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Page 18

by Winters, KB

“It just might be,” Monica began again. “But I plead with you to hear the evidence and decide for yourself. If it’s a waste of time, find me in contempt.”

  Monica was more than confident; she was arrogant but it seemed like the judge was buying it.

  Chance’s gaze hadn’t moved further right than Monica or further left than the judge, not bothering to cast a grateful look to anyone behind her. Me especially.

  “And if I find it isn’t a waste of time, Miss Stevenson?”

  “Then I’ll file a motion to dismiss and drop the charges. With prejudice.”

  The last two words were aimed at McAllister, who suddenly looked very uneasy.

  Still, Chance was stoic, damn near emotionless as she sat there listening to other people argue and decide her fate. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as the lawyers threw barbs back and forth, the fierce expression on her face said she’d fight like hell for her freedom.

  And didn’t that just make me feel like a real asshole, once more, for walking away from a woman like Chance? But I wasn’t wrong, I knew that. Why couldn’t she see that she was what I needed? The only thing I wanted in this world was her right by my side. Even if she ended up in jail, I wouldn’t stop trying to free her by any means necessary.

  Gunnar elbowed me from the right and Cruz from the left. “You even listening, fucker?”

  I shook my head because I hadn’t been listening. I was too busy watching Chance, looking for any sign that she was all right. But the courtroom doors flew open and two bailiffs entered, rolling a big ass audio visual cart. In just a few minutes it was all set up, and Monica stood in front of the cart and dramatically pressed a button that filled the courtroom with a familiar voice.

  “Don’t worry about it. I deleted the footage from the drive thing those dumb fuckers gave us at that sex club.”

  McAllister laughed out loud and, I shit you not, it was a perfect imitation of an evil villain’s laugh.

  “So many familiar faces on that video, I couldn’t actually delete it, not when that one night of footage will come in handy in the future. Especially for my career.”

  It wasn’t clear exactly who McAllister was talking to, but his own words were damning enough.

  “Why not just use the footage for blackmail and leave the girl alone?”

  The voice was male, but that’s all I could make out with the static and the sound of loud music in the background.

  “No way. That biker bitch is going down. The dead guy’s brother told me how she played him, a veteran for fuck’s sake. His family has some clout in Austin and putting her behind bars will make them ever so grateful.”

  The fucker changed to his best southern accent, then laughed and laughed for a full minute at the end of the call. Monica played every second of the tape.

  McAllister’s face turned pale and sweaty as the creeping sensation of being up shit creek without a paddle sank in.

  “I’d like to request a brief recess, Your Honor,” he managed to stammer out despite the judge’s glare.

  “Request denied,” the judge spat out as he banged his gavel. “Who here in this courtroom works for Mr. McAllister?”

  A young redhead in a bow tie struggled to his feet and raised his hand. “Wesley Parrish, Judge. First year attorney.”

  “Congratulations, son. You are ordered to produce this audio file to the court by the end of the day. You can manage that?”

  “Absolutely, Your Honor. To your office or the Clerk’s?”

  “Directly to me, Mr. Parrish. And hurry.”

  The kid took off as if his own future hung in the balance. The rest of us held our breath.

  And waited.

  Two hours later it was all over; Chance was in the clear.

  Free. Charges dismissed.

  Now there was nothing else in our way.

  Nothing but us.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Ella Mae

  Free. I was free, and it felt damn good. Really damn good. Unfortunately, it didn’t feel as good as it should have. Good enough, though, that I had a smile on my face as my family surrounded me on the steps of the courthouse. They pulled me in for so many hugs and kisses, fist bumps, and smiles that I was dizzy.

  “How does it feel, Chance, to know you won’t have to eat muff for the next fifteen years?”

  Leave it to Brick to get down to what really mattered.

  I threw my head back and laughed as my club surrounded me, ignoring the big ache behind my chest.

  “I’m only sad that now you’ll only have your memory of the last time a woman touched your wiener to help you get off. I would’ve taken one for the team but now…I don’t have to.”

  “Aw, Chance.” Brick tossed his hands up in the air, but all the Lords of Buckthorn groaned. I laughed again at my winning streak when it comes to grossing the guys out.

  “What? You asked for it?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Curt said as he grabbed me around the shoulders.

  “Come on, let’s get outta here. Too many cops are making me itch.”

  I elbowed him in the side and laughed.

  “That might be the waitress you spent last night with.”

  I stopped joking and looked around, realizing I hadn’t seen Monica since thanking her for taking McAllister down. All the way down.

  “Shit. My ride is gone.”

  “Don’t worry Chance. We got you.” Brick handed me a duffel bag, with my jeans, a t-shirt and my favorite motorcycle boots.

  I was touched down to my core. My thanks choked in my throat, so I wrapped both men in big hugs I knew they would hate and darted off to the nearest bathroom before I did something really stupid, like start crying.

  When I came back in my own clothes, I felt like a new woman.

  A free woman.

  Brick motioned me over. “You’re ridin’ with me. Come on.”

  I hopped on the back of Brick’s bike and held on tight, closing my eyes as the wind whipped all around me. I could feel the bike eating up the road, and I relished that feel, especially since just this morning I wasn’t sure I’d ever feel this alive again.

  The biked slowed too soon, and I opened my eyes with a frown.

  “Why are we stopping?”

  It was a ridiculous question when I recognized the path exactly, but still I waited for an answer over the roar of the engine.

  “We’re heading to Hardtail Ranch. Where else?”

  “Maybe our own clubhouse? Just an idea.”

  Anywhere but the damn backyard where it all happened. But that was on me, I should have realized. The Reckless Bastards and their women had all shown up to support me, and I appreciated it, even though I hadn’t said as much.

  Brick stopped his bike near the gleaming big white house and looked over as shoulder to prompt me to get off the damn bike.

  “Any day now, Chance.”

  “I guess they’re all in there, huh?”

  “Yep. Waiting on you. The woman of the hour.”

  I smiled at his gruffly spoken sweet words. I swung my leg off the bike.

  “You say the sweetest things, Brick.”

  “Yep, that’s me. Sweet as fucking pie.”

  He was rough and gruff, but Brick was the marshmallow of the bunch.

  “Seriously, I’m glad as fuck you’re not going to prison. I don’t want the number two spot. I’m happy where I am.”

  “Damn, and I thought it’s ‘cause you’d miss me too much.”

  “That too,” he said, lips kicking up into a lopsided grin. “Ready?”

  “No, but when has that ever stopped me?”

  I held the grin, more for my sake than Brick’s and sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I watched Brick climb the steps that led to the Reckless Bastards.

  To one Reckless Bastard in general.


  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I was happy as hell that Chance was free and wouldn’t spend any more time behind bars than she
already had, but I wasn’t in the mood for a fucking party. I wanted to grab Chance and toss her leggy ass over my shoulder and carry her home where she would have no choice but to listen to me.

  But Chance wasn’t here, not yet. I saw Curt, Brick, and a few of the other Lords walk out of the big house. The big man stood at the top of the steps with one hand shoved in his pocket, taking in the party as a whole. It was an odd mix, both MCs mingling and laughing and drinking together like we’d been part of this fucking Counsel for years rather than weeks.

  Cruz came up behind me. “Dude, it’s a party. Stop glaring at everybody before someone takes it the wrong way.” He meant it as a joke, casting a wary look over at Curt talking tattoos with Hennessy.

  “I can take anyone here. Including you,” I told him seriously.

  Cruz just laughed. And laughed. It was pretty damn obnoxious, actually. “You wish. One knee kick and you’d go down.”

  “Don’t need my legs to make you submit in less than fifteen seconds. Wanna test that theory?”

  Cruz took a step back and stared at me like he was trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me.

  “You’d really rather fight me than go fight for your woman?”

  I sighed at his words. “Might not be anything left to fight for.”

  “Bullshit. You were wrong. You think you weren’t, but you were. Hell, you are wrong, so just fucking apologize. Tell her you love her and promise to do better every day you’re together.”

  Was I wrong, though? “I shouldn’t have walked away.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have. Asshole. You also shouldn’t have forced her to decide on a future that wasn’t a possibility. Shit man, that fucking lawyer was gonna lock her up knowing she was innocent!”

  He was right. It was even worse now, after sitting through the hearing, and now Chance was here. She stood in the same spot Brick had just vacated, one hand shoved in her back pocket and the other holding an icy cocktail.

  “I know. I’m working on it.”

  “Work fast, man. Ford has a brand new patch, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a fine woman like Chance.”

  “Fuck you. Not funny.”

  Cruz laughed and clapped me on the back. “A little funny. I’m going to dance with my woman. Maybe I’ll see you out there. Maybe not,” he called over his shoulder with a laugh.

  The coast was clear. It was now or never.

  I chose now.

  Walking across the grass, I met Chance at the bottom of the steps. I smiled and said, “Hey.”

  “Hey,” she replied quietly. It wasn’t quite what I hoped for, but she hadn’t walked away.


  Her smile flashed a little brighter this time, and she ducked her head in a shy motion that was so unlike her, I reached my hand out to her and let a few tendrils of hair brush against my fingertips.

  “Thanks. It feels good to have that behind me. Thank you for your support.”

  I shrugged. “Where else would I be?”

  Her smile dimmed. “You walked away from me, Slayer. You could be anywhere else.”

  I nodded for her to follow me, and Chance’s long legs fell into step beside me. We walked around the big house toward the big field where we sometimes kept the cattle.

  “I’m sorry for walking away. I shouldn’t have done it. I was pissed off. Really pissed off.”

  I raked a hand through my head and let out a breath.

  “This whole Counsel thing was your idea and you were walking away. From us. Damn right I was pissed.”

  I wish I could make her see but talking about it pissed me off all over again.

  “I wasn’t walking away, Slayer. I was fighting for my life. My freedom!”

  “I know. I do, I really do know that, Chance. But dammit, I love you. I would wait for you.”

  She shook her head, ignoring the wisps of hair the breeze kept picking up and blowing across her face.

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that and I wouldn’t. Not ever. You’re too vibrant and too lively to be stuck waiting on someday, and I love you too much to condemn you to that life.”

  I love you too much. Those words brought a smile to my face.

  My voice cracked when I said, “You do?”

  She nodded. “Luckily, prison is no longer on my ten-year-plan.”

  I took a step forward and leaned in, twirling a lock of her hair around my finger.

  “What, or who is in those plans?”

  “I don’t know, Slayer. I love you, and that hasn’t changed, but damn, we’re fucked up. Both of us, me more than you. And now our MCs are working together, and we’ll be fighting side by side. How will this work?”

  I could tell by her expression she was serious. That she actually believed this.

  “It’ll work because we’ll make it work. You are one stubborn woman, and I’m determined as hell.”

  Those words sparked her anger, and she folded her arms across her chest, taking a step back.

  “Come again?”

  “You heard me, but let’s not worry about all that,” I told her with an easy smile. “I love you Chance. I fucking love the hell out of you, and you keep looking for reasons why this can’t work. Won’t work.”

  The air rushed out of my lungs on those words and I looked at her, stared really. Waiting.

  “That’s because I’m scared of how good we are together, and I’m more scared of losing that. Can’t you understand that?”

  Hell, yeah. Her words took all the fight out of me, and I felt my shoulders fall in defeat.

  “I do understand it, more than you know. I’m fucking terrified too, but I’m more terrified of living without you. Of not giving this thing a real shot and missing out on something pretty fucking great.”

  Her smile came slowly, so damn slowly my fingers twitched in eagerness to hear what she would say next.

  “I love you, too, Slayer, and I really want this to work out. Really.”

  “Christ, woman, was that so hard?”

  Just like that her expression changed, darkened, and intensified as her hand landed on my chest and slowly slid down to the waistband of my pants.

  “I don’t know Slayer, is it? Hard?”

  “Fuckin’ tease,” I growled and nipped her ear. And when she turned with a shocked laugh, I stole the kiss I’d been dreaming about for days. The kiss I thought I might never get to experience again. Right now I had Chance in my arms. Life was good. She moaned when I pulled back from the kiss with a smile.

  “Your place or mine?”

  “Well since yours is much closer, I think that question answers itself.”

  She leaned in again and pressed her body and those lush lips against mine, and I felt like I’d died and gone to heaven.

  And then I took Chance home and took us both to heaven.

  Three times.


  Chance ~ 6 weeks later

  How could my life change so much in six weeks? That was the first thought I had as my eyes opened and then shut right away because neither Slayer nor me had thought to close the blinds before we attacked each other. Ripped off each other’s clothes and went at it like two horny twenty-one-year olds on Spring Break. The second thought I had? How could one body ache so much from two simple orgasms? Three if you counted the one that had started it all downstairs in the kitchen.

  I totally counted it.

  But now, in bed beside Slayer, the heat of his big body making up for the fact that he was a blanket hog, a third thought crossed my mind.

  It was time.

  It was something I’d been avoiding for weeks, maybe close to a month if I was being honest with myself. I swung my legs over the bed and cast one final look over my shoulder at Slayer’s sleeping form before walking on screaming thigh muscles to the bathroom. Once inside, I flipped on the shower and then locked the door.

  Steps one and two complete.

  Next, I filled the cup beside the sink with cold water and drank it until my b
elly was uncomfortably full. Dangerously full, at least it might have been if I wasn’t in the bathroom. And on a mission.

  Five minutes later, all five missions were laid out on the counter, each one of them saying a different variation of the same thing. I was pregnant. Knocked up. With child. Up thee duff. I was having a baby. With a biker.

  Not just any old biker, but my big bearded biker with a filthy mouth and a heart of gold. I was having Slayer’s baby, and now I just needed to tell him.

  It was too soon; I knew that. We’d barely been living together for a month that we could bump to seven weeks if you really wanted to, but it was still too soon. It was either going to be another reason to celebrate, which we’ve had plenty of lately, or it was another reason to toss my cookies. Both were real and distinctive possibilities, but I was too overwhelmed to decide which was more likely.

  How were we having a baby after less than a year of dating and living together? I stepped into the still running shower and stayed there until the hot water ran lukewarm.

  “Chance? Everything all right in there?” Slayer’s big fist landed on the door after he turned the knob and found it locked. “Chance?”

  I’d just stepped from the shower and reached over to open the door before I grabbed a towel.

  “What’s up?”

  He frowned, his face still showing sleep lines from the pillowcase and bedding. “Why is the door locked?”

  I stepped in close and put my hands to his chest, feeling the wild thudding of his heart as I pushed up to kiss him, long and slow. It was hot and sweet, and instantly, my body was ready for more.

  Not yet.

  “I just needed some privacy, that’s all.”

  He took a step back and gave me a quizzical look, which I found hella sexy. I tried to keep my focus on his handsome face, not his gorgeous chest, or ink covered skin.

  “Privacy? From me?”

  “Not from you, Slayer. Just privacy. Needed to process some things, that’s all.”

  I wrapped the towel around my body and went to the vanity.

  “We good?”

  I hated that he felt the need to ask that question. The last thing I had in mind was to put some kind of obstacle between us.

  “We’re good. Better than good, in fact.”


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