Just Perfect

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Just Perfect Page 16

by Lynn Hunter

  “Well, that’s good. It gives us a little time to look for a house. The cafe in town with the apartment won’t work now.” She signed and rubbed her stomach. “We’ll need a little more room.”

  “Let’s worry about it later.”

  “We can’t worry about it later. We have to have a place before closing.”

  “Actually, honey, the buyer said he can’t move in until thirty days after closing. Let’s plan for Thanksgiving here. I have so many recipe ideas.” She said brightly.

  Tired. She was so tired. She’d been tired since she met Sam. That wasn’t entirely accurate. She just wanted to blame him for..well…everything. “I think I’ll lie down before Johnathan gets home. I love you, Mom. I’m sorry I did this again.”

  “Don’t, Lily. Don’t apologize and you didn’t do this alone. Things will work out. I’m sure of it.”

  Lily shook her head. “Wake me when Johnathan gets home.”

  “Alright, honey.”

  Lily fell asleep wondering how her mom could be so sure things would work out.


  Sam kept his word and allowed Lily the space she wanted. He wasn’t happy about it, though. He had to stop himself from calling her every day, or driving to the house to check on her. He sent her a couple of texts but she didn’t respond. Sam wanted to tell her how much he missed her but didn’t want her to feel pressured.

  Thoughts of her consumed him. Was she okay? Was the baby okay? Did she tell Johnathan about the baby? Did Johnathan wonder why he wasn’t around? He didn’t want him to think he abandoned them. Thank God Glen was seeing Sarah and kept Sam updated on how Lily was.

  “Did you see Lily last night?” He asked as Glen and Jake walked into the shop. Jake started driving for Glen about a week after coming back to town mostly doing local runs.

  Glen scratched his head looking uncomfortable. The hair on the back of Sam’s neck stood up. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “She’s okay,” Jake said.

  So Jake went to dinner at the house with Glen last night? He was instantly pissed. Sam didn’t want any other man around Lily. Jake was a good guy and he genuinely liked him, but he didn’t want Lily to cling to him in her vulnerable state. She was his and pregnant with his child. It was his family. Now Johnathan sees Jake around and not Sam. Would he look at Jake as a father figure now instead? Jake knew Johnathan’s dad. That gave the three of them some kind of history and connection. It made Sam feel panicked inside.

  “She’s okay?” Sam kept his eyes on Glen. There was something wrong.

  “She seems okay, I guess, just…”

  “What the hell Glen! Out with it!”

  “She’s pale, losing weight. Quieter than usual.”

  Sam’s heart constricted. He actually rubbed his chest to relieve the ache. “I’m going over there. Have Rick watch the shop.”

  Both Glen and Jake stepped in front of him blocking his exit.

  “Move,” he barked.

  “You can’t just bully your way in, Sam. You’ll push her further away.” Jake warned.

  Sam turned murderous eyes on him. “So you’re going to be her support system now?” He’d kill him.

  “If she needs it. As family.” Jake cocked an eyebrow at him. “She’s mostly likely going to be my sister one day.”

  Sam knew that but it didn’t make him feel much better. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

  “She can’t lose weight. It’s not good for her or the baby.” He looked at Glen. “Is she still getting sick?”

  Glen nodded, “Yes, but Sarah assured me she was fine. She said that Lily seems scared and might even miss you.”

  Miss him? “She’s got a hell of a way of showing it.”

  “Well, we’ll all be there for Thanksgiving on Thursday. You can talk to her then. But you need to be easy with her. Think about how she feels. You’re not a hot head Sam. Don’t give her a reason to believe you are.”

  “He is a hot head. Lately anyway.” Sam turned to see Dean and Rick enter the shop.

  “Not now, Dean.” Sam didn’t want to deal with his smart ass brother right now.

  “I saw Lily yesterday at the store,” Rick said. “She was with her mom.”

  Great. Everyone got to see her but him.

  “They invited me to Thanksgiving and said to be sure to invite Willa too.”

  Dean rubbed his hands together. “Lots of people mean lots of food.”

  Rick shook his head. “Is that all you think about?”

  Dean grinned. “Nope. I think about-”

  “Never mind,” Rick interrupted. “I don’t want to know what goes on in that brain of yours.

  “Why not? You might learn something.”

  Listening to their banter did little to ease Sam’s mood. He was consumed with worry over Lily. Thinking about her sick and unable to eat made him feel helpless. He was an asshole for doing this to her. If she would let him he could fix everything if she let him. He turned back to Glen. “What time do we need to be there on Thursday?”

  “We’re eating about one o’clock but Sarah said to come anytime.”

  “I’m going early,” Rick informed.


  “I’m bringing the turkeys.”

  Silence filled the shop. Everyone stared at Rick in surprise.

  “What? I told them I would bring the turkeys and help cook.” He held his arm out at his sides, “You don’t think I got this size without knowing how to cook, do you?”

  Dean waved a hand at him. “I thought you got that size by eating small people and using Freightliners as free weights,” he replied in all seriousness.

  “People, no, weights, yes.” He puffed out his massive chest. “I’m a great cook and they said they were grateful for my help.”

  Sam wondered how Lily would handle the smell of all the food. He wanted to ask her what he could do to help, but he promised to stay away until Thanksgiving.

  “We’ll all go early,” he said to Dean. “Mom will most likely want to help cook too.”

  After they all made plans on when to meet at the farmhouse, everyone got back to work. He stopped Glen as he was leaving the shop.

  “Did you give Lily the money?” He’d been sending money over every week with Glen when he went to visit. He might not be able to see her but, at least, he knew she wouldn’t go without.

  “I gave it to Sarah.” He shook his head. “Lily hasn’t spoken to me much and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. You need to tell her about the house when you see her. Don’t drag it out.”

  “I told Sarah,” Sam called and talked to Sarah about buying the house. She wasn’t surprised but she told him he better tell Lily soon because she didn’t feel right keeping secrets from her daughter. Then she told him she knew he’d take good care of her. Taking care of her wasn’t a problem. It was getting her to talk to him that was an issue.

  “I know,” he gave Sam a sober look, “part of the reason Lily is so upset is because she thinks she has to leave the house.”

  Sam sighed. “I should have told her about the house when she found out about the baby. But-” he shook his head. He didn’t have the balls. She was so upset about the baby she wouldn’t have been open to listening to his reasons for buying her beloved farmhouse. She would have felt trapped. He was trapping her. She had no way out. He wouldn’t give her a way out because he loved her so much he couldn’t be without her. The past few weeks without seeing had been pure torture. Sam waited on pins and needles for Glen to give him any information about her.

  “Well, hurry up with it will you? Now that Lily’s pregnant, Sarah won’t leave her alone for a minute.”

  Sam found his first smile in weeks. Glen obviously hadn’t been alone with Sarah in weeks and was feeling anxious.

  “I don’t know what you’re smiling about.” Glen groused. “Sarah actually likes me.”

  Sam chuckled. “Maybe you can have her to yourself by the weekend.”

  “Feeling that confiden

  “Yeah,” he lied.

  Chapter 19.

  Early Thanksgiving morning, Lily stood in front of her closet. She was so nervous and had jitters at the thought of seeing Sam again. So many times she wanted to call him in the past few weeks. She missed him so much. He’d been sending money every week and stayed true to his word that he wouldn’t let her do without. She was grateful too because the morning sickness was so bad she couldn’t bake. What kind of baker can’t stand the smell of coffee and cake batter? All she really had the energy to do was sleep and spend time with Johnathan. She still hadn’t told him about the baby. There were no answers to the question she knew her son would ask since didn’t know what the future held for Sam and her. Could she move past his deception and embrace a future with him? Or would she always be bitter and resentful? She took a deep breath to calm her stomach. Maybe she shouldn’t have gone so long without talking to him. Now she was so worked up at the thought of seeing him that she was sick. She couldn’t even decide what to wear. Finally, she picked on a soft black sweater and a pair of blue legging since her jeans were starting to get a little tight. It wasn’t fancy but she may as well be comfortable.

  At least, there would be a lot of people there today to be buffers in case she and Sam couldn’t get along. She scoffed at herself. Like Sam would let anyone be a buffer for him. Even Candace and Derek would be there. Johnathan’s was so excited to have his best friend coming.

  She dressed and stood in front of the mirror. Lord, she looked pale and tired. She put on a little makeup but that didn’t do much to hide the dark circles under her eyes or the paleness of her skin. Sam’s mother and father would be there. What would his mom think of her? She probably expected Sam to be with a tall, attractive woman, maybe someone that complimented Sam’s confidence and masculine looks. Not short, pale and… pregnant.

  With one last look in the mirror and decided there was no improving on perfectly awful Lily cautiously made her way downstairs. She was worried about all the food that would be baking. Everything seemed to make her sick except for chicken soup. As she reached the bottom of the steps, she could small turkey. She sniffed carefully. Still okay. The scent didn’t send her running to the bathroom. A deep rumble of laughter came from the kitchen along with Johnathan’s giggle. Rick must have already started cooking. Thank goodness he was here. Lily didn’t know how much help she’d be today. Feeling a bit braver she entered the kitchen.

  Johnathan stood on a stool next to Rick, who was showing him how to measure ingredients. Lily smiled. She tried to teach her son on numerous occasions how to measure but he never seemed to be able to keep the ingredients in the measuring cup.

  “Hey, guys.” Lily greeted.

  “Hey, Mom!” He pulled his spoon from his bowl effectively throwing whatever he was mixing everywhere. “I’m making stuffin’!” he beamed.

  “Yum!” I can’t wait to try it.” She fervently hoped she could eat a portion of it to please him.

  “There won’t be any stuffing if you keep throwing it all over the kitchen, wild man.” Rick teased.

  “Hi, Rick. I’m so glad you’re here. I’ll help as much as I can today.”

  “It’s no problem. It’s not often I get to cook for a group of people.” He went back to the cutting board to chop onion. He dwarfed the kitchen Island. Actually, he made the whole kitchen look like a playhouse. It was strange to see such a big, bald guy cooking in their kitchen. But if you spent thirty seconds in Rick’s presence, you could sense his kind nature, and immediately be put at ease.

  “Good morning, Lily,” her mom said as she shut the oven door, her face flushed from the heat of the oven. Her mom looked young and beautiful and Lily felt old and dried up. “How are you this morning?”

  “I’m okay. What can I do to help?” She couldn’t sit around while they did all the work.

  “You want to peel potatoes? I need to get started on the pumpkin pie.” Rick picked the perfect job for her. It didn’t require cooking. He apparently knew she was pregnant. Everyone probably knew by now. The only person that didn’t know was Johnathan. She felt terrible about that. Rick motioned with his knife to an already set up potato peeling station at the table. She smiled. He was definitely organized. If she ever opened a bakery, maybe he would work with her.

  There was a knock on the kitchen door and her mom answered it. Candace and Derek stood in the doorway. Candace smiled shyly. “Hi, Sarah, I thought I would come early to help with-” her eyes caught sight of Rick and she paled.

  Rick paused in his chopping to face her. “We could definitely use the help.” His eyes locked on her face. Candace’s gaze immediately dropped to the floor and she grabbed Derek’s shoulder.

  “Derek!” Johnathan cried. He looked to Rick “Can I be done so we can go play?” he asked excitedly. Rick turned to him and took his spoon quickly before more stuffing mixture littered the kitchen floor.

  “Yeah, man,” he replied, “if it’s okay with your mom.”

  “Come in Candace.” Lily urged. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  Her mom ushered Derek and his reluctant mother into the kitchen. Lily felt for her. Candace fear of Rick was obvious.

  “Hey there, Derek.” Rick greeted.

  “Hi,” Derek answered then glanced up at his mom.

  “What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?” He asked casually pretending not to notice Candace’s behavior. Lily wondered how Rick handled being stared at all the time or if it made him feel bad when people were afraid of him.

  “Homemade mac and cheese,” he answered without hesitation. “My mom makes the best.”

  Candace flushed. “I have a big pan in the car. I’ll go-”

  “I’ll get it.” In two long strides, Rick was at the door. It startled Candace so badly she jumped backward nearly taking a tumble out the door. Rick saved her by grabbing her waist, “Easy” he soothed. She let out a squeak when he plucked her off the floor and gently set her inside the kitchen he gave Derek a playful wink before heading outside. Candace looked stunned and Derek smiled behind his hand.

  “He’s like the Hulk!” Johnathan cried. Everyone laughed except Candace.

  Seconds later Rick came back in followed by Willa.

  “Hey, ya’ll.” She looked pretty today wearing a blue cardigan and jeans.

  “Hi, Willa. What do you have there?” Sarah asked.

  “Well, I didn’t ask if I should bring anything but I couldn’t come without somethin’.” She shifted her weight nervously. “I made a green bean casserole. It just needs to be baked. If you already have one, it’s fine-”

  “Actually, Willa,” Lily said “That sounds good. Thanks.” Lily stood up from the table to take it from her.

  Willa smiled brightly, “I had to bring something cause I’m a fixin’ to eat a mess of food.”

  Sarah put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “We’re so glad you could come, honey.”

  Willa flushed with pleasure. Lily wondered if she had any family around but didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by asking.

  “Looks like the party already started.” Glen’s voice sounded in the doorway. He stepped inside to kiss Sarah on the cheek. When he moved out of the doorway, Sam’s large frame filled it. The air in the room immediately electrified. His eyes zeroed in on Lily for a long minute before scanning her body. Lily blushed. He looked so good. He wore dark blue jeans and a blue shirt that was the exact color of his eyes. She had a wild urge to throw herself into his arms and beg him to stay with her and never leave.

  “You gonna let us in, Sam, or make us stand outside all day.” Dean griped.

  Sam stepped aside without taking his eyes off her. “Hello, Lily,’ she missed his deep voice, “how are you feeling?”

  “Um,” she set Willa’s dish on the island. “I’m fine,” she touched her hair and tugged on her sweater and smoothed her curls. Did she look okay? Did he ask how she felt because she looked bad?

  “You look beautiful.”
  The compliment pleased her more than she wanted it to. “Oh, thank you.”

  A woman stepped in behind him. She was lovely. She had straight, black shoulder length hair streaked lightly with gray. Her features were exotic and striking like maybe she was of Mediterranean descent but she had dark blue eyes. Just like Sam’s. She was dressed casually as well, in jeans and a red sweater.

  “This is my mom, Janie. Mom, this is Lily.” Sam introduced them.

  Janie gave her a dazzling smile. Lily was momentarily speechless. The woman was beautiful. Considering Sam’s age, she had to be around sixty.

  “I’ve heard so much about you,” Lily approached to take her hand but Janie scooped her up in a tight hug.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, too,” she grabbed Lily by the shoulders and held her away. “You’re beautiful, Lily! I asked Sam for details but all he said was ’she’s perfect.’” She imitated Sam’s deep voice and it made Lily smile. “He’s so right lipped.” Janie rolled her eyes.

  Perfect? Hardly. “It’s nice to meet you,” she motioned to her mom. “This is my mom, Sarah.” She then waved Johnathan closer. “And this is my son, Johnathan.”

  “What a handsome young man! Look at those beautiful curls. Just like your Mamma.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Johnathan said politely.

  “Move aside, woman. I smell food.” A tall, thin man walked in. He looked like an older version of Dean complete with a ready and charming smile. His eyes landed on Lily.

  “Alan, this is Lily.” Janie beamed.

  He took her hand and held it out to examine her. “You’re right, son, she is perfect,” he winked at her, “the Fuller men know how to pick ‘em.”

  Lily found herself smiling again.

  Dean and Jake came in and introductions were made.

  Johnathan wrapped his arms around Sam’s hips. “You’re back! Finally!”

  Lily flushed with embarrassment. She hated that she left Johnathan out of the loop.

  Sam ruffled his hair. “Sorry, little man. Things have been crazy,” he cut his eyes to Lily, “but it’s all better now. You’ll see a lot more of me.”

  “Okay,” he beamed. “Sam’s dating my mom,” he informed Janie and Allen.


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