Book Read Free

The Shoma

Page 17

by Lola St. Vil

  “She needs to destroy the Alpha. You are the only ones who can lead her to it.”

  “Okay, we got it. Anything else?”

  “We debated whether to give you this information or not, as it may cause your team great sorrow.”

  “What is it?” Marcus demands.

  All the Originals look at each other uncomfortably. Finally, Raphael speaks.

  “Three of us have the power of foresight. It doesn’t appear often and when it does, it usually only appears to one of us. However, this time, all three of us have seen a glimpse of the future.”

  “And?” Marcus snaps.

  “And, while we could not ‘see’ which member of the team will die, we are certain at least one of you will not survive this mission.”

  No one has spoken since we left the meeting half hour ago. Marcus has the Plate Raphael gave him in his hand; the Plate is a flat oval shaped glass, the size of a silver dollar. Once Marcus is ready, the clue will appear at the center of it.

  We enter an alley a few blocks from the hotel. The air is thick with tension and apprehension. Alex stays quiet in the background, but it doesn’t help. We are all aware of his presence. He is the thing that stands between Ameana and Rage and their happiness.

  I mean, really, even if he weren’t the Reviewer, there’s no avoiding those amazing eyes ofhis. And while he doesn’t talk, his eyes are shouting at me. They are just begging for meto look his way. Wow, I bet some girl at home is counting the minutes until he returns…

  Hey, Emmy, focus!

  I clear my throat and pull myself away from my inner thoughts. Marcus has yet to comment on the last thing that Raphael said. He knows that we are all waiting to see his reaction. Finally, Marcus addresses us.

  “After everything we’ve been through, I don’t think anyone can tell the future. I think they see what could happen not what will happen. The Sage kept predicting that Emmy and I would bring the end of the world, and so far we haven’t. We will not let Raphael’s prediction get to us,” Marcus instructs.

  “But what if he’s right?” I ask.

  “Knowing this mission could be the last one, does anyone here want to drop out and let Bryne kill all the Angels?”

  We all look at each other, but no one speaks.

  “Look, just so we are clear, this rattles me too; but as long as I’m alive, my place is with this team, so that’s where I’m going to be. And If I die, I’m okay with it because I would have died like Reese and Rio did; in service to Omnis and all that is good.”

  “I’m down, let’s do this,” Jay replies.

  We all agree. Then Marcus turns his attention to Alex.

  “We don’t like that you’re here. In fact, we hate it. However, it’s what needs to happen so we will deal, but understand this: you have no say on this mission. You are not even here. You get in our way and we will take you out. Got it?”

  “Whatever you say,” Alex replies, bemused.

  Marcus shakes his head, takes out the Plate and looks into it. He reads the clue out loud.

  “Lucy’s ashes.”

  “What? That’s all it says?” I ask.

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “‘Lucy’s ashes.’ What the hell does that mean?” Rage asks.

  “No idea, you guys?” Marcus asks us.

  We all tell him the same thing; we have no idea what “Lucy’s Ashes” means. Finally, left with no choice, Marcus asks Alex.

  “You can’t ask me, Guardian. I’m not here, remember?” Alex says.

  The smartass comment doesn’t go over well with Rage. Before we know it, he grabs Alex by his neck and pins him to the wall. A massive a fireball springs into the palm of Rage’s hand.

  “Thomas, let him go,” Ameana orders.

  “This piece of human trash thinks he can screw with us,” Rage roars.

  “He is holding our son’s life in his hands, put him down. Now!” She screams.

  Rage slowly unwraps his hand from around Alex’s neck. Alex calmly fixes his clothes, and turns his attention towards Ameana.

  “It’s only been forty-five minutes; I didn’t think the Akon would make my job that easy.”

  Ameana looks over at Rage. She isn’t angry anymore. She’s showing an emotion that hits Rage even deep than anger: sorrow. Ameana has tears in her eyes.

  Rage wants to comfort her, to tell her that everything will be okay. But he can’t bring himself to say those words because Alex is right; it’s only been forty-five minutes and Rage has already tried to commit murder. Based on what just happened, the awful truth is that Rage and Ameana are most likely going to lose their son.



  Knowing it’s not wise to speak out in the open, Marcus and the team fly back to New York City. We gather in a large suite at the Plaza Hotel. There is still tension due to Rage’s outburst, but like everything else, Rage’s anger takes a back seat to finding the first Alpha.

  “We have to be missing something,” Marcus insists.

  “I’ve searched the web for hours. I’m telling you, ‘Lucy’s Ashes’ doesn’t come up at all,” Jay replies.

  “Maybe it’s not as simple as looking that phrase up. What if it literally means ‘ashes’ as in a dead body that’s been cremated?” Eta says.

  “She’s right, ‘ashes’ could mean cremation. So maybe we’re looking for a funeral home of some kind?” Ameana adds.

  “But what about the first part of the clue, the name ‘Lucy’?” I ask.

  “Jay, look up funeral homes with the word ‘Lucy’ in them,” Marcus instructs.

  We wait while Jay searches. A few minutes later he shakes his head and tells us there are no funeral homes, or even cemeteries, with the word ‘Lucy’ in their name.

  “Look up the word ‘Atourum,’” Rage says.

  Jay looks it up and again we are unsuccessful.

  “Argh, damn it. I hate these ridiculous riddles,” Ameana barks.

  “We have been at it for hours. Maybe we should take a break,” I suggest.

  “No, we have to keep going. What does ‘Lucy’s Ashes’ mean?” Marcus pushes.

  For the next three hours, we explore all sort of possible meanings. Unfortunately nothing we come up with fits.

  “Maybe we hit the answer, but don’t realize it,” Eta offers.

  “No, when we have the answer we will know, because it will lead us to an actual location and it will also be connected to us, in some personal way,” Marcus explains.

  “Well nothing we’ve come up with means anything to anyone in the group,” Eta replies.

  “What’s wrong?” Rage asks Ameana.

  We all turn to look at her. She leans against the wall for support and closes her eyes.

  “You should Recharge,” Rage says, heading toward her.

  “I can’t,” she replies.

  “Why?” He asks.

  “Because I have to babysit my fiancée,” she snaps.

  “Look, I said I was sorry,” Rage replies.

  “Actually, you didn’t, but even if you did, so what? You know what’s on the line and you are still too selfish to put your anger aside.”

  “It’s not my fault the Reviewer is a dick!”

  “Great, Thomas, insult him right in front of his face,” Ameana accuses.

  “We need to stay calm, guys,” I remind the couple.

  “Yo, you look straight crazy right now. You need to Recharge, Ameana,” Jay says.

  “I can’t leave Thomas alone with Alex,” Ameana counters.

  “Fine, then I will go with you,” Rage says hotly.

  “I’m not sure I want you to,” Ameana replies.

  “Damn, how many times do I have to say I’m sorry?” Rage shouts.

  “I don’t want you to be sorry; I want you to stop making a terrible situation worse!” She screams.

  Ameana groans and holds her head in her hands. The last outburst seems to have weakened her.

  “Okay, Rage, take
a walk - a long one. Eta, help Ameana to her room. The rest of us will stay here and try to figure this thing out,” Marcus orders.

  Rage shakes his head and storms out. Eta goes over to Ameana and helps her to her room across the hall.

  “I need to talk to Alex in the other room, alone,” Miku announces out of nowhere.

  “Pretty we have a lot of work to—” Marcus stops speaking when he see the series of expressions on Miku’s face.

  Alex signals that he’s okay with speaking to Miku alone. Having very little choice, Marcus allows Miku to take Alex into the bedroom to talk.

  “How is she dealing with everything?” Marcus asks Jay.

  “I don’t know. She’s been real quiet since we found out who Alex was related to. I tried to talk to her, but she swears she’s fine,” he replies.

  “That’s not good enough, Jay. Miku is the last person on this team we want to be unhappy or upset. You have to talk to her and make sure she’s good with everything,” Marcus insists.

  “You don’t have to remind me what happens when my girl is upset, but I can’t force her to talk about it if she’s not ready.”

  “She can’t hold things in, that may trigger her to turn into Redd and we can’t take that chance,” I remind him.

  “So, what do you want me to do, Emmy? Force-feed her Weeping Oil? I can’t make her let me in,” Jay replies.

  “I’m worried about her,” I reply.

  “Me too, but I’m not going to pressure her,” Jay informs us.

  Marcus and I exchange a worried glance. It’s imperative that Miku does not lose her temper. In the past it has taken death to get Miku to Turn, but the fact is she could very well Turn due to emotional stress.

  “She’s still grieving for Rio; we all are. We need to watch out for her,” I say as I face the closed bedroom door.

  “What do you think they’re talking about?” Jay asks.

  “I’m guessing she’s apologizing for killing Junior; how does that kind of conversation go?” I wonder to myself.

  “Hey, can we get focused here, please,” Marcus says.

  “Sorry, you’re right. We need to figure out—”

  Suddenly, Miku bursts of the bedroom, clearly upset.

  “Hey, what happened?” Jay asks, going over to her.

  Miku doesn’t stop to answer, she just runs out of the hotel. Jay takes off after her. Marcus follows them. Normally, he would give them their space, but again Miku is very fragile right now and Marcus has to monitor her in case she becomes Redd.

  I’m left alone in the suite with Alex. I try not to let my emotions get the better of me, but this guy is really pushing it. I don’t care how hot or alluring he is, he has no right to torture Miku like this. I burst open the bedroom door and confront him.

  “What did you say to her?” I demand.

  “I understand our conversation was supposed to be private,” he replies.

  “What did you say to her?’ I repeat.

  “I told her the truth. She’s a lethal weapon and she should be contained. She should be behind bars, or whatever they do in the Angel world to restrain evil.”

  “You actually said that?”


  “You’re a judgmental, cold hearted bastard!” I accuse.

  “What’s the problem?” He asks innocently.

  “The problem is Miku is a sweet, kind hearted Angel who would risk her life for this team. She feels terrible about your brother.”

  “She should, she killed him.”

  “It’s not her fault; she’s very sorry.”

  “Sorry doesn’t bring people back, Emerson.”

  “Well, making her feel guilty won’t bring your brother back, either, so why don’t you stop acting like such a douche and let her off the hook?”

  “I’m sorry your friend has a hard time dealing with the truth, but it is the truth and she better learn to accept it: Miku is a danger. She has killed and will probably kill again.”

  “How dare you judge her, or any of us? You just got here five minutes ago, you don’t know anything,” I inform him.

  “Miku killed my brother and all she had to do was bat her eyes and say she felt bad, then everyone dropped it.”

  “The tips of her wings are still red because she feels so guilty, they won’t turn back to white. She carries the guilt of what’s she’s done with her, every day.”

  “So that’s all anyone has to do to get away with murder? Feel bad about it? Wow, that’s a very involved penal system you guys have.”

  “I’m sorry about your brother, but that doesn’t mean you can walk around being an asshole to everyone.”

  “Me? I just got here and I’ve been threatened, nearly strangled to death and called every name in the book by the Akon. Why aren’t you yelling at them about the way they are treating me?”

  “Because, you being here is a slap in the face. The Originals should just let the Sib stay in Noni.”

  “So they should just let the Guardians do whatever they want?”

  “That’s not what I’m saying,” I reply.

  “I have been nothing but professional; you and your team, on the other hand, have been rude and violent. Especially your leader.”

  “What? Marcus hasn’t done anything to you.”

  “Are you kidding? It’s all he can do not to rip my head off. I mean, it’s not my fault you can’t stop gazing at me.”

  “Wait, what?” I reply, taken off guard.

  “We both know you’ve been undressing me with your eyes.”

  “I am not,” I reply as my cheeks turn crimson.

  Damn him!

  “You’re not?” He asks, with a hint of disappointment.

  “No, I…I mean…no, I’m not.”



  “Nothing,” He lies.

  “How does she do it?” I ask, shaking my head.


  “Your girlfriend; how does she put up with you?”

  “You’ve been wondering about my girlfriend?” He asks.

  “Yes, I mean…no. I just wonder how anyone could put up with you, at all.”

  “Look, I’m not trying to be an asshole, but Miku asked me if I forgave her and I said no. That’s the truth, and I’m not going to lie about it.”

  “You better not hurt her again. If you do, you’ll have me to deal with.”

  “Are you as lethal as she is?” He asks.

  “Worse,” I caution him.

  “I’ll remember that.”

  I clear my throat and cross my hand in front of my chest. It feels like he can see right through my clothes. I feel oddly naked. What’s worse is I don’t mind it nearly as much as I should. I make myself turn away from his eyes and head towards the door.

  “She doesn’t do it anymore,” Alex calls out as I reach the doorknob.

  I turn back to look at him.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You asked how my girlfriend can put up with me, and the answer is she doesn’t. We broke up.”

  Why does that information make me smile?

  When Jay returns to the suite he tells us Miku will be fine, she just wants some time alone. Marcus comments on the fact that even upset, girls will do anything to keep up their appearances.

  “Why do you say that?” I ask.

  “Miku reapplied her lipstick before she left,” Marcus replies.

  That’s when I get a sinking feeling that Miku isn’t going to be alone, like she says she will be. I want to go after her, but I can’t do it without the team suspecting something. I really do have to talk to her, but with everything that’s going on, it’s next to impossible to find the time.

  For the next few hours, we try over and over again to solve the first puzzle. However, it would seem luck isn’t on our side. So far, we have nothing to show for the hours of brainstorming.

  “Argh! This is stupid!” Jay yells.

  “Relax, we can solve this,” Marcus assures him.

  “How? We’ve been at this all night. My mind is turning into mush, right now; I’m like a damn Tic,” Jay says.

  Marcus and I exchange a quick look. I don’t think Jay meant anything by it, but even the word Tic brings back a flood of bad memories.

  “I’ve had a ton of experiences with Tics, you don’t look like one, so you’re good,” Alex says.

  “You know a Tic?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I know a few. My father didn’t like the way Tics were treated by the Angel world. He thought they could be rehabilitated. So, he tried to help them get cleaned up.”

  “Did he ever get through any of them?” I ask, trying to stay casual.

  “For a while, yeah, but in the end, they always went back to drugs. It’s the nature of addicts.”

  The subject is clearly putting Marcus on edge. The team doesn’t know that he almost relapsed. And Alex has no idea Marcus was ever a Tic, but that doesn’t stop Marcus from feeling like we’re talking about him.

  “Your dad tried to help Tics? Talk about a waste of time. I’ve only known one Tic who ever pulled out of it,” Jay says.

  “Really, who?” Alex asked.

  “You wouldn’t know him,” Jay says, avoiding eye contact with Marcus.

  “Well your friend is lucky. Usually Tics just go around in circles when they try to kick the habit. No matter what happens, they end up right back to where they started,” Alex replies.

  “Yeah, but my boy beat it; I give him mad respect for that,” Jay says with pride in his voice.

  “Still, you should keep an eye on him. Addicts are great liars. Human or Angel, they know how to manipulate their loved ones. They make them believe they are cured when, in reality, they are still using,” Alex warns Jay.

  “It’s been months, he hasn’t relapsed,” Jay assures Alex.

  “That’s good. It gives him a fighting chance,” Alex replies.

  “Can you two be quiet, so we can focus on the mission?” Marcus snaps.

  Jay shrugs his shoulders and turns his attention back to the laptop. Marcus gives me a warning glance that tells me he wants me to drop the subject of Tics, but I need to know as much as I can, so I push the topic a little further.

  “What if a Tic didn’t relapse, but got very close to it? Would that mean that the worst is over?” I ask.


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