Just Perfect

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Just Perfect Page 15

by Lynn Hunter

Dean laughed without humor. “I think you made it a family affair.”

  “The condom broke. I didn’t tell her.” He said simply.

  Dean ran a hand over his face and plopped down on the sofa. “Shit, Sam. When you fall from grace, you take one hell of a tumble.”

  “What does that mean?”

  His brother’s green eyes grew serious. “I’ve never known you to lie.”

  “I didn’t realize I could do it either. I seem to be capable of all kinds of things where she’s concerned. Even being a lying asshole to keep her.” It was true. He wasn’t sure he would change anything given a chance. If she didn’t come around, what would he do? Would he force her? No. But he could be damned convincing if he needed to be.

  Chapter 17.

  “Congratulations, Ms. Young.” The handsome young doctor beamed.

  Lily sat on the exam table. The day after she left Sam’s house she made an appointment for confirmation. However, after a positive home pregnancy test and another bout of morning sickness, there was no doubt.

  “Thank you.” Her lips trembled as she tried to smile.

  “Have you started prenatal vitamins?”

  “N-no, I haven’t. I’ll start right away.”

  “I can write you a prescription or you can buy some over the counter.

  Shame filled her. She didn’t have health insurance. How would she get through this?

  “Um..I’ll pick some up today at the drug store.”

  He gave her an understanding look. He seemed so kind. It was no wonder Candace liked working here. The office was calm and quiet. She didn’t see her friend in the office and hoped she didn’t. Since Candace scanned documents, it was just a matter of time before she saw Lily’s paperwork. Knowing her, she wouldn’t ask any questions, though.

  “I think I have some samples. I’ll have the nurse give them to you when you check out.”

  He gave her a few more instructions before sending her to check out. She had to pay cash for the visit and it was taken out of the money she set aside for cake ingredients. Now, she had to cancel cake orders and she wouldn’t be able to make the money back.

  She sat in her car for a long while. How would she tell Johnathan and her mom? Lily hadn’t been this scared since her dad died.

  A baby. She never thought it would happen for her again. Not like this anyway. How could Sam do this to her? Why didn’t he tell her about the condom? Should she have known it broke? What did Sam have to gain from this? So many questions swirled in her head. It never crossed her mind Sam would behave irresponsibly. He didn’t seem like that kind of guy. But, what did she know about men? Both times she was with one she got pregnant. This was starting to become a pattern.

  Her phone buzzed in the passenger seat signaling a text.

  Sam. “We need to talk.”

  It pissed her off that he was bossing her around by text. She wanted to tell him where he could shove it but he would show up at her house. She had absolutely no idea how to handle him right now. The broken condom wasn’t his fault. But him not telling her was.

  Her phone rang. Sam.


  “Why haven’t you answered? Are you okay?”

  “What do you want, Sam?” She snapped.

  “Where are you?”

  She sighed. “I just left the doctor’s office.”

  “Why? What’s wrong? What doctor?” He demanded.

  “I was getting a pregnancy test,” she said flatly unmoved by his concern.

  “And?” He prompted.

  “I’m pregnant, Sam, but I think you already knew that.”

  “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “That’s too bad, Lily. We’re having a baby.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “What do you want? I can’t give you much, I’m all tapped out.”

  His voice lowered. “I just want to talk, Lily.”

  She wanted to run to him and have him hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. The only problem with that was he’s the one that caused this mess. She felt a pang of guilt having referred to a baby as an unwanted mess. She wanted more children, she just never thought it would happen for her again. And certainly not in this way.

  She gritted her teeth. She was so angry he put her in this position. Lily loved and hated him. It was an unfamiliar feeling.

  “Sam, please give me some time. I don’t think you realize how this changes my life. I need time to talk to Johnathan and my mom.”

  “It’s not just your life. It’s mine too.”

  “And Johnathan’s.”

  “And Johnathan’s,” he agreed, “just talk to me.”

  She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. An ache formed behind her eyes. “Just for a minute.”

  “I’ll meet you at my house in fifteen minutes.”

  “No! The diner.” She didn’t feel like being alone with him right now. Was this feeling wrong?

  “It’s a private conversation, Lily. We’re not having it in public.” see you in a few minutes.” Then he was gone.

  “His way or no way,” she mumbled with a glare at her phone.

  Lily gave herself a pep talk, or more of a scolding, all the way to Sam’s. She wasn’t going to let him order her around today. She was going to tell him how it was going to be and that she needed time away from him to figure out a plan.

  With a deep breath, she pulled up to his house. He was already standing in the doorway waiting for her. He was so tall and self-assured. What was it like to have control of your life? To be able to handle things that came your way? At that moment, she hated that he could control his life without being scared. Not only his life but hers as well.

  He motioned to her. “Come in, Lily.”

  “You’re not cooking anything in there are you?” She wasn’t sure yet what set her stomach off except coffee and pancakes. This morning they had cereal and last night, chicken soup.

  He shook his head. “Are you hungry?”

  “No. I just have a sensitive stomach right now.” She walked past him through the door.

  “Did you have any of these symptoms when you were pregnant with Johnathan?”

  She thrust her chin in the air. Was he criticizing her because she didn’t realize she was pregnant before he did? That stung. “Yes, but I was seventeen. My whole body was a hormonal mess. And I didn’t realize it was something I should be expecting. My periods haven’t been normal these last several months.”

  His lips twitched. “Come sit down.”

  “Please.” He never asked. He always ordered.


  “Would it hurt you to say please once in a while?”

  He stared at her for several heartbeats. Finally, he rubbed his hand over his beard, “I don’t know, but I’ll give it a try,” he drawled, “please, have a seat.”

  Her face heated as she sat on the recliner. Somehow, it didn’t sound any less like an order. Actually, it sounded more like and order and a reprimand.

  “I don’t have much time.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow at her, “You have two hours before Johnathan gets off the bus.”

  “I have other things to do, Sam.” She lied, hating that he knew her regular schedule.

  “Nothing more important than this.”

  Lily shot to her feet. “You said you wanted to talk not lecture me.” She clenched her fists on her hips. “In fact, I should be the one lecturing you. You’re the one who-”


  She fell silent.

  He pointed to the chair. “Sit down and listen to me.”

  Throwing a glare at him, she sat on the edge of the chair, ready to bolt if she had to. This is not going like she promised herself, he was going to listen to her.

  He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “The condom broke,” he began, “I, we, can’t change that. We just have to deal with it now.

  She threw her hands in the air, “You were u
nbelievable! You can’t even apologize for this!”

  His blue eyes flashed at her and a tingle went up her spine.

  “Why haven’t you apologized, Sam?”

  “I’m not sorry,” he said slowly, enunciating each word.

  Lily’s body started to shake. “Did you do this on purpose?”

  With a determination that made her stomach roll, he pinned her with a hard gaze. “I think I might have.”

  “W-why? You knew things were hard for us right now. Why would you do this?” she blinked back tears. He always seemed so understanding about her situation. Always encouraging, telling her everything would be okay.

  His eyes softened. “I want you, Lily.”

  “You had me!” She cried. “I thought we were in a relationship!”

  “We are in a relationship. The condom broke.” He explained and rubbed the back of his neck. It was the only sign of conscience and somehow that small gesture made her hate him a little less. “I didn’t tell you because I hoped you ended up pregnant.”

  “You didn’t try to get me pregnant?”

  “No. I didn’t break the condom on purpose.”

  “Well, thanks for that.” Why didn’t he just start a relationship with her? Why get her pregnant? She stood up.

  “We’re not done yet.” He stood up with her. “We need to talk about the baby.”

  She instinctively put a hand on her stomach. “The doctor said I’m four weeks along. I’m healthy, so he doesn’t anticipate any problems. I have another appointment after Thanksgiving.” She rubbed her clammy hands on her jeans. “He gave me some prenatal vitamins and said to try to keep a little something in my stomach to help with nausea.”

  Sam folded his muscular arms across his chest. “Do you have health insurance?”

  Her face reddened. “No. I have some things to figure out.”

  “Marry me. I can take care of you and Johnathan. Your mom too.”

  His suggestion didn’t surprise her. He did say he wanted her pregnant, after all. He didn’t love her, just wanted a family.

  “I need time, Sam. I have a lot to deal with right now. The closing is next week and we need to find a house.” She certainly wasn’t ready to tie herself to him.

  “If you marry me you won’t have to worry about any of that, Lily. Let me take care of you.”

  She hugged her waist. “Just give me time. I’ll call in a few weeks when we’re settled in a new place.”

  He took a step closer and tipped her chin up to meet his eyes. “You’re having my baby. I can’t stand by and watch you struggle. I won’t let that happen.”

  She knew he wouldn’t. Overwhelmed with worry, the tears she was holding back spilled over. “You just want a baby, don’t you, Sam? I was an easy target.” Her body went numb. Would he try to take her baby if she didn’t marry him? She didn’t have the most stable life compared to him. He was an established business owner and she was a single mom who baked cakes out of her house and had a mountain of debt.

  “I caused this. I’m going to make sure you’re provided for. I do want a family with you. But I won’t force you to marry me and I won’t try to take the baby from you. I think we could be happy together though.”

  “Please give me a little time.” A tight sensation threatened to close her throat. “I promise I’ll consider it.”

  He looked like he wanted to argue but instead he pulled her to his chest and just held her. More tears welled up and a sob escaped. She was unable to find the energy to fight him when he scooped her up in his arms and sat on the couch settling her on his lap. He caressed her body and hair while she cried.

  After she calmed, his big hand spanned her stomach. He chuckled when it chose that moment to growl demandingly.

  “We better get something in your stomach.”

  “I’m going to have lunch with Mom when I get home and tell her about the baby.” She needed to get out of here. It felt way too good to be in his arms.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” His hand was so big, his fingertips brushed the underside of her sensitive breasts.

  “No. I’ll tell her alone.” She grabbed his thick wrist to stop his movements.

  “Do you hurt?” One long finger touched her breast lightly.

  “A little,” she admitted.

  His voice grew deeper and she felt his arousal grow under her thigh. “Is there something I can do to help?”

  Her body heated and her breasts swelled. “No. I’m all right.” Lily said pushing herself off his lap. “I need to get going.” Things were different between them now. The excitement of their relationship bled into uncertainty, worry and distrust.

  “I’ll come by the house tonight after work.”

  “I need time to think.”

  “Don’t overthink. It doesn’t have to be difficult for us.”

  “Stop!” She felt bullied. Why wouldn’t he just let her have room to think or even breathe? “Please, just give me space. I have so much going on right now and now this.”

  “I can take care of you. I’m not rich, but I’ve got enough that you won’t have to worry anymore.”

  He made it sound so reasonable. She read romance books about the hero coming to save the heroine from her problems. Unfortunately, this didn’t feel anything like those stories. Sam didn’t confess undying love for her. “I’ll call you soon, alright?”

  He clenched his jaw and his eyes followed her to the door. The conversation obviously hadn’t gone the way he wanted. “I want to hear from you in a few days.”

  “You can’t control when I call you, Sam.”

  “You need help, Lily. I’m not going to sit around why you worry and struggle.”

  “I was worrying and struggling before and was handling it fine.” She snapped. “You made it worse.”

  He nodded his head. “Yes, I did. Now I’m going to fix it.”

  She threw her hand up, “It doesn’t work like that!”

  He actually looked confused. “Why?”

  “Because this is a shock to me, and I feel betrayed by you.” Lily groaned and grabbed her purse. She paused and turned back to him. “I was really starting to care about you, Sam. Now I feel like maybe I was just lonely and rushed into a relationship with you and ignored the signs.”

  “What signs?’

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe that you’re the kind of man who would get me pregnant without caring about how I feel about it?”

  “How do you feel about it?” He asked ignoring her outburst.

  “I’m scared!”

  He nodded again. “I can fix that.”

  “You’re missing the point and I’m leaving.” She jerked the door open.

  “Lily?” His deep voice stopped her, but she didn’t turn around.

  “I’ll give you until Thanksgiving if you let me know if you need anything or if there is a problem with you or the baby.”

  “Fine.” She agreed quickly before he could change his mind.

  “But,” he added, “after that we’re going to talk about how to proceed.”

  She almost said, “Yes, sir.” “Okay. I’ll call you after Thanksgiving.”

  “We’re having Thanksgiving together.”


  “Yes,” he said firmly.

  Her shoulders dropped in defeat. At least, she would have a few weeks to think without him hovering.

  “Bye, Sam.”

  His jaw clenched and he merely nodded once at her. She fled before he could stop her.

  Chapter 18.

  “I’m pregnant.” Lily blurted. Might as well get it over with. She already knew her mom would be disappointed. Her parents were upset the first time she became pregnant but they supported her one hundred percent. Getting in this position again was showing a pattern of selfishness and irresponsibility.

  Her mom paused in the act of putting their lunch dishes in the sink. Her eyes grew wide. “Oh, my.”

  Oh, my? Lily gulped. “I’m about four weeks along.”

p; Her mom grabbed her hand. “Did you make an appointment with a doctor?”

  “Actually, I saw the doctor today.” She licked her lips. “I’m so sorry, Mom.”

  She smiled gently and shook her head. “Never be sorry for a baby, Lily.” She wrapped her in a gentle hug.

  Tears filled Lily’s eyes as she clung to her mom. “I can’t believe I did this again,” she whispered.

  “Does Sam know?” She never questioned who the father was.

  “Yes,” Lily said bitterly.

  Surprisingly her mom smiled. “He’s glad I take it?”

  What the heck? “How did you know?”

  “After I met your dad and we became a couple, he was not quiet about trying to get me pregnant.”

  Lily knew her mom had been pregnant with her when she married her dad, but she never really gave it any thought. But at least her father wasn’t trying to hide the fact he wanted her mother pregnant.

  Her mom smiled dreamily. “I told him I loved him but for some reason he thought I wouldn’t stay unless I was pregnant and married.” She shook her head. “He never told me that but could tell by his actions and attitude.”

  “You didn’t care that he was trying to get you pregnant?”

  “To be honest, no. I couldn’t imagine ever being without him.”

  Lily could believe it. They had been crazy about each other. Her relationship with Sam, however, wasn’t the same. Was it?

  “How do you feel about the baby?”

  “I’m scared to death. I don’t know how we’ll make this work.”

  “We’ll get through. You’re not alone you know. Sam will want to marry you.”

  “He already asked me.”

  “What did you say?”

  She never really allowed herself to think about it marriage. When she was dating John, she dreamed of marrying him and having a house full of children. She didn’t even feel like the same person. Probably because she wasn’t the same person.

  As she opened her mouth to answer, her mom’s phone rang. Thankful for not having to answer any more questions she busied herself washing the lunch dishes. She half listened to the conversation before her mom wandered to the living room. It sounded like it was about the house.

  “Well, it looks like we get to spend another Thanksgiving in the house. The buyer can’t close until the Monday after Thanksgiving.


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