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As Time Goes By: A BWWM Interracial Romance

Page 3

by Tiffany McDowell

  “What are you waiting for?” she pleaded, her chest heaving with wicked excitement as the man of her dreams let the tip of his cock toy mercilessly against the edges of her desperate opening.

  “Just fishing for a condom,” he explained, pulling one out of his glove compartment.

  She snatched it out of his hand and tossed it away.

  “I’m allergic to the latex,” she answered honestly.

  “You mean it irritates your skin?”

  “Worse. It sends me into anaphylactic shock. I also have deadly sensitivities to spermicides and even most lubes,” she added.

  He was now in a full blown panic. Surely she didn’t think that he would be able to simply stop thrusting just because it would be time to sow his baby making oats? But that was exactly what she thought.

  “Just pullout on time,” she whispered, going back to kissing him feverishly. “I’ll buy more pills tomorrow. But it will take them a week or so to kick in. In the meantime be careful and make sure not to get any inside is all.”

  Her breath was hot and humid, pouring over his mouth and face, and turning him on wildly.

  She went back to holding his stiffened cock in the palm of her hand, squeezing it skilfully and making him moan from rabid excitement.

  Her nipples were now hard as iron, and her skin impossibly hot as he resumed his sucking. It was her time to moan.

  His emerald green eyes were sparkling and magical, gazing into her face as she coaxed his stunning size back against the opening of her hovering wet pussy.

  He was soon all the way in, and the surge of pleasure so vivid and robust that a second orgasm was suddenly upon her, bringing sweat and joyful bliss to every pore of her enraptured body.

  It was by far the best night she was ever going to spend in a topless car.


  After a cozy sleep under the wind swept stars, she had fully expected him to drive her home come morning light.

  But he had other ideas.

  “This is not the road leading to the interstate,” she said inquisitively, but not nervously. Not only was he growing on her, but she implicitly trusted him.

  “There is someplace else I want to show you,” he said softly, his eyes radiating charm and goodness.

  She suddenly felt warm and fuzzy inside. He wasn’t in a rush to simply dump her stunning looks back at her doorstep. He desperately wanted to keep her around.

  “And where might that be?”

  “My bedroom,” he said, manufacturing a smile that seemed far more genuine than plastic. “If you were that good in my car, then I have to wonder just how fabulous you’d be in my king size, state of the art bed.”

  “I’m actually at my best when draped over a mahogany dresser,” she answered coyly.

  He beamed ear to ear and swung the stick shift into high gear, adding ten more miles per hour to their already volatile speed. He was in a hurry to get where he was going, and it didn’t escape her attention that their brief sleep had made him hard as iron once more. She stared at the delicious rocky bulge.

  “You’re insatiable,” she whispered.

  “Only when in the arms of someone special like you,” he sweetly retaliated.

  It was becoming evident that he couldn’t get enough of her, and even more evident that words from his lips were becoming more buttery and slippery than a damn eels. But his sense of adventure and spontaneity was riveting, and she cherished each moment in his presence.

  At least sexually speaking, he was quite simply the man of her dreams, and she had the amazing four orgasms under her belt from the night before to prove it. So far, he was turning out to be the greatest lover she had ever had, and that was saying a lot considering the high volume of gifted playboys she had going through her revolving doors during the past fifteen years. But it was also the only man she had ever made love without being on the pill. She now had to also wonder if…

  “You going to take more chances on knocking me up again?” she whispered ominously, a veiled reference to the fact he had not been able to quench his desire to keep on thrusting when her pussy had become far too sweet for him to bear. He had indeed unadvisedly managed to fire inside of her. With a woman like her, it had been hard not to get carried away.

  “What can I say? You’re definitely not an ordinary woman. That was the greatest sex I’ve ever had,” he spat out honestly.

  “For me as well,” she agreed, reaching up to playfully tweak his nose.

  The car now revved into an even higher gear, ascending the narrow road that led away from the Detroit River and toward the outskirts of what was once the powerful Big Three Auto Industries main stomping grounds. But it’s heyday of three hundred thousand auto workers was nowreduced to a miniscule rump of a mere thirty thousand, and descending settling dust, and a new wave of spiders and stray dogs were moving in to the once dynamic and vibrant city.

  The old Detroit was crumbling into the cracks, and a newer, more stellar version was slowing starting to emerge. But it was doing so under the backdrop of high unemployment, a skyrocketing crime rate, and a neglected infrastructure that was fast disintegrating into a humiliating bankruptcy from which there might be no reprieve. Yet, its remaining die hard citizens like Marg and Arnold, still held out high hopes for the once thriving metropolis.


  “I’ve been trying to reach you all day.”

  Marg giggled. She was feeling high, but not from drugs. Her sex romp at Arnold’s tastefully decorated home had left her both breathless and speechless.

  “Marg? You there?”

  “Still here sis.”

  “Soooooo, how’d it go with prince charming?”

  “Arnold was all that and a bag of chips.”

  “That good, eh?”

  “That good. Damn straight.”

  “No need to make me jealous. But I guess that means there’s no sense asking if you kept your clothes on?”

  “What do you think I meant when I said it was that good?”

  “Hmmm, naked as usual. Why am I not surprised?”

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

  “I try it with my hubby at least once a week. I’m married, remember?”

  “I remember. I’m just a little scatter brained is all. I really, really, really like this guy.”

  “And I really, really, really believe you, although it doesn’t sound like you’ve taken my advice and guarded your heart.”

  “He’s not like the others.”

  “Guys never are until they stop answering their phones and change the locks on their doors.”

  “If you must know, he actually gave me a key to his place so I can stop by anytime.”

  There was a pause.

  “A key to his prized bachelor pad? That is like the holy grail of…of…and only after your first night together? Girl, I’m impressed. What is that, like dynamite between your legs? Most women can’t get a man to hand over a key even after a year of trying.”

  “He says he really likes me and I really believe him. Oh, and it’s not his bachelor pad. It’s actually his mansion. The home he and his ex used to live in. But she had him give her a cash settlement instead. She decided she’d rather go to Europe and live with her parents.”

  “He still has his home? And a mansion at that?”

  “Yep, all six thousand square feet of it.”

  “Wow, sounds like a palace.”

  “You don’t know the half of it, although being in it was kind of a let down.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. We built up a lot of sensual steam in that glass shower of his, but the time spent in his car was where it was really at.”

  “You took care of business in his car?”

  “With the top down, no less.”

  “Girl, I’m even more impressed. That reminds me. You get a job yet?”

  “Nope. The interviews simply dried up. I didn’t realize how many offices in Detroit were actually shut down or boar
ded up until I started knocking on doors.”

  “It doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I was talking to a friend of moms on the phone today, and she said their work forced another six today to step down to part time. Don’t know how they’re going to pay their mortgage. Glad I’m living in Chicago.”

  “Glad I’m not. I have a key to a mansion in my hot little hand and-”



  “If this thing with Arnold doesn’t work out, and I don’t mean to jinx or hex it. I know it’s just starting out, but if you start to lose more stuff, you know, your condo and car and, well you know…you can come live with us until you get a job and get some money saved. Things are a lot brighter in Chicago.”

  “Move from my Motown home? Not a chance. Born and raised here girl. Even if I gotta move in with our dreaded momma, then that’s what I’m gonna do. But this city will bounce back. You’ll see.”

  “And in the meantime a lot of well-meaning loyal folks like yourself are going to go to bed hungry.”

  “I’ll manage. I always do.”

  “Actually, I’m more concerned about your fragile heart than the lack of money in your purse. You almost went to the looney bin the last time a guy played you. You’re always falling so fast and hard for some loser.”

  “Arnold’s not a loser.”

  “Yeah, I know. But you only started going out with him yesterday. I realize you know him from before, but guys, as you know so well, aren’t always what they appear.”

  “I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”

  “Hmm, even though you’ve already given him a taste of everything you’ve got to offer him?”

  “At least he won’t forget me any time soon. I can guarantee you that.”

  “I believe you sis. I honestly believe you. I only hope this guy doesn’t have his head screwed on backwards.”


  It seemed chillier than usual for this time of late fall, and the swirl of fallen leaves provided a menagerie of oranges, reds and bright cheery yellows.

  “A bit cold today to do the top down routine,” she joked as they left the café.

  She wiped the remnants of yummy cheesecake off her bottom lip a moment before starting to step into his car.

  “Funny what a difference a day makes with the weather,” he agreed. “A ten point dip in the temperature and the promise of snow.”

  “It’s going to snow?”

  “So the lady said on the forecast.”

  “You have skates?”

  He stared at her and smiled. “You want us to go skating?”

  “Nothing like building up an appetite for sex and hot chocolate like a nice night arm in arm in the rink.”

  He felt his bulge stiffen and nodded his approval. “I got a couple of pairs at home I use, but we’d have to swing by your place first so you could pick up yours, unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “What size are you?”

  “An eight.”

  “Same size as Marcie.”


  “My ex. She didn’t bother taking most of her stuff to Europe with her. She had a check for three quarters of a million dollars when she left, so I guess she wanted to travel light.”

  “You gave her a check for three quarters of a million dollars?”

  “Terms of the divorce. The house had been paid off, but I refinanced it and wiped out my savings to get rid of her.”

  “Hmm, a man that loves to get rid of his women. Why am I not surprised?”

  “She wasn’t nice like you.”

  “Another compliment,” Marg whispered just loud enough so he could hear. “You toss them around like so many nickels and dimes. Let’s just hope that I end up meaning more to you than merely small change.”

  He felt a twinge of anguish in his chest and pulled her back out of the car she was already half way inside of. Then he spun her around, wrapped his arms around her and planted a ferocious kiss onto her lovely full lips.

  She swooned and felt her body quiver with delight. It never failed to surprise her how easily turned on she could become.

  When a full half a minute had passed, she gently pried herself free. Her eyes were now glazed and her toes starting to curl.

  “Where’d you learn to kiss like that?” she asked softly, blown away.

  “It’s easy when the girl in your arms is the woman of your dreams.”

  She sighed happily and looked up at a fresh night of stars. “You’re not going to stop complimenting me until I fall under your damn spell, are you?”

  “You know me so well.”

  “These skates of your ex’s. Are you giving them to me? Or am I merely allowed to borrow them?”

  He shrugged. “She left behind closets full of clothes, many of them new with the tags still on them. She was a shopaholic. She even left dozens of pairs of unopened shoes, still in the boxes. She was about your dress size as well. I had thought to bring it all down to some charity thrift store, but honestly? I was simply too damn lazy to bother. Hard work has never been one of my strong suits. You’re welcome to rummage through it and take whatever you like, or even all of it if you fancy it.”

  Her eyes lit up. “That’s a wonderful idea. No sense letting her stuff go to waste.”

  “Especially when most of it is still so brand spanking new,” he said in agreement. Then he reached down with his skilful mouth and planted another kiss onto her enraptured lips.

  “You keep doing that,” she said, as a playful threat, “and I might just start undressing you right here on this street.”

  “I’d better get in the car quickly then,” he said.

  “I hear you,” she said, slipping back past the door.

  He watched her hour glass figure as she got into the car, and her thick stubby nipples, pressing hard into her bra free halter top, made him drool.

  “I got a feeling you just can’t wait to get me back to your place.”

  “After so short a time, you know me so well.”

  “Not so much you in particular, but rather men in general,” she corrected.

  She leaned on his shoulder as he turned on the engine and pulled out of the café parking lot, heading for his mansion.

  He did his best to keep his eyes on the road as they exchanged lascivious kisses all the way home.


  “How long’s it been now?”

  “Two weeks, one day, four hours and sixteen minutes since we bumped into each other on that dog infested street.”

  Her mother let the words sink in. “What are you doing, keeping a record?”

  “When you’ve had as many men slip through your fingers as I have you tend to thank God for small miracles. Every day our love grows stronger is a blessing I just intend to savor and cherish.”

  “You two are in love already?”

  “Some people have actually been known to fall in love at first sight. Why should you think it strange if he and I hit it off so amazingly well? We were, after all, looking for exactly the same thing.”

  “I heard the news.”

  “The news?”

  “You know, over your guy Arnold’s plans.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You haven’t seen Arnold today? He told you he’s running, right?”

  “Running what? What are you saying? We skipped having lunch together today.”

  “And he didn’t then at least phone you to tell you he’s running for mayor of Detroit City? The papers said he had told them he was going to be making a formal announcement to the press at five thirty this evening.”

  Marg was stunned. She tried to shrug it off. “Maybe he simply forgot to mention it to me.”

  “That he was going to run for mayor? If he didn’t bother telling you something like that, what else didn’t he bother telling you?”

  “Look, mother. Maybe I’d better go.”

  “Hard to believe he didn’t say anything to you and yet you two have,
according to you, been dating for two weeks, one day, four hours and sixteen minutes.”

  “You’ve the memory of an elephant, mother.”

  “Naw, I simply write everything down. You having a man for so long is a world record. Although you have to wonder if him withholding the fact from you he is going to run for office is a sign that maybe he is ready to move on to someone else.”

  “Don’t you dare say that mother. Don’t you dare ever fucking say that.”

  “Swearing at your mother? Not very ladylike. But then again, when is anything you do, ladylike.”

  “Damn you mother. If you’re having a bad day, take it out on someone else.”

  “There is no one else.”

  “I gotta go mother.”

  She hung up and dialed Arnold’s number, her long slender black fingers with the long all natural nails painted a shimmering pink and shaking nervously as her mother’s words tugged at her vulnerable heart strings. She had fallen for him hard, just as she knew she would. And she was certain he felt the same way about her, only…only…why hadn’t he told her about such an important decision before it was going to be made public?

  “Hi hon.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to run for public office?”

  “You heard? I hadn’t planned on it, but a former friend visited me late last night, after our date. He said he had some fundraisers that could guarantee enough money raised to mount a strong and effective campaign. Apparently I still have a lot of fans.”

  “You should have told me. I thought we shared everything.”

  “Did you check your email? I sent you one late last night as soon as my friend left. I wanted you to have a heads up before the paper would hit the stands this morning. Then I phoned you an hour ago, wanting you to know it was going to be on the local five thirty news. You must have been in the shower or something because you wouldn’t pick up. I left a message there as well.”

  Marg suddenly felt both foolish and childish, feeling a cloud lift off her shoulders. No, she hadn’t bothered checking her emails today. And yes, she had seen her phone flashing but hadn’t thought to check the message. She knew from experience he would often call and remind her about dates. She had assumed the message on her cell was merely a reminder he was coming by at seven to take her to dinner. Normally their dinner dates would start at six, but it now dawned on her that he probably wanted to see himself on the news first.


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