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Cowboy's Baby: A Secret Baby Ranch Western Cowboy Romance

Page 13

by Crowne, K. C.

  That did the trick. Jess’s expression softened, and to my surprise her eyes glistened with tears. I moved onto the bed next to her and planted a soft kiss right on her forehead.

  “Thanks,” she said. “That means a lot.”

  “Crazy as shit what we’ve gotten ourselves into, but we’ll get you sorted out. Just promise that whatever you remember, you let me know as soon as you can.”

  “I will.”

  She wrapped her arm around me and pushed on my upper back, inviting me to come closer. I did, pressing her body against mine, feeling her tits through her shirt. Lord Almighty did I want to take her again.

  But the ranch wasn’t about to wait for us to knock boots. Things needed doing.

  “Now,” I said. “Let’s get this day goin’. There’s a couple ‘a horses out there who I’d bet are eager as hell to see you.”

  She grinned again. “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 14


  Wyatt and I settled into a nice little routine over the next couple of days. We’d start off the day with some breakfast before checking on Juniper and Red, and after that I’d do my best to pitch in around the place. Ranching wasn’t really my thing, but I wasn’t about to sit around like a bump on a log while Wyatt busted his behind.

  And there was sex. Lord, was there sex. Every time he and I had a free moment away from prying eyes, we’d be all over each other. We’d moved to an empty cabin he’d been planning on settling into with his ex but never had the opportunity to, and we hadn’t wasted any time taking full advantage of the privacy. We were both sure the rest of the family was talking by this point, but that didn’t matter. Aside from a few knowing smiles here and there, they didn’t seem to mind.

  But the camera and the pictures on it weighed on my mind. The idea that I had been at the ranch spying on the Walker family and Wyatt specifically terrified me. What had I been there to learn? The memory of my conversation with Amy was a big hint, but I couldn’t be sure what I’d been looking for. Memories were returning regularly, mostly innocuous things like a favorite restaurant, but nothing more about my job or why I had visited with Amy.

  Until I knew, I decided to keep the camera from him. I was certain the reason I’d been there wasn’t one he’d appreciate, and I was terrified he wouldn’t be able to forgive me. I wanted to enjoy the feelings of home and family I had with him a little longer, before reality crashed into me and sent me spiraling home. Alone.

  That Thursday evening, Wyatt and I were in the living room of his cozy cabin. A fire crackled, and we were lounging on the couch with mugs of spiked coffee. Neither of us spoke, and I was content to simply sit, my head on his solid shoulder.

  “Gotta ask,” he said, breaking the silence, “any more memories come back?”

  “Nothing important,” I told him, which was the truth. “After the conversation I remembered, everything’s been a foggy mess up in my head. Except I do know that I love Mexican food.”

  “Hm,” he said. “It’s been a few days. More should be comin’ back up. You hear anything from the doctor?”

  “Called today, actually,” I told him. “They told me it’s not uncommon for memory loss to last up to a week, maybe even more. Perhaps several, actually.”

  “Ah, hell,” he grumbled. “I’ve been hopin’ you’d be back to your old self before too long.”

  I grinned. “Why, eager to get rid of me?”

  He grabbed my thigh and gave it a squeeze. “You know that’s not the case. I only want you back to normal, Jess. Can’t imagine what this is like for you.”

  I was worried, sure. But being around Wyatt made it so much easier to deal with. Something about his quiet calm managed to put my mind at ease every time I’d find myself getting upset about my predicament.

  “Thanks,” I said. “But…that makes me think of something else.”

  His hand massaged my thigh. “What’s that, gorgeous?”

  “What’s gonna happen when I get my memory back?”

  He turned his eyes to the fire, the orange light illuminating his strong profile. “That’s a good question. I suppose you’ll want to get back to your old life.”

  “What old life?” I asked with a little shrug. “Me and a studio apartment, no family or friends? Doesn’t sound like anything I’d be too eager to get back to.”

  “You don’t know that,” he said. “I’m sure you’ve got people, responsibilities. Don’t be so eager to leave all of that behind.” He looked at me, smiling. “Not that I want you to go.”

  I smiled at him, and I realized I was one hundred percent ready to let my old life go. Even the little bits of that life I’d remembered held no appeal for me. After a few days in Rainbow Canyon with Wyatt, working, relaxing, eating Ginny’s delicious food, all I wanted was to stay.

  The sex only made the idea more appealing.

  There was still something, however, that lingered in the back of my mind: that damn camera. As soon as I’d find myself having a moment to relax, I’d think about it, wondering what the hell it meant. Coupled with the conversation I’d evidently had with Amy, it put together a picture that I wasn’t comfortable with. All I could do was wait for my memory to come back and hope that what I remembered wouldn’t ruin what was going on between me and Wyatt.

  “Okay,” he said, giving my thigh one last squeeze before lifting himself off the couch.

  My eyes fell to his ass, and I pictured what it’d look like from behind as he pumped away at me, the taut muscles flexing and tensing as he drilled me on all fours. Maybe after dinner we could whip up a little dessert of our own.

  “Okay?” I asked.

  “Dinner’s gonna be on before too long. Let’s go check on Juniper and Red one more time before we get to eatin’.”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  Aside from the lovemaking, seeing the horses was my favorite part of the day. I loved seeing Juniper and Red together, the mama and her boy getting closer with each passing hour.

  “I like that attitude,” Wyatt said with a smirk. He offered me his rough hand and I took it so he could help me out of my comfortable spot on the couch.

  “How’s the weather?” I asked.

  “Still damn chilly,” he said. “Might even get another storm before too long.”

  “Wow,” I said. “Crazy weather.”

  “No kiddin’. Gets any worse and we’ll be hunkerin’ down here just waiting for it to pass.”

  I grinned a bit at the idea. There were worse ways to spend a cold rainstorm than curled up with Wyatt under some blankets, just the two of us.

  We bundled up and headed outside. The men had cleared most of the ice from the walking paths. The moon was high above, the silver light catching the small puddles dotting the lawn and setting it off with a twinkle. I still was foggy on what my life in the city had been like, but not a chance in hell it was as peaceful as this.

  The two of us trudged over to the barn, the air chilly and still. Wyatt grabbed the silver handles of the door and dragged it open, shutting it behind us once we were inside. And there they were. Juniper was curled up on the ground, Red nuzzled right beside her. I couldn’t get over how quickly Red was looking more and more like a grown-up horse with each passing day.

  “How about you grab some oats for the growing boy while I give these two a checkup?”

  “Gladly,” I said with a smile. “Oh, and something else.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

  I reached into the inner pocket of my jacket, taking out my digital camera. I hadn’t deleted any of the pictures, but I saw no harm in taking more. “Thought I’d snap a few pictures of the horses. You know –something to remember Red by when he’s all grown up.”

  He flashed me a smile. “I like that idea.”

  Wyatt stepped over to the horses, both turning their attention to him as he arrived. Before I went for the oats, I watched the three of them together. It was so strange to see Wyatt in his element. The man
was so gruff, so strong-but-silent, but when he was around the animals it was something else.

  Seeing him with Juniper and Red as he placed his hands on them, stroking their coats as he spoke to them so quietly I couldn’t hear it…it had an effect on me, one I couldn’t deny. There was nothing inherently sexual about it, but watching the gentle, kind way he had with the animals made me tingle in both the heart and in places well below my belt.

  Oats. I had a job to do, and I was slacking drooling over my cowboy. I watched Wyatt and the horses for a few moments longer before making my way to the other side of the barn and grabbing the steel pail and scoop for the big barrel of oats. I bent over and stuck the scoop into the pile. And right as I did I felt the pressure of two strong hands on my hips. I grinned, knowing exactly what the handsome man behind me wanted.

  “You know,” Wyatt said from behind me, his voice tinged with a sexual purr. “You’ve been making it pretty damn hard to get any work done around here.”

  I stayed in place, loving the feeling of his hands on my body. “That right?”

  “Mhmm. Trying to tend to the animals and you’re running around in those skin-tight jeans, bending over like that. It’s enough to drive a man wild.”

  “Hate to think I’m causing you to neglect your duties.”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t getting them done. Only that you’re a hell of a distraction.”

  I prepared to stand up, but he placed his right hand in the middle of my upper back, spreading his palm and holding me in place.

  “Thinkin’ I oughta scratch this itch before tryin’ to get any more work done.”

  “Oh,” I said, glancing behind me and taking in the sight of his towering form looming over me. “That’s what you’ve got in mind?”

  He pressed his crotch against my ass. Though the thick denim, I felt his stiff cock. Only fabric separated us from what we both wanted. Liquid heat pooled in my panties at the sensation, and at how much he wanted me.

  “You stay right there,” he ordered. Before I had a chance to respond, he took his hand from my back and brought it down hard on my ass, pain and pleasure radiating out in equal parts. I moaned and squirmed, wanting him to do it again. But I knew Wyatt –he loved to be in control, and I loved when he was.

  “What you got in mind?” I asked, heat spreading from my pussy through the rest of my body.

  “Have some patience, gorgeous,” he suggested. “You’re gonna find out soon enough.”

  He stepped around me, making his way over to the tool bench. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but he was collecting something. Finally, he turned. In one hand was a nylon rope, in the other a red-and-white patterned bandana. I couldn’t help but grin.

  Wyatt took me by the hand and led me over to the side of one of the empty stalls. Once there, he bent me over again and placed my wrists against one of the wood slats.

  “Keep these here,” he commanded. “Got something to do first.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I watched as he folded the bandana crossways into a long line. Then he placed it over my forehead, pulling it down as he wrapped it around my eyes. The light in the barn was already dim, but total darkness enveloped me. I chewed my lip hard, the anticipation almost too much to bear.

  Next, he went to work on my wrists, tying the nylon rope until I was affixed to the wall. I gave the rope a tug, but the knot was tight. No surprise a cowboy like him would know how to tie a knot.

  I couldn’t see him, but I could feel his presence move around me. My other senses heightened, and I listened to the sounds of his boots crunching upon the hay, smelled the musky scent of his body. I loved every moment of it.

  Once again, he was behind me, his hands on my hips. But Wyatt wasn’t content to simply grab me. He reached around, flipping open the belt buckle and working the button and zipper underneath.

  “Now,” he said, moving his other hand along my curves. “We’re gonna have some fun. But there’s gonna be an important rule.”

  I could barely think through the arousal coursing through me, let alone speak. “Is…is that right?’

  “Mhmm,” he said. “You’re gonna do exactly what I say. Simple, right?”

  I loved the idea, loved him being in control. “Simple. I…mm…think I can handle it.”

  “Good girl.”

  He gave me an appreciative swat on the behind before returning his hand to my zipper. Wyatt pulled it down slowly, exposing the front of my panties. I couldn’t see a damn thing, but I didn’t need to. Knowing he was behind me, knowing I was his to do with as he pleased, knowing he was in control…that was all I cared about.

  Wyatt moved his hand down the waistband of my panties, his middle finger gliding between my lips, his palm cupping my mound.

  “There we go,” he murmured. “All nice and wet for me.”

  I moaned, his finger grazing my clit and making slow circles over it. God, the man knew just how to touch me, how to drive me wild.

  “Now,” he repeated, his finger moving tantalizingly close to my pussy, just to the point where he could enter. “I’m gonna make you come, and then come again. And when you’ve had enough, you’re gonna do the same for me. Got it?”

  Before I could speak, he moved his finger into me. I was soaking wet, and both his middle and index fingers slid into me with total ease. My knees buckled underneath me – already it was too much for me to handle.

  Wyatt gripped the side of my ass while he fingered me. My hands clenched into fists, my nails digging into the soft nylon of the rope.

  “I want you to scream my name when you come,” he told me. “Because I can tell you’re gonna come soon. I can feel it.”

  I didn’t have any doubt he could. I was soaked, slick and wet, and each penetration of his fingers pushed me to a new level of arousal. The orgasm moved closer and closer, his fingers moving fast in and out of me. It didn’t take much more of his magic touch before the first orgasm rocked through my body.

  “I’m coming! I’m coming, Wyatt! Jesus, fuck, that feels so good.” My voice filled the barn, Wyatt continuing to finger me through the pleasure. When I couldn’t take any more, I dropped to my knees, my arms extended above my head where he’d tied them, my whole body shaking and twitching.

  “Much as I love to see you like that,” he said. “You’re gonna need to get back up.”

  I sucked in one breath after another, my arms raised above my head. Wyatt was in a mood, a commanding mood. And though I was still recovering from the orgasm, I forced myself back up to my feet. I craved giving him what he wanted, after all. I didn’t want to disappoint the sexy cowboy.

  “Good girl.” Something about him saying it sent a thrill up and down my spine. “I’m gonna be considerate now and ask you what you want.”

  I grinned. He was asking, sure, but the answer was obvious. “You know what I want,” I said. To make my point, I swayed my ass from side to side, inviting him closer.

  “Maybe so. But I want you to say it.”

  “I want you…” I stopped, realizing how much just thinking the words turned me on. I’d already come, but I was ready for another round. “I want you to pull down my jeans and panties and shove that cock into me. I want to feel you move in and out of me, feel your prick pulse as you explode deep inside me.”

  “Jesus, girl.”

  Wyatt grabbed the waist of my jeans and peeled them down, taking my panties with them. The air was cool on my bare ass, but I knew I’d be nice and warm soon. He grabbed my hips in that firm, sexy way that only he could. Then he moved his body closer to mine, the head of his cock grazing my lips.

  “You feel that, gorgeous?” he growled. “You feel how hard I am for you?”

  “I feel it,” I said, backing up a bit and rubbing my ass against him, yearning for him to enter me. “I love how hard I make you.”

  He chuckled, pleased with my answer. “I want you to tell me how badly you want me inside you. Lemme hear it.”

  I bit my lip, so fucking arouse I cou
ld barely speak. After a slow, deep breath to steady myself, I spoke. “I want you inside me more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

  My eyes widened under the blindfold. I couldn’t believe what I’d said. But as surprising as it was, I knew the words were true.


  I could sense him taking his cock in his large hand, followed by another slow drag of his head between my lips, right over my clit. The pressure sent another wave of hot pleasure through my body. As fun as the teasing was, however, I needed him to get to it.

  Wyatt put his prick into position, and with a slow push of his hips he entered me. I let out a long moan as he penetrated my pussy, my walls gripping his thickness.

  “Damn, girl,” he said through clenched teeth. “Feels like your pussy was made for this cock.”

  I couldn’t disagree. The way he felt inside me was so perfect it was like a key fitting into its lock. Once Wyatt was buried to the root, he pulled back and drove into me again. I could barely keep standing through the incredible sensation.

  He kept his hands on my hips, his fingers kneading the soft flesh as he picked up the pace, moving from a slow drive to a deep, rhythmic pounding. The sounds of his hips slamming against my ass flowed through the air, blending with my moans and his hard, masculine grunts.

  Wyatt had only just made me come, but I felt another orgasm stirring. Then, one of his hands lifted from my ass and connected with it, a sharp smack ringing out. I cried out from the pleasure and the pain.

  “Holy shit, Wyatt,” I moaned, as he drilled me. “You’re gonna make me…”

  It was all I managed to get out. Like a dam finally breaking, the second orgasm cascaded through my body. My knees weakened underneath me, and Wyatt reached around, placing his hand on my stomach and keeping me in place.

  He pounded me through the orgasm, and I could sense by his frenzied pace that he was ready for his own. Right as I finished, he pushed deep and grunted hard. Hot splashes of cum filled me, and all I could do was squirm in delight, knowing that his orgasm was all my doing.


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