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The Shoma

Page 4

by Lola St. Vil

  Standing in the center of room are Wolf and his guards. Wolf turns and glares at us. Rage is only a seconds away from attacking him.

  “Demon, we let you in here because this involves you, too. Show us any disrespect and we will reconsider our position on the matter,” the Original seated in the center says.

  Ameana takes Rage’s hand to get him to stay calm. The Originals thank the team for their hard work in the war. Marcus says they are always honored to fight for good.

  They review the facts at hand: A Guardian had a Sib with the First Akon; the Sib in now in Noni.

  They then asked Wolf if he is certain of his decision to kill the Sib. Wolf tells the Originals he is certain that the Sib could pose a horrific problem to the Angel race and the light.

  “Wolf, please don’t this just because you’re mad at me,” Ameana says, unable to keep it in anymore.

  “I am a Kon; I make my decisions based on what must be done. It has nothing to do with how I feel,” Wolf counters.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. That wasn’t my intention,” Ameana insists.

  He looks into Ameana’s pleading eyes, and he seems to soften for a moment. Then he catches a glimpse of Rage and he is back to a stony expression.

  “I want the Sib destroyed.”

  “Rage may not be an Angel, but he has saved my life and the lives of this team.” Marcus tells the Originals.

  “Are you saying this Akon has the capacity for good?” One of Originals asks.

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying,” Marcus replies.

  “Rage is a killer. All Demons are. He has brainwashed them into thinking he’s changed, somehow, but he hasn’t because Demons can’t change. And as soon as the Sib is able, it will seek our destruction.” Wolf says passionately.

  “That’s a fucking lie!” Rage shouts as he charges toward Wolf.

  Rage doesn’t even get two steps towards him when Wolf’s guards hold up their hands and bind Rage, by placing a ring of light around his neck. The ring renders his body motionless.

  “Let him go!” Ameana shouts.

  “He’s an animal and violence is all he knows!” Wolf swears.

  “He may be evil, but he isn’t the one standing here asking for permission to kill a child!” Miku barks.

  “That baby is the spawn of evil,” Wolf says.

  “Just because you’re hurting doesn’t mean you have a right to do this, Wolf!” Emmy shouts as him.


  “Right now, you are a child; spoiled and impulsive,” an Original replies.

  “Michael is right, you are acting out. It is unbecoming in a leader and you will fix this matter at once!” Raphael demands.

  Although his attire suggests a playful personality, his tone is serious and leaves no room for argument. He signals for Wolf’s guards to let go of Rage. They do and Rage falls to the ground. Ameana goes to tend to him.

  “We really need to know what you have decided,” Marcus says.

  “Yes, we know time is of the essence. You have a Shoma to put back together. Speaking of which, here is the Plate. Inside of it there is the clue to finding the first Alpha.”

  He sends a flat circular crystal the size of a coaster towards Marcus. Once in his hand Marcus studies it closely.

  “There are no words inside it,” he says.

  “As soon as this meeting is over, the words will appear and form a clue; that clue will lead you to the first Alpha.” Raphael replies.

  “We are in a hurry for you to find all three alphas. As you know the Quo are restless and we need the Council to set things right.” The Original known as Michael replies.

  “Understood. What have you decided?” Marcus asks.

  I look around and see Rage silently freaking out, holding Ameana’s hand tightly. The rest of the team is also on edge.

  “We are certain that the young Kon has other motives for making the decision he did. However, it does not change the fact that the Sib in question is, in fact, a Demon. We cannot permit evil inside the light; no matter how young that evil maybe. The Sib is to be destroyed.”

  Ameana raises her hand in the air swiftly and suddenly every single Original Para is sent hurling out of the window. Paras are swift and graceful, but even they could not stop the ferocity with which Ameana threw them.

  “Ameana, no!” Marcus shouts as he goes to stop her.

  What he discovers is that there is no stopping Ameana at all. She is actually causing the entire room to crumble by calling the building to come to her. The Paras fly back into the room, fully papered to defend themselves against her unexpected surge of power.

  Rage, fearing she may be tapping into too much power, grabs her before she can strike again.

  “You’re too powerful,” he begs her.

  She looks at him as if it’s the first time she’s actually heard him. She bursts into tears; everyone in the room is in utter shock and disbelief. For the first time in the history, a Guardian cries.

  The Paras effortlessly assemble the room back to what it was. They tell Marcus that they are sorry, but that’s the way things have to be.

  “I can’t allow you to kill Ameana’s Sib. She’s my second and I will not let that stand,” Marcus promises.

  “Guardian, I know it is difficult for you to accept, but you have no choice. It’s what’s best.” Raphael says.

  “I thought you were on our side,” Miku tells him.

  “Redd, I am a huge fan, but my personal feelings have to be placed aside in matter of business.”

  “This isn’t about business, you asshole, this is about a baby who hasn’t done anything wrong!” Emmy shouts.

  “Not yet. That is why we have to destroy it—before it grows and gains even more power,” the Original sitting on the end says.

  “And you will watch how you speak to us, human,” Michael warns Emmy.

  We hear the sound of Ameana crying loudly. She sobs into Rage’s chest and I’m guessing that is the only reason he’s not spraying the room with flames. He knows she needs him.

  “I’m not say’n this Akon thing is right, but to hurt a kid even before it’s born? That’s dirty. You’ll are do’n us dirty after all the sacrifices we’ve made? C’mon, man!” Jay says, clearly pissed off.

  “I’m sorry, but that is our final decision.”

  “I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT!” Marcus screams.

  “And what do you want to do, Marcus? You want to go to war with us? You know it would mean the death of all of you.” Wolf vows.

  Marcus looks around at the team. His second in command is in tears, Miku and Jay are livid, Emmy’s fists are balled up and I have my hands over mouth to stop from crying out.

  This can’t be happening; they can’t just kill a Sib.

  “You’re right, Wolf, we’re not gonna fight the Paras. In fact, we won’t fight anyone at all,” Marcus replies.

  Everyone looks at him, confused. He takes the Plate that Raphael gave him and throws it onto the Podium.

  “Marcus, what are you telling us?” Michael asks.

  “There will be no mission. No Alpha. No Shoma. No light. Until you contractually agree to let the Sib live.” Marcus says as he heads to the door and signals for us to follow him.

  “Marcus, you can’t do this!” An Original shouts.

  Marcus looks each and every Original Para in the eye, and then he speaks with the certainty of a First Guardian.

  “As of now, the Guardians are on strike!”

  As we make our way towards the exit, Marcus whispers to Wolf.

  “Your move…”



  It’s been a week since Marcus made the announcement. So far, every single Original has tried to convince him to go on the mission and they have all failed. Marcus’s decision has caused yet another explosive debate in the world of Angels and Quo.

  Some beings feel that Marcus is upholding the nature of good by refusing to destroy an innocent baby, while
others feel Marcus should have fought harder against the

  Guardian/Akon relationship and now he needs to accept the demise of the Sib. All in all, everyone is waiting with baited breath to see who will cave in first: the Paras or the Guardians.

  Marcus has the team occupy their time by helping the humans rebuild homes and standing guard against potential bombing targets. The problem is Angels who love or hate them are always stopping the team to share their thoughts on the matter. The team get stopped on the street, in the hotels and even in the air.

  Things get so bad they have to rent a property along the mountain range of Tuscany, near Audro, the house that Wolf had built for Ameana. Marcus asks if she is okay with that and she seems to be. However, there are times I catch her looking towards the direction of the house, which can be seen far off in the distance.

  Marcus and the team invite me to stay with them since I am being hounded as well. I wish we were here under better circumstances; Tuscany is beautiful and should be shared with a loved one.

  We are surrounded by long winding roads with cypress trees on either side. We can see olive trees and rust colored rooftops for miles. The cobbled stone streets and narrow alleyways make it the perfect place for lovers to sneak off and be alone.

  So far my two favorite things about Tuscany are the brightly colored shutters on the windows and the elaborate flower displays hanging from various balconies. I feel like I’m living inside a post card.

  The villa normally has several guests, but the team rented out the entire place. There are five bedrooms and three baths. The villa also comes with swimming pool, jacuzzi and gym. If we were here on vacation, I’d be having the time of my life; but we’re not and the house is crackling with tension.

  The team agree with what Marcus did, but still they are restless because they know every day that passes, they are further away from putting the Shoma back together.

  Marcus is out on the patio, checking his cell every five minutes, hoping to get a call from the Originals saying they have changed their minds; so far, nothing. The only piece of good news is that Ameana has the markings on her hand, so the Sib is still alive.

  I slide open the double glass doors and head towards Marcus, but Rage, using a different entrance, gets to him before me. I figure I’d hang back and let them talk.

  “The Originals called?” He asks.

  “Not yet,” Marcus replies.

  “Look, what you did for…I mean…you doing what you did…I mean…ya know,” Rage mumbles.

  Confused, Marcus turns to face him. Rage’s expression is very focused. It’s like he has practiced what to say and now he can’t bring himself to say it. Luckily for him, Ameana, Jay and Miku land on the patio right at that moment.

  “You’re making a big deal out of nothing,” Jay says to Miku.

  “What happened?” Marcus asks.

  “We went into town to do some shopping and take Ameana’s mind of things. We were in this little shop and your friend Jayden thought he’d take some time out to flirt with the cashier,” Miku accuses.

  “I wasn’t flirting. I just asked her name.”

  “What the hell do you need to know her name for?”

  “I was being nice. She showed us around the store, she answered all our questions…”

  “That’s her freaking job, Jay. She gets paid to help customers.”

  “You’re overreacting.”

  “Don’t do that! Don’t make me seem like the crazy one. You were all in her face, and down her blouse!”

  “C’mon yo, why you lying right now?”

  “I saw you. I saw you ogling her. Then you turn and ask her name, right in front of me?” Miku says, getting more and more hysterical.

  “You be’n real rowdy right now for no reason; all I did was ask her name.”

  “Why so you could look her up and call her later?”

  “Yo why you trip’n so hard for?”

  “I will not allow you to disrespect me. When I’m with you, you don’t ask other girls for shit!” Miku screams.

  “You really need to be easy right now, cuz you act’n like you run me and you don’t. I don’t take orders from you.”

  “Guys can we take it down a little?” Ameana asks.

  “No, we can’t, Ameana. I am sick of always having to watch him all the time,” Miku says to her best friend.

  “Why are you watching me?” Jay asks.

  “Because you’re always doing something you not supposed to do, like asking girls their damn names!” Miku counters.

  “Now that we together, you want to tell me who I can and can’t talk to?”

  “I swear to Omnis, the next time you flirt with a girl in front of me, I’m gonna get Redd and skin you alive!” Miku says as she marches into the house. Ameana runs after her.

  “I don’t care what color you turn, you don’t run me!” Jay shouts, furiously.

  Rage and Marcus look at each other and try to suppress a smile. Jay paces up and down the patio, his wings flapping uncontrollably above him.

  “Argh, she makes me so damn sick. All I did was talk to someone and she’s acting like she caught us in bed, I mean damn. What the hell, yo?”

  “Was she hot?” Rage asks.

  “What?” Jay asks.

  “The cashier, was she hot?” Marcus replies.

  “I don’t know.”

  Marcus and Rage shoot Jay a look of utter disbelief.

  “Okay, okay, she was bang’n and hot as hell.” Jay admits.

  “Well…” Marcus starts.

  “But that’s not the reason I asked her name. I have always been nice to people I meet. It’s not like I only talk to hot girls. What is Miku’s problem?”

  “I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Ameana is freaking crazy. One minute she’s all over me. Then she’s hurling me to the other side of the world because I don’t notice a new shirt she has on. Chicks are crazy,” Rage adds.

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees that,” Jay says.

  “Yeah, but unlike my girl, Miku can actually turn evil…” Rage cautions.

  “So, what, I should be afraid of her?” Jay asks, offended.

  “Yes.” Both Marcus and Rage respond.

  “Screw you, guys,” Jay says. They start to laugh at him.

  “I ain’t no punk. I ain’t gonna bow down because she’s Redd.” Jay says full of bravado.

  “She can also take sex away,” Marcus reminds him.

  “Miku, Miku baby, I’m sorry. I was play’n. I’m sorry,” Jay calls as he rushes into the house.

  Rage follows behind Jay, teasing him the whole way. I enter the patio where Marcus stands, once again looking out onto the valley.

  “What was that about?” I ask him.

  “Pretty and Jay are either going to marry each other or kill each other,” Marcus replies.

  “And what about Rage, what did he want?” I ask.

  “I think he was trying to thank me.”

  “Oh, well I just wanted tell you that I think it’s great that you’re standing up for the Sib.”

  “I just couldn’t let them destroy it. I know what I did was right, it’s just…every day the Paras don’t give in…”

  “They’ll come around,” I reassure him.

  “Eta, it’s been seven days and nothing.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Emmy says.

  Marcus and I turn to face her. She looks very pretty, with her hair blowing in the wind as the sun sets in the background. It’s a really romantic moment; or it can be, if I leave them alone.

  “I’m gonna check on Miku,” I inform them.

  While I do leave them alone, I don’t go too far. I want to hear what they’re saying. For all I know, they could be making up right now! Emmy studies him. I can tell how much he longs to pull her close, but he resists the urge by holding onto the railing instead.

  “Have you done it yet?” She asks him.

  “No, but I will.”

bsp; “Marcus, you can’t keep going like this. You need to recharge.”

  “I try. I close my eyes and nothing happens. I can’t block out anything.”

  “You have to keep trying, you’re exhausted,” she insists.

  “I got a vial from Tony Tone to help me recharge; didn’t work.”

  “You’re thinking too much. You did the right thing, that’s all anyone can ask of you.”

  “No one’s going to remember if what I did was right or not. The only thing they will remember is that once again, we failed to find the Shoma.”

  “I’ll remember.”

  “Emmy, we can’t lose the light permanently. We have to get back home and I am doing nothing to make that happen.”

  “You are standing up for a couple that loves their kid. You’re protecting someone who’s too weak to protect itself. If that’s not an Angel’s job, then what is?”

  Just then, we hear Ameana scream, we all look toward her bedroom window. She is jumping up and down and Rage is beaming. Ameana places her hand against the glass and there, in the center of her palm, a shape is illuminating. Ameana squeals with delight and calls out for the whole world to hear.

  “Marcus, it’s a boy! We’re having a boy!” Ameana says as she leaps into Rage’s arms.

  We watch as Rage embraces her. Jay and Miku come out to the patio. Miku is so overjoyed she can’t keep from jumping. Jay, Emmy and I are all smiles and for the first time in seven days, so is Marcus. The father to be looks at the palm of Ameana’s hands and tenderly kisses them.

  Then Rage gets down on his knees, and looks up at Ameana. Everyone on the patio watches as the Akon proposes to the Guardian.

  “I’m planning on making some stupid decisions, bad mistakes and generally messing up a lot. I need someone to stop me. Will you do that for me; save me from myself? Will you marry me?”

  Ten seconds after Ameana says yes, Miku goes into wedding overdrive. Marcus tells me he would have made Miku put off the wedding planning, but it’s the first time he’s seen Ameana genuinely happy. She is finally able to think about something other than Wolf’s vendetta.


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