The Shoma

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The Shoma Page 27

by Lola St. Vil

  “Next is Rage. AKA, ‘Mr. I’m not wearing a tie for no one’.”

  “Yeah that’s right.” Rage assures us.

  “It turns out the Akon has swagger,” Miku says.

  “Swagger? Okay Jay, can you stop changing Miku please?” Marcus asks.

  “Yo, real talk, when you hang with the kid, some ‘cool’ bound to rub off.” Jay says even cockier than usual.

  Miku just laughs at him and goes on to tell us that Rage is wearing an arctic silver dress shirt with a dark, trendy long jacket and slacks; courtesy of up and coming designer Ozwald Boateng. It compliments Mimi’s dress exquisitely.

  Then she looks over at Marcus. He hates being put on display, but he’s just going to have to endure it. It’s his fault he’s so damn hot. He could have been in a knapsack and still be the best looking Angel in the room. But Miku somehow had done the impossible; she managed to improve on perfection. Marcus looks like a dream.

  “And now, last but not least, our leader.” Miku says.

  I clap like a big nerd and beam at him. He shakes his head and warns me not to prolong this moment. I don’t care. He looks great and I love him so, I cheer again.

  “Marcus is wearing a single breasted dark blue Tom Ford suit, in the style of 007 himself. This is a mix of minimalist clean lines and classic Italian inspired tailoring. The crisp white dress shirt adds flare to the already devastatingly handsome Mr. Cane.” Miku says, unable to stop herself from torturing Marcus.

  The team laughs at my fiancée and he threatens us with bodily harm if we don’t stop with the fashion show already.

  “Do you have time for one more?” Eta asks.

  We turn and find her standing behind us looking very nervous and very small.

  “Oh, sure.” Miku replies, taking her by the hand.

  “I didn’t know you were going, you look great.” I tell her.

  “Thanks.” She says still unable to look me in the eye.

  I feel bad for her. If I made a Replay like that and someone saw it, I would be beside myself. I would have to take Mrs. Charlotte and relocate to another planet.

  “Eta is wearing a teal ‘flapper’ inspired dress with a scoop neck and spaghetti straps. Her drop earrings complete the stellar vintage look.” Miku informs us all.

  “You guys really like it?” She asks.

  Everyone agrees. I noticed that I wasn’t the only one she couldn’t make eye contact with. She is also avoiding Marcus. I think he noticed too, because he goes out of his way to smile at her; then just as everyone is about to leave, Jay stops them.

  “Um…so…yeah. I was gonna rock this at the Ball, but I can’t wait. And we around fam right now so, this is the best time.” He says nervously as he gets down on his knees in front of Miku. He then takes out his Rah and presents the glass casing to her.

  Rage and Marcus both suppress a smile. Eta and Ameana are both beaming. Miku is in a state of utter shock. She places her hand in front of her mouth as if to stop her from screaming with joy. When Jay speaks his voice is shaking. This is by far the most nervous we have ever seen the confident Guardian.

  “We didn’t have a lot when I was human. We lived in the hood and nothing came easy to us. I asked my Dad for a pair of Jordans for my birthday. I knew we could never afford it, but I asked anyway. My Dad cut out a picture of the sneakers and put it on my wall. He wrote a sign under it. It read, ‘Earn me’. Yo, I did whatever I had to do to earn these high top Jordans. It took a year, but I finally did and I took care of them like they were made of gold.”

  “Everyone used to laugh at me, but my mother. She told me that when I saw something valuable, it’s my duty as a man to protect it, care for it and love it. Well, I found something even more valuable than my Jordans, my cars, or my life; I found you. And if you let me, I’m gonna spend every moment earning your love: Miku, will you ride with me forever? Will you marry me?”

  Crap, she’s going to have to say no, right? I mean they have so much they need to talkover; just look at him down there on his knees. Oh poor Jay.

  “Yes, I will marry you!” she shouts.


  My jaw drops. He scoops her up and whirls her around the room. They kiss as everyone cheers. I can’t understand what just happened. I pull Miku, Eta and Ameana aside. The guys call out and ask where we are going.

  “Um…girl stuff. You know ice cream, hair spray, right back.” I reply as I take the girls outside.

  “I’m sorry to drag you with us Eta, but I didn’t want the guys to get suspicious. And Ameana, I need you hear in case I need help talking sense into her.” I says signaling towards Miku.

  “What’s going on?” Ameana asks.

  “I have no idea. But I’m hoping Miku will start by saying she forgot to mention that her and Jay had a really long talk before the proposal.” I reply.

  “No, we didn’t talk.” Miku says biting her lower lip.

  “Miku, seriously?” I shout.

  “Shhh, keep your voice down.” She instructs.

  “Someone tell me what’s the problem.” Ameana pushes.

  I tell her about Miku’s hidden nightlife and how she’s has been casually dating three guys behind Jay’s back. Ameana can hardly take in the news. Eta is also trying to process what I’ve just told them.

  “I don’t understand, why would you do that, Miku?” Eta asks.

  “I know it was stupid, but that was weeks ago. And I haven’t so much as looked at another guy since then,” she says.

  “So what, you’re not going to tell him?” I ask.

  “Why? It’s only going to hurt Jay and you saw how happy he was. How happy we both were. I did something selfish and foolish. I need your help to move on from it, please,” she begs.

  “What if he finds out? You know how the Shoma is. There will be some kind of clue that leads to the guys you were seeing and then Jay’s heart will be shattered,” I protest.

  “Maybe. Or maybe, the Shoma will never even point in that direction. I just want another chance with him. I love him so much.”

  “Miku, why didn’t you talk to me about this?” Ameana asks, hurt.

  “You and Rage are dealing with so much right now, I didn’t want to add to it. And anyway, it was a stupid phase and now it’s over. If you guys agree to keep this secret, Jay and I can be happy for the rest of our lives; please.”

  She waits with bated breath as the rest of us fall silent. I remember how happy Jay was back inside when Miku said yes. Also, after losing Rio, Miku deserves some happiness too. I make eye contact with Eta and Ameana and they nod slightly; we all agree to keep Miku’s secret.

  “Hey, everyone good out here?” Jay asks.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine,” Miku replies as she embraces her new fiancée.

  Seconds later Rage and Marcus come outside and say they will leave without us if we take any longer. They ask me yet again, if I am sure I do not want to go. And I turn them down.

  Marcus reminds me that he will meet me back at my house in a few hours. And that he has Angels guarding the Villa should I need any help. The team says their final good byes and I head back into the Villa and pull out my cell.

  “Tony, it’s me; the coast is clear. Bring our guest, now.”

  “Be right there.” He says.

  A few moments later, Tony pops in on a Port with the being I have been waiting to meet for weeks. The one who will help me get revenge on Bianca.

  I lied to Marcus when I said I wasn’t going to the ball. I will be there. I will show up at midnight. By then, Marcus will be gone from the Ball. I’ll text him about wanting to get some sleep. I know he’ll tell me to rest if I need to. So while he thinks I’m home in bed, I will be making my appearance at the Sapphire Ball with the one being who can crush Bianca.

  “Hi, I’m Emmy,” I tell him as I extend my hand.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Jackson.”

  Standing face to face with the first and only Angel to ever break Bianca’s he
art makes me feel ecstatic. Knowing that someone was able to get to her in such an emotional way is better than ice cream. I can’t wait to watch her ice-cold face melt from the heated stares from the very people she’s worked so hard to impress.

  Jackson will tell IM Trouble about how Bianca used to chase him around and how she refused to take no for an answer. Bianca tried to make me look like I was some crazy “rabbit boiling” stalker. Well, two can play that game.

  Jackson and I have been talking on the phone since Tony first found him. He is more than willing to go with me to the Ball and pretend like we are a couple. I had to pay him and promise him that he would get a lot of publicity. It turns out Jackson loves the camera too. I told him IM Trouble would be there and that we would make headlines.

  That’s really all it took.

  Since then, we have been talking and going over the “script.” What he will say about her and what types of questions IM Trouble will ask once he realizes who Jackson is in relation to Bianca.

  It’s an hour later and I am now dressing to go to the Ball and raise hell. I’m certain Mrs. Cane seeing her ex will cause her to lose it big time.

  Please Omnis, let there be tears. And I mean loud sobbing with her nose running and herlife falling apart in front of the whole Angel world.

  I’m not sure who it is that is seeking revenge, Emmy or Emerson. But either way, we will both be doing a happy dance at the end of tonight.

  Yes, Marcus will be pissed that I lied to him, but as long as he doesn’t see my dress, his wrath won’t be that bad. After I debut at the Ball, the Splash will no doubt feature me. So I plan to keep Marcus from reading it. And I know the team will help me hide the truth from Marcus because like me, they too hate Bianca.

  Look, don’t judge me. Bianca has gone out of her way to make sure that my heart gets stepped on. I’m just getting a little payback. Don’t you think it’s about time I shut that bitch down?


  I look over at Jackson. He’s tall, dark and handsome of course. He wears a tailored suit with a power red tie. He’s got an easy smile that I’m sure he uses to charm the girls and stroke his own ego. From what I heard about him, he’s kind of an asshole. But hey, I’m not dating him; I’m just using him as a means to an end.

  I turn to look at myself in the mirror. If Miku were here she’d be proud and shocked at what I have on; the whole team would be. And Marcus would lose it. Luckily they are not here and right now, all that matters is that I steal the spotlight from Bianca. And with this dress that is exactly what I will do.

  First of all, screw the rule about wearing something blue to the Ball. My dress is a bright seductive, scandalous shade of scarlet. The most important thing about this dress is that about eighty percent of it is nonexistent.

  Yeah, I know; I’m a long way from the piglet t-shirt…

  The roman draping inspired dress is made of shimmering silk. The fabric wraps around me and falls so that it barely covers my breasts and the meeting of my thighs.

  Every other part of the dress exposes my flesh. The dress falls down to my ankle and in the process, exposes a thigh high split over my right leg. The gown is so fragile that a light breeze could render me naked. This dress is too revealing. It’s too red. It’s too sexy.

  It’s too daring.

  It’s perfect.

  I know it’s perfect because for one thing, Jackson has been gawking at me for the last half hour. Even Tony steals a glimpse every now and then. Although to his credit he does try to talk me out of going to ball. I don’t listen to him. I just double-check my make up and put the six-inch strappy Manolo Blahnik heels I “borrowed” from Miku.

  Lastly, I spray on the designer perfume I found in Ameana’s things and I tinker with my hair. There really is no need. My hair is perfect at the moment; the mass of loose curls cascading down my back have fallen effortlessly into place. Then without a care in the world, I take Jackson’s hand, thank Tony for his help and step on to the Port…



  It’s fifteen minutes past midnight, when Jackson and I step off the elevator and enter the large foyer of the Lincoln Center ballroom. I have to hand it to Bianca, if nothing else; she knows how to throw a party. Straight ahead of us is a winding grand marble staircase; each step is adorned with candles and sapphire rose petals. The steps lead down to what I can only describe as a wonderland of blue opulence and elegance.

  The vast ballroom boasts vaulted ceilings, floating crystal chandeliers, and elaborate crown moldings. Bianca saw to all the major details of planning this event. There’s a large water sculptor that weaves intricate patterns just above the heads of the guests. I’m guessing it’s to commemorate the two gifts Omnis gave to humans: the sky and sea.

  Bianca also saw to the minor details. Every shadow servant that seeps out from its floating orb has on a white uniform with blue trim. The logo of Bianca’s newly formed group is expertly engraved on the servant’s uniform sleeves. From the sterling silver serving trays to the elegant wine glasses, Bianca spared no expense.

  The room is filled with powerful beings. It is a who’s who of the top echelon of Paras, Angels and Quo. They all mingle and among each other showing off their designer gowns, tailored suits and dazzling smiles. The crowd is drawn to the middle of the spacious dance floor where a band plays to rave reviews.

  I look around and I see Bianca. She stands at the bottom of the grand staircase, greeting guests. She is impeccably dressed and impossibly beautiful. She wears an ice blue colored mermaid strapless dress that accentuates her lethal curves. Her dazzling eyes sparkle as she surveys her loyal “Subjects.”

  Standing next to Bianca is her co-host, IM Trouble. He wears a loud electric blue dress shirt with a hand painted silver silk tie and long jacket. As he greets guests, he takes pictures with his eyes just by blinking.

  Jackson points to a gathering of red liquid the size of a marble; it swirls and coils near Trouble and the guests he greets. Jackson tells me it’s a device called Tru. Tru’s is part tape recorder and part lie detector. If the being speaking stops telling the truth, the liquid stops turning. Jackson says it’s unreliable, but that Trouble swears by it. That’s one of the ways he gets so much gossip.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Jackson says as he takes my hand and starts to head for the grand staircase.

  “Wait. Damn it!” I snap.

  “What is it?”

  “It’s Marcus. He’s still here. He was supposed to be gone by now, but he’s over there talking to Miku.”

  “Well, it’s too bad, but we need to do this already.”

  “Hang on,” I reply.

  That’s when I look in my purse and find I have a missed call from Marcus. He leaves a voicemail saying he’s running late. I text him and tell him that what he’s about to see is just for show and that I will explain later. I doubt my text will help much, but I have to go through with this.

  Suddenly, I feel a hand on my ass.

  “Hey!” I shout, taken off guard.

  “What, it will help sell it.” Jackson replies.

  “I’m going as your date, not your hooker. Touch me again and I’ll claw your fucking eyes out. Then I’ll introduce you to an Akon Demon friend of mine.” I threaten.

  “Okay, okay, sorry.”

  I roll my eyes and thank Omnis that Jackson and I aren’t really dating. Then I drop the wrap I was wearing to conceal my dress. It’s show time! My heart races with anticipation. The thought of Bianca having a meltdown is just too delicious. Jackson takes my hand in his and we elegantly glide down the grand staircase.

  The band immediately stops playing. Every single being in the ballroom turns to look at us. My dress makes me the only “red” in a sea of “blue”. Also my gown leaves room for a lot I heard a few people from the crowd gasp. Some were outraged; some were jealous and most were just plain stunned.

  I hear Ameana remark “Wait, is that…Emmy?” The team is rend
ered silent for the most part. Next to Ameana is Rage; he stands frozen with disapproval. Miku is a mix of awe and curiosity and Jay repeatedly says “it’s ‘bout to go down.”

  Marcus is silent. I’m tempted to look to see the expression on his face, but I know doing that will derail me. So, as hard as it is, I do not look at Marcus at all. Instead I look at the person whose face I came to see: Bianca.

  At first, Bianca is dumbfounded. She never dreamed that I would upstage her, but her demeanor doesn’t change all that much. That’s because she only had eyes for me, but then when I pull Jackson in closer and lay my head on his shoulder; that’s when she takes a closer look at my date. That’s when she realizes I descended the staircase with the only love of her life.

  She drops the glass she was holding; it shatters onto the floor. That’s the first sign that the ice queen is melting. She then gasps as if someone had plunged a knife into her gut and crudely carved her open. The second sign that the sun is beating directly on the ice queen is her hands; they are trembling. It seems Jackson and I have incensed your royal bitch.

  IM Trouble, with his uncanny ability to spot scandal, starts blinking rapidly and taking pictures with his eyes. The Tru circles us waiting to record our comments as Trouble bombards us with questions. Trouble wanted to know among other things, who Jackson was and what his relationship was to his co-host, Bianca.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. You and Jackson know each other, don’t you Bianca?” I ask innocently.

  Bianca doesn’t reply. The Tru swirls around her waiting for a comment. Trouble is eating all of this up. Meanwhile, all around us people are gathering to get more information.

  Jackson is having the time of his life. He starts to spill all the juicy details about his courtship with Bianca.

  Then he starts going off script and telling insanely personal things about her like what she did and didn’t like in bed. I nudge Jackson and indicate that he has gone too far, but he pays me no mind and keeps going.

  This is getting out of hand…

  “Wow, our co-host sounds like a lot of fun. And what happened to the two of you? How did she end up marrying the First Guardian?” Trouble asks.


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