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Just Perfect

Page 10

by Lynn Hunter

  “No.” But If it made her smile at him like that, he’d learn. She chuckled and laid her head on his chest. He loved the way she felt against him. He ran a hand along her back. “How long do those cake have to cool?”

  “About an hour or so.”

  With a glance around the kitchen, he saw how busy she’d been while he slept like the dead. “How long have you been up?” He noticed her tired eyes.

  “A few hours. I have to get the orders done early so I have afternoons off to be with Johnathan. Most people come early but I have several that come later in the day. I like to have everything ready. On Thursday nights, I reach a cake decorating class here so I don’t do many orders that day. Most of my orders are Friday through Sunday.”

  “I can’t believe you do all this. It’s amazing. How many cakes do you have today?”

  “Six today and three orders for cinnamon rolls. I could have bread orders too, but I don’t have enough hands. Or space. Business is actually picking up. I have requests for wedding cakes for spring.”

  She was so animated when she spoke of her baking business. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was broad.

  He cupped her cheek in his palm. “You’re very talented, Lily. Where did you learn how to do this?”

  She flushed with pleasure. “Trial and error, really. My mom and I baked a lot when I was growing up, so I had a base to build on. I knew I wanted a job that gave me the flexibility to be with my son. My dad was eating one of my cupcakes one day and said, ’Lily, girl! These cupcakes taste like a million bucks!’” Her happiness dimmed a bit when she mentioned her dad.

  “Right then I knew what I was going to do.” She shrugged. “I read every book on scratch baking and decorating I could find. My dad called the kitchen my laboratory. I figured it out but there is always more to learn. One day, I’ll have my own bakery and I’ll be able to bake the way I want to.” She peeked up at him self-consciously. “I might take a business class so when I do have my own store, I’ll be able to manage it too.”

  “You’re very smart, Lily. You can do anything.” Sam meant it too. She had determination and drive. She would be a success.

  “Thank you.”

  He pulled her flush against him. “I want a relationship with you, Lily.” He dropped a kiss on her sweet lips.

  She hesitantly ran her hands around his neck. “I think I want that too, Sam.” She whispered making his heart warm in his chest.

  Finally. “And we’re not hiding anything,” he warned.

  With a smile and a shake of her head, she gave his neck a squeeze. “No, we’re not hiding anything.”

  “Good.” He gave her another kiss and had to set her away from him before he carried her upstairs and her hard work went to shit. “Have you had breakfast?” He could, at least, make her something to eat while she slaved away. He wouldn’t be able to sit and watch, he had to do something and he definitely wasn’t going to touch the cakes.

  “No, but I can make you something.” He caught her arm as she headed for the fridge and waved a hand to the cakes. “You work your magic here. I’ll make you something.”

  “Well…okay.” She looked uncertain. “I really do have a lot to do before I pick Johnathan up.”

  “Go ahead and do what you need to do. I’ll find something.” He felt her eyes on him as he opened the fridge. It was going to take her some time to get used to him in her space.

  Lily watched as Sam rummaged through the fridge. She took a deep breath and started gathering what she needed to start frosting the cooling cakes. Memories of the night before came rushing back the moment he entered the kitchen. She managed to hold them at bay while she worked, but seeing him standing in her space made the memories unavoidable. Her stomach fluttered and her hands started to tremble. He’d completely taken over her body last night and made her feel things she didn’t even know were possible. She shamelessly did whatever he wanted and he repaid her with all-consuming pleasure. Just thinking about it made her panties wet.

  “Are you okay?” Sam’s deep voice jolted her out of her dirty mind. Her face heated when she realized she was just standing there staring sightlessly at the cakes.

  “” She sounded like an idiot.


  He wanted her to tell him the truth of her thoughts. No way. How did she even talk about it? She and John had sex twice but they were too shy to ever talk about it. It had been awkward and embarrassing. They hadn’t even taken all their clothes off. The sex had been quick, but John had been so sweet. He was a virgin too and didn’t know how to pleasure her. Lily hadn’t cared. Being close to him and sharing something special had been enough for her. She loved him as much as her teenage heart could, but she had no idea her body could feel the way Sam made her feel. He was clearly experienced and knew how to play her body like an instrument. Could she satisfy a man like Sam? Would he tire of her if she couldn’t learn how to please him the way he pleased her?

  She jumped when his arms came around her he pressed his body along her back. His beard brushed along her neck and she shivered.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” The rumble of his voice made her body come alive. Oh, God. She was turned on just by hearing his voice. Her panties were drenched and she didn’t know how to control her bodies response. A whimper escaped and she was immediately mortified by her lack of control. She tried to pull away and his strong arms tightened.

  “It’s okay, Lily.”

  All she could do was shake her head. His arms grew tighter and she felt his arousal against her lower back. Her breath started coming faster. She needed to get him out of her so she could breathe.


  “I’m not leaving.” He maneuvered her out of the kitchen to the living room. He gently pressed her stomach against the high-backed chairs next to the fireplace. “It’s okay to want me, Lily.” One hand held her in place while the other rubbed along her side and bottom. “In fact, all of this will work so much better if you do want me.” His voice was so quiet and soothing. One of his legs pushed hers apart. She moaned and squeezed her eyes shut. The stroke of his hand became firmer and she had an overwhelming urge to push against his leg. What was wrong with her? Now she was going to start humping his leg like a dog? She hung her head.

  “You’re so beautiful, Lily. The way you respond to me drives me crazy.” His hand rubbed up the back of her thigh and pressed firmly between her legs to cup her.

  “Oh, Sam-” She couldn’t take it, she was going to embarrass herself right there.

  “Shhh, I just want to make you feel good. Take the tension out of this sweet little body.”

  His hand stroked hard, just like she wanted. Oh, yes. She moaned again and then let out a frustrated groan when his hand left her.

  “It’s alright, I’m not done yet.” His hand came around her to unbutton her jeans. With his warm palm still holding her in place over the chair, he shoved her jeans and panties down to her knees.

  Anticipation made her nerve endings tingle. She could feel his gaze burn over her backside. Unable to draw a proper breath, she started to feel lightheaded. She couldn’t wait anymore and her hips began to sway hoping to entice him to touch her.

  He gave her a light smack on one cheek and it made her jump and moan. “Are you trying to tease me, Lily?” His calloused palm rubbed the sting out.

  She shook her head frantically.

  “No? You just want me to make you come?”

  Thoroughly embarrassed, she turned her burning face into her arm.

  “I won’t make you beg. This time.” He breathed on the back of her neck making her whole body shiver. One hand slid around her and over her shoulder to cup her jaw turning her face to him and drugged her with a deep kiss. His strong fingers ran down her bare stomach and between her legs. She automatically clamped down on his hand trying to keep him in place and grind against his palm.

  Blood rushed in her ears. “Please, Sam. Please.”

  He gave her more of his weight to her b
ack, holding her in place. “Open your legs, baby. I’ll give you what you want.” He growled in her ear and brushed his beard along the side of her neck sending a tingle of pleasure straight to her clit. She forced her thighs apart and was immediately rewarded when one thick finger slid deep inside and his thumb sought her clit and pressed deep.

  “Oh! Yes!”

  “So wet.” His other hand left her neck and traveled over her body. He grasped her bottom tightly maker her gasp before gripping her thigh and lifting it high, leaving her spread open for his thrusting fingers.

  “That’s it, baby, Give it to me,” he demanded.

  She panted. Just one more thrust. Please! Please! All of the sudden his hands were gone and her jeans were being yanked up to her waist. No no no… she moaned. How could he be so cruel? She felt tiny pulses in her womb. He grabbed her shoulder roughly and turned her to face him. His lips were moving but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. Unable to come out of her lust-filled haze, she squeezed her legs together and trembled with what should have been a powerful orgasm.

  Sam looked into Lily’s unfocused eyes. Her body shuddered with unfulfilled climax. Damn, he hated doing this to her. He gave her a gentle shake. “Someone’s here, Lily. Go upstairs and splash some cold water on your face.”

  Her beautiful brown eyes blinked slowly at him. “What?” She whispered.

  He held her a moment longer until she could stand on her own feet then pointed her in the direction of the stairs. “Go upstairs. Somebody’s here. Probably your mom.”

  Her body jolted. “Oh no!” She fled up the stairs just as the kitchen door opened.

  Sam blew out a sharp breath. Shitty timing. He had Lily on fire under his hands. He took another deep breath and tried to get control over his body.

  “Hello!” Sarah called from the kitchen.

  He strode into the kitchen and saw Sarah and Glen looking over the cakes on the island.

  “Good morning.” He greeted.

  “Good morning to you too, Sam.” Sarah smiled a smile so much like Lily’s. They didn’t look surprised to see him.

  “Glen.” He nodded and made his way to the coffee maker. “Coffee?” Glen just stared at him with a dumbfounded look on his face.

  “I would love some,” Sarah said cheerfully. “Where’s Lily?” She asked as she hung her coat and purse nest to the door.

  “Upstairs. She should be back down in a minute. She’s been busy this morning.”

  Glen finally came out of his stupor and quirked an eyebrow at him. He poured two cups of coffee and handed one to Sarah before pouring Glen a cup. He was warming his own cup when Lily appeared.

  “Hi, Mom.” She glanced at Glen and forced a smile. Her face still looked flushed and she was obviously nervous leaving no doubt to anyone looking at her what they had been up to. Not that Sam cared who knew. He wanted everyone to know she belonged to him but he didn’t want her embarrassed.

  “You’re home early.” She tested the coolness of the cakes and Sam could see her fingers shaking.

  “Of course, honey. I knew we had cake orders this morning. Did you think I was going to let you do all of it by yourself? I’ll run upstairs and change and we’ll get busy.”

  “Okay, Mamma, thank you.”

  Mamma. She seemed so young. His heart constricted. What was he doing? She was so innocent. Never even lived away from her parents and he was older and made her do and feel things that confused her. He was a bastard. Her eyes found his and she smiled a sweet smile only for him, and he decided bastard or not, he was keeping her.

  He returned her smile. “I’m going to go to the shop this morning,” he told her.

  “Oh, Okay.” Disappointment flashed in her eyes and it made him feel good that she wanted him to stay. Hell yeah. He walked to her and grabbed her hand leading her to the living room so he could get his jacket and boots. She blushed but didn’t pull away. He let her hand go and sat to pull on his boots.

  “The shop is usually open on Saturdays. We have a lot of drivers who won’t get in until today. The shop needs to be open if they need any work done before they leave out Sunday night or Monday.”

  “That doesn’t leave much time for them to be home.”

  He reached for her hips and pulled her between his knees. The fact that she thought about the driver’s home time told him she cared about others. He dated, or more like slept with, women who just wanted him to close the shop and blow off any responsibilities to the drivers to pay attention to them. Lily was different. She had a business she was cultivating and he doubted she would ever blow off a cake order.

  “Yeah, but Glen and his staff try to get them home as much as possible. The drivers usually get to pick the routes they want. Most choose the regional route because the pay is good and they can be home on weekends.

  “Do you drive?” She leaned into the side of his leg. Damn she was sweet. Her voice was soft and she was genuinely interested in his job. Actually curious, not just making conversation.

  “I used to but not since I opened the shop. I keep my CDL up to date but I don’t drive unless I’m testing a truck we’re working on. My brother drives local. Once in a while, he’ll make a long trip. He works in the shop some too.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Dean. You met him yesterday. He helped you with the cupcakes.”

  She looked confused. “That’s your brother? You don’t look anything alike.”

  Sam’s good mood tanked. He already knew Dean was better looking but he didn’t want to hear it from Lily.

  She leaned forward and ran her small hand over his bearded cheek. “Lucky for me, huh?” She whispered a dimpled a cheek at him.

  Just like that, he was on top of the world. He stood up and pulled her against him. “I think I’m the lucky one.” He whispered back.

  Chapter 12.

  After Sam and Glen left, Lily and her mom tackled the cakes. By ten that morning people started showing up.

  Her mom hadn’t said anything about Sam and Lily didn’t ask about her date with Glen. But now they finally got to sit down with coffee.

  “How was your date, Mom?”

  “I had a great time. It was so nice to get out. Glen was a perfect gentleman.” She said, giving her daughter a pointed look.

  Lily blushed. Her mother obviously meant she didn’t sleep with him.

  “I was actually going to come home last night until you told me Sam was here.” Her blue eyes watched intently waiting for Lily to say more.

  “Um…Sam..he um…stayed last night.” She was a little embarrassed but she didn’t feel ashamed. Being with Sam was overwhelming but didn’t feel wrong.

  Her mom grabbed her hand. “Don’t be embarrassed, Lily.” She signed wistfully. “I remember your dad was intent on being with me.” She laughed quietly. “He would not give up. He was older than me and seemed so out of my league. But once I finally let him take me out, I knew he was it for me. I never felt one moment of regret or felt it was too soon.”

  Lily smiled, feeling better. “I haven’t been very nice to him, but he keeps showing up.” She shifted in her chair. “I forget about John when I’m with him.” Tears pricked the backs of her eyes. “I feel so guilty about that.”

  “Oh, Lily. You can’t live your life trying to remember everything about John. You have to move on for Johnathan and yourself. You don’t think you deserve to be happy but you’re wrong. You deserve it. Probably more than anyone I know. Being with Sam is a good place to start.”

  Lily thought her mom was right. Being with Sam was definitely a good place to start.

  “What about Glen? How do you feel about him?”

  “He’s a nice man. I’m going to see him again. He has a son a few years older than you. Jake. Apparently he’ll be coming here to work. He just got out of the service.

  Lily siged. “Things are changing, Mom. I guess we’ll have to start looking for a house.”

  “Yes. We’ll look after the weekend.” She snapped her fin
gers. “You know, last night I saw a building in downtown Falls for rent. A lot of those building have apartments on the top floor.” She shrugged. “Might be a way to start a bakery. Have to start somewhere.”

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about living in a small apartment but her mom was right. You have to start somewhere.

  Lily knocked on Candace’s door at four o’clock to pick up Johnathan. Candace and her son Derek lived in a small apartment just outside of Falls. She knew that Candace was a single mom and she worked at a doctor’s office in town but she really didn’t know much more about her. They talked at school function because their kids were in the same class. Lily decided to make more of an effort to befriend her.

  Hearing boyish giggling coming from inside made her smile.

  The door opened slowly and Candace peered out. “Hi, Lily, come in.” She smiled and stepped back.

  Candace was about the same height as Lily but she had long straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was always kind but Lily never saw her talk to anyone else the school. It had been up to Lily to start a conversation with her when she noticed Johnathan and Derek had become best buds. Candace had been painfully shy at first but slowly relaxed.

  “Hey. Was Johnathan good for you?”

  “Yes. They had so much fun. They had pizza and stayed up late. Total success. Please come sit down.” She waved Lily to a small living room. She noticed the apartment was sparsely furnished and the only pictures were of Derek.

  “How’s the cake business?’

  “It’s actually going very well.” She sighed. “Mom sold the house so we’re going to find a place in town. I don’t know if we’ll find a house with the same amount of space to bake. We’ll see. What about you? Do you still work at the doctor’s office?”

  “Yes, but I’m looking for part time work too. Christmas will be here soon.”

  “Well, I was going to work evenings at the cafe on Second Street. I decided not to take the job, so they have an opening.”

  Candace flushed. “I don’t know. I don’t do well with large groups of people. I like the doctor’s office because I just do document scanning and stuff.” She smiled. “Sometimes I go hours without talking to anyone. I don’t know if I could talk to people all day.” She looked away. “You probably think I’m strange.”


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