Falling In Maths

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Falling In Maths Page 25

by Melissa Bender

  Noah and I were in a blissful moment of parenthood. I had no idea how it would be once we had children, let alone twins. I worried that maybe it would be hard on us, like really hard and we’d drift a little. Maybe argue, but if anything having Parker and Georgia brought us closer than ever.


  Three years later.

  “Noah, oh my god,” I laughed loudly, covering my mouth as he jumped off me, throwing the covers over our bodies as two little people stood at the end of our bed, staring at us. I couldn’t help but laugh, as embarrassing as the situation was.

  Noah sat up, panting hard as he pointed to the door, “You two, go in your room and count to ten, no twenty.”

  “Daddy, why?” Georgia asked, looking at us both confused.

  I had never expected to be in the middle of making love and turning my head to see our two children walking in the room. I think both of us almost had a heart attack. Luckily they weren’t paying attention as to why their Daddy was on top of Mummy.

  Noah cleared his throat, “Hey, you two want a present?” He asked, giving them a big grin. “Go wait on your beds and then Mummy and Daddy will come and get you for a surprise.”

  Both, Parker and Georgia nodding with big smiles and clapping their hands. “Yes! Yes!” they both squealed excitedly, running off down the hallway.

  Noah jumped out of bed and closed the door, locking it and then quickly getting back into bed. “Sorry baby, we got to hurry this up.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Noah are you serious, and how are they awake at 5am? They were fast asleep twenty minutes ago when I checked on them.”

  He smirked, “Mia, Daddy needs some special time. Spread them and stop talking.”

  My hand slapped his bare ass as he moved between my thighs, finishing off what we had been in the middle of. Good thing, I was already halfway there and with what he started doing, I got there much quicker.

  After we both threw on some clothes, we ventured down the hallway to find our two adorable children sitting in Parker’s room, playing with cars as Georgia held her doll. I couldn’t believe how much they had grown and how quickly the years passed.

  I grinned as they seen us, both their big green eyes going wide as Noah walked in the room and pulled both of them into a big bear hug. “Happy Birthday you two, you want to go have some breakfast?”

  “Or do you want to open some presents?” I added, it was very obvious what they wanted to do.

  I sat down on the couch, Noah on the floor and handing over their gifts. I wanted to cry, they were growing too fast. “Happy Birthday,” I said, kissing each of them on the cheek as we handed them a gift each.

  Toys were all over the place, but they were outside. Running around the yard and playing on their new cubby house with a slide and swing set attached. I looked over at Noah as he brought out a hot drink for us each. It was almost 7am and today was going to be a long, busy day.

  “Thanks,” I said, he bent down and kissed me as he then sat beside me.

  Noah laughed, watching as Parker went down the slide and landed on his bum. He got up and giggled, “Ouch, my bum!” he said rubbing it, Georgia just laughed at him and they ran back to the ladder.

  “Do you think they’ll get off that today?” he asked.

  I shook my head, “No, they’re going to cry when they have to go to bed. That’s if they don’t fall asleep in it.”

  He laughed, “True. How are you feeling today?”

  I smiled, rubbing my small growing bump. “I haven’t been sick so that’s a good thing, but I am really hungry.”

  Noah and I were pregnant again with a little boy on the way, 21 weeks and we both couldn’t wait to add to our family. Unlike the last pregnancy, Noah was the one who guessed I was pregnant when I couldn’t stop throwing up, feeling exhausted and just wanting to sleep.

  He came home with a test and told me to go and use it. We had been trying only a very short time, and I was in denial that it’d happen that quickly for us. How wrong was I, Noah couldn’t stop grinning when he read the results. He even picked me up, spun me around and kissed me passionately like in some romantic movie.

  The twins knew Mummy was growing a baby, they loved to lift my shirt up and peer into my belly button, talking to the baby and had even put some toys aside for the little baby. Georgia was going to be a little mother hen. Noah was even just as attentive as the first pregnancy, reading to the baby and rubbing lotion over my stomach each night. Never missing an appointment either, it was exciting to go through this again.

  Parker came running over, it was so adorable to see how much he resembled Noah. Big eyes, tanned skin and a mop of brown hair that was done just like his Daddy’s. Georgia was very alike Noah also, except she had long dark hair like mine.

  After their play outside we all sat up and ate breakfast. Dad and Louise were coming over for lunch, we were just having a small party. I had been up most the night cooking and getting things ready to the party today.

  “Mummy can I take this outside? Please?” Georgia asked, I turned around and seen her holding her Barbie doll car. Her hair pulled to the side in a braid and wearing some leggings and a pretty summery top. She was so cute.

  I bent down so I was level with her, “Ok princess, but not on the grass. Just sit on the deck and play ok?”

  She smiled brightly, “Ok Mummy. Thankyou.”

  We were lucky with how good they were, sure they had those crazy tantrum stages where they laid on the floor, kicking and screaming when they didn’t get their own way with something. Noah and I never really growled, we’d say no and if they kept carrying on we just ignored them until they were calm.

  Noah did put Georgia in her room once, she bit Parker on the arm and really sunk her teeth in. Noah felt awful but she never done it again.

  “Hi, are we late?” Louise called out, walking in the kitchen.

  I shook my head, “No, not at all. How are you?” I asked as she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Good, I have got the kids bikes in the shed with Noah, your Dad is in there with him building them, now what can I help you with?” She asked giving my stomach a little rub.

  “I don’t know, maybe cream the fairy cakes?” I suggested.

  Louise and I had grown very close, she was sober almost four years and even watched the kids from time to time. We both worked in the bakery, just the two of us and business was really going great, the kids came in there and when Noah finished work he came and took them until I was done for the day.

  My husband was amazing and very hands on with helping out.

  “How’s things with Phil?” I asked after a while.

  She gave me a smile, “He is good, just had to finish up at work before he comes around. We’re still going slowly, this is all very new.”

  Phil was actually really nice, they met in the bakery and soon began having regular coffee dates. He was ten years older, and lost his wife after a horrible divorce. Noah liked him, which I knew Louise was very anxious about.

  Dad, well he was still single and working all the time. I tried bringing up the idea of going on a date and he always shot it down. Telling me he wasn’t interested in dating, he had his grandkids and that was enough for him.

  “Mia,” Noah called out, “the kids are hungry,” he laughed as he walked in and groaned. “Smells good,” he said wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing the base of my neck.

  I leant into him, enjoying his feathery kisses. Noah and I were definitely, still madly in love. Each day I looked at him, I only felt myself fall more and more in love.

  Noah let out a groan, flinching behind me as his Mum swatted him on the back of his head, “What was that for?”

  “You have two kids and another on the way, keep off her,” Louise growled, laughing softly.

  I laughed, “Yeah Noah, keep off me.”

  “Try and stop me,” he whispered against my ear, kissing me before he let go.

  We brought the food outside, Dad was runn
ing around and chasing the kids. They were laughing and squealing, full of energy. They looked at all the food, sitting up and immediately pointing to the jelly cakes and other baked good they wanted to eat.

  “How’s work?” Dad asked Noah.

  Noah looked up after getting the kids their food, “Yeah it’s good, got a couple weeks off to spend at home so I’m looking forward to that.”

  We all sat, talked and ate. The kids were off playing, riding their new bikes and then decided to take their clothes off and jump about in their little blow up pool. They were having a blast and it made me so happy, so lucky to realise just what I had. What Noah and I had together.

  After a couple hours we brought their cakes out, being like his father Parker wanted a football cake and Georgia wanted a doll one. Singing happy birthday, and watching as they blew their candles out.

  Noah walked over, putting his arm around me as we watched our two children, he kept filming them on the camera. “You know, they’re either going to pass out or be up all night with a sugar high.”

  I looked up at him, leaning into his side. “I hope pass out, I wouldn’t mind having an early night.”

  He narrowed his eyes, lips twitching into a smile. “Oh yeah? Sleep or play?” he asked, keeping his voice low.

  My body moved a little closer, standing up slightly on my tippy toes as I slid my hand around his back, lower into the back pocket of his jeans and playfully giving his ass a grab. “I think you know the answer to that.”

  “Baby, you’re insatiable,” he chuckled shaking his head.

  I laughed, leaning closer and kissing his lips. “Only you can satisfy me baby, and you do it well.”

  Noah closed the gap between us and kissed me, we managed to pull apart just in time to see Parker and Georgia give each other a big goofy grin right before their faces went forwards, face first into their Birthday cakes and began eating them that way, fists and all taking chunks as they absolutely enjoyed themselves.

  “Now, how cute is that,” Noah grinned, zooming in on each of them. You could hear their little voices mumbling yum through each mouthful.

  I had to agree, “Very cute.”

  “Thought of any names you like?” He asked, looking down at my stomach.

  There was one name I did like, I nodded. “Yes, I like the name Oliver, Do you like that?” I asked nervously.

  He grinned, “Parker, Georgia and Oliver Wade. I think we found our name.”

  “I like that,” I said, watching the twins again. Laughing as they made such a mess with their cake, I wasn’t bothered at all. They were kids and having fun, the way kids should grow up.

  Noah shut the camera off and turned to face me, brushing my hair from my face and smiling. “You ever think that four years ago, we’d end up here? Married with two kids, another on the way?”

  I shook my head, glancing at our children as our parents took photos of them and laughed. I looked back at Noah, my body against his as our son began to kick between us, “Nope, I didn’t think that at all. But I am glad, glad that it happened the way it did. We have an epic love story, a love that was illegal to begin with and now, now it’s the best thing in the world to be loved by you.”

  My heart began to race, the way Noah was looking at me now was the same way I was looking at him. I knew he was the one for me, and I was the one for him. It was clear as day that we were meant to be. Noah skimmed his lips lightly across mine, placing a soft kiss as his hands rubbed my stomach, feeling the little kicks.

  His eyes looking deeply into mine as he finally spoke, “That won’t ever change Mia, nothing could stop the way I feel about you.”

  Noah Wade

  Growing up, life wasn’t always easy.

  To start with I thought it were, but I soon found out how wrong I was.

  My Dad died when I was 10. I didn’t want to deal with it, I just wanted pretend like it never happened. That he left us, it would have been much easier to do that if Mum didn’t start drinking, smoking and doing drugs each night with her group of friends.

  Our house was party central, I hated it.

  I moved out at the age of 15, my best mate Ryan’s family took me in and basically started raising me. Mum didn’t really care, it just meant she had extra money to spend on her night binges. Didn’t even ask me to stay, just told me to make sure my room was clean before I left.

  When I got the money, I’d help her get clean. That’s if she didn’t throw herself into an early grave beforehand.

  I saw how other men treated women, yelling and abusing them. My Dad, he was never like that. He taught me if I wasn’t old enough to support a woman and a child then keep my dick in my pants. Save it for my wife, because no woman wants a man who’s been around the block a few too many times.

  There was no desire to go out and screw around, sure it wasn’t like I didn’t have the offers. I just didn’t want to be that kind of man and I didn’t want that kind of woman.

  I buckled down, studied hard and got myself a good job, never intending to fall in love with a student in the process.


  I was told about her before starting at the school. How she probably wouldn’t speak much, but she was extremely smart. Her Mum dying and how her Dad was the local sergeant in town, which should have put me off. But it didn’t, it didn’t even cross my mind that I’d get thrown in jail until after we were together officially when her Dad warned me, hurt her and you’ll never see the light of day.

  I couldn’t hurt her though, never intentionally.

  My eyes roamed the room, landing on her sitting quietly and drawing in her notepad. Mia, she was something else that’s for sure.

  The way she got so nervous, blushed and even avoided eye contact when I spoke to her amused me to a point where I purposely called on her in class, I knew she hated it. She’d get me back for it later on tonight when she refused to kiss me or let me cuddle her.

  Her long hair hid those dark, almost black eyes. It was a shame, but in a way it was good for me. I didn’t like other boys around her checking her out. For all I knew she’d leave me, realise she probably could get better then go for someone closer to her age.

  I don’t think I would forget the first time I seen her working, her hair pulled back. The guys wanted to get dinner at the bakery and I’d never been, apparently they liked to check out some hot chick who worked in there. I had no idea they were talking about Mia. That afternoon was the first time I really saw her differently. Her smile big and bright, happy and completely different from at school. At school, I saw a girl who was lonely, trying to find her way and afraid to do it. In that bakery, I noticed she was more than just a shy girl. She was beautiful. Plus, the guys did love stirring me up about how I couldn’t take my eyes off her when she walked away.

  “Mia,” I spoke, “Can you stay after class please?”

  She looked up, “Yes sir,” she then smiled and put her head back down, continuing to draw those hearts, I chuckled to myself quietly as I went back to my desk and waited for others to finish their surprise quiz I gave at the last minute.

  As the end of class bell rang, Mia stood up as I went to close the classroom door, I didn’t want to get caught for what I was about to do to her. “Mia,” I said clearly, knowing her eyes were on my ass. She was bad at hiding that. I turned around and smirked, her eyes were on my ass and she was biting her lip softly.

  Her cheeks began to flush as her head snapped up, “Mr Wade,” she spoke, nervously.

  Making my way closer towards her, I grinned. “You know, now that we’re alone you can call me Noah.”

  My arms wrapped around her waist, I felt her shiver slightly and I pulled her closer. Hard against my chest, I just needed to close.

  She blushed again, “I’m sorry, it’s getting some used to.”

  Her hands slowly moved, and came up to the front of my chest. Her palms firmly against me. I reached up, placing a finger underneath her chin and tilting her head back, “I love your blush, are you still
coming over tonight?”

  She nodded. I knew she was having trouble forming words. Finally, after she stopped her nervous blushing she answered, in a breathy whisper. “Yes.”

  “Good,” I said, my smile growing wider. I leant in closer towards her, capturing her lips with mine. I couldn’t hold back on kissing her, not when she was this close.

  Her soft lips always tasted of a strawberry lip balm she used, my hands held her tighter. Not wanting to let go just yet, I couldn’t get enough of her. She made me feel something I hadn’t felt in a very long time. A happiness I hadn’t experienced since my Dad was alive.

  Mia pulled back, but I wasn’t letting go. I pulled her back as she glanced over at the door, “Well I should go, before someone comes in,” her big dark brown, almost black eyes then looked up into mine. She was so pretty and she didn’t even see it.

  I gave her a smile, stroking her cheek. “Ok, I love you,” I said and then kissed her once more.

  “I love you too,” she responded, almost instantly once I let her speak.

  Mia left and I sat back on the desk, I couldn’t believe how much things had changed in two short months.

  I spent the rest of the day teaching, thinking about her and then wanting to punch that James kid in the face. The way he spoke and treated her was close to emotional abuse, he’d say things and she would just shrug it off, but the way he said them. Smirking and telling her she’s boring and no-one would want to go out with her because she’s not giving it up was just getting too much for me to sit and do nothing about.

  I knew it was wrong, it wasn’t fair on her that we keep our relationship a secret.

  But I’d rather hide what we had than let someone else date her, possible use her. She deserved everything she wanted out of life, I’d do anything to make her happy.

  I called in to see my Mother who was in rehab for the third time, I needed her to get better. I couldn’t have Mia meet her just yet. Even just talking about her was hard, I was actually embarrassed. I shouldn’t be because I knew Mia would understand, she’s understand better than anyone. I haven’t even spoken about my Dad in around 8 years, I didn’t like talking about him, but with her I found myself wanting to open right up and letting her know everything about me.


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