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Falling In Maths

Page 23

by Melissa Bender

  “We’re here,” Noah said breaking me out of my thoughts.

  I followed him and we looked around the gorgeous home, this was definitely a nice house and the yard wasn’t too big or too small. We walked around the bedrooms, all were a decent size and the upstairs was just as nice.

  I found Noah down in the shed, “What do you think?” I asked him.

  “I like it, there’s a little bit we can do to it still so that’s good. What do you think?” He walked towards me and flicked the light back off.

  Nodding, I had to agree with him. “Yes, I like this place very much. It’s big enough now that we’re having two babies and not one.”

  He laughed, “Are you ok with that? You seemed a little freaked out.”

  “No, I was just sinking it in. I mean we weren’t expecting twins and it’s a big shock but I’m really excited, we get to have two babies. I can’t wait,” I gave him a big eyed look as I blew out a breath. “Are we ready for twins? I’m really worried that it’ll be too hard for us.”

  Noah gave me a kiss on the forehead as I leant into his body, “We’ll be ok Mia, I’ll take care of you three, but for now. Just take it easy and grow our babies.”

  I looked up, tilting my head back and wrapping my arms around his neck, “You’re amazing. Let’s buy this house and make it our home.”

  “Good, because I already bought it,” he laughed, his voice echoing through the empty garage as I just stared at him.

  It took me a moment, unlike with the twins I processed that fairly quickly. “I’m sorry you what?” I asked again, making sure I had heard right.

  “I said, I brought this place already. You don’t think they’d give us a key without anyone being here yeah?” he chuckled. “Too cute Mia, you’re adorable when you look so innocent and confused.”

  I pushed him in the chest, “Noah Wade, tell me you’re kidding right now? What if I hated this place?”

  “You’d grow to love it hopefully,” he winked. “Come on, let’s head home so we can pack and hopefully move in by the weekend.”

  I couldn’t believe him right now, “If your arm wasn’t still sore I’d punch you so hard there right now, Noah I am super annoyed.”

  “Oh baby come on, you just said let’s buy it and I wanted to surprise you. You really mad at me for wanting to do something for my family?” he asked, giving me that same smile he used to give me when he wanted to charm me.

  Like every other time I fell for it and a smile crept across my face, “Ok fine, I am excited you already bought the house. Thankyou baby, I love it and I love you.”

  “I love you too, let’s go out for dinner. You want to go to that bar and grill you like?” He asked as we walked back to the car.

  I nodded, “Yeah I’d like that. Did you want to invite our parents and tell them about the two babies?”

  He cracked a smirk, “Nope, let’s keep them a secret. Surprise them when they’re born, we just need to keep the room hidden from view so they don’t find out.”

  “Yes, good idea. Oh this is going to be such a fun secret to keep,” I said, walking in front of him and turning around. Taking his hands as I grinned wide, “I want a burger for tea. I’m so hungry now.”

  Noah chuckled, “I figured, you’re eating for three now baby. Good thing you’re such a great cook, otherwise I’d be screwed and giving you cup of soup each night for dinner.”

  I laughed, “I am going to teach you to cook, plus your Mum may just buy a house close to us out here.”

  “No Mia, don’t even joke about that,” Noah groaned, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me close again. “Damn you’re going to be such a hot little pregnant woman, I can’t wait until you’re showing.”

  “Me either, then everyone will know I’m having your baby, or in our case, babies,” I said, wrapping my legs tighter around his waist.

  Our lips neared, skimming over one another's as Noah's husky voice sent a shiver down my spine, "Our babies that we made, everyone will definitely know you're mine baby, and yes I'm all yours," he groaned, my back hit the side of his car as our lips then met and kissed ever so sweetly.

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  The bakery had opened four days ago, and business was going flat out. A lot of people not surprised I had now taken it over. I was now almost 18 weeks pregnant and definitely showing with my little belly, Noah called it a pot. I wasn’t huge but it was noticeable and with twins it was growing fast. We had still managed to keep that part of our pregnancy a secret.

  “What time are you closing?” Louise asked, coming over with a rack of freshly cooked blueberry muffins. The smell making me crave one, or two.

  “Probably around six tonight, Noah’s coming in after work to eat before he heads to training,” I said helping her put them in the oven.

  “I didn’t think he’d go back and play so soon,” she grumbled, not impressed with his playing again.

  “I know, he said he loves it too much to give it up just yet,” I replied. I understood what she meant, I was worried about Noah getting hurt again.

  The door dinged open and I looked up, expecting to see my husband walking in but instead it was someone I hadn’t spoken to since the last day of school, James. My stomach came up to my mouth and I felt sick instantly. I didn’t want to serve him or his friends that he walked in with at all, Louise noticed my sudden hesitation and she stepped in for me.

  “What can I help you with?” She asked as James approached the counter.

  He gave her an odd look, probably expecting me to serve him. I really wished Noah was here already. Finally he replied, “Uh I actually need to speak with Mia for a moment.”

  Louise turned around, “Mia? Everything ok?” she asked quietly.

  I nodded, “Just stay close,” I said so he wouldn’t here and she gave me a nod.

  I walked over to where James was standing, my apron off and now showing my swollen stomach. That was the first thing James noticed, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t ashamed of being pregnant to Noah at all.

  “Mia,” he said, thinking if he flashed a charming smile that I’d fall for it. I wouldn’t.

  “Yes?” I asked, looking directly at him. He actually looked better than the last time I had seen him, but that could change. His personality was horrible at times.

  “Is it his?” he asked, looking back up at my face.

  “Noah? Yes I am married to him so it makes sense that I would be carrying his baby,” babies I said silently to myself.

  James closed his mouth, I could see his jaw grinding against his lower teeth before he opened his mouth again. “I always thought we’d end up together, that’s how our Mum’s played it out.”

  I didn’t want to get into this at all, especially now. “James, don’t.”

  “No listen Mia, you shouldn’t be with him. I know he probably tricked you, or seduced you somehow. Took advantage is more like it, but I don’t care. I can be with you, we can pretend the baby is mine if you wanted to get away from him?” James said, reaching over and taking hold of my hand.

  I went to pull back but his grip was tight, “James let me go, I’m not going to leave Noah for you and I definitely won’t have you talking about him like that. He isn’t a predator, he didn’t take advantage of me and I love him, what is your problem!” I snapped, getting quite upset.

  “You were meant to be with me Mia, now everything is fucked up,” he growled, yanking harder on my arm.

  I had tears starting to roll down my cheeks, my arm throbbing and I could feel the bruising forming. “James let me go, you’re hurting me.”

  “Get your hands off her now!” Noah’s voice thundered behind us, James let go instantly. I immediately backed away as Louise pulled me to sit down with an ice pack as Noah kept speaking, “You don’t take a hint very well do you, assaulting a pregnant women. My wife of all people. I hate it when a guy thinks a woman is a toy to him and that he can get away with everything he does.” Noah was now facing him, close enough to beat him. His
gaze turned into a threatening one and he punched him hard in the nose making James stumble backwards, then pushed him, “If you ever lay a finger on her again you won't see the light afterwards.”

  James grabbed his nose, groaning as he walked out with the guys he came in with. Most of them shocked as they were guys from our class.

  Noah closed the door, flicking the closed sign over as the bakery was empty.

  His gaze met mine as he rushed over and dropped to his knees, “Are you ok?” he asked taking hold of my arm.

  “I am a bit shaken up, he was really scaring me,” I said with a small wince as Noah rubbed my arm.

  “I could kill him Mia, I really wanted to throw him through the fucking window,” Noah growled. “I heard what he said,” he placed his hand over my stomach, rubbing gently and his anger soon turned to an eased happiness as our babies kicked underneath his hand.

  “See Daddy is here, the baby knows who you are,” I said, we had to say baby so his mum didn’t ask what we meant if babies were mentioned.

  “I know, I think we should head home and I’m going to call your Dad. I can’t have James terrorizing you when I’m not around,” he said as he stood up, he then looked over at his Mum who was sitting quietly. “Thanks for not leaving her side, James isn’t a good person. He’s an asshole to Mia.”

  I giggled, “It’s not the first time Noah’s hit him either.”

  “It won’t be the last if he doesn’t leave you alone,” He smiled, bending up and kissing me firmly.

  Louise stood up, “Ok well I will go get dinner ready, we can all sit and eat something even though it’s early.”

  “Thanks,” I said as Noah offered her a smile. I looked back at him when she left, “James thinks I’m meant to be with him, he really freaked me out Noah, it’s like he has some sick delusion that is right to him regardless of what I say or do.”

  “I know baby, he’s getting worse. I hate to think what would have happened if I wasn’t here when I turned up, he could have really hurt you or them,” he said as he rubbed my tummy again.

  My hand moved over his and I gave him a light, reassuring squeeze. “No-one will take me, or your babies away from you. I love you Noah, no-one else.”

  “Do you think he’s right? I mean did I prey on you like some sick pervert?” he asked quietly, I could tell James’s words really got to him.

  Shaking my head, “No, don’t ever think that. What we had was all consensual and I had been crushing on your months before anything happened, Noah we didn’t hide our relationship. Well we did but not from my Dad, you asked him if you could date me and he approved. It’s not like you are a sixty year old man and I’m thirteen, we are adults.”

  He smiled, leaning closer as he almost kissed me, “I know, you were crushing on me pretty hard.”

  I laughed just as Louise came back out with the casserole, “Yes Noah, I was and still am.”

  “Good, me too,” he said and finally kissed me.

  At home I laid on our couch and watched TV while Noah was at training, I made him go. He wanted to stay but if he stayed then we’d only be laying around and I would feel too guilty that he missed training, especially when they needed to practice for the finals.

  Dad came around, told me he was going to see James and give him a restraining order to keep away from me, I said it wasn’t necessary but he said it was. My arm had five nice finger print bruises which weren’t hurting as much, the ice cooling it helped with that.

  The front door opened and I heard Noah come in. “Baby, couch or bed?” he called out.

  “Bath,” I said as I laid back in the tub filled with bubbled.

  Noah entered and I smiled, “Miss me?” he asked, starting to take his clothing off.

  I nodded, sliding forwards so he could get in behind me. “Of course we did, the babies were kicking so much tonight. I think they knew you weren’t here.”

  “I love when they kick, they’re so strong. Little football players,” he chuckled, sinking in behind me and pulled me back down against his chest.

  “Or little dancers,” I glanced back up at him and grinned.

  We laid in the bath a little longer until my toes went wrinklie and then we went and got into bed. I loved our bedroom, our bed was nice, big and extremely comfortable. I rolled over after Noah and I made love and snuggled into his side.

  His hand stroking my hair lightly, twirling the ends. “I love you,” he whispered softly.

  I kissed his chest, “I love you too.”

  It felt like seconds later I had fallen instantly asleep, exhaustion overtaking me as I slept warmly against Noah’s body. It was rare that his arms left my body, I don’t remember a time when I woke up and Noah wasn’t holding me.

  When it was morning, I opened my eyes. Lying in bed and feeling the little thumping kicks, I reached and grabbed Noah’s hand slowly and placed it to my stomach. His hand moved, rubbing as his fingers spread open.

  “Morning you two, waking Mummy up are you?” he chuckled, his voice thick and laced with sleep.

  Yawning and covering my mouth I let out a slight laugh, “Yeah they love kicking in the morning, wait until they’re here. Then we’ll have some early morning wake ups.”

  “I really can’t wait until they’re both born,” he smiled, leaning and giving me a good morning kiss. “I don’t want to go to work,” he groaned, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

  I ran my fingertips up and down his back slowly, scratching lightly. “I know, it’s almost the weekend though.”

  “True, we should go away or do something?” he mumbled against my skin.

  I tilted my head to the side, trying to look at him as he moved a leg over between mine. I knew what he was doing, the same thing he did every morning. “Noah,” I whispered. “Not today.”

  His head shot up fast, “What? Don’t tell me the no sex has started?” he groaned again, but still managed to give me that adorable smile.

  I laughed, giggling loudly as I shook my head. “I’m kidding you goof, but we should do something this weekend. Maybe go and look for baby furniture and clothing since we’ve not got anything ready for then.”

  “Baby shopping sounds fun, we need to get two of each also,” He said, rubbing his nose over mine.

  I nodded, “Hmm I know, we could go out of town and do our shopping?”

  “Like away for a weekend up the coast? That sounds fun, I will make the arrangements and we don’t have a game on either so we can leave Friday night,” he looked alive and awake now, so cute when he got this excited about certain things.

  I nodded, “Good, it’s a date then,” I then slid my hands further down, giving his bare ass a playful grab, “We need to get up or we’re going to be late Noah.”

  “We still have a few minutes baby,” he wiggled his brows, grasping my hips as his knees nudged my thighs apart, getting me ready for him.

  Chapter Thirty Eight

  Today was an exciting day, Noah was playing in the grand final. I was so proud that his team had made the final playoffs. It was so exiting to get to go and watch, Noah was nervous but in a good mood and both our parents were coming to watch also.

  I waddled into the kitchen, eating a sandwich and sighing. “I am so puffed and I only walked from the bedroom to here,” I grumbled.

  Noah laughed, “You’re eight months pregnant, with twins. I think its ok if you get puffed easily Mia.”

  I smiled, he had made me feel nothing but beautiful this entire pregnancy. I was lucky to have a man like him, he helped me so much. Made it to every doctor’s appointment and even read story books to our babies of a night time. Noah was very much an involved and doting father to be.

  “You ready?” I asked him.

  “In about twenty we can leave, finish eating. Do you need to bring anything else?” he asked.

  I blushed as I held up my little picnic basket filled with delicious baked good, “Umm, I have food.”

  He chuckled, “Good. You need to eat all this
too Mia,” he said, now turning serious. At our last appointment they made a note that I hadn’t gained much weight. Sure my stomach was out there and my boobs were huge, but my weight hadn’t gone up as much as it should for a woman carrying twins.

  So Noah came home on a mission, determined to get me eating more and getting to the weight they wanted me at. I almost died when they told me to gain an extra six kilos, I had definitely been trying but it just wasn’t adding up.

  “I will, don’t worry I will eat and eat all day even if it makes me sick,” I smiled as I took another bite of my vegemite sandwich, yes I found that to be very delicious thinly spread over butter.

  “Yes but don’t be sick otherwise you’ll need to start again,” he winked and picked up his football bag.

  Noah helped put my shoes on and tied the laces up for me, I couldn’t do that on my own. It was a little embarrassing at times when I needed him to do certain things, like shaving or pulling my underwear on some days.

  On the drive we started to discuss random things like we normally did. The topic normally changing to baby names. Neither of us had picked a name we both really liked, it was extremely hard. We hadn’t even found out what we were having. That was going to be a surprise for both of us when the day came next month.

  “Are you going out after the game when you win?” I asked, holding his hand as it was placed on his lap.

  “I love how positive you are, and no I won’t be,” he said keeping his eyes ahead on the road.

  “What? Why?” I asked, “Noah, your friends will want to go and celebrate, it will be a big win for you all.”

  “My wife is pregnant and could go into labour, I am staying home. Maybe have a few drinks in the club room, but I won’t be going out without you,” he said, glancing over at me.

  I smiled, secretly happy that he wanted to stay in with me. “Ok well we can celebrate at home,” I said giving him a wink, “but I can’t do much since I’m packing twins and all.”


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