by Lola St. Vil

  “So, you guys find these pieces and the Council comes back, as does the light?” I ask.

  “Sounds easy, right? But then something always goes wrong.” Emmy says, with a hint of irritation.

  “Are you okay?” Miku asks her.

  “Me, I’m fantastic.” she says sarcastically.

  Miku is about to question Emmy further, when a figure emerges from the beach. As he gets closer, we realize who it is. Ameana and Rage come out to meet us, just as Wolf approaches.

  “What’s going on?” Rage asks, not happy to see his girlfriend’s ex.

  “Noni is the last piece of the light we have. We have Paras guarding it as a safety precaution. They told me an Alexi came to Noni with a Sib that is emanating a grey light. Not beaming white, like Sibs normally do. I soon found who the Sib belonged to.” Wolf says, staring hard at Rage.

  There’s something different about Wolf. He’s just as hot as he ever was, with his gold locks, broad shoulders and bulging muscles, but he seems harder now; no longer his usual “Zen” self.

  Marcus looks back and forth between Rage and Wolf. He senses their hatred for each other; we all do. Marcus speaks and tries to break up the fog of anger building around the Akon and the Para.

  “Wolf, we were planning to tell you—”

  “—Marcus, I don’t care what you planned to do. I’m only concerned with what you actually did. You allowed an Alexi to carry a half Akon into the light.”

  “Our Sib is also half Angel.” Ameana protests.

  “Not for long; I ordered the Paras to destroy it.”



  Rage tackles Wolf to the ground. The speed of his movement takes us all by surprise. The two of them hurl deadly orbs at each other. Marcus and the rest of the Guardians try to intercept. Marcus shouts at Rage to stop attacking, but Rage’s eyes have turned completely black. He’s in full Demon mode and has no intention of backing down.

  Wolf is just as determined as Rage; he cuts thought the air with the expertise of a Para and hurls massive power balls worthy of a Kon. Should any of them land on Rage, he will die instantly. Rage doesn’t care how powerful Wolf is; he hurls blue fire at the Kon and nearly burns him alive.

  Just as a power ball is about to hit Rage, Jay Glides over and pushes him out the way. Jay barely makes it out of the target zone. Miku takes to the air and tries to reason with Rage, but Rage pushes her aside and goes after Wolf again.

  “Rage, calm down!” Marcus says as he grabs hold of him.

  “HE KILLED MY KID!” Rage roars as he powers up yet another power ball.

  “No, he didn’t, Ameana still has the pattern on her fingers, if the Sib were dead, they would have disappeared.” Miku shouts.

  “They are waiting for my official go ahead; and they will get it.” Wolf says in a deadly tone.

  “Rage, you can’t hurt Wolf, he’s a Para.” Marcus replies.

  “I don’t give a shit.” Rage spits.

  “I’m ready any time, Akon,” Wolf challenges summoning up a power ball.

  Rage is about to tackle Wolf again, but Marcus grabs him and sends the Akon flying into the side of the house.

  “Get off me!” Rage demands, as the house crumbles around them.

  “Wolf is a Kon; if you hurt him, the Omari will come after you. We will be at war with the Paras.” Marcus says.

  “I’m not you, Marcus, I’m not gonna obey the fucking rules so I can get a gold star. The Paras wanna go to war, then bring it on!”

  “Rage, we can’t go to war with Paras.”

  “Why, because you’re afraid?” Rage accuses.

  “No, because we’d lose.”

  For the first time since the fight began, Rage is actually listening to Marcus.

  “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but like Miku just told you, Ameana still has the pattern on her. So the Sib is safe for now—I will find out what the deal is, but you have to stay calm.” Marcus warns.

  “I don’t have to do what you say. You are not my leader.”

  “No, but I am Ameana’s leader and I can tell you, she has a temper. She’s down there on the ground, ready to attack Wolf. Do you remember what happened when Angela got enraged and stayed that way? Her Sib died. You have to keep Ameana calm. Or it won’t matter what Wolf does, because the Sib will die anyway.” Marcus counters.

  Rage looks down on the ground and sees the team barely able to hold Ameana back. Her wings are flapping a million miles a second. She is ready for war and willing to kill anything in her sight. Wolf is in the sky looking up at her with a hard expression.

  Marcus lets go of Rage and tells him he can go after Wolf or help Ameana stay calm.

  “You handle the hippie or I will.” Rage swears as he flies down to attend to Ameana.

  Everyone is trying to keep her calm; including Emmy, who keeps promising her that nothing is going to happen to the Sib. Marcus tells Wolf he wants to talk in private. The two of them fly off to the other side of the island. I hop on a Port and follow them.

  I have a power that could be of help, a power in addition to pausing time for a few moments. A power my grandmother warned me not to let anyone know about. She said it was too great and if someone knew what I could do, my life would be in danger.

  “Wolf, what the hell is going on?” Marcus asks as soon as they land.

  “You sent an Akon to the light and you are questioning me?” Wolf shouts.

  “It’s half Akon. And even if it weren’t, since when are you into killing babies?”

  “I am doing what I have to. Ameana and the Akon did this on purpose. They planned to have a Sib so they could have an evil takeover.”

  “They didn’t even know they could have a Sib. Hell, until a few moments ago, I didn’t think it was possible, either.”

  “Well, meaning to or not, we can’t allow the Sib to live.”

  “Wolf, what is going on with you?”

  “I am doing what’s right; the Sib will be destroyed.”

  “A few months ago, you couldn’t bring yourself to step on a flower without having a funeral for it and now you want to kill a baby?”

  “Ameana had no right to do what she did! She is the reason this is happening, so don’t blame me!”

  “You can’t do this.”

  “In the Council’s absence I am the closest thing to balance and I will not allow an Akon to get into the light. It could contaminate all the others Sibs.”

  “The Sibs have no contact with each other in Noni. They are held in crystal cocoons, each one separately.”

  “I don’t enjoy doing this, Marcus, but it’s an Akon Sib, and it will not be allowed to live. I have to think about others. Unlike Ameana, who is selfish and reckless in who she sleeps with.”

  “You’re not angry because she had a Sib with an Akon; you’re angry because she didn’t have it with you.” Marcus concludes.

  There’s a quick flash of pain on Wolf’s face, but it soon gives way to stone cold resolve.

  “In about an hour, the markings on Ameana will disappear altogether. I just thought I would warn you.” He says as he shakes his head angrily and takes off.

  Marcus goes after him and calls out his name. When Marcus speaks, his tone is also cold and certain.

  “Wolf, I’m sorry she chose him over you, believe me; but she is my second in command and I will not allow you to kill a part of her.”

  Wolf gets up in Marcus’s face. Only a few inches of air stand between them. Wolf speaks softly into Marcus’s ear.

  “Marcus, if you stand in our way, the Sib won’t be the only thing that is destroyed.”

  “We can’t just stand here while he kills our kid. We need to go to Noni and stop him.” Rage says, ready to take to the air.

  “It’s not that simple, only Paras can enter, or a mother who is there to pick up a Sib; and in that case, the markings on her hand would be illuminating.” Miku replies.

  “I don’t care. I’m going up there.” Amea
na says as she takes to the sky.

  “It will ID you as not being a Para and you won’t be able to get inside.” Jay replies.

  “I don’t care. I’ll go to Noni and blow it up into a thousand pieces to get my baby out, don’t you get that?” She screams.

  “We do, Mimi, we do, but if you destroy Noni, all the Sibs there will die, including yours.” Miku says, taking her hand and bringing her back down to the ground.

  “Pretty, I can’t lose this baby, I can’t.” She begs.

  Rage embraces her tightly and assures her that he will figure things out. She moans that Wolf will never change his mind and these are the last few minutes they will have with their Sib.

  “No, they’re not. Wolf is just upset because he loves you and he pictured a life with you; and now that life is…he just needs time to adjust to the reality.” Emmy offers.

  “We don’t have time. In less than an hour, the patterns will go away and…” Ameana can’t bring herself to finish the sentence.

  The team exchanges a look of grave concern. It’s not just the Wolf’s plan for the Sib that shocks them; it’s Ameana. I don’t think the Guardians have ever seen her, this vulnerable before. She has always appeared powerful, together and strong; but right now, her entire world is crumbling.

  “No, don’t think like that. I told you I won’t let anything happen to our family and I meant that. I’ll kill Wolf, I’ll kill all of them, if I have to. I promise.” Rage vows taking Ameana’s hand.

  “That’s just it, Thomas, our Sib is up there about to be murdered and there’s nothing we can do.” Ameana says, filled with worry.

  “Um…actually, I might be able to help…” I offer quietly.

  “How?” Ameana asks.

  “I read his mind.”

  They all look at me like I knew they would; strangely. Reading minds is rare, even among Angels; only The Sage and a few others have been able to do this. It baffles them that I should have this power. It baffles me, too.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you could read minds?” Miku asks.

  “My grandmother made me promise never to tell because it’s a power that can cause others to see you as a threat. So, growing up, I just hid that power.” I confess.

  “I thought Quo only had one power.” Emmy says.

  “Normally, but once in a while, a freak emerges. That’s me; a freak among freaks,” I reply.

  “That’s great!” Miku says.

  “I don’t do it very well. I mean, I haven’t practiced it like I have pausing time. I’m rusty. I can’t read the thoughts of people I really care about and sometimes I can only make out the thoughts that are the most urgent.” I explain.

  “Yeah, but you read Wolf’s mind, right?” Ameana asks desperately.

  They all turn to me. Once again, I’m in the spotlight. Man, it was so much easier when I was just reading about the Guardians. Being here in the middle of it is exciting, but…the pressure is unimaginable.

  “I picked up on one thought he kept having: The time to Query is over.”

  “What does that mean?” Rage demands.

  “I don’t know, but I’m guessing he’s waiting something out.” I offer.

  “She’s right. If Wolf could have killed the Sib, why didn’t he just do it?” Emmy replies.

  “He said he was giving us a heads up.” Miku says.

  “The Wolf we used to know would give us a heads up, the Wolf we just met, could care less.” Marcus responds.

  “So you think he was obligated to wait?” Rage asks.

  “Wait for what? What is a Query?” Ameana asks, getting more and more desperate.

  “I know someone who may have the answer.” Marcus replies, as he picks up his cell and makes a call. We all wait impatiently for him to finish.

  “Who was that?” Emmy asks.

  “Raphael. According to him, before a Kon can kill something that has some amount of good within it, he must notify those closest to that being first.”

  “So that’s the only reason Wolf came here?” Ameana asks.

  “No, I think he really just wanted to see you.” Rage says bitterly.

  “Never mind that, what’s a Query?” Miku pushes.

  “It’s a meeting held by the Original Paras, to voice their concern about a Kon’s decision. Ultimately, they would vote and if they decided the Kon acted rashly, they would then have the power to overturn the Kon’s decision.”

  “How many Originals have to disagree in order to stop Wolf from killing our Sib?” Ameana asks.

  “All of them.”

  “Have they ever had Queries before?” Jay wonders.

  “A few times.” Marcus replies.

  “Have they ever voted against the Kon’s wishes?” Rage pushes.

  “No. A Query is more of a ‘show’ of democracy. Raphael said the truth is Originals don’t like to second-guess the Kon. A Query is merely a formality.”

  “That’s it? Wolf is gonna destroy our child, just like that?” Ameana replies incredulously.

  “No, that’s not it. They’ve never had a Query about something like this. There’s bound to be a few Originals who side with us.” Marcus replies.

  “It doesn’t matter. They all have to agree. If they don’t…”

  “There is a time limit on Queries. Luckily, we called Raphael in time. He’s setting up the meeting now.”

  “No, he won’t be on time to stop Wolf.” Ameana says.

  “As long as a Query is being held, Wolf will have to wait to see what the Originals decide. He can’t make a move until then.”

  “Fine, where is this Query being held? We need to go and talk to them.” Ameana says, determined to fix her world.

  “Queries are for Originals only.” Marcus says, obviously filled with regret.

  “What? That’s not fair. She should at least get a chance to talk to them.” Emmy replies, pissed off at the news.

  “How long will it take for them to gather and make a decision?” Ameana pleads.

  “A few hours.”

  “Oh my Omnis, I can’t. I can’t wait that long. I won’t make it through.” Ameana begs Rage.

  “It’s okay, it’s fine. They won’t hurt our Sib. I promise.” Rage replies.

  “Don’t do that.” Emmy says. Everyone turns to her, taken aback.

  “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be mean; but the fact is, Rage is a Demon. The Sib is half of him. They could very well let Wolf do what he wants.” Emmy says.

  “Why the fuck would you say that when you know how easy it would be for me to kill you?” Ameana barks.

  “I’m just trying to protect you.” Emmys says, gasping for air.

  “Protect me from what?”

  “Hope; you should never have too much of it.”

  Ameana is about to say something, but she starts to moan in pain instead. In a matter of seconds she was doubled over and groaning as if someone had viciously attacked her.

  We all run to her and even though he was further away, Rage somehow manages to get to her first.

  “Ameana, Ameana!” Rage calls out franticly.

  “What happened?” Marcus asks.

  Rage looks at Marcus. Marcus quickly points out that the marking are still on Ameana’s fingers.

  “I know a Voyen we could take her to.” I offer.

  “What is that?” Emmy asks.

  “It’s a healer who specializes in Sibs.” I reply.

  The team and I locate the Voyen on the outskirts of Ibiza. By that time, Ameana is conscious again, but still very weak. She insists she doesn’t need a Voyen, but none of us listen to her. We want to make sure everything was okay.

  We find the Voyen in a small apartment, filled with just about everything ever sold on EBay. Her name is Luna. She’s a bald Angel with lots of tattoos and a pretty serious hoarding problem.

  When she sees Rage, her face darkness. Marcus assures her that Rage won’t give her any problems. She reluctantly takes us to her examination room.

a Voyen is some kind of Angel baby doctor?” Emmy asks as me as we make our way to the back room.

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

  “We need you to be discreet about this, Luna.” Marcus informs her.

  “Certainly. Now, which one of you did the Alexi come for?” She asks.

  “Me.” Ameana says showing Luna her Kaidan; the patterns on her fingers. They look like hieroglyphics, but far more detailed.

  “Are you the girl who’s taken up with the Demon?” She asks, alarmed.

  “You have a problem with me?” Rage asks.

  “I was certain it was just a rumor. Something IM Trouble wrote about to sell Splashes.”

  “Well, it’s not. Can you examine her or what?”

  She studies Rage in wonder. She then looks at all of us as if we are asking her to dissect an alien. Luna asks us to leave the room while she examines Ameana. Rage refuses to leave her side.

  “That’s fine, Akon, you can stay with her. Besides, I would rather keep my eye on you. Demons are notorious thieves.” She explains to us, filled with suspicion.

  “You can relax, lady. I don’t really have a need for Family Guy pez dispensers.” Rage informs her as he takes a figurine off the shelf and studies it.

  “Hey, put that down, that’s a collector’s item.” She says, clearly not amused.

  It was all Rage could do not to slap her.

  “He won’t touch anything, now can we get on with it?” Ameana says.

  We leave them in the exam room and head back outside.

  “How do you think the Query’s going?” Miku asks Marcus.

  “I don’t know, Pretty. On one hand they wouldn’t want to take out an Angel, but being half Akon…they don’t know what to except of this Sib.”

  “Yo, to be real, we don’t either.” Jay adds.

  “This kid could turn out to be like everyone else.” Emmy points out.

  “It could also be something we have to destroy, one day.” Jay replies.

  “Shhh, keep your voice down.” Miku says.

  “Sorry, but it’s true. You know I don’t what Ameana’s Sib to be killed, but seriously, out of all the beings in the world, she had a Sib with an Akon? C’mon.” Jay says shaking his head.


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