Book Read Free

Just Perfect

Page 13

by Lynn Hunter

  “Of course. It’ll be fun. I hope you don’t mind but I have to stop by Sam’s shop so he can see Johnathan’s costume.”

  “That’s fine.” She smiled but Lily could tell a change in plans made her nervous.

  “I bet he won’t even know it’s me!” Johnathan said. “We look like real ninjas, Derek.”

  Lily and Candace shared a laugh. When they got to the shop, Johnathan jumped out of the car. “Sam!” he yelled to the shop. “I bet you can’t tell it’s me!”

  Lily chuckled and started to get but paused when Candace and Derek stayed seated. “Come on Candace. Everyone here is very nice.”

  “We’ll wait here.”

  “Can I go with Johnathan, Mom?” Derek rested a hand on his mom’s shoulder.

  Candace’s eyes got panicked and she looked at Lily as if she didn’t know what to say or do.

  “It’s safe here. I promise. I wouldn’t bring Johnathan otherwise.’

  Candace studied the shop where Johnathan disappeared. “We’ll go in for a minute Derek.”

  On the walk to the shop, Lily heard Johnathan’s excited voice and Sam’s quiet chuckle. When he spotted her, his eyes grew warm.

  “Hi there.” He greeted.

  “Hi. I hope we’re not interrupting work.”

  “No. We’re closing down for the night.” He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

  She loved the way he smelled, even after working in a shop all day, he smelled good. Like the outdoors and a rich scent that was his alone. Her breasts grew sensitive and achy. Actually, her breasts seemed to always be sensitive and achy since meeting him.

  “Looks like we’re being invaded by ninjas.” Ricky deep voice sounded behind her.

  She turned to face him. “Hi, Rick. Yes. You’re being invaded by ninjas. They’ve come for all your candy.”

  “I wish I had some to give you guys.”

  “Sam, Rick, this is my friend Candace and her son Derek.”

  Candace’s eyes grew wide as she took in Rick’s hulking frame. Lily should have prepared her. Seeing Rick for the first time was a shock. Just a few weeks ago she’d been almost as uncomfortable around men. Almost.

  Sam didn’t extend his hand to her. “Nice to meet you, Candace. You too Derek.” Candace merely nodded still staring wide eyed at Rick.

  “Hi Rick. You like our costumes? Do we look like real ninjas?” Johnathan asked.

  “Yeah, little man you definitely look like real ninjas. I was scared for a minute.” Rick looked like his usual scary self with his bald head and muscles. She doubted he had ever been scared a day in his life.

  “C’mon Derek, let’s go find Dean and try to scare him. I bet he has candy.” Johnathan bounced up and down next to Sam.

  Derek didn’t run off but stood silently next to him mom.

  Surprisingly, Candace let her son go. “Go ahead, honey. Don’t be long.”

  Derek hesitated. He clearly wanted to go but hesitated to leave his mom.

  “Go, Derek, it’s okay,” Candace encouraged.

  He slowly followed his friend but glanced back over his shoulder at his mom. She smiled encouragingly and after scanning the area, he trotted after Johnathan.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Candace.” Rick held out his hand to her.

  She reluctantly laid her hand in his massive hand.

  “Rick looks scary, but he’s pretty tame,” Sam said lightly.

  Candace looked doubtful and Rick smiled. Lily felt terrible for putting her friend in an uncomfortable position.

  “We better go Sam. It’s almost dark. I’ll call you tomorrow. I’m not sure what time we’ll be home tonight.”

  Johnathan and Derek came back in the shop. Each holding a candy bar laughing as Dean trailed behind them.

  “Hey,” Dean started, “these two ninjas robbed me of the last of my candy bar stash. I don’t know how I’m gonna get through the night without my sugar fix. I need to go home and find a costume and go trick or treating with you, Lily.” He paused in his stride when he saw Candace. “Hello there.” He turned a charming smile her way. A smile that she completely ignored.

  Lily laughed when Rick rolled his eyes. “This is Dean,” he said, “stay away from him. He’s dangerous.” That earned him a startled look from Candace indicating she thought Rick was the dangerous one. He was so big and mean looking. He probably frightened her half to death.

  Dean put a hand on his chest. “I’m offended, Rick. I’m as harmless as a kitten.”

  “More like a tom cat. Hey, Lily.” Willa approached their group. “Look at ya’ll ninjas. You two ‘bout gave me a start.” She placed a hand over her heart for effect.

  “You think we’ll be able to scare people when we trick or treat?” Johnathan asked her.

  Willa considered the two boys thoughtfully and tapped a finger to her chin. She planted a hand on her curvy hip. “I don’t know about scary but ninjas are real stealthy like. When you go out tonight, nobody will ever see ya’ll comin’. You’ll be come and gone with that candy before they can say “boo”. They won’t hardly even know you were there. Yes, sir, those are some real clever costumes for candy getting’.”

  The boys puffed their chests out with pride in their choice of costumes.

  Dean huffed. “You just told two seven-year-olds to steal candy, Willa.”

  Willa flushed. “No, I didn’t. I was tellin’ them how cool their costumes are.”

  “Yeah. Right before you told them to sneak up on people and steal their candy when they weren’t looking.”

  Willa’s panicked eyes met Lily’s and then jerked over to Candace. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry. I was just -”

  “It’s okay Willa. Really.” Lily touched her arm. “The boys knew what you meant. And it was just what they wanted to hear.” What was Dean’s deal?

  Willa seemed to relax but still looked embarrassed. She smiled at Lily. “Ya’ll have fun tonight.” She turned and walked away.

  Silence followed and Dean watched her leave. He looked regretful but clenched his jaw and shook her head.

  “We better go, Lily.” Candace’s quiet voice cut through the silence.

  “You’re right, let’s get going.” She slid her hand into Sam’s. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll walk you to the car.”

  As they made their way out of the shop, Lily noticed Rick following closely behind Candace. What was up with that? Didn’t he realize how uncomfortable she was?

  “Mom?” Derek asked his mom. “Can Johnathan stay the night?”

  “Of course, but it’s up to his mom.”

  Both boys turned puppy dog eyes on Lily. “You don’t have any clothes, kiddo. Or a toothbrush.”

  “It’s fine. He can borrow a pair of Derek’s pajamas and we have a few new toothbrushes.” Candace assured.

  “Well, if it’s okay with you…”

  “It absolutely is.”

  “Yay!” Johnathan cried and Derek just smiled before jumping into the back seat to make plans.

  Lily turned to Sam. “I’ll call you when I get home.” Sam’s eyes heated. She assumed he was anticipating a night alone with her. Butterflies went crazy in her belly.

  “Drive safe.’ He murmured.

  “I hope to see you again, Candace.” Rick opened the door for her friend. Candace paled again. Lily knew that most shy women blushed when men spoke to them, but Candace turned deathly white.

  Her friend didn’t answer Rick, she just slipped into the passenger’s seat quietly.

  Lily stole a look at Rick. He backed a few steps away from the car and waved before returning to the shop. Looks like things weren’t just changing for Lily. They might be changing for her new friend too.

  Trick or treating was a success. Their little ninjas made out like little bandits. After leaving the shop, Candace relaxed and they laughed together as they watched their sons having fun.

  She took everyone to Candace’s apartment and the boys dump
ed their bounty out so they could go through it. After a hug and a promise from Johnathan to be good she left.

  Chapter 15.

  Sam couldn’t wait to get his hands on Lily’s sweet little body. It had been over three weeks since he was alone with her.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Dean asked, digging in the fridge.

  “You need to go somewhere for a while.”


  “Don’t be an idiot. Find somewhere to go.”

  “Oh. I see. You’re having Lily over.”

  “You’re a genius.”

  “I know.” Dean grinned. “Have you told her about the house yet?’

  Of course, Dean would bring that up. “No.”

  “Sam, I know you’re the smart brother and all but-”

  “Don’t say it.” Sam interrupted. “You are the last person I need advice from. What the hell was that with Willa today?”

  Dean groaned and ran a hand over the back of his neck. “I don’t know. Everything she says and does drives me nuts.”

  “You embarrassed her in front of everyone.”

  “I didn’t mean to. I just…” he sighed. “Hell, I don’t know why I said it.”

  “She was just having fun with the kids.”

  “I know, Sam. Every time I’m in the same room with her she makes some crack about me and I just… lash out at her.”

  “Well, try not to be in the same room with her then. She could use a female friend and Lily would be a good one.” He pointed at his brother. “But you made her feel stupid and insecure. What is it with you two anyway?”

  Dean’s eyes grew serious. “She doesn’t want me.” He murmured.

  “She actually turned you down so you have to give her shit all the time?”

  “No! It wasn’t like that. She did want me. I could tell. Then all the sudden she hated me and I don’t know what I did.”

  Sam studied his brother. He had a feeling something happened between them. “You really don’t know what happened? Did you say or do something?”

  “I really don’t know. I keep going over it in my head, but I just don’t know.” He scrubbed a hand over his face in frustration.

  “What happened?”

  “We started talking not long after she started working with us. I just couldn’t resist flirting with her, Sam, she’s so damn sexy to me.”

  “That’s what you did? Flirt with her? Guys flirt with her all the time and she doesn’t hate them. She just laughs it off.”

  Shaking his head, Dean said, “No. It was different. She was into it,” he frowned, “but she did look confused by the attention like she didn’t know why I was talking to her.”

  “What did you do, Dean?” Sam just wanted him to get to the point. He needed to catch Lily before she drove home.

  “I kissed her!” He dropped his head back on his shoulders and squeezed his eyes shut. “She kissed me back. It’s not like I attacked her. The next day she wouldn’t even talk to me, and she’s hated me ever since.”

  Sam doubted that was all to the story. He didn’t have time to deal with it now. Dean was a big boy and would be able to sort it out on his own. Otherwise, Glen would have to get involved. He didn’t want that to happen, though. Willa was hot-headed and might quit the company if she thought she did something to make herself look bad. He had a feeling she really needed this job. Glen’s company was the best company around for her to work for and he would hate to see her leave.

  “Try to stay clear of her for a while. We don’t want her to quit and work for another company that wouldn’t treat her well just to get away from you. She thinks she’s tough, but this is her first driving job and she’s got a lot to learn.”

  “She won’t quit,” Dean growled.

  “Stay away from her for a while, Dean,” Sam warned, “and when you are around her, keep your mouth shut.”

  Just as he snagged his phone to call Lily, it rang. She called him. She was finally loosening up and reaching out to him more often. Usually, it was him seeking her out. His lips quirked. He knew why she called. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. Almost.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey.” Her sweet voice said into her ear.

  “How was trick or treating?”

  “It was fun. The boys got a lot of candy. Candace and I got chocolate and a few great pictures so it was a success.”

  “I’m glad they had fun. What are you doing now?”

  “You tell me.” She was trying to tease but she sounded shy and unsure. It worked for him, though.

  “Come to my house. Have you eaten?” No way was he going to let this opportunity pass.

  “I ate an early dinner with Johnathan.”

  “Call your mom and tell her you won’t be home.”

  “Um… Sam, she hasn’t been alone since the stroke.”

  “Glen’s with her. She’ll be fine.” He was acutely aware of Dean listening to his conversation. He shot a glare at him. Dean just smiled not even trying to hide that he was nosey.

  “I’ll tell her I’ll be late.” She was actually trying to bargain with him?

  “Lily,” He warned.

  “I don’t want to argue, Sam. I’m tired tonight. Why don’t I just go home and-”

  “No. Just come here for a few hours.” He’d deal with it when she got there. He gave her direction and ended the call.

  “I guess I’m leaving then?” Dean asked unnecessarily.

  “Yes. For a while. Hopefully, you’ll have this place all to yourself when I close on the farmhouse. The closer it got to the closing date the more anxious he became. Being anxious wasn’t an emotion he had much experience with so it made him edgy. The right moment to tell her hadn’t presented itself. He’d tell her tonight after she was sated in his bed.

  “You’re making a mistake, Sam. Lily won’t understand why you’re lying to her.”

  “I know she won’t understand at first. It’ll be fine.” He wished he felt as confident as he sounded. The truth was, he wasn’t sure it would be fine. She didn’t give her affections lightly and Sam was the first man she’d been with since she was a teenager. He was risking a future with the only woman he ever really wanted.

  “I’ll call Rick and see if he wants to go for a beer.” Dean started to walk away before stopping next to Sam. “I really like Lily. She’s sweet and Mom will love her, but you’re gonna lose her if you don’t do something.”

  “I won’t lose her.” Saying the words out loud confirmed that he was a selfish, deceitful bastard. But it still didn’t matter. He felt like he would sell his soul to keep her.

  Just as Dean opened his mouth to argue, thinking it would make a difference, a light knock sounded at the door.

  “Go,” he ordered.

  “Can I come back tonight?”

  “Late.” He strode to the door ready to see Lily’s beautiful face. He jerked the door open with more force than he intended, causing Lily to jump, her eyes going wide.

  “Oh!” She splayed a hand over her heart. “You startled me. Are you okay? Is this a bad time?”

  “No. It’s a perfect time.” He wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled her inside. She stiffened. He was scaring her, damn, he needed to calm down. It was like his deception was closing in on him and he was already losing her. He had the urge to slam the door behind her and lock it. It wasn’t like buying her house was so terrible. How had this gotten so out of hand?

  “Sam?” Her voice trembled and she started to pull away. He realized he had her arm in a bruising grip and immediately loosened his hold, but didn’t let go.

  She looked so beautiful with her wild blond curls and wide brown eyes. She wore a pair of jeans with a white t-shirt under an orange sweater with a pumpkin pin over her left breast. Definitely not an outfit worn to entice men but to him she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “It’s okay.” He pulled her stiff body to his and rubbed her back until she relaxed.

  “Hey, Lily.” Dean strolled
into the living room. “Sam’s kicking me out.”

  “No! You don’t have to go. I’m not staying long.”

  “I’m just kidding,” he grinned “I’m headed out for a beer with Rick.”

  “Oh, well, please don’t leave on my account.”

  Dean started for the door. “It’s Saturday night, the ladies would be devastated if they didn’t see me tonight. I don’t want to disappoint them. I’m a giver.” He said in all seriousness.

  Lily laughed. “That’s very kind of you.”

  He pointed a thumb at his chest. “Giver.” He reminded her and slipped out the door leaving Sam alone with her. Finally.


  Once Dean left, Lily started to feel nervous. She could feel the tension coming from Sam. Had she done something to irritate him? Was it because she didn’t want to stay the night? She shifted from foot to foot and looked around the room. She’d never been to his house before. It was a spacious brick ranch in an older neighborhood. The front door opened into the large living room. There was a big leather sofa and matching recliner facing a floor to ceiling brick fireplace. Above the mantle was an enormous flat screen television. It was obviously a man’s house. It smelled like Sam too. She loved being in his space. It was comforting.

  He started pulling her through the living room. Why did he keep dragging her around? She stopped and jerked her arm away. “Sam. Stop.” He turned to face her. “What’s wrong? Did I do something?”

  “Of course not,” he said tersely.

  She took a step away from him. He was so tall and loomed over her making her feel intimidated. “Can we sit and talk for a while?”

  “I don’t want to talk.”

  Why did he want her here if he was just going to snap and growl at her? “I’ll go then. You said you wanted me to come here. I could have just gone home.”

  “You’re not leaving.” His voice lowered but didn’t sound any friendlier.

  Her stomach clenched. He was acting so strange. What was wrong with him?

  “I don’t want to leave yet. I wanted to see you.”

  She watched his shoulders relax and she willing went into his outstretched arms.

  “Let’s go to bed. Being with you again is all I can think about.”

  His arms held her tightly and she could feel the heat of his body through her clothes. Her breasts immediately tingled and swelled. Her mind flashed back to when they were together those weeks ago. Remembering the feel of his hard body between her thighs and the incredible orgasms he gave her.


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