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Falling In Maths

Page 18

by Melissa Bender

  I could feel my heart pounding so hard in my chest as I repeated my vows after him, Noah on the other hand, looked calm and a small squeeze from him and his thumb rubbing over my palms and my nerves began to slowly subside as I spoke. “I promise to love you, encourage you and be there for you whenever things get tough. You’re my one and only Noah, I can’t imagine a life without you. I know, in my heart that you’re the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  The nerves picked up again as I slid the ring on Noah’s finger, this was it. Noah and I were fully committing to each other until death do us part, but I knew not even death could part us.

  I went to take my engagement ring off when Noah stopped me, “No, it’s ok Mia,” he smiled as he opened his palm to reveal a new ring, a small band covered in glittering vintage diamonds. My mouth was hung open as he took my hand and slid my engagement ring off, placing the wedding band on first and then the other again as he spoke his love for me, promising to love, cherish and protect me always.

  The best part was being pronounced husband and wife.

  “Mrs Wade,” Noah chuckled as he pulled me close, his lips gently kissed me as I kissed him back.

  I pulled away and smiled, “Mr Wade, I can’t believe we’re married.”

  He grinned, turning and shaking hands with the man who just married us. “Thank you so much for doing this on such short notice. We both really appreciate it.”

  “No worries, enjoy your stay. Congrats to you both,” he smiled back.

  Neither of us were in a huge rush to go back to our villa, ok that’s a lie. We headed back with our marriage certificate and as newlyweds. As we walked up the steps of our private area I found myself being lifted up and carried bridal style into the villa.

  “Noah!” I shrieked, giving a laugh as he almost dropped me when he fumbled around for his room key.

  He undone the door, kicked it shut with his foot and smiled wide, “Sorry wifey, I won’t drop you.”

  “Better not,” I say, my hand cupping his cheek as I leant forwards and kissed him. Keeping my lips against his as he laid us down to the bed.

  Both of us spending a generous amount of time just kissing, rolling around the bed and slowly undress each other. Noah took his time as he kissed every inch of my naked body, exploring one another as we switched positions. Foreplay was something that we took our time with before making love slowly and so passionately, we didn’t need to rush anything. We had the next two days to be together.

  That night, I fell asleep in my husband’s arms and then woke up in them again the next morning, I couldn’t have been happier. I was just really happy that we both waited for each other, I didn’t care that I’d only ever be with one man for the rest of my life, and he was right.

  It made me feel that whole much more special knowing I was his first of everything as well.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  I walked into Noah’s apartment and yawned, “I am so exhausted, I could fall down and just pass out on the floor.”

  He was close behind me as he tossed his keys to the bench, “Tell me about it. That was one long flight. When do you want to head back to yours?” he asked as he looked in the fridge and grabbed a can of coke.

  I shrugged, “I don’t know. I probably should go back soon and see Dad now that we’re married and all,” I smiled, feeling very excited to be Noah’s wife.

  He cracked a grin, wiggling his brows, “Damn straight you are baby, I can’t wait until you move in next week.”

  “Me either,” I then turned and pouted with a scrunched up face but somehow I was still smiling at him. “I have so much to pack. Will you come and help my lovely husband?”

  “Yeah I guess I can do that, I need to make room here for all your things also. You have a lot of clothes and perfume crap,” he teased.

  I rolled my eyes, “Do you want to wait longer and move in, after six or twelve month’s maybe?”

  “No, don’t even joke about that Mia,” Noah frowned, looking annoyed. “I was teasing you, come on let’s go have a rest before we head back. I’m really tired.”

  I giggled, no wonder. We had spent most of our time at our Villa, naked and in bed, or naked in the pool. I don’t think my thighs had ever been so sore in my life, we were definitely in the honeymoon faze still and neither of us were showing any signs of slowing down.

  Falling asleep didn’t take long at all. I think as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. The soft breathing of Noah behind me was comforting as he held me close, both of us passing out for the day.

  Sleeping a good five hours, it was time to go back to reality. I didn’t want to leave Noah’s but I didn’t have to wait long until I was living back here with him. As we pulled up at my house Noah grabbed my bag from his back seat and carried it in for me.

  I walked in the front door, calling out as I looked around, “Dad?”

  “In here Mia!” Dad called out from the kitchen.

  I gave Noah a grin as he sat my bag down, I ruffled and messed up his dark hair and grinned even more, lowering my voice, “Ready to see your father in law?”

  “More than ready, I guess he knows I took your virginity by now,” he smirked.

  I felt my cheeks blushing brightly, I hadn’t thought of that part. Oh god this was embarrassing, “Noah keep your voice down!” I hissed, “And by the way I took yours also. I might go brag about that like a guy.”

  He just chuckled softly, “As you wish baby, I’m all yours.”

  Dad had just put the last of the plates down as we walked in, I gave him an odd look as he looked up at me. Smiling brighter than I had ever seen in such a long time, tears forming in his eyes as he walked over and took my hand. Staring at my two new rings on my left hand and running a finger over them.

  “I can’t believe you got married, I didn’t think you’d actually say yes to the man,” he rolled his eyes then gave Noah a wink, “but congratulations. My little girl is growing up.”

  “Dad,” I gasped for air as he squeezed the life out of me, kissing me hard on the side of the cheek as he swayed me from side to side.

  “Oh stop it. You got married without me being there. I’ll hug you as tight as I want to, got it!” He pulled back, loosening his grip and smiling, “I will walk you down that isle someday Mia.”

  “Yes you can,” I agreed as Dad then turned to Noah.

  “And you, just because you married my daughter. Keep the hanky panky away and out of my house,” he said shaking Noah’s hand and pulling him in for a hug. “Welcome to the family officially.”

  Noah looked at me and winked, “Will do, and thank you,” he chuckled.

  One thing that Dad had surprised us with was the fact he cooked, making chicken enchiladas for dinner and a salad. I wasn’t that hungry, more tired than anything but I wasn’t about to turn down dinner. Especially if he had taken the time to make something, it meant a lot that he did this.

  “Tell me about your trip, what did you do?” Dad asked and then cleared his throat, “Uh I mean the sights, the food and everything else that doesn’t involve a bedroom.”

  I couldn’t believe he kept embarrassing me this way. I shook my head, “Noah took me for an elephant ride.”

  “You got up on an elephant?” Dad asked, obviously not believing me the slightest.

  Noah cut in, “It took her about an hour of convincing, but yes we went for a half hour ride. I’m just getting the feeling back in my hands, she squeezed then damn hard.”

  “I didn’t want to fall off and break my legs,” I laughed, “I am not a fan of heights.”

  Dad just cracked up laughing. “Mia, oh dear you’re definitely one of a kind.”

  I gave him a smile, “I know, and thanks for dinner. It’s really good Dad, I’m very proud of you.”

  We went on talking about what else we got up to, the walks we went on and the hot spring lagoons that we swam in, taking lots of photos but we couldn’t print them until school was out. I didn’t want anyone to see us to
gether and then contact the school.

  I let out another yawn as I finished eating and pushed my plate aside. “I don’t want to go to school tomorrow,” I pouted.

  “Mia you have four days left, and it’s all exams. You will do fine,” Noah said getting up. “Come on, bedtime and then I’ll head off.”

  “Bedtime?” Dad smirked, “thought you didn’t have a bedtime?”

  “Shush it up, and I don’t,” I glared at my husband. “He is making me have an early night so I’m refreshed for tomorrow, apparently he doesn’t want a wife who fails and needs to repeat the year.”

  Noah laughed loudly, “I was kidding, but you still need sleep and I need to go and get organised for tomorrow also. I’ve got to supervise my exams all day, six hours of sitting down.”

  I slumped down into my bed, pulling Noah down with me. “Stay with me?” I asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.

  He groaned, sitting back and shaking his head. “I’d love to baby, but I need to go and if I stayed I wouldn’t not be able to touch you and then you’d be too tired tomorrow to concentrate.”

  “We could cuddle?” I yawed, laying over onto my side.

  “Mia,” Noah whispered softly, “I love you, get some sleep baby. Only four more sleeps and you move in with me.”

  I lazily smiled, closing my eyes as I spoke, “I can’t wait to move in with you, thank you for everything Noah. You make me really happy.”

  That was the last thing I remember saying, I was so dead to the world that I probably wouldn’t have woken up if there was an earth quake. I was exhausted to the max and I knew this week was going to kill me. The only classes I was confident about passing were Maths, English and Science, the others not so much.

  I heard my alarm going off and I rolled over, grabbing my phone to press snooze. I didn’t want to get out of bed at all, I had slept twelve or more hours and I was still tired. Finally after the third snooze I got up and headed for the shower.

  Driving to school I felt more awake, drinking water and chewing on flavoured kool mints as if they were lollies. I sat in the car park just thinking for a moment, watching as people walked to the school doors, things had changed so much this year. I went from being popular to being a quiet girl, too depressed to go out and do anything. But now I was back to being happy, I wasn’t hanging around those people who I thought were my friends, I made new friends and was happy with just having one or two close girlfriends. I had Noah to thank for showing me that even though my Mum had died, other people were still here for me. They always would be.

  I made my way into class, sitting at my usual desk. I pulled out my notepad and then smiled as I read the note on the first page that had hearts drawn all around it.

  Mia, I won’t wish you good luck because I know you’ll do great. You can do this, I love you. Noah x

  I smiled, He sure knew how to bring a smile to my face and pick me up. I went to look up and mouth thanks when Hayley nudged me from behind. I turned around and looked at her, “Yeah?” I asked.

  “Where is James?” she asked in a loud whisper.

  I shrugged, “Expelled? I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to him in days,” I whispered back.

  “Oh, he was allowed to come sit the exams. I thought he would have showed up, I guess he doesn’t care about passing,” She said back to him, I didn’t have time to worry about him. I needed to focus on just myself this week, this is what I was doing for Mum. I needed to pass like she wanted me to.

  I nodded, agreeing with her. I didn’t know James anymore, he had changed so much and I was a little sad that after so many years our friendship was basically over. I blamed myself in a way, I should have tried harder to keep in contact but Noah and Dad were right, James was mean to me. He didn’t deserve to be treated as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.

  As everyone began to come into the room our English teacher walked in and smiled, heading over to Noah but stopped. Turned and looked back, looking straight at me.

  “Mia, is that what I think it is?” she asked, the whole class suddenly stopped and looked at me.

  I looked up at her, big doe eyes and starting to freak out on the inside. “Umm what?” I asked quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with Noah.

  Mrs Elias gave me a coy smile, “Well I’m sorry, but I just love Kool mints. Do you mind?”

  I heard Noah chuckle, I honestly thought she had noticed my weddings bands and would put two and two together as Noah was now wearing his also. No-one would know we were engaged and married, they probably noticed but if they asked. I’d just say they were Mums and I was wearing them for good luck.

  “Yeah that’s ok,” I say and handed my packet over to her.

  She gave me a smile, passing the packet back and walking over to Noah again, placing a stack of paperwork on his desk. I had him first for my math’s test. Noah looked up, his serious face on as he cleared his throat and began speaking, “Alright class, you have three hours to complete your work. Once finished, please bring your sheets up and then sit back down quietly. Anyone caught cheating will fail instantly, starting now.”

  This was it, this was what I had been studying so hard for. I began other thinking everything as I turned the papers over and seen the rows of questions, suddenly my nerves came back and I felt the urge to throw up.

  Chapter Thirty

  My hand had never ached as bad as I it did as I wrote, circled answers and then wrote some more. It was now 2pm and I was in my last exam, my nerves soon faded away each day. I felt overwhelmed with anxiety and worrying that I wasn’t going to do well, I just needed to take in a breath and to focus and clear my mind before I started each test. I found myself feeling off last evening and again this morning, I put it down to eating so many mints each day that made me feel sick, lesson learnt on eating almost a bag of those before a big test.

  One and a half hours in, I put my pencil down and rubbed my palm. Giving it a stretch, I had finished. My year was officially over as soon as I handed my papers in. I was free to leave, I stood up being one of the first and walked towards Mr Holland.

  He looked up, glancing over his thick framed glasses. “Sit back down and finish it Mia,” he said quietly.

  I shook my head, “I have finished it. All of it.”

  He looked at me, utterly surprised. “You didn’t just guess did you?”

  “Nope, I wrote all my answers out in great detail like it said, I have finished my exam,” I said, quite proud of myself for completing the English test.

  He chuckled, “Fair enough Mia, I was just testing you. I know you actually pay attention in this class, but anyway, all the best and good luck with getting your results.”

  I smiled as I walked out of the room and headed straight down to Noah’s. I got to the door when I realised he was still teaching, I spun around and just sent him a text instead. – On my way home to pack more! See you there later!

  I got a reply back as I sat in my car. – I wished I could have kissed you, sorry. I’ll be there in two – three hours max! Love you Mia.

  Heading to the station, I raced in and went straight down to Dad’s office. “Hey guess what!” I said excitedly.

  Dad looked up from a handful of files in front of him and narrowed his eyes, “Horses eat hay.”

  I laughed, “Smart ass, no seriously. I just finished my exams! I am done with school,” I smiled big as I sat down opposite him at his desk.

  He gave me a big smile back, but that soon faded, “So you’re going to be leaving me tonight then? I am going to miss you in the house kiddo.”

  I felt awful, I had been so excited that I didn’t have time to think how this would affect him. “I can stay if you don’t want me leaving, I don’t mind,” I said quietly.

  He chuckled, standing up. “I don’t think so, I’m looking forward to having the place to myself for a little while. It will be a nice change and you need to go live with your husband. Who I guess you can officially be with and not hide it any longer.”

  That was th
e best part, “Ok, well I need to go finish packing. I will see you home later?” I asked with hopeful eyes.

  Dad nodded, scratching the base of his neck. “Of course.”

  Three boxes were packed with my books, I had all my clothes laying out on my bed and my hardly any makeup was in a small bag. I was ready to leave, there was still a box I was currently packing with photos and ornaments from around my room. I couldn’t believe this was it. Noah and I were about to live together, I was so nervous for that.

  I heard the front door down below open and I got even more excited. “Noah?” I said racing to the top of the stairway.

  He held a bunch of flowers, “You did it baby, you finished.”

  I nodded, “I did,” I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed her gently.

  Pulling away he handed me the white roses, “So these are for you, and I have something else but that’s not until later on. Do you need any help?”

  “Nope,” I said shaking my head. “I am almost done, but I will take those strong muscles of yours to come help me carry the boxes down and into my car?” I looked at the flowers and smiled, “Thank you, they’re very pretty.”

  Noah smiled, “You feeling any better?”

  “Yes, I will never eat those things again,” I said, the thought of them made my stomach churn.

  He just laughed, “You ate two bags, it’s no wonder you almost threw up the other day.”

  “Or you got me pregnant and it’s morning sickness,” I said, keeping my eyes on his.

  His grin faded pretty damn fast but I held my smile, loving how frightened he looked. He furrowed his brows as he stepped closer. “Do you think you are?” he asked, looking serious.

  I laughed, “Noah I am not ok, and I’m getting my period.”

  “Ugh and on the first week we live together, I forgot I have to deal with all those mood swings,” he winked as he kissed me gently.

  I looked up into those gorgeous green eyes of his and just smiled, “I love you, and no I won’t be moody. I am excited that we can be together in public and hold hands down the street.”


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