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Tempted by a Rake’s Smile: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 19

by Meghan Sloan

  What was wrong with just talking to her? Seeing the woman when she let her guard down? Gabriel wanted that. A lot.



  Gabriel blinked and turned. Norman was now staring at him with a dark frown. Gabriel hadn’t realised that he had drifted away. The moment Cassandra had walked into the room, all other thoughts had left his head.


  “I said, are you sure you should be doing this?” Norman folded his arms. “You’re getting too close.”

  “I’m not. I’m fine.”

  Gabriel bit back a flinch. That sounded hollow, even to him. Norman snorted.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Gabriel didn’t care what Norman thought anymore. He knew what he wanted, and it was going to happen. His feelings were not meant to be a part of this, and they wouldn’t. Once he had Montgomery’s as his, Gabriel could get on with being a business owner and not have to worry about Cassandra Seton anymore.

  He was such a liar.

  Picking up his cane, which had been leaning against Norman’s desk, Gabriel headed towards the door.

  “I think I’d better go and sort things out at home. I spend too much time in town.”

  “Don’t forget you need to be here later in the week to sign the agreement,” Norman called after him.

  Gabriel simply waved over his shoulder as he let himself out. He would be there, and he would sign that agreement. Then this place would be his and Gabriel would turn it into something more successful. His father had mentioned before, years ago, that Gabriel had a good head for business and could easily manage whatever he put his mind to, and he was going to do just that. Maybe, just maybe, that would make his father proud of him.

  Collecting his hat and cloak from the footman in the lobby, Gabriel then decided to head through the back of the establishment before he went to find a carriage to take him back to the cottage. The street was getting busier, and Gabriel didn’t want to deal with the crowds right now.

  Especially after hearing that Jessica Gibson had caused a scene the day before. Several whispers were already going around that Gabriel hadn’t stopped his rakish ways and was with another mistress. A woman who sounded very much like Cassandra.

  Lust collected in his gut. God, he would love to have Cassandra as his mistress. Naked in his bed. But it wouldn’t stop at just that. He would want her for more than that. Cassandra deserved better. So much better than just a bed-partner.

  Which was why she was a good choice for his brother - even if Gabriel’s stomach felt like he was carrying a lead weight.

  He couldn’t have her. His feelings had to be because he wasn’t able to have her. She was a respectable young woman, albeit a little below his family’s station, and he was a disowned son of a viscount. Even if he managed to make amends with his father, he wouldn’t go back to his original status. He had nothing to offer her, and his past would always catch up to them. Gabriel didn’t want that for Cassandra.

  He needed to get his head on straight. No going off-kilter because of a woman. That wouldn’t do at all.

  Gabriel stepped out into the back yard. It was a quiet alleyway, and he could easily slip down the back streets to where he could hail a cab. No one would accost him by then, hopefully.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Gabriel turned. Cassandra stepped away from the wall, staring at him with a glare that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. God, she looked stunning when she was all fired up.

  “Miss Seton. I thought you’d gone.”

  “I’ll join Miss Barrington in a moment.” Cassandra’s voice was clipped. “Now answer my question.”

  Gabriel took a moment to collect himself. His heart was racing, and he was aware of how tight his trousers were. No woman had made him react like this, much less put him on the back foot. Gabriel needed to get that control back or he was screwed. He would not let Cassandra win.

  No woman won.

  “I’m visiting a friend. That’s all.”

  “Friend.” Cassandra scoffed. “Norman Montgomery is your friend?”

  “Doesn’t he deserve a friend at this time?”

  “That’s not the point. I’ve heard a rumour that Norman has decided to sell, and he has potential several buyers.” Her eyes narrowed, “One of them is you.”

  Gabriel was sure the rumours would be circulating, but Norman kept his cards close to his chest. He knew that his friend had entertained all the potential buyers, but he had already made up his mind.

  “I thought you didn’t listen to rumours.”

  “I have to when I need to. That doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with it.”

  “Touché.” Gabriel leaned on his cane, hoping that his expression wasn’t giving anything away. God, this woman was far too clever.

  “Why would I try and buy Montgomery’s? I haven’t got any money.”

  Cassandra’s lip curled and she shook her head.

  “You may have been cut off from your family, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have money of your own.”

  “And put all the money I have for the rest of my life into a gambling hall? I may have done some stupid things in the past, Miss Seton, but even I won’t do that. Montgomery and I are simply friends.”

  Including the fact that by the time he was cut off, Gabriel had no money of his own. What he received at the time his father threw him out of the family was it. And he’d had to learn very quickly how to spend wisely and get what he needed, not what he wanted. It had been a very harsh lesson, one that Gabriel hadn’t taken lightly. Getting thrown out of what you had known for so long was not something anyone took lightly, and it certainly wasn’t good for anyone.

  If Gabriel could turn back time, he certainly would. Then again, he might not have come into contact with Cassandra. Who right now clearly didn’t believe what he was saying, if her expression was anything to go by.

  Beautiful, stubborn and hard-headed. It was like a female version of him.

  “Have you ever given an honest answer to anything?” Cassandra demanded.

  “Have you ever been able to see things clearly?” Gabriel countered. He moved towards her, silently applauding her for not moving back. “Sometimes, the world isn’t black and white.”

  “Is it not?” Cassandra challenged. Her jaw tightened. “And I see things clearly. You’re trying to buy the place. What I don’t understand is why you keep coming to Seton Hall. Are you planning on buying Father out as well? Because he won’t sell.”

  “I don’t want Seton Hall.” Maybe in the future, but not yet. Gabriel shifted closer. “I’m just curious.”

  Right now, he was close enough to smell the subtle scent Cassandra had on. And it filled his nostrils to the point it made him lightheaded. It was a beautiful fragrance. Gabriel had not paid attention to fragrances on women before unless complimenting them to make them swoon, but this time he really noticed. And it suited Cassandra. Just the right amount without being overbearing.

  The woman before him seemed to be more overbearing than the perfume.

  “Curious?” Cassandra rolled her eyes. “A former gambler and philanderer is curious about Seton Hall? You have no business with us unless you were trying to find out something about us.”

  Gabriel felt a prickling of awareness down his back. He was right not to have tried to seduce her himself. Cassandra would have cottoned on to what he was up to immediately. He did his best not to look away as Cassandra glared at him. Who could withstand a look like that? He certainly couldn’t.

  It was just more arousing than he anticipated.

  “What would I be trying to find out, Miss Seton?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Cassandra jabbed a finger at him, prodding him in the chest, “But I don’t want you coming near us.”

  If she had kept herself aloof, Gabriel might have been able to keep his composure. But she had touched him, and this close he could see how large her pupils were. The attraction was
there, no doubt about it, and Cassandra seemed to be furious about it.

  Gabriel grabbed her wrist, which had Cassandra gasping as she froze. But she didn’t pull her hand away. Gabriel kept her gloved hand pressed against his chest. She had to feel how fast his heart was going right now.

  “I don’t think you’ve got a choice in that, Miss Seton,” he said quietly. “I can do what I want.”

  “Not with me, you can’t.”

  Even as she said it, Gabriel was aware that she didn’t pull away. Her hand actually flexed against his chest, and that almost made Gabriel’s heart stop. He had only touched her twice, and that had been enough to set Gabriel on fire. This time, it was a slow burn that was beginning to build. Cassandra just turned his body into knots and refused to let him go, and she didn’t even know she was doing it.

  But Gabriel had to remember who he was to her. And who she was. She was meant to be courting Percy. They had barely started out and already Gabriel wanted to kiss Cassandra until she was breathless. And then kiss her again. That was not the plan. And yet Gabriel couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  “I hope you have this much passion when you’re with my brother.” He leaned his cane against the wall, never taking his eyes off her, and traced his finger down her cheek. God, her skin was so soft. “Percy would enjoy it.”

  Cassandra didn’t immediately respond, although desire flared in her eyes when she touched him. She shivered, and her hand against his chest clenched in his shirt. Her cheeks were becoming bright pink.

  “You’re impossible,” she breathed.

  “Am I?”

  “Yes.” Cassandra swallowed. “I don’t understand how any woman finds you attractive.”

  “Maybe they have good taste.”

  “I disagree.”

  She was still arguing with him, clearly wanting to stand her ground. But she didn’t back away. Gabriel practically had her in his arms, and she wasn’t getting out of reach. Cassandra just stared at him, her words becoming hollower as she talked. It was like she was beginning to realise she had lost this fight.

  She was meant to be Percy’s woman. He had picked her out for that reason, albeit for his own ulterior motives. But that was getting thrown out the window now. Gabriel knew he should take a step back, and remember his brother. Percy would be heartbroken if he knew what his older brother was thinking about right now.

  But Gabriel was past caring. Especially when Cassandra wasn’t pushing him away.

  “Are you always this combative?” He brushed his fingers down Cassandra’s cheek, the pad of his thumb going over her lips. “Or are you fighting yourself with something?”

  “I…” Cassandra’s lips trembled, “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Are you fighting temptation?”

  “Temptation? With you?” Cassandra managed a sound that could only be described as a very weak snort. “Don’t make me laugh.”

  “If that’s not the case, why haven’t you moved away?”

  Cassandra was now breathing more heavily. Gabriel could see that the flush had drifted down her neck, across her chest. God, he so wanted to follow that flush, explore everywhere it touched.

  She’s courting your brother, remember? Let her go and step back right now.

  Gabriel would have done that, but then Cassandra licked her lips. Which meant she licked his thumb, which was still resting against her mouth. He was wearing his gloves, but Gabriel felt the soft stroke of her tongue against the tip of his thumb.

  And he lost it.

  Slipping his hand into her hair, brushing through her curls, Gabriel pulled Cassandra close. He started the kiss with a gentle brush of lips; tentative, careful. Cassandra gasped and stiffened in his arms, but then almost immediately she relaxed, her hands clutching onto his coat as she started to kiss him back.

  Gabriel growled and tugged her tighter against him, wrapping his arm around her waist as he cradled her head. The kiss went from sweet and gentle to fierce and passionate within moments, with Cassandra giving back as good as Gabriel gave. She made a sound of approval, pressing herself against his chest. She felt every bit as eager as Gabriel did for this.

  If she had been anyone else, Gabriel might have been tempted to take her right then. The thought of being caught had always been a bit of a thrill, but this was Cassandra. She was different. He wanted to treat her differently; treat her like a princess. She deserved better.

  She doesn’t deserve you.

  That threw cold water over Gabriel. He broke the kiss abruptly, stepping back until he bumped into the wall, knocking his cane over. It clattered on the ground. Cassandra swayed, looking dazed. Her mouth looked swollen from his kisses, and standing there with her eyes at half-mast, cheeks flushed and breathing fast, it was all Gabriel could do not to pull her back into his arms.

  He had to stop. Now. This was wrong.

  “I...I have to go.” Gabriel picked up his cane, trying to look anywhere but in Cassandra’s direction. Somehow, his hat stayed on his head. “I’ll...good day, Miss Seton. I...well…”

  And with that, he stumbled back into Montgomery’s. He didn’t look around to see if Cassandra was watching him, or wait to hear her voice. Gabriel knew he just had to get away, or he was going to do something he regretted.

  Like make love to his brother’s woman.

  Chapter 15

  Gabriel ordered for the tenth drink to be brought to him and growled at the steward when he tried to say he didn’t need to have anymore. Yet again. Gabriel didn’t care. He was going to get himself drunk and try to make himself feel less like a coward.

  At least the dealer didn’t seem to have been too put off by his brusque attitude, simply dealing Gabriel in when Gabriel sat at his table saying he was on credit. Nobody checked when he said Norman had signed off on it. They simply nodded and gave him what Gabriel asked for.

  He was a patron, and they seemed to have forgotten that he had no money. Gabriel was glad about that. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with any of that. He just wanted to gamble and forget what had just happened.

  What was he thinking, kissing Cassandra like that? She should have pushed him away. Gabriel was surprised that she hadn’t. If anything, she seemed to have wanted the kiss as much as he did.

  She wanted him. He wanted her. And he couldn’t have her.

  If it got back to Percy that Gabriel had kissed Cassandra, Percy was going to be furious. His little brother had forgiven him on a lot of things, but kissing the woman Gabriel had picked out himself for Percy would be over the line. Gabriel didn’t think he would be able to confess his sins without doing irreparable damage to his relationship with his brother.

  If only Cassandra had pushed him away. Slapped him, anything, then Gabriel might have been able to walk away. Instead, she had returned the kiss, and now Gabriel was lost. All he wanted now was her. Everything else could go to hell. Even Montgomery’s.

  So much for getting Cassandra distracted. She was making him distracted.

  Gabriel’s drink finally arrived with a concerned steward, who hurried away when Gabriel glared at him. He picked up the glass and took a swig. It didn’t taste as strong as the last one. They had more than likely watered it down. Gabriel was too low to care right now, as long as he had something to drink.


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