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George Washington's Surprise Attack

Page 82

by Phillip Thomas Tucker

  97. Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 146.

  98. Ibid., pp. 4, 25-26, 67, 145-146; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, pp. 19-20; Cecere, They Behaved Like Soldiers, pp. 84, 91; Cox, A Proper Sense of Honor, p. 194; Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 189.

  99. Carolly Erickson, Bonnie Prince Charlie, A Biography, (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1989), pp. 1-201.

  100. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 57; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 209.

  101. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 60.

  102. Billias, General John Glover and His Marblehead Mariners, pp. 11, 30-31, 35, 37, 67; Upham, A Memoir of General John Glover, p. 11; Lord and Gamage, The Lure of Marblehead, p. 42; Carin Gordon, “The Ornes,” Marblehead Magazine, Marblehead, Massachusetts, internet; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 140; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20.

  103. A Young Soldier in the American Revolution, p. 82; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20.

  104. Douglas R. Egerton, Death or Liberty, African Americans and Revolutionary America, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), p. 74.

  105. Ibid., p. 76.

  106. Billias, General John Glover and His Marblehead Mariners, pp. 11, 22, 66-67, 70, 75, 84, 149; Lord and Gamage, Marblehead, p. 121; Kurlansky, Cod, p. 98; Roads, The History and Traditions of Marblehead, pp. 136, 223; Upham, A Memoir of General John Glover, pp. 11, 59; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 219, 270; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 140, 362; A Young Patriot in the American Revolution, p. 80; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 21; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 1178; Charles C. Coffin, The Boys of‘76, (Gainesville: Maranatha Publications, Inc., 1998), p. 8; Chernow, Washington, p. 275

  107. Roads, The History and Traditions of Marblehead, p. 176; Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 11, 70.

  108. Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lieutenant Monroe, p. 141; Troiani and Kochan, Don Troiani’s Soldiers of the American Revolution, p. 107; Fleming, 1776, p. 458; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 192; Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 57.

  109. A Young Patriot in the American Revolution, p. 83; Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon, p. 136.

  110. Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 197.

  111. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 106.

  112. Pennsylvania Gazette, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 30, 1756.

  113. Ellis, American Creation, pp. 35-36

  114. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 143-144; Fischer, Washington’sCrossing, pp. 228, 230; Chernow, Washington, p. 275; Marble, James Monroe, p. 42.

  115. A Young Patriot in the American Revolution, pp. 31-80.

  116. Linklater, An Artist in Treason, pp. 5-28; Willard Sterne Randall, Benedict Arnold, Patriot and Traitor, (New York: William Morrow, 1990), pp. 84-317; Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 189.

  117. Lengel, This Glorious Struggle, p. 84; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 141; Gragg, By the Hand of Providence, p. 27; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 925; Chernow, Washington, pp. 274-275.

  118. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, p. 109.

  119. Ibid., p. 149; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 139-140, 143; Elisha Bostwick Memoir, YUL; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 127, 134, 139; Edward G. Lengel, This Glorious Struggle, George Washington’s Revolutionary Letters, (New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993), pp. 79, 85; Elisha Bostwick, YUL; David S. Reynolds, John Brown, Abolitionist, The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005), pp. 16-20; Zondervan, NIV Study Bible, (Grand Rapids, Mi.: Zondervan Publishing, 2008), pp. 378-402; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 157-159, 171, 243, 310; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 953; Chernow, Washington, pp. 274-275; Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, vol. XLIV, no. 1, (January 1914), p. 7; Gragg, By the Hand of Providence, pp. 3-87.

  120. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 375; Clark, All Cloudless Glory, p. 223; Elisha Bostwick Memoir, YUL.

  121. Lengel, This Glorious Struggle, p. 89.

  Chapter III

  1. Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Troyer Steele Anderson, The Command of the Howe Brothers During the American Revolution, (Cranbury: Scholar’s Bookshelf, 2005), pp. 204-206, 212; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 27; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 38.

  2. Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Charles Nieder, editor, George Washington, A Biography by Washington Irving, (New York: Da Capo, 1994), pp. 326-328, 337-338; New York Times, December 27, 1880; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 59, 364; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. i-ii, v-vii.

  3. Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 161; Douglas Edward Leach, Roots of Conflict, British Armed Forces and Colonial Americans, 1677-1763, (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1986), pp. 130-131; Neider, ed., George Washington, p. 326; Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 12; Linklater, An Artist in Treason, pp. 31, 60; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 18.

  4. Dwyer, “The Day is Ours!,” p. 13.

  5. Chadwick, George Washington’s War, p. 4; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 118; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 997.

  6. New York Times, July 3, 1932.

  7. Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Dwyer, “The Day is Ours!,” p. 11; New York Times, December 27, 1880; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 20.

  8. New York Times, December 27, 1880.

  9. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 7-9; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Atwood, The Hessians, pp. 7-37; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 51-65, 364; Smith, TheBattle of Trenton, p. 31; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. v; Helen Roeder, editor and translator, The Ordeal of Captain Roeder, (London: Methuen and Company, Ltd., 1960), p. 42; Reid, Culloden Moor 1746, p. 48; Clark, All Cloudless Glory, p. 222.

  10. Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 162; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 911; Charles Bracelen Flood, Rise, And Fight Again, Perilous Times Along the Road to Independence, (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1976), p. 98; Donald N. Moran, “Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall, Guilty of Tactical Negligence or Guiltless Circumstances?,” The Liberty Tree Newsletter, November/December 2007.

  11. Atwood, The Hessians, p. 70.

  12. Robert Oakley Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment: A Chronicle of Hessian Participation in the American Revolution,” PhD Disseration, 1965, American University, Washington, D.C.: pp. 49-50; 83-84; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Neider, ed., George Washington, pp. 326-328, 338; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 911; John G. Miller, Alexander Hamilton, Portrait in Paradox, (New York: Barnes and Noble, n. D.), p. 21; Flood, Rise, And Fight Again, pp. 98, 127-132; New York Times, December 27, 1880; Atwood, The Hessians, pp. 43, 64, 73-75, 77-79; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 55-57; Dominic Lieven, Russia Against Napoleon, The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace, (New York: Viking, 2010), pp. 23-24, 195; Moran, “Colonel Johann Gottlieb Rall,” LTN; Smith, New York 1776, p. 78; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 27-28; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. i-iii, v, 2,18-19, 66, 71-72; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 320.

  13. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 215; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Wheeler, Voices of 1776, p. 195; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 392.

  14. Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 162; Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 17-18.

  15. Neider, ed., George Washington, p. 326; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 911; Flood, Rise, And Fight Again, p. 98; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 8.

  16. Neider, ed., George
Washington, p. 327; Michael A. Davis, The Trial of Lt. Colonel Abraham Hunt, September 22, 1777, Trenton, New Jersey, (Bloomington: Xlibris Corporation, n. D.) p. 170; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 170; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 13; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. 71-72; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 320.

  17. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 85; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Neider, ed., George Washington, p. 333; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 255; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 204, 231-232, 240; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 27-28; Stryker, TheBattles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 115-116, 121-122.; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 324; Chernow, Washington, p. 275.

  18. Robert B. Asprey, Frederick the Great, The Magnificent Enigma, (New York: History Book Club, 1986), pp. xiii-629; Telford Taylor, Sword and Swastika, Generals and Nazis in the Third Reich, (Chicago: Quadrangle Paperbacks, Ltd., 1960), pp. 15-18; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 41; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 55; Chastellux, Travels in North America, p. 163; Cox, A Proper Sense of Honor, p. 44.

  19. Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 156; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 52.

  20. Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 55-57; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 254; Troiani and Kochan, Don Troiani’s Soldiers of the American Revolution, pp. 61-73; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. i-iii; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 31; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 20; Urban, Fusiliers, p. 76; Savas and Dameron, The New American Revolution Handbook, p. 37.

  21. Anderson, The Command of the Howe Brothers, pp. 203, 206-207, 212; Ferling, Almost A Miracle, p. 162; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 285; Stryker, Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 115-116; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 324.

  22. Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 184; Lengel, General George Washington, p. 185; Anderson, The Command of the Howe Brothers, pp. 208; Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 160; Mitnick, ed., New Jersey in the American Revolution, pp. 48-49; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 27; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 14; Chernow, Washington, p. 275.

  23. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 179-196; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Dwyer, The Day Is Ours!, pp. 216-218; Hunt, The Irish and the American Revolution, p. 24; Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 150; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 37; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 28, 31; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 51, 74; Chernow, Washington, pp. 267, 275; Samuel Griffin, Wikipedia; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 55-57.

  24. Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, pp. 426, 494, 911; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p.19; Trussell, The Pennsylvania Line, pp. 222-226; Von Hagen, TheGermanic People in America, p. 162; Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, pp. v-141; Henry Melchier and Muhlenberg Richards, The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783, (General Books, 2010), p. 399; H. G. Wells, TheOutline of History, The Whole Story of Man, (2 vols., New York: Garden City Books, 1956), vol. 2, p. 705; Cox, A Proper Sense of Honor, pp. 29-30, 44; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 364, 391; Styker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 19, 42.

  25. Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, pp. 6, 131-133, 141-142.

  26. Trussell, The Pennsylvania Line, pp. 225-226; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 19; Fischer, Liberty and Freedom, pp. 90-93; Retzer, The German Regiment ofMaryland and Pennsylvania, pp. 6-7, 66; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 391.

  27. Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, pp. v-141; Melchier and Richards, The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, p. 403; Conrad Weiser Homestead Archives, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 391.

  28. Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, p. 136.

  29. Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, p. 134.

  30. Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 19.

  31. Samuel John Atlee Journal on the Battle of Long Island, 1776-1776, Brooklyn Historical Society, Brooklyn, New York; Newland, The Pennsylvania Militia, p. 134.

  32. Trussell, The Pennsylvania Line, pp. 178-182; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20.

  33. Stone, Letters of Brunswick and Hessian Officers During the American Revolution, p. 133, note; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 20.

  34. Stone, Letters of Brunswick and Hessian Officers During the American Revolution; Fischer, Liberty and Freedom, pp. 90-93; Trussell, The Pennsylvania Line, 222-226; Retzer, The German Regiment of Pennsylvania and Maryland, pp. 73, 152; Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 191.

  35. Retzer, The German Regiment of Pennsylvania and Maryland, pp. 72-80, 148; Richard Wheeler, Voices of 1776, (Greenwich: Fawcett Publications, 1972), p. 208; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 52-57, 60; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 110-111; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 253, 266; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 55-65.

  36. Retzer, The German Regiment of Pennsylvania and Maryland, pp. 7-8, 48-49, 74-75; Melchier and Richards, The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, p. 399.

  37. Davis, The Trial of Lt. Colonel Abraham Hunt, pp. 176-178; New York Times, December 24, 1895; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 53; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 76, 238; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 170-171; Faro, Wikipedia, internet; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, p. 147; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 110; Davis, 100Decisive Battles, p. 251.

  38. Maryland Gazette, February 27, 1777; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, pp. 254-255; Mark Urban, Fusiliers, The Saga of a British Redcoat Regiment in the American Revolution, (New York: John Walker and Company, 2007), p. xiii; Lengel, General George Washington, pp. 181, 185; Flood, Rise, And Fight Again, p. 99; Fleming, 1776, p. 345; Stephen Tanner, Epic Retreats, From 1776 to the Evacuation of Saigon, (Edison: Castle Books, 2002), p. 45; Paul K. Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, From Ancient Times to the Present, The World’s Most Decisive Battles and How They Shaped History, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 253; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 43; Atwood, The Hessians, p. 36; Fischer, Washington’sCrossing, pp. 54, 204-205, 231-232, 240, 344; Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 247; Hanser, TheGlorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 147-148; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 17, 27; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. 7, 11; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 324; Lengel, InventingGeorge Washington, p. 200; Chernow, Washington, p. 273.

  39. New York Times, December 24, 1895; Lengel, Inventing George Washington, p. 200; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 240.

  40. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton. p. 361; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 204-205; Joseph M. Malit interview with author, July 9, 2010; Lengel, Inventing George Washington, p. 200; Davis, 100 Decisive Battles, p. 253.

  41. Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon, pp. 141-142.

  42. Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, pp. 254-255; Lengel, General George Washington, pp. 173, 178-179; Atwood, The Hessians, pp. 43, 64, 77-79; Burrows, Forgotten Patriots, p. 34; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 11, 13-14, 26; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 204-205; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 71.

  43. Slage, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 71; Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 26, 1777; Anderson, The Command of the Howe Brothers, p. 206; Dwyer, This Day is Ours!, pp. 9-10, 14-16, 151-152, 166-168; Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 161; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, pp. 254-255; Lengel, General George Washington, p. 185; Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 160; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 39; Atwood, The Hessians, pp. 86-88, 91-92; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 57, 60; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 7-8, 13-15, 26-27; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 17, 27; Stryker, Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 42, 66, 94.

  44. Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 160; Bill, The
Campaign of Princeton, p. 37; Atwood, The Hessians, pp. 91-92; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 183-184; Smith, TheBattle of Trenton, pp. 13-14, 27.

  45. Edwin G. Burrows, Forgotten Patriots: The Untold Story of American Prisoners During the Revolutionary War, (New York: Perseus Books Group, 2008), p. 2.

  46. Cox, A Proper Sense of Honor, 39.

  47. Edwin Nott Hopson, Captain Daniel Neil, (Paterson: Braen-Heusser Printing Company, 1927), p. 18; Brochure, “Military Hospital at the Thompson-Neely House,” Washington Crossing State Park, PHPMC; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 224, 227-228; Lawrence S. Kaplan, Alexander Hamilton, Ambivalent Anglophile, (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources, 2002), pp. 2, 24-26.

  48. Elisha Bostwick Memoir, YUL; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 58, note 1; Chernow, Washington, pp. 274-275.

  49. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, pp. 109-110.

  50. Maryland Gazette, January 2, 1777; Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 161; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 72; Fleming, 1776, p. 457; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 27, 253-254; Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington, pp. 109, 149; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 231, 234; A Young Patriot in the American Revolution, p. 81; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, p. 143; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 144; Elisha Bostwick Memoir, YUL; Chernow, Washington, pp. 274-275; Bunch-of-Grapes, Wikipedia; Rappleye, Sons of Providence, p. 175; Marble, James Monroe, p. 42; Michael McNally, Teutoburg Forest AD 9, (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2011), pp. 5-85.

  51. Dwyer, “The Day is Ours!,” pp. 33, 129, 132; Fleming, 1776, p. 457; Lengel, This Glorious Struggle, pp. 87, 89; Gragg, In the Hand of Providence, p. 27.

  52. Griffin, Catholics and the American Revolution, vol. 2, p. 273; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 254.

  53. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 366; Dwyer, “The Day is Ours!,” p. 38; Lengel, General George Washington, pp. 57, 59, 181; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 250; AYoung Patriot in the American Revolution, p. 81; Ward, Major General Adam Stephens and the Cause of American Liberty, pp. 110-111, 113, 148; Burgoyne, Death, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 71; Chernow, Washington, pp. 275-276.


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