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Just Perfect

Page 1

by Lynn Hunter

  Just Perfect

  Lynn Hunter

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1.

  Chapter 2.

  Chapter 3.

  Chapter 4.

  Chapter 5.

  Chapter 6.

  Chapter 7.

  Chapter 8.

  Chapter 9.

  Chapter 10.

  Chapter 12.

  Chapter 13.

  Chapter 14.

  Chapter 15.

  Chapter 16.

  Chapter 17.

  Chapter 18.

  Chapter 19.

  Chapter 20.


  Chapter 1.

  “This coupon is expired.”

  “Oh no.” Lily took the slip of paper the young cashier handed back to her. On closer inspection, the twenty-percent-off coupon for her son’s long awaited toy gun, was indeed expired.

  Lily was excited to come across the coupon in the stack of ads her mom kept next to her laptop that she didn’t even think to check the date. How could she have been so careless? She even got Johnathan’s hopes up. He talked happily all the way to the store about setting up little battle scenes where he could shoot the foam bullets. He was such a good kid and rarely asked for anything. His reward was to be disappointed, again.

  “It’s okay, Mom.” Johnathan took her hand pulling her from her sad thoughts. “Maybe we’ll find another coupon.” She looked down at his sweet face. He gave her a little shrug and a small smile like it didn’t bother him. But it did matter because she plainly saw let down reflected in his blue eyes.

  She squeezed his hand and turned back to the cashier, who seemed bored with their interaction already.

  “Don’t you think the manager would honor it? It’s only been expired for one month.” Lily had to at least try. One month wasn’t that big of a deal was it?

  The cashier gave her a look somewhere between pity and irritation. “It’s a year and a month expired.” Then pointedly looked behind her to the line of people that had accumulated since she started checking out. “Your total is sixty-two eighty-seven.”

  Lily felt the heat climb her neck and fill her face. ”Um, okay. I’ll just put a few things back.” She reached for the package of disposable razors. Shaving her legs could wait. It’s not like she was wearing shorts right now. The weather was turning cooler-.

  “I got it, and ring this up too.” A deep voice rumbled from somewhere above her head.

  Lily jerked and spun around to come face to chest with the owner of the voice. Her eyes traveled up past his wide chest, corded neck, up to a stubborn chin covered with a closely trimmed black beard. Her gaze briefly lingered on his firm lips before finally landing on bright blue eyes.

  Their eyes caught and held. She had a strange paralyzing feeling. She actually couldn’t move until he leaned toward her. Not sure what he intended, Lily pulled back and tugged her son to her side. The stranger paused at her protective move. His eyes leaving hers to rest on Johnathan.

  “That’s a neat gun, little man.”

  Lily gave herself a mental shake. “No. You don’t need to do that. I-I’m just going to put a few things back.” She turned back to the cashier intending to do just that when the helpful clerk thrust the receipt in her hand. The man behind her started walking away, leaving her no choice but to move out of his way so he could walk past her. Instead, he grabbed up her bags and headed to the door. Not knowing what else to do, she and Johnathan followed.

  “Where are you parked?” He asked once they were outside.

  Lily was about to tell him she would take her own bags to her car, thank you very much when her son piped up. “Down this row right here,” he said, pointing to the row directly in front of them. “It’s the blue car right there. I have to remember cause Mom always forgets.”

  “Um….” she began.

  “I’ll carry these for you.”

  “No, it’s okay. We’ve got it.” She reached for the bags.

  Instead of handing them over he acted as though he didn’t hear her and strode around her to the car.

  She twirled around. “Excuse me…” She started. Johnathan dropped her hand and trotted alongside the deaf giant. “Johnathan-” Lily reached for him and missed.

  “My name’s Johnathan.” He chirped. She really needed to have another talk with him about stranger danger. The boy never met a stranger and would happily chat with anyone. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her pace so she wouldn’t be left behind.

  Her eyes were drawn to the man’s wide shoulders and back. His black t-shirt stretched tightly over the bulk of his muscles. Just because she was so much shorter than him, of course, she noticed his jeans encased a tight butt and long muscular legs.

  “I’m Samson, but you can call me Sam.” He stopped at the trunk of her car and turned to look at her expectantly. When she caught up with them, she stopped and tipped her head back so she could see his face. He had close-cropped black hair with a little gray on his temples. He had such a serious look as if he didn’t find humor in much of anything. However, with the sharp features and vivid blue eyes, he was attractive. The beard looked natural on him.

  “Keys,” he said.

  “Huh?” She blinked in confusion.

  “Keys to the trunk, Mom.” Johnathan laughed like she told a joke with a hilarious punch line.

  “Oh. Yes.” With her cheeks heating, she pulled out her keys. Thankfully they hadn’t made it all the way to the bottom of her purse. Accidentally pulling out a tampon or panty liner would definitely be the icing on her humiliation cake.

  She found the correct key and took the few steps to the back of the car. Samson never took his eyes off her but he stepped to the side to give her enough room to open the trunk. Standing this close to him, she noticed he smelled like clean, spicy soap and….motor oil?

  “Can I hold my new gun on the way home?” Johnathan asked.

  “I guess that would be okay.” Lily started rummaging through the bags once Sam set them inside the trunk. She opened one bag and saw a dry looking chocolate cake encased in a plastic container. “I didn’t get this,” she mumbled to herself.

  “It’s mine.” Samson reached into one of the bags and pulled out the toy and handed it to her excited little boy. Then he took the bag that contained his chocolate cake and said without emotion, “I have a sweet tooth.”

  For some reason, the admission made her face heat for the second time since they met. “Johnathan, tell Mr. Samson thank you and go sit in the car.”

  “Thanks for helping us in the store Mr. Samson. My Gramma says when somebody does something nice for you then you should do something nice back. My mom bakes the best cakes and cookies.” He said with pride.

  “Is that right?” Samson’s eyes went back to Lily and her blush didn’t even have time to recede before heating her face again.

  “Yup. You should come-”

  “Johnathan. It’s getting late and we need to get home to Gramma.” It was rude to interrupt but he didn’t need to invite a total stranger to their home.

  “Okay. Well, thanks, Mr. Samson.” He said politely walking to the door she held open for him.

  “Enjoy the gun, Johnathan.”

  “Thanks. Maybe you can come play with it with me sometime.” Johnathan smiled and shrugged, feigning indifference. Lily’s heart constricted. He missed having a male figure around since her father died. She ached for him too.

  “Come on kiddo, in you go and buckle up.” She smoothed her hand over his blond curls as he came closer.

  “I know, Mom. I’ve been doing it for years now. Bye Mr. Samson.”

  “See you later.”

  Lily shut the door containing her little chatterbox. Then walked back to the back of the car.

m…Mr. Samson-.”

  “Sam Fuller.”

  “Oh… alright. Mr. Fuller. Thank you for helping in the store. Do you have an address where I could mail you a check?”

  Samson looked down at the young woman. She was young, too young for him that was for sure. So why didn’t he just say, “no problem” and walk away? Because she was beautiful and sweet, that’s why. He let his eyes roam her shoulder-length curly, light blond hair. Nice. He took in her soft brown eyes, heart shaped face and cute little pert nose with a sprinkle of freckles. She had naturally full, pink lips but he couldn’t tell if she was wearing makeup since her face kept changing color. The thought made his lip twitch but he didn’t want her to think he was laughing at her expense.

  A cool breeze blew past them and she crossed her arms over her chest as if chilled. He noticed that she just wore a thin white t-shirt, worn jeans and flip-flops. Pink ones with glitter shit all over them. Definitely too young for him. Her toes were even painted a soft pink. Everything about her looked soft and pink. He bet she was a sweet armful too.

  How old was she? She didn’t look old enough to have a son Johnathan’s age.

  Before he could stop himself, he blurted, “How old are you?”

  She blinked at his question. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  “Are you married?” Another question fell out of his mouth. What the hell was wrong with him?

  Her doe eyes blinked at him again. She licked her lips and opened her mouth as if to say something. He followed the movement with his eyes. When she started to speak, he jerked his eyes back to meet hers.

  “I want to pay you back Mr. Fuller. How will I get a check to you?” She asked quietly, ignoring his question. She wasn’t wearing a ring. If there were a man at home, then her son wouldn’t have asked him to come for a visit. She also mentioned that they needed to get home to Gramma. Still, it would be would be surprising if a woman like her wasn’t in a relationship.

  He reached into his back pocket and took a step closer to her. She quickly dropped her arms and leaned her weight, slight as it was, against the door that her son disappeared into. He paused and let his eyes drift down her body. She was slim but had slightly rounded hips and full breasts.

  He stepped back so he wouldn’t frighten her. Slowly pulling out his wallet he opened it and held up a business card.

  “My business card.” He didn’t extend it to her. He just held her eyes and waited.

  Relaxing slightly away from the door her gaze dropped to the card in his fingers. She shifted her weight from foot to foot clenching and unclenching her hands clearly debating whether to trust him or not. She licked her lips again. He wanted to groan. She was so tempting. He wanted to touch her but that was crazy since she was obviously scared of him. Rightly so he supposed. He wasn’t exactly handsome as the men she probably knew. He felt immense satisfaction when she finally stepped forward and reached for the card. Their fingers brushed and he felt his gut tighten. She all but snatched the card away and stepped back against the car again.

  “Okay then,” she said sounding out of breath and a bit relieved. “I’ll get that check to you right away.” She turned to the driver’s side door.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  Turning the card in her fingers she bit her bottom lip.

  “I told you my name.” Sam reasoned.

  “Lily.” Her voice getting quieter if that was possible.

  “Lily.” It suited her. “Well Lily, instead of paying me with a check could you pay me with sweets?” Realizing as soon as the words came out of his mouth it was the wrong thing to say. The color went high in her cheeks and she grabbed the door handle.

  “No! I meant cupcakes!” She paused. “I usually get the guys in my shop lunch and dessert on Fridays.” She turned her head slightly to look at him. He held up the bag that contained his store-bought cake.

  Sticking his wallet back in his pocket he continued. “I’m sure they would love to have something fresh and homemade.” When she still didn’t say anything, he stepped forward. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He had the urge to touch her hair. Soothe her. He let out a frustrated breath and ran his fingers through his hair.

  She slowly faced him. “Tomorrow is Friday.”

  He was instantly calmed now that she was, at least, talking to him. “Yeah, I know it’s short notice. I have this cake for tomorrow. Do you think you could bring cupcakes or cookies to the address on the card next Friday around noon?”

  She glanced up at him but didn’t meet his eyes. “That still doesn’t make up for the amount of money you spent today.” She bit her lip in indecision. “Actually, I have some cash in my purse. I don’t know why I didn’t think about it before. Just let me-.” She started rummaging through her purse still over her shoulder.

  “No. With the delivery of two dozen cupcakes, it more than makes up for it. It’ll be a real treat. Honest.”

  His heart gave a kick when she dimpled a cheek at him. “Alright, Mr. Fuller. Noon next Friday.”

  As she turned away again, he stopped her by cupping her elbow. Her skin was like silk against his calloused fingers. Cold silk. He needed to let her get into the car and get warm. He didn’t let go even when her body jerked and she tugged her arm. He stepped closer trying to block the cold breeze. “My name is Sam, Lily.” He stared at the top of her head willing her to say his name less formally.

  “Sam,” she whispered after a long pause.

  Satisfied he reached past her to open her door. “Drive safe, Lily.”

  “Bye, Sam!” Johnathan hollered from the back seat.

  “Bye, Bud, take care of your mom.”

  “I always do!”

  With a wave of his hand, he strode to his truck feeling light in a way he hadn’t felt in years. To hell with the age difference. He wanted her.

  Chapter 2.

  “Johnathan,” Lily began once they pulled out of the parking lot of the store. “It’s never a good idea to talk so much to strangers. You should definitely never tell then your name or invite them to your house. That could have been a bad man. Anything could have happened.”

  “You told me not to talk to strangers when you or Gramma aren’t around.”

  “I know, but I just want you to be more careful about strangers okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. But I’m always careful. Everybody is a stranger until you talk to them.” He defended.

  “You should never ask an adult stranger to come over and play,” Lily explained.

  Johnathan was quiet for a few moments. “I’m sorry Mom. I just get bored at home sometimes. I want to play with someone.”

  Lily felt her heart squeeze. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry I’ve been so busy lately. I promise I’ll make more time to take you to play with your friends.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Mom.”

  Things were going to get better, they had to. Her mom seemed to be recovering well from the stroke. Her doctor said she would be able to live a long healthy life. Provided, of course, that she took care of herself and limit stress as much as possible. Her mom was still young and beautiful at fifty. It was still hard to believe she had a stroke. Even though it was a mild one, it was life changing. She couldn’t bear to lose both parents so close together. She and Johnathan would be all alone. They had no other family. Her dad died of a massive heart attack a year and a half ago. It was bad enough that her mom was so distraught with having lost her beloved husband. But to find out a few weeks later that his construction business was going bankrupt and he took a hefty mortgage out on the farmhouse to pay off debts and creditors, unbearable. Fortunately, his life insurance paid a few of the larger debts but now they were broke. Every time she walked to the mailbox, she felt sick to her stomach knowing what awaited her inside.

  Lily was grateful for the business she received from cake orders. Not to mention the cake decorating classes she taught at home every Thursday evening. The clients were people who knew and loved her mom and dad and want
ed to help any way they could. She knew they felt sorry for her and her mom but once they realized Lily had the actual talent the orders started to come in. She now had almost more business than she could keep up with only working out of her house. One day soon she would have an actual storefront and she could make real money from large orders. Right now they were barely making ends meet with what she could do. If the incident at the grocery store was any indication, she still wasn’t doing enough. She was only surviving on about four hours of sleep as it was. She needed to figure out how to fit a few more orders in.

  Pulling up to the house, Lily let out a long sigh. Piercing blue eyes flashed in her memory. Samson. Her stomach fluttered. Oh lord. What was wrong with her? It had been almost nine years since she felt any kind of tingle for a man. She purposely tried to conjure up John in her mind. The only picture that came was the face of the son they had created together. She named Johnathan after his father so they would never forget him. She was determined not to.

  Lily shook her head. “Help me with the bags, Johnathan, please.”

  “Okay,” he responded, already jumping out of the car.

  As they walked into the house, they were greeted by the delicious scent of garlic bread.

  “That smells so good.” Johnathan groaned, setting the bags on the table.

  “Dinner is just about ready,” Her mom announced, wiping her hands on a kitchen towel. She was cooking a lot more these past few months. She looked so lovely with her blond hair pulled up and her cheeks flushed from the stove. Nobody would ever guess she had a stroke eight months ago. Or that Lily wasn’t sure her mom would ever recover from losing her husband. Her parents were so in love. Jack and Sarah. Everyone who ever saw them together could see how much they cared for each other. Her father had been quite a few years older than her mom but it didn’t seem to matter to either of them. Her dad was a strong, virile man. He was supposed to live forever.

  “Good. I’m hungry! Go wash up Johnathan and I’ll set the table.” Lily headed for the sink to wash her own hands. “Thanks for cooking mom, but I could have done it when we got home.”

  “Lily, I told you I’m fine. The doctor said weeks ago I could do regular chores. It’s not like I’m plowing fields.” She said with a touch of irritation.


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