The Shoma

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The Shoma Page 26

by Lola St. Vil

  His words are comforting, but there's something in his tone that stops Miku from being completely at ease.

  “I want to stay, but I have to make sure that the first Alpha gets to Raphael.” Marcus says.

  “Do you want me to take it for you?” Jay asks.

  Marcus signals towards Miku, who sits next to him. She looks sad and reflective. I have no doubt that the thought of losing Ameana brings back thoughts of her twin, Rio.

  “You should stay here.” Marcus suggests.

  Jay agrees. Marcus then pulls me aside.

  “Do you want me to come along?” I ask.

  “I’d love the company, but you should stay with Rage.”

  “Okay. When will the Originals make a decision about Aaden?” I wonder.

  “I’ll get all the details from Raphael and fill everyone in when I get back.”

  “Aaden saved us; that’s a point in his favor right?” I reply.

  “It depends on who you ask. For many, Aaden did the impossible. He killed Demons that were immortal. He can be a great force for good, but some angels will see it like this: if Aaden can kill even before he is born, just how powerful will this kid grow to be?” Marcus says, with a mix of worry and wonder.

  “I didn’t think of that.” I admit.

  “I know it’s not a pleasant thought, but by saving us, Aaden may end up getting himself killed.”

  “Maybe Alex will give Rage a good review,” I suggest.

  “Did he say anything to you when you two were…”

  When I was kissing him and completely placing our relationship in jeopardy?

  I don’t speak my thoughts out loud because no good can come from it. I just tell Marcus that Alex never disclosed his feelings on the review to me. I know he’s not really a fan of Rage’s, but I don’t know if it is going for or against him.

  “Okay, I should get going, I’ll be back soon.” He says as he embraces me.

  “I love you, Piglet.” He whispers sweetly to me.

  “Ha, ha. Very funny.” I reply.

  “I’m serious. I do.” Marcus reminds me.

  “Yes, but I’m not Piglet anymore. That was a long time ago.”

  “I know babe. I just…I don’t want you to leave that girl behind completely. She had some great qualities that I would really miss…”

  For the next few days, we camp out in Luna’s home awaiting news about Ameana.

  Meanwhile, the Angel world has discovered what happened in the desert. It was the front page of the Splash. The first Alpha had been found and the Guardians were once again successful.

  The other story making headlines was Aaden. And just like Marcus predicated, there are a series of heated debates taking place all over the world about the Sib's actions in the desert. Some view Aaden as a gift from Omnis, while others view him as the next Lucy.

  While the debate over Aaden rages on, Bianca does what she does best; take advantage.

  She pushes up the date of the ball; it’s now only a few days away. She does this so that the ball is also a celebration of her husband’s success. According to the Splash, Bianca arranged for the Sapphire ball to be held at Lincoln Center in the penthouse suite. She spent a fortune on shadow servants, entertainers and decorators. She invited Paras, Originals, Travelers, Ground walkers, Cravens, and of course, Quo.

  She also went on to say that her brave husband had a moment of doubt, as to whether or not he could carry on the mission, given the grave danger that lay ahead. It was then that Marcus called her on the phone and she was able to give him some words of love and support. Those words were the reason why Marcus and the team were successful in facing the Egans.

  She’s such a liar! She will do anything to be in the spotlight. She makes herself sound likethe Michelle Obama of the Angel world. Argh! How can that deceitful little bitch still bealive? Why can’t someone drop a damn house on her already? She seriously, seriouslyneeds to die already.

  “Emmy!” Rage calls.


  “Where were you in your head just now? Ameana is awake.” He replies.

  “And Aaden?”

  “He’s going to be okay.” Rage says looking worn, but happy.

  I squeeze his hand and head into the exam room. I find Miku and Jay already in there.

  Ameana is not at full strength yet, but she is sitting up and smiling. And while the scar on her shoulder has yet to fully heal, she’s shopping online, so I’m guessing she’s better.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “My son didn’t appreciate me sapping all his strength so he made sure I knew it,” she beams proudly.

  “He may have a stubborn streak.” I warn her.

  “He gets that from you!” Ameana and Rage accuses each other playfully at the same time.

  “Well, I’m just glad both you and Aaden are better.” I reply.

  “Any news from Marcus?” Ameana asks.

  “I spoke to him earlier. He said according to the Originals Lucy was able to get the inventor to make a mixture called Udai. It was able to jolt the Egans to life. She let us walk into a trap. She knew if we didn’t find any Egans in the void, we’d be suspicious so she kept a few hundred as a decoy. She had the army hiding out near the village they had taken over. Then when we went inside the void, she had them take their place.”

  “Has he heard anything about the Review?” Ameana asks with baited breath.

  “They told him they were meeting with Alex privately and that when a decision was reached, Alex would come and let us know.”

  “Why isn’t he back yet?” Miku asks.

  “He’s waiting to find out if the first Alpha was able to help the Bryne victims.” I reply.

  “It’s been days. Is there any change in the victims at all?” Rage asks.

  “So far, no.” I inform them sadly.

  “Actually, that’s no longer true.” Someone says from the doorway.

  I look up and find him staring back at me with a big smile on his face. I run over and hug him. I didn’t realize how much I had missed Marcus, until I saw him standing there.

  “I missed you.” He whispers, causing a slight tingle down my spine.

  “Same here.” I reply.

  “Hey fondle her later; update now.” Miku instructs her leader.

  “The Healers conducted a few experiments with the First Alpha. They tried to replicate the light inside of it in hopes it would slow down the virus.”

  “And did it?” I ask nervously.

  “Better; the virus is slowly regressing. In a few weeks there won’t be any Bryne at all.” Marcus replies.

  “Thank you, Omnis.” I reply.

  “We saved a lot of angels, but we also lost a few. There were dozens of empty beds from angels we didn’t get to in time.” Marcus says, thickly.

  “Yo, we went out and got the mission done. That’s what matters.” Jay reminds him.

  But I know Marcus. He will lament the ones he couldn’t save for some time now. I think Ameana knows that too. She tries to take his mind off of the Bryne deaths.

  “When you come to see a girl who was nearly killed, you bring a gift,” she reminds him.

  “Shoes?” He asks, laughing.

  “Or a nice clutch.” Miku adds.

  “Any news about the Review?” Rage asks.

  “No, but we should be hearing from Alex soon.” Marcus replies, carefully.

  “So we’re just supposed to wait and see if our only child is going to be murdered or not?” Rage snaps.

  “Thomas, please.” Ameana pleads.

  “No, this is bullshit. Aaden saved all of us. How do we repay him? By ending his life?” Rage rants.

  “We don’t know that that is what they will do.” Ameana protests.

  “Well, I’m not waiting. I’m going to talk to that Alex bastard and find out what the hell is going on.”

  Rage bursts out of the room. We all follow and try to stop him. Ameana, still recuperating, leans on Miku for support.

  “Thomas, don’t do anything crazy.” Ameana warns her fiancée.

  “How can you be so calm about this? He’s our son!” Rage shouts.

  “I’m freaking out, but that’s not going to help. So please don’t add to the drama. Just wait to see what Alex says.”

  “I already know what that fucker is going to say!” Rage counters.

  “And what am I going to say?” someone asks.

  We all turn and find Alex standing in the doorway. The room falls silent.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt. I was told I should deliver the news to you as soon as possible.” Alex replies calmly.

  “So, what’s the verdict? Are the Original bastards going to murder my son?” Rage says.

  “I told the Originals that after having observed you, I found you to be rash, hot tempered, and at times self-serving.” Alex says.

  Tears spring to Ameana's eyes. Marcus and I exchange a look of dread. Miku takes Jay’s hand. Rage looks away and hangs his head down low. Alex breaks the heavy silence his statement caused and continues to speak.

  “I told them that I could see why Rage was chosen to be not just an Akon, but the First Akon. ”

  “Alex…” I beg softly.

  “I also told them that while all the above is true, the Akon has the capacity to surprise not just me, but himself. I also told them about the owner of the motel’s wife, Millie.”

  “You know about that?” Rage asks.

  “The old lady at the motel? What about her?” Ameana asks.

  “Rage spent the entire night reading to her. He then threatened everyone he could, to ensure a home attendant would be sent out to her as soon as possible.” Alex replies.

  Embarrassed, Rage shrugs his shoulders and refuses to look at us.

  “Wait, does that mean Aaden can stay in the light?” Miku asks.

  “It means I asked the Originals for more time to observe Rage. I will be doing that as soon as Raphael makes contact. That’s when the mission for the second Alpha will begin.” Alex tells us.

  “They’re gonna let him stay in Noni?” Ameana asks.

  “For now, yes.”

  “So you have to come along on the search for the second Alpha?” Marcus asks suspiciously.

  “Yes, it’s my job.” Alex replies.

  Ameana hugs Rage. While this isn’t the outcome they had hoped for, anything is better than being told your child is going to be killed. While the parents rejoice, Marcus and Alex exchange an icy glare.

  “What?” Alex asks.

  “Are you sure you’re sticking around for business and nothing else?” Marcus accuses.

  “Like what?” Alex asks.

  My heart sinks. I don’t want the two of them to fight. I gently put my hand on Marcus’s shoulder in an attempt to get him to calm down. It doesn’t help.

  “You have something to say Marcus?” Alex pushes.

  “Yeah; I think you’re sticking around for a personal reason and that’s a problem.”

  “Guardian, you make it sound like everyone hates having me around.”

  “Everyone does.”

  “No Marcus, not everyone…”



  Now that we are waiting for Raphael to receive the first clue to locating the second Alpha, we actually have some down time. After everything we’ve been through in the past couple of weeks, the team was more than ready to take a break. Actually, it’s more than that, they are ready to party. That’s why the Ball comes at a perfect time. Even Ameana and Rage, with all their worries, were glad for the distraction that the ball would bring.

  As the Ball approaches, the excitement builds. Everyone will be there to celebrate Omnis’ gift to humanity (the sky and the sea) and to congratulate the team. Since they were actually able to retrieve the first Alpha under impossible conditions, they are viewed as heroes now, more than ever.

  They never let it go to their heads. I’m guessing because they know how quick the public’s opinion can change. But this time, I think they are really starting to welcome the gratitude. I’m glad; they deserve some glory for all their efforts. I deserve something too; satisfaction. And I will get it very soon.

  In the days leading up to the dance, Ameana and Miku go shopping for hours at a time. Jay has lined up what he swears are the “best cars on Earth”. Rage is busy pretending he’s not thinking about the Review. Marcus is tiptoeing around me, afraid that him going to an event hosted by his wife will hurt my feelings.

  After all the planning and prep, the Ball is now only a few hours away. That’s why Marcus is taking me aside right now, as the team gets ready. He wants to check in on me.

  “You should get dressed, Marcus.” I plead, as we stand out on the patio.

  “I don’t have to go to this stupid thing.” He reminds me.

  “I know you don’t, but you should.”

  “This Ball isn’t part of the mission. Why should I go?”

  “The fact is, since Bianca started a new group for Quo rights, there have been less Quo joining the Believers. That means less bombings and Quo violence. So Bianca’s group is actually a good thing. And it’s her group that is sponsoring this Ball. You can’t blow it off.”

  “I wasn’t supposed to be married to her this long,” he says reflectively.

  “I know, but the fact is, being seen with her once in a while helps the Quo feel included in the Angel world. The more included they feel, the less likely we are to have another war.”

  “So how long am I supposed to keep this up?” Marcus asks.

  “When we put the Shoma back together, the Council will be united. Then they can figure out how they want to handle the Quo situation. Should they have light access? Should they be under glass again? All these questions will be answered. And it won’t be up to you. So please don’t take that on.”

  “It’s hard not to; Bianca has already told everyone that I’m on her side. And that I agree with Quo access.” He reminds me.

  “I agree with it too, but to a degree. Anyway we aren’t in this for the politics. Everyone knows that. Go to the Ball, hold her hand, smile and take pics. That’s it. That’s a pretty easy mission. You won’t even get shot at.” I joke.

  “And you’re sure you don’t want to go?” he asks.

  “Um…go to the mountain to see the witch? No thanks.”

  “Hey, I know the Bianca thing has been hard on you, babe. And with everything going on, we don’t get to be alone at all.”

  “We’re on mission mode. It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. Even on mission mode, we’ve always been able to find time for us. Now, it’s like all business, all the time,” he says, pulling me into his embrace.

  “It won’t always be this way. We only have two Alphas left. We will find them and the mission will be over,” I reply as he nuzzles my neck.

  “Then I can get my Rah back and I can kiss you any time I want. And anywhere I want,” he teases.

  “Oh, and where would you like to kiss me?” I ask.

  He whispers two words in my ear. Embarrassed, I laugh out and cover my face with my hands. He shakes his head and smiles as he watches me continue to blush.

  “You know, if I don’t go to this thing…we could get some Trickk and I could start kissing your places, right now,” he offers.

  “Nice try, Guardian. Now get ready, the others are almost done.” I push. I mean it. I literally place my hand on his back and nudge him back inside.

  “Okay, okay, I’m going.” He replies.

  “Just remember, you’re going to sneak out of the Ball by midnight, Cinderella. Then you and I can hang out. There’s something I want us to do.” I tell him.

  “So you have your own list too?” He asks.

  “Yes. Now go! And when midnight comes, you better be headed to my place!” I shout.

  “Deal.” He says as he heads to his room to change.

  The Villa is a hot bed of activity. Everyone is getting ready and I’m in
jeans and a t-shirt, helping them with last minute details. For the hundredth time, the team asks if I’m sure I do not want to go to the Ball. Rage offers to set Bianca on fire for me if she says anything rude or nasty.

  “Aw…Rage.” I gush as I hug him.

  “Rage is right. Look, if you want, I’ll Glide behind Bianca and mess up her hair. For a girl, that's like ripping her heart out.” Jay jokes.

  “Yeah, like that girl has a heart.” Miku replies.

  The teams push for me to change my mind, but I tell them that I am more than happy to stay in this Villa and just hang out. Then as midnight nears, I’ll get on a Port and head to my apartment in New York. There, Marcus and I will spend the night.

  “Are you sure, Emmy?” Miku asks.

  “Yes, for the last time, I’m sure. Now, let me take a look at you guys.” I order as I make them stand before me.

  “Wow, very fancy. Okay, I know Miku is dying to give me more info since she picked out most of the outfits. So, who is wearing what?” I ask.

  Miku is so excited to start her “fashion show” she’s practically dancing. She runs down everyone’s outfit with such flare and skill, Tim Gunn would be very proud.

  “Since everyone is required to wear something in the sapphire color family, Mimi is wearing a floor length, royal blue Grecian gown with a plunging neckline. This dress does a lovely job of accentuating her waistline and I must say dynamite cleavage.” Miku says.

  “Hell yeah!” Rage replies.

  “And what are you wearing, Pretty?” I ask.

  To me it just looks like a glamorous thigh high dress, but knowing Miku, there had to be a lot more to it.

  “This little number is fresh from Paris. It’s a one of a kind powder blue, sparkling, baby doll cocktail dress. And to complete the look, I added six-inch Louboutin heels made of pale blue Swarovski crystals.”

  “You’ve done some of your best work. And what about Jay?” I ask.

  “My baby is wearing an onyx colored single breasted Armani suit; also a powder blue, silk paisley Ferragamo tie. Notice that it matches my dress, perfectly.” Miku says proudly.

  “C’mon baby; you know how daddy gets down.” Jay brags.


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