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Cat O' Nines: Cat's Claws

Page 4

by Lia Connor

  She’d remember this in her dreams for years, they’d said? Try a lifetime.

  The only part of that sure and certain knowledge that bothered Gabriella was wondering how on earth she’d go back to regular Joes and sleeping alone at home night after night. If Derek and Benjamin were everything they promised, no other man would ever be able to compare.

  Might be a good thing, or it might be a very bad thing. Either way, no going back now, even if she’d wanted to, and she didn’t. It had started as a dare, and now it looked like it’d be the time of her life. Wild sex, hot men, luxury fit for a queen.


  She carefully bundled the tiny bits of lingerie in her arms and headed for the en-suite bathroom to dress. She felt oddly shy about skinning down in the main room when they could walk in at any time; it wouldn’t be the greatest start to the night if they walked in on her hopping around trying to peel off her jeans. Besides, she was dying to see what kind of luxury the en-suite would afford.

  The discreet wooden door had been left ajar, exposing utter darkness within. Gabriella juggled her armful of decadence and felt for a light switch. Her fingers brushed over a touch panel and clicked.

  “Ohh…” she breathed. “Es perfecto.”

  The lighting in the room was rosy, soft and gentle, issuing from a shaded lamp mounted over the sink, a beaten-silver bowl mounted on an iron stand. A crystal bowl of potpourri made the room smell of cinnamon and cloves. Gabriella gaped at the over-the-top richness, going from the sink to the amazingly soft-looking towels to the ranks of expensive-looking lotions and creams, to the wide, deep clawfoot bathtub -- a clawfoot bathtub with a tawny Catkind man perched on the broad lip, smirking at her.

  “What can I say?” Derek asked, eating her up with his eyes. “I couldn’t wait.”

  Chapter Five

  “Ay!” Gabriella dropped her sinfully gorgeous presents as she pressed her hand to her pounding heart. “Bastardo! Me asustó. Qué hace?”

  Derek crossed his arms. His smirk broadened, lazy and sensual. “I don’t speak Spanish, but I think I get your drift. You’re telling me how hot you are right now, aren’t you?” He gazed at her breasts, rising and falling with the speed of her breath. “Look at you,” he murmured with reverence. “One hundred percent gorgeous.”

  Oh, yes. Si. Gabriella’s labia hummed in time with the resonance of Derek’s purring tones, swelling with need for the touch of his fingers, his tongue, anything he felt like using as long as he used them soon.

  “I can smell you, you know,” Derek informed her as he stood, nimble as a dancer. His long, golden tail swayed behind him, the tip quirked in a question mark. “You’re not really surprised, are you? I know you’re not angry.” He drew close enough for Gabriella to feel the breath he used to speak tickle her cheeks, although he didn’t touch her, the bastard.

  Gabriella sorted through the hooks she could pick up on and chose the least insightful remark he’d made. “Smell me?” She resisted the urge to sniff and see if she’d rid herself of the bar aromas.

  Derek nodded smugly. “Yes, and you’re delicious.” His stare dropped down Gabriella’s body, zeroing in on the juncture of her legs. “You smell like a rich, ripe woman, begging for some attention.”

  No point in trying to act demure. Gabriella shook her ponytail back and squared her shoulders. She hadn’t thought about feline senses of smell, but it made sense. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  Derek’s long, supple cat’s tail snaked forth to twine around Gabriella’s waist. He moved the furry appendage as naturally as his arm or his leg. The proof of his otherness might have startled Gabriella once, but not now. Now, all she could think about was what it might feel like if he spread her legs and fucked her wet pussy with the long, velvety length. She bit her lip to restrain a gasp.

  From the look on Derek’s face, she knew he’d caught every last nuance of her little fantasy. “Later, angel.” He pressed a finger to her lips.

  Impishly impulsive, Gabriella nipped at the pad of his finger, catching it briefly between her teeth.

  Derek’s smirk broadened to a full grin, both delighted and aroused. “So you like it rough, huh?” He tugged her closer, still using nothing more than his cat’s tail. “Benjamin thinks every woman ought to be treated like she’s made of clouds and cherub feathers.”

  “I like that, too,” Gabriella objected.

  “But not all the time,” Derek countered, utterly full of himself and so gorgeous he drew fresh moisture to Gabriella’s cunt. He inhaled deeply. “Your scent is amazing, beautiful.” He shuddered. “You want me to touch you, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do.” Gabriella seized the initiative and darted between their groins to lay her palm over the clear outline of Derek’s cock in his jeans. From his sharp inhalation to the brief widening of his cat’s eyes, Gabriella knew she’d scored big time.

  Ay. Big time, absolutely. Gabriella found it hard work not to look down and gawk at the Catkind man’s astonishingly huge erection. Good God, would he even fit?

  Two men. Jesus, mercy, what if they wanted to go at the same time? Rather than alarming her, though, the flash of imagery through her mind’s eye drew a moan from Gabriella. Her pussy clenched, as did the other entrance through which no man had ever traveled.

  She saw, so easily, herself sandwiched between Derek and Benjamin. Derek, his mouth claiming hers in a brutal, punishing kiss while he thrust deep in her pussy; Benjamin, twining himself around her, nuzzling the nape of her throat, his cock buried in her ass.

  The power of the dream was mighty enough to topple Gabriella. She closed her eyes briefly and thanked every lucky star she had in the sky.

  When she opened her eyes, dazed, Derek stared into them from such a short distance that his lashes brushed her cheeks. The heat and desire she saw there startled her heart into skipping a beat.

  “I don’t want to wait,” Gabriella informed Derek, throwing her arms around his neck and jerking him hard against her chest. She raised up on tiptoe and pressed her tongue between his lips.

  Derek growled and immediately wrested back control. He bent Gabriella backwards until she hung in his arms, holding her lightly as a floating feather. She knew he wouldn’t drop her, no matter how hungrily he devoured her lips with his hot, raspy kisses. Just as she took the leap of faith and kicked off from her barely-standing position to wrap her legs around his middle, he whipped his tail free and sent it snaking up the curve of her spine, under her poet’s blouse.

  Gabriella moaned in Derek’s mouth. The sound of her need seemed to urge him on. One hand and the strength of his cat’s tail held her firmly in place as he dexterously manipulated the buttons of her blouse and the fastening of the skin-tight jeans she’d chosen to wear. She kicked off her low-heeled black shoes and laughed to hear them clatter away.

  “God, you’re a hot ticket, aren’t you?” Derek tore free of the kiss, giving Gabriella a brief moment to sear her vision with the fire of his lust. “Better than I’d dreamed of, and that’s saying a hell of a lot.” He bit her earlobe, tugging the small silver hoop and its adjoining silver stud. “What’s this?”

  Gabriella didn’t understand. “Earrings,” she said impatiently, wriggling against him. A little push up and the iron length of his cock, still trapped in the denim, fit right between her legs where she wanted him most. She rolled her hips, grinding her pussy to his erection, the friction nearly enough to make her come.

  Derek groaned deep in his chest before grabbing Gabriella hard enough to still her writhing. “Silver,” he said in deep disdain. “Is this a trick?”

  “What?” Gabriella tried to understand, not at all an easy task when her body was on fire for more of the cat man’s touch. “What’s wrong with -- oh, mierde! I thought silver only poisoned werewolves.”

  “You thought wrong.” Derek grimaced. “Silver bothers us big time. No way I’m letting you out of my arms, but would you mind taking those out?”

  Blushing deeply, G
abriella raised shaking fingers to both her ears and stripped out her silver jewelry. She’d only ever heard about silver allergies in old shapeshifter stories, but it made sense, didn’t it? After all, the Catkind were sort of like a step between men and were-creatures. “I am sorry,” she pleaded, raising her lips to kiss Derek in apology. “I won’t do that again.”

  Un momento, cabron. You sound like you’re assuming there’ll be other chances. Don’t be a moron. Derek either didn’t pick up on the implication or didn’t care. Either response or lack of same suited Gabriella fine.

  “Make sure you don’t,” he said arrogantly, readjusting his free hand to squeeze her ass. The length of his tail supported her weight all on its own, amazing Gabriella.

  She wanted more than ever to have Derek penetrate her pussy with his tail. The kinkiness of the desire shocked her, yet drew a lusty shudder from the core of her being.

  “Bet I know what you’re thinking,” Derek whispered throatily. His heated lips found her throat and fastened on, sucking hard. The pressure and the small sting of pain told Gabriella he’d marked her but good. She shivered with delight. “Not until Benjamin gets here.”

  “He has more patience than you.”

  “Rocks have less patience than Benjamin,” Derek informed her. “Not so much with me.” He raked a hot, hungry look over Gabriella, parting her blouse so that it hung away from her full breasts in the black demi-cup bra she’d chosen. “Would you look at these?” He trailed searing open-mouthed kisses down to the swell of one breast, leaving rising red marks in his wake. Each one sent a zing of pleasure to Gabriella’s pussy, wet and puffy from the force of her lust. “Best tits I’ve ever seen.”

  Gabriella pouted at her pretty presents lying abandoned on the en-suite floor. “You don’t want me to get all dressed up so you can admire them in the widow-maker?”

  “Maybe later. Right now, I can’t wait.”

  “Would Benjamin have the strength to wait?” she teased.

  “Probably, but he’s not here to make me slow down, is he?” Derek unhooked the front fastening of her bra and pushed it impatiently aside, freeing her breasts. Almost before they’d spilled out of their confinement, Derek’s lips has fastened around one hardened nipple and begun to suck. His rough tongue rasped the nub at the same time as he reached between them and molded his silky fingers to her pussy. Gabriella loosed a short, breathless cry, arched against Derek and came.

  She stared at the Catkind man through a sexual daze. “How did you do that?” she whispered. “Only a touch. One small touch.”

  “I’m that good,” he grinned. “If you liked that, I bet you’ll love this.”

  Gabriella jumped at the sensation of Derek’s fingers, wet with the release that had seeped through her jeans, slid nimbly into her pussy. He stroked her from the inside, teasing and inflaming until she moaned and attempted, weakly, to pull him closer still. She mewled and raised her hips, needing more.

  “You can’t wait either, can you, angel?” Derek’s feline tail kneaded her back between the shoulder blades. “God, I wish I could make love to you right now, no waiting.”

  Waiting? What? Hadn’t he said… When on earth had waiting become a part of this? Gabriella snarled and thumped Derek, not as hard as she could have, but certainly hard enough to make her point. “Don’t play games with me, pussy-tease.”

  Derek’s chest shook with laughter, probably at her expense, congratulating himself on his studly abilities. “Benjamin’s off doing a sweep of the perimeter, and there won’t be any full-on sex until he gets here. I won’t cut him out,” he explained, silky fingers skating over Gabriella’s bared belly and breasts until she groaned and let her head hang back. “That’s important, angel. He has to be a part of this.”

  Gabriella whined, an animal noise that was the best she could voice.

  “He won’t be long,” Derek promised, the vow rough around the edges. Good. If she was fast approaching desperate, it satisfied Gabriella to know Derek had raced past her into frantic. “Until he shows up, we can do this.”

  Derek righted her, balancing Gabriella carefully on her feet. The floor felt warm through the fine stockings she’d chosen to wear. “Watch this.” Derek leered at Gabriella and then went to work.

  He drew down her dampened jeans, first, tapping her ankles in turn to help her step out of them, and tossed the garment over his shoulder. The scent of her own arousal dizzied Gabriella. She rolled her arms, shrugging off her loosened blouse and her demi-cups.

  Derek lost track briefly to devour her naked breasts with his eyes. His irises flared with a sudden burst of yellow flashes, his elongated pupils going wide. “You,” he said, admiring. “I knew you were the one.”

  Without explaining his puzzling statement -- not that Gabriella really cared at the moment -- Derek returned his full attention to the job of getting her completely nude. He worked the sodden scrap of lace and silk French-cut panties off her legs. Once they were free, he didn’t toss them aside, but lifted them to his nose and breathed deeply. Gabriella saw him lick the wetness she’d left behind, his tongue rasping audibly across the fabric.

  She steadied her balance and planted her feet wide apart, exposing her pussy so brazenly it should have shocked her but only filled her with illicit thrills instead. “If you like that, then try this,” she invited, sounding throaty to her own ears. Was that her voice?

  Damn, she would have tried this wild woman act years ago if she’d known it would be this good. Or maybe not, since then being with Derek couldn’t have been half as thrilling or filled with discovery. He made her feel like more than a barmaid; he made her realize she was every inch a woman and a queen of her body.

  “What do you want me to do?” Derek teased, still flicking his tongue over her panties. “I want to hear you say the words.”

  Gabriella held her chin high, exulting as she spoke without a tremble. “Lick my cunt.” She spread her pussy lips open with her fore and index finger, displaying her swollen clit. “Make me come.”

  Oh, oh, looked like that had been the right approach to take with Derek here. His nostrils flared and his coloring deepened. He hadn’t shed his jeans yet, but Gabriella could clearly see the hardness of his pressing erection spasm, urging him to bury his cock in her.

  Now, it was her turn to take what she wanted before allowing him his desires. “Soon.” She grasped Derek by the hair, surprisingly rough as if it was a real lion’s mane, and pushed him to her. He caught her calf automatically as she swung it over his shoulder to further open herself and give him better access. “Lick me, and if you do it right, then maybe I’ll suck you off later.”

  Derek stiffened. Inspired, following her suspicion, Gabriella went on. “Does that make you horny, Catkind? Mmm, I can taste you now, so salty and so sweet. I’ll make it good for you; I’ll lick you up and down, suck your fat cockhead between my lips, suck on your balls… Ay, there’s a hundred things or more I can do to you that’ll drive you out of your mind.”

  Derek chuffed, his breath tingling on the exposed inner flesh of her pussy and making her hiss. “You’re too innocent to know much.” He drew his tongue delicately up from vagina to clit and laughed when Gabriella’s knees buckled at the rough flare of pure pleasure. “You’re scented with purity, even if you do know how to dirty-talk like a Shanghai sailor.”

  Gabriella wanted to argue back about innocence not necessarily equaling naiveté, but damned if she could get her mouth to work well enough for speech. She chose to shut him up another way by forcing his lips to her pussy and pushing her clit to his mouth.

  He got the message. Hard feline hands? -- paws? -- hands -- closed hard on Gabriella’s hips and held her steady while he put his tongue to good use. His barbed muscle, prickly enough to stimulate but not sharp enough to hurt, lashed her clit into a fiery bundle of nerves. Gabriella hung on to Derek by his head, digging her nails into his scalp. He grunted as she tugged his hair, but didn’t stop, not once, until he’d driven her wild and broug
ht her off by thrusting his tongue deep up her channel.

  Gasping, Gabriella fought to remain on her feet. “That was…” she gasped, struggling for breath and speech. “Madre de Dios, Derek that was…” There weren’t any words she considered good enough. “You were…”

  “You were absolutely gorgeous, both of you,” she heard Benjamin say, his voice, once heard, not easily forgotten.

  Gabriella turned, lazy from fulfillment, to take in the mouthwatering sight of the second Catkind man. He’d shed a casual shirt and jeans in a crumpled pile behind him and stood with his dark-flushed, firmly erect cock in one hand. His reserve had vanished with his clothes, leaving him with no shame in stroking his erection slowly up and down. Clear fluid leaked from the lip. Gabriella desperately wanted to taste him.

  Benjamin’s breath jerked raggedly. His tail, sleek and black where Derek’s was sinuous and golden, twined about his chest, the tip going up to tease his nipples. “So, can I play?”

  “I thought you’d never get here.” Derek extended his hand, tipped with pearly claws, and beckoned Benjamin to them. “And I thought you’d never ask. Our angel’s a devil, Benjamin, and she’s on fire. Let’s have some fun.”

  Chapter Six

  “So we’ve got this straight, right?” Gabriella plucked a discarded gold chain from the elegant porcelain washstand. Probably Derek’s, from the bling of the thing -- he’d have the balls to wear such a necklace. She twirled it from the hip as she posed for the two Catkind men, one leg thrust forward and breasts presented for their admiration. Madre de Dios, but she felt like a woman. Luscious fruit ready for harvesting with a man’s nimble fingers, full of sunshine-warm sweet juice to spill over his lips and tongue.

  The thought sent a ripple of pleasure through her pussy, drawing moisture out to bead on her mons. She toyed with the soft surrounding curls and took a sly peek to see what Derek and Benjamin thought.

  Ay! The pair of them looked equal parts stunned and horny, staring at her as if they’d never seen a woman like Gabriella before. As if she was a hero’s treasure found at last after a long, long quest.


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