Book Read Free

Royal Target

Page 16

by Traci Hunter Abramson

  The waves crashed on the beach below in the timeless battle between land and sea, the crests of the waves visible in the light of the moon. She would miss this place when it came time to go, more than any other, and nearly as much as she would miss Garrett. The overwhelming fear for his safety had settled deep inside her, along with an emptiness she had never before experienced.

  Footsteps sounded behind her, and Janessa whirled around. She lifted a hand to her pounding heart, not sure if she was relieved to see Garrett approaching. “You startled me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Garrett leaned on the rail next to her. “I saw you from my window, and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I was just thinking,” Janessa said wistfully, turning back to look over the water once more. “It will be hard to leave here when the time comes.”

  “So don’t leave.”

  “Just yesterday you were trying to get me to leave,” she reminded him. “Besides, this is your home, not mine.” She didn’t quite manage to keep the regret from her voice. “Even if I were assigned to the embassy here, it would only be for a year or two.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” Garrett took her hand in his and moved closer as she turned to face him. “Even after the gala is over, I want you to stay. I want you to give our relationship a chance.”

  She desperately wanted to comply but forced herself to remember the reason she was here, the reason she couldn’t afford to love him. “I almost lost you last night.” Janessa’s voice was soft. She lifted her hand, measuring her thumb and finger a centimeter apart. “I came this close to not doing my job well enough to protect you. Neither one of us can afford for me to be distracted by my feelings for you.”

  “What are your feelings for me?” Hope shone in his eyes.

  “Don’t you understand?” Her voice rose fractionally. “I don’t want to have feelings for you.”

  “But you do,” Garrett insisted.

  “Do you realize how close we both came to dying last night?” Janessa’s voice caught. She took a steadying breath before continuing. “The bomb on your car had just enough time on it so that someone could almost disarm it. Even with two of us, I didn’t think we were going to make it. Whoever planted it wanted to make sure someone died last night.”

  Garrett’s hand squeezed hers as the muscle in his jaw twitched.

  Janessa watched a wave of frustration surge through him before he controlled it. She hadn’t wanted to tell him about the bomb, but she had to make him understand. “Already you’re having trouble letting me do my job. I can’t have a personal life right now. It will only get in the way.”

  “Watching you walk out of my room last night, seeing you leave so you could protect me, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” Garrett admitted. “If I had lost you last night, do you think it would have hurt any less, knowing that the ring you wear doesn’t hold any promises?” He took a deep breath before continuing. “I understand your responsibilities here. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you’re safe, too. I love you too much to lose you.”

  Her eyes darted up to his, her mind whirling as she replayed his words in her mind. Could he really love her as much as she loved him? She had spent so much time convincing herself that his feelings for her would never go beyond her brief assignment in Meridia. Now she stared at him, amazed and confused.

  Garrett reached for her left hand, holding it up so that the ring sparkled in the moonlight. “I do love you. I want you to marry me so that we can spend the rest of our lives together—the rest of eternity together.” He linked his fingers with hers, and she felt tears threaten. “The real question is, what are your feelings for me?”

  Janessa was unsure how to respond. She knew she did love Garrett, and here he was actually proposing to her. “I didn’t want to love you.” Janessa’s resolve to keep a professional distance crumbled as a tear spilled over. “I just couldn’t stop it.”

  Garrett slid his arms around her, pulled her close, and held on. They stood there for a moment, the only sound coming from the waves crashing on the beach. Garrett finally leaned back so he could see her face. “I know you worry that our feelings will keep you from doing your job, but I think trying to ignore these feelings is going to cause us more trouble than if we just face them.” His eyes searched hers, and he trailed a finger down her cheek. “Please say you’ll marry me.”

  Janessa studied his face in the shadows. More than anything, she wanted to share a life with Garrett. If only their backgrounds weren’t so different. “Garrett, we both know that I could never live in your world.”

  “You already do,” he said softly. He lifted a hand and motioned to the chateau. “I’m the second son. My role won’t always be in the spotlight. You can work with me in overseeing our military operations or going on diplomatic missions. Being royalty isn’t simply dining at the palace.” He leaned closer and briefly touched his lips to hers. “Please marry me.”

  He was offering her everything she had ever dared to hope for, and as warmth spread through her heart, she knew what her answer was. She laid her hand on his cheek, and a smile bloomed on her face. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  His smile was immediate, making her forget everything and everyone else. He lifted her off the ground, spinning her in a complete circle as her laughter rang out.

  Her feet had barely touched the ground when a sobering thought crossed her mind. “What are your parents going to think?”

  Garrett’s smile didn’t dim in the slightest. “They already know about everything except about me getting baptized.”

  “You already told them that we’re really getting married?”

  “I think it would be more accurate to say that they told me.” Garrett laughed. “I believe my brother put it best when he said that if we were any more engaged, we would be on our honeymoon.”

  Janessa’s jaw dropped. “How do you manage to keep anything from your family? They see everything!”

  “You’re going to fit right in,” Garrett agreed with a grin.

  * * *

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you, Your Highness?” Enrico asked Sunday morning when Garrett headed for his car. All of the cars had already been checked for explosives and any other tampering earlier that morning, but tensions among the staff were still high.

  “It’s Sunday, Enrico,” Garrett pointed out. “Go enjoy a day off with your family.”

  Enrico’s eyebrows went up, but he smiled as he gave a small bow. “Yes, sir.” He then turned and went back inside.

  “Do you think he’ll know what to do with a day off?”

  “Knowing Enrico, he’ll go spend some time with his father. Paolo and Enrico have been playing the same game of chess for more than a year.”

  “The same game?” Janessa asked, humor and disbelief filling her voice.

  “That’s what happens when you don’t have a time limit on the moves.” Garrett grinned at her. “I think the game is just an excuse they use to sit and talk.”

  “You’re probably right,” Janessa commented as she slid into the passenger seat. She had promised herself she wasn’t going to think about the bomb Alan had removed from this very car several days before. At least she’d promised to try. “I hope you’re good with directions.”

  “I already know where the church is,” Garrett told her as he started the car and pulled out onto the road. He glanced into the rearview mirror and saw his security detail pulling out behind him. Turning his attention back to Janessa, he added, “I’ve just never had the opportunity to go before.”

  “So now I’m your excuse?” Janessa’s eyebrows lifted.

  “There’s no way I can answer that without getting into trouble,” Garrett said with a wry smile. “I do need your help in setting up my baptism though.”

  “You can probably have an interview with the branch president today,” Janessa suggested. “Is there anyone in particular you would like to have bapt
ize you?”

  “My friend Tim O’Donnell will be arriving Tuesday. He’s the one who gave me the Book of Mormon,” Garrett told her. “If possible, I would like to be baptized sometime this week.”

  “I thought you would want to wait until after the gala.”

  Garrett glanced over at her. “It’s my understanding that I can’t go to the temple until I’ve been a member for a year.”

  She nodded, still trying to adjust to the new reality that they would soon be planning a real wedding and a life together. “That’s right.”

  “Then each week I wait to get baptized means another week before we can go to the temple together.”

  “You have a point,” Janessa agreed with a smile.

  Garrett reached over and gave her hand a squeeze before settling back in his seat for the long drive.

  * * *

  Several miles later, Garrett pulled around the corner to the church. “There aren’t very many people here,” he commented when he pulled into the parking lot.

  “This is just a branch. It only has about forty or fifty members,” Janessa told him. “From what I understand, most of the members in Meridia live in and around Calene.”

  “That makes sense.” Garrett nodded. “The new temple is being built about twenty miles this side of Calene.”

  “Wouldn’t it be amazing if the temple were done before we get married?” Janessa commented as Garrett took her hand and started toward the entrance.

  “I’m not sure how I feel about such a long engagement, but we can talk about it once the gala is over,” Garrett said as he ushered her inside.

  Before she had a chance to respond, the missionaries approached them.

  Garrett introduced himself simply as Garrett Fortier and was amused when he didn’t notice any glimmer of recognition from either of the elders, neither of whom appeared to be natives of Meridia. He led Janessa to a seat in the back and was surprised when she didn’t sit down.

  “I have to play the piano,” she told him with an apologetic smile. “At least I have to try. I’ll come down and sit with you after the sacrament hymn.”

  With that she continued down the aisle and took her seat on the piano bench. A moment later the branch president stood to welcome the congregation and begin the meeting. His eyes scanned the small congregation, pausing as he noticed Garrett sitting in the back. He did a double take before announcing the opening hymn. Garrett noticed a few curious glances cast his way during the opening song, and the young deacon that came to offer him the sacrament goggled when he recognized who he was serving.

  Garrett watched as a combination of men and boys continued to pass the sacrament. He considered how different this branch was in comparison to the ward he had attended with Tim. At the same time, everything was so much the same.

  As the meeting progressed, he imagined he could be sitting anywhere in the world listening to testimonies similar to those being given here today. At the conclusion of the meeting, Janessa once again moved to the piano at the front of the chapel. After the prayer she stopped and spoke with the branch president before returning to his side.

  “We stay here for Sunday School,” Janessa told him as she reclaimed her seat. “Also, the branch president said he can meet with you right after church.”

  Garrett nodded, settling in for the next meeting. Janessa slipped her hand into his, and in that moment he knew everything in his life was exactly the way it was supposed to be.

  Chapter 24

  Queen Marta moved down the hall to her husband’s office on Monday night. She had already put in a sixteen-hour day, many of those hours spent dealing with correspondence and various charities she was involved in. But for now, she wasn’t thinking about her own busy schedule but rather her husband’s overburdened workload.

  She knocked on his door once before pushing it open and was not surprised to find her husband and eldest son still hard at work. They sat elbow to elbow at the worktable in the corner of the room poring over the latest intelligence reports.

  She laid a hand on Stefano’s shoulder and looked at her husband. “You both need to get some rest.”

  “We’re almost finished,” Eduard told her, tapping a finger on the report in front of him. He looked up at Stefano and nodded. “I think Garrett and Janessa are onto something here. If the CIA can trace those deposits, security might be able to solve this whole problem before the gala.”

  “We only have three more weeks,” Marta reminded her husband. “Do you think they can figure it out by then?”

  “I hope so,” Eduard told her.

  Another knock came at the door. This time Garrett stepped through, leading Janessa. “I thought I would find you here.”

  “What are you doing here?” Marta asked, moving to embrace her youngest son. She looked closer, noting the combination of excitement and concern in his eyes. “I thought you were staying at the chateau through next weekend.”

  “I have a groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow morning,” Garrett told her. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you both.”

  “Has the CIA traced the money?” Eduard asked.

  “No.” Garrett shook his head, reaching for Janessa’s hand. “Actually, this is personal.”

  Marta noticed Janessa give Garrett’s hand an encouraging squeeze and fought back a smile. It seemed the engagement really had gone beyond a publicity stunt. Prepared to act adequately surprised at the announcement, she shifted to her husband’s side and waited for him to continue.

  “I wondered if you all could clear your schedules tomorrow afternoon,” Garrett began, glancing down at Janessa for a moment before continuing. “I would like you to attend my baptism into the Mormon Church.”

  “What?” King Eduard’s voice boomed as he stood.

  Stefano stood as well and gaped at Garrett. Marta struggled to keep her jaw from dropping.

  “I know this comes as a shock, but I’ve been thinking about this for some time,” Garrett continued before his father could cut him off.

  “You are a Fortier. Joining another church is not an option. You can’t throw out centuries of tradition.”

  Still stunned, Marta laid a hand on Eduard’s arm. “Let him speak.”

  Garrett took a deep breath. “Mother, you mentioned something when I first returned home from the United States. You said you hadn’t ever seen me more content.” He looked from his mother to his father and continued. “This church gave me that. I found a truth I had been searching for without even knowing it.”

  “Never since the Church of Meridia was founded has a Fortier belonged to another,” Eduard stated.

  “I realize I am the first, and I feel the burden of that decision.” Garrett nodded solemnly. “But my religious choices have nothing to do with my duty to this country or this family. I can have both if you will let me. I’m only asking for the same religious freedom you give the rest of our citizens.”

  Marta considered the historic implications her son’s actions could cause for this family and their country. Undermining her resolve against his request was her desire for him to find happiness. “Why must you be baptized? Surely you can attend this church on occasion without going to such extremes.”

  Janessa spoke now, her voice calm. “Without baptism, Garrett would not be able to receive the fullness of the blessings offered by our church—”

  Before she could continue, Eduard interrupted. “This is your doing. He never mentioned this church before you arrived.”

  “Father,” Garrett started before Janessa could defend herself. “I made this decision long before I met Janessa. Knowing her just gave me the courage to act on my decision.”

  Stefano interrupted his father’s tirade as he muttered, “The press is going to have a field day with this.”

  “This is a private matter. I have no intention of informing the press.”

  “How can you avoid it?” Eduard asked, his voice still several decibels above normal.

  “Janessa and I are attending the groundbreaking
ceremony for the new Mormon temple tomorrow morning. Afterward, there is a luncheon at a local meetinghouse. Since I have every reason to be there, the press won’t suspect that I am also getting baptized.” Garrett handed a paper to his mother. “The baptism is at three o’clock. Here are the directions.”

  Janessa looked at King Eduard and spoke directly to him. “Your Majesty, this is an important day for your son, one he has looked forward to for some time. It would mean a lot if you could be present.”

  “Even if we could get to the church without the press noticing, your association with the church will eventually get out,” Queen Marta said even as her fingers closed around the paper her son had handed her.

  “That’s true,” Garrett agreed. “But right now the press has enough stories to keep them busy. With the fire and our engagement, I should be able to keep this private for a while. If I’m lucky, this story will be old news by the time it leaks out.”

  “I can’t condone this.” King Eduard spoke now, his face stern. “You are second in line for the throne. What if you were to someday ascend to the throne? How could you possibly oversee church affairs while belonging to another?”

  “Church and state have been separate for generations.” Garrett struggled to keep his voice even. “Besides, whether I get baptized or not, I will always be Mormon in my heart.”

  Aware that her husband had already dug his heels in, Queen Marta turned to her youngest son. “Garrett, why don’t you and Janessa go get some sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.” She turned to Stefano.

  “I think I’ll turn in also.” Stefano stood and moved to the door. “Good night.”

  As soon as the room cleared, Marta took the seat Stefano had vacated. “Well?”

  “Well, what?” Eduard leaned back in his chair. “I can’t approve of this.”

  “I don’t think he expects you to.”

  “That American spy is creating havoc in our family.”

  “That American spy is going to be your daughter-in-law,” Marta pointed out. “Are you really prepared to disown Garrett over this?”


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