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Falling In Maths

Page 3

by Melissa Bender

  “Hey you all set for tomorrow night?” He grinned and I remembered the promise I had made to him about the movies. I nodded even though I couldn't be bothered going.

  “Yeah, what are we going to watch?” I asked him as I looked up towards the front of the classroom and found Mr Wade staring directly at me.

  My heart thumping as he gave me a cute grin and then started to talk and call out the roster. I couldn't believe he had managed to affect me so much. I didn't know what it was about him but I didn't feel myself around him, he made me nervous, slightly embarrassed more than I wanted to feel.

  By the time school had finished I managed to avoid him that was the only way I could focus on my class. Maths was hard, he seemed to have distracted me even more than normal. James kept giving me confused glances and I just ignored him. I still had to face him tonight which I wasn't too keen on.

  “I'll pick you up or meet you there?” James asked as we walked out of the classroom.

  “Mia, can I have a word thanks?” I froze as Mr Wade's voice spoke out to me.

  James gave me a look, “I'll pick you up, wouldn't be a date if I didn't get you,” He winked and took off as I froze to the spot, this was a date? Oh no, no, no, no.

  I walked back into the classroom and stood in front of the wooden desk, “Yes Sir?” I spoke.

  “Mia, call me Noah,” He laughed. “You don't listen very well do you?”

  I stuck my tongue out at him, “I listen just fine thanks.” I then shrugged, “So you need me for anything important?”

  “Oh that's right your date is tonight,” He winked standing up.

  I just looked at him, feeling embarrassed that he overheard that. “It's not a date, I don't like him more than just a friend.”

  “Maybe you should tell him that, he likes you and it wouldn't be fair to lead him on. Break it to him gently,” He shrugged back at me and narrowed his eyes. “Unless you really do like him, then by all means put the guy out of his misery and say yes.”

  I gave him a questioning look, “Yeah no thanks, I'm not into him and I like someone else,” I slapped a hand over my mouth, knowing damn well that my cheeks were flaming to a tinge of pink again.

  His brows shot up and a smile came over his lips, “So who's the lucky boy? Is he in a class that I teach?”

  “Did you call me in for a reason or not?” I asked, growing annoyed at him.

  He laughed, “Yes sorry, your last test wasn't exactly A+ material. I think you should come in a couple times during the week for some tutoring sessions, that way you’re guaranteed a pass at the end of year,” He was now looking serious. I felt sick to my stomach that I hadn't done so well. I didn’t want to let my Mother down.

  “Oh ok. I can do that,” I answered him. “Just let me know what days and I'll be here.”

  He grinned, “Sounds good, I'll talk to you more about it in the morning, come in fifteen minutes before class so we can go over your schedule.”

  “Ok, oh and to answer your question earlier, Yes. He's in every class you teach,” I smiled sweetly and left the classroom. Giving him a glance as I walked out, smiling wider as I noticed his confused face. I knew he would be trying to figure it out. I took off pretty quickly after saying that. Not believing that I had the guts to ever do it, I basically just admitted to him that I liked him. I liked my teacher.

  I walked home fairly quickly, I had gotten three texts from James so far, asking how long I was going to be, asking what Mr Wade wanted and finally asking if I wanted to get dinner before or after the movie.

  This was sounding more and more like a date and it was stressing the hell out of me.

  I quickly showered and changed into something comfortable, I was going to watch a movie, not go out for a fancy dinner, I didn't want to dress up so I threw on some flared fitted jeans and a long sleeved off the shoulder shirt. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and put some light makeup on, may as well make an effort for him.

  As I slipped my red vans on I heard a horn hoot out the front. “Great,” I muttered.

  I picked up the $60 that Dad left on the counter and headed towards the front door. My stomach turning in knots at what I was about to do, he thought this was a date. To me it's just friends hanging out, I really hoped he thought so too.

  “Hey you look pretty,” James grinned at me. “You dressed up for me?”

  I froze a little, “I just threw on whatever.”

  “Oh well you look good, your hair is up. I like it,” So does Mr Wade I thought to myself. Oh god now I'm thinking about him, I needed to get him off my mind.

  I didn't even realise when we had pulled up outside the theatre. Well ok it was across the road but still. We walked over the road and I made sure to keep my hands in my pockets, I was so nervous being here. We took a seat near the back with a large popcorn and coke each, I had a bag of mixed lollies and when the lights went off I sunk down lower in the seat.

  I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, trying to ignore it until the constant vibrating was annoying me. I pulled my legs up and hid my phone as I looked at it quickly, 27 missed calls from a number I didn't know. A text came through. – How's the date going?

  I responded quickly. – Who is this? Stop pranking me!

  My phone vibrated again. – Ha! Sorry, was bored so thought I'd annoy you. Meet me out the front of movies. You know which car to get into!

  I was confused, and then it hit me. He wouldn't be writing to me would he? No, he couldn't be.

  “You ok?” James's voice whispered in my ear and I quickly shut my phone off. Afraid that he’d see it.

  “Yeah Dad wants to pick me up from here when I'm done,” I smiled and felt horrible for lying to him and I didn't know why I said that. I don't even know why I'm agreeing to go see Mr Wade. If that's who it is, I'm pretty sure it is though, since he's the only other car I've been in and he's the one convinced that I’m on a date right now.

  “Oh ok cool, I'm going around to Emily's after this anyway,” He shrugged and I felt sick. Was he serious? James must have seen the hurt across my hurt face and realised what he just said, “Mia shit I'm sorry.”

  I shook my head, of course he wouldn't like me that way. I was so worked up on being sure that he didn't like me that I didn't realise what it would feel like for me to be wrong, maybe a small part of me hoped he did. But then again, I'm nothing compared to those other girls. I got up off the chair and left the room before he could see me cry.

  “Mia wait,” James called out.

  “Don’t,” Was all I said as I raced out and into the ladies room, fixing my eyes and looking at myself in the mirror. I was stupid to think anything different than what this was, just friends having a movie night. This was all Mr Wade's fault for getting into my head.

  I walked out of the cinema and spotted his car, marching over to it. Opening and closing the door a little louder so he jumped, “Shit, what's wrong with you?”

  I ignored him, crossing my arms and shaking my head. “Nothing,” I said trying my hardest not to break down and embarrass myself.

  “Mia look at me, are you crying?” Mr Wade demanded. He took my arm so I was now facing him. I didn't want to cry but it was hard to hold the tears back, especially in front of him.

  “Please, just don't say anything. You got me so worked up about this being a date and it wasn’t, turns out he couldn't wait to go to his Thursday night screw,” I said breaking eye contact.

  “What?” Mr Wade frowned, “He said that to you?”

  “I got your texts and then told him Dad was picking me up, he said and his exact words were, Oh ok cool, I'm going around to Emily’s after this anyway. Why the hell did you ring me so many times?” I asked, finally breaking out with a smile.

  He chuckled, “Sorry, I was bored and wanted to hang out again.”

  “So you prank called me until I wrote back to you?” I asked laughing, he was weird.

  “Sure did,” He winked, “Now, let's go for a drive so you can forget about th
at loser who made you cry.”

  “Why, don't you know you can get in a lot of trouble being with me, and how did you get my number?” I asked confused, I didn't understand him at all.

  He flashed me another grin, “Well, your boss was kind enough to give it to me, since I am a valued customer and all, it was the least she could do. Plus, like I told you last night, no one will know. We're going somewhere where no one will see us.”

  “Oh yeah, and where is that? Neverland?” I smirked doing my belt up as he put the car into drive and pulled out on the main road.

  “Nope, somewhere even better,” He grinned, giving me a quick glance. “My place.”

  “Oh no,” I laughed, “Don't think so.”

  “Come on Mia. We can have some dinner, watch a movie and eat popcorn, I bet you didn't even get halfway through that one in the theatre?” He asked.

  “No but,” I started until I was cut off.

  “No buts Mia, I'll show you how a date should have gone like,” He spoke as if this was normal, as if it wasn't wrong for a student and teacher to go on a 'date' but even though I knew it was fake, I was smiling wide on the inside.

  Maybe my night wasn’t ruined after all.

  Chapter Five

  “It better be clean,” I glared at him as he parked out the front of a block full of villa type homes.

  He let out a laugh, “I'm a guy. We're not meant to be clean, and plus if it's too messy for you then by all means come in and clean the place spotless for me.”

  I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. “Don't get your hopes up, I may clean at home but I won’t be doing your dirty work,” I paused for a moment then smiled brightly. “Wait, if I clean can I get an A on my next test?”

  Mr Wade laughed, shaking his head. “No way, you can study and earn yourself an A little baker girl. I may be breaking the rules here, but I won’t be giving any favours that way,” he grinned.

  I rolled my eyes at that nickname, it wasn't something I was fond of but I would put up with it just for the sake of it. I followed him down a pathway and towards a red door. I wanted to comment on it but decided against it. I didn't want to push my luck. Especially since he's being so nice to me.

  “Welcome to my home, please kick your shoes off and make yourself comfortable,” He held the door open for me to enter. I slid my flats off and he laughed, “I was joking about the shoe part Mia. By all means, kick them off and get comfortable.”

  I looked at him confused, “It's polite to take shoes off in someone's house, don't make fun of me or I'll leave.”

  He didn't do anything other than smile. God I hated it when he smiled, it made me like him even more.

  “So, has he called or text you?” He asked after ten minutes of showing me around his clean home. Yes, it was actually clean for a guy, I had been expecting sports gear everywhere but there was nothing out of place, it actually looked like he cleaned it recently.

  I held out my phone and showed him, “Yep, he's really worried that he's messed up.”

  “So he should be, he took you out and then he bragged about having another girl lined up afterwards, what type of man does that, oh that's right he's a boy. Not a man,” He spoke. I was taken back with how angry he actually got about the whole situation.

  “It's ok, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up,” I ended another call and turned my phone off. "So your place is pretty cool, clean, modern and nice.”

  “It is. Are you hungry?” He asked with a grin as he dashed off into the kitchen.

  I followed behind him slowly, “Depends what have you got to eat?”

  “Uh how about popcorn, lollies and pizza?” He looked at me and held all three out.

  “Yum, want some help?” I offered and he shook his head at me. So I instead went into his living room and headed over to his rack of movies and looked at them all. I hadn't seen half of them but one in particular stood out. One movie I hadn't watched in years and years.

  “I found something awesome to watch, I must say I'm surprised at your collection of movies,” I called out to him.

  He walked in the living room over towards me and smirked, “Oh? What's that you picked?”

  “Jurassic Park,” I grinned wide.

  He grinned even wider than I was at the moment, “You know I've got that in 3D if you’re up for it?”

  “What! Of course I am,” I spoke, maybe a little too excited as he looked at me and laughed.

  I stood there while he kept laughing. When he finally stopped he cracked a massive grin, “I'm sorry, but that was possible the cutest thing you've done, do you know how excited you just sounded then?” He laughed a little again as he walked towards the TV.

  He was sorting out the movie while I tried to register what he had just said to me. The cutest thing I've done? I didn't know what to think. But if my instincts were right about jumping to conclusions like I did with James then I wasn't getting my hope up. I wasn't going to be hurt twice in one night.

  He had the TV on pause and went back into the kitchen, coming back seconds later with a plate of pizza and two cans of coke, "You do drink this right?" He asked hesitating, before passing it over.

  I nodded, “Course I do, thanks,” I then gave him my own smile. As nervous as I was, I was still excited, an excitement that has butterflies swarming around my stomach.

  “Here, try not to scream,” He chuckled as I thought he was handing me the 3D glasses, but when I looked at him he instead slipped them on my head and pressed the button in on the side. Turning everything to 3D ready.

  “Thanks,” I spoke a bit quieter this time. I was nervous at how close we now were with our legs touching. A thrilling nervousness shot through me.

  The movie started and I was already packing myself. I hadn't watched this movie since I was little and now seeing it again years later only had me a little more freaked out. I don't remember them being so scary. I had finished eating and good thing because when the T-Rex came charging into the toilets, looking like it was actually coming out of the TV. I let out the biggest scream and basically jumped into Mr Wade's lap, my arms around him and face nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

  It took a moment to register what I had done. I was almost straddling him. What was more shocking was that, his arms were around my waist as his thumbs ran up and down my sides lightly.

  “I'm so sorry,” I breathed out, still not moving. I don’t think I was able to move even if I tried.

  Mr Wade gave me a smirk, pulling his glasses off and then mine. “Well if you didn't jump on me then I think I would have you, which gave me a heart attack,” he laughed.

  “Who the dinosaur or me?” I asked, laughing a little as I pulled back slowly.

  His eyes looking up at me as I looked down at him, both our arms were around each other’s bodies. My eyes flickered down to his mouth as his tongue swept out and licked his lower lip then spoke, “Both, you more so, but I also wasn't expecting a T-Rex's head to come out at the screen or you to scream like that,” he laughed, a throaty deep chuckle. “Are you ok now?”

  I felt my cheeks blushing slightly, “Yes, sorry I didn't mean to lunge at you,” I said as I begun to move off him so I was now sitting back where I sat moments ago.

  “Don't worry, like I said, it may have been me on you if you didn't jump me first,” He chuckled picking up the remote. “Come on let's finish this movie, Oh wait, we've got the popcorn still. Shit, I'm giving you another bad date,” He winked getting up. Racing into the kitchen to grab the treats and then returning back beside me.

  Date? Was he really thinking this was a date? Oh god I hope not... oh who am I kidding. Of course I liked that idea but I wasn't going to get my hopes up. He's still my hot teacher and I'm just plain old me.

  The movie was back on and I leant back into the couch, the bowl of popcorn between us and every now and then out fingers would touch. I know it sounds cliché and pathetic but I swore that I felt some kind of spark between us. My body would tingle and heat up at just a slight graze
of the finger touch.

  I don't know how it happened, or when it did but the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes and looking at a dark room. My body rising and falling and it wasn't because of me. I was laying on a chest, a hard chest that smelt so good. I could feel the outline of his muscles from where my hands lay, which was on either side of his body. His hands around me, one on my shoulder, the other resting on the curve of my butt. I was tangled between his legs as we lay on the couch and I knew it was wrong but the thing is, I didn't want to move. I felt just too comfortable in his arms.

  I felt him starting to stir and I didn't want an awkward conversation when he woke up so I slowly moved off his body, I felt bad that I had fallen asleep and put him in this type of situation. He probably fell asleep himself and was just doing what he normally does with women he has over.

  Standing up and letting out a yawn, Mr Wade's eyes flew open. His body shifted upright, “Uh, let me drive you home, what's the time?” He then yawned as well.

  I shook my head a little, backing away, “No, let me walk. It's just after 2am and you’re tired. I'm really sorry for falling asleep on you,” I knew I was blushing but I couldn't help it. The man was under my skin big time. Under and in it.

  He stood up and walked towards me, “I'll drive, 2am or 2pm I won’t let you walk on your own.”

  I didn't get a chance to object, Mr Wade was already throwing on a jumper and heading towards the door as he grabbed the keys from the table, I guess he was driving me back home.

  “Did I fall asleep before you?” I asked, hoping to god I did.

  He didn't say anything, in fact he had been a bit more distant since waking up from the couch. I waited a bit longer and when he didn't answer I just figured he was uncomfortable with the whole situation. So I didn't talk for the rest of the drive home.

  He parked just down from my house and turned the car off, “Mia,” He spoke quietly.

  I sighed and kept my head down as I fumbled with my hands in my lap, I was nervous and embarrassed again. I didn’t want to talk to him.


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