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Page 11

by Claire Kent

  “Faster,” Drayton instructed, moving closer so he could brush Julia’s hair back from her hot face. “Let me see you ride him for real. Let me see your breasts bounce.”

  Almost at climax again, Julia found the last remnants of her energy and accelerated her rhythm, bouncing over Mike in urgent motion until her hair flew all over her face and her breasts and bottom jiggled shamelessly.

  She’d almost come when she was distracted by Drayton’s movements. He’d reached over to the nightstand to get something, and then he moved behind her, over Mike’s body.

  With a little sob of frustration, she lost the momentum of her climax. Then lost her breath and had to stop riding Mike’s cock as her body was washed with heat and exhaustion.

  “Okay, baby?” Mike asked, his hands sliding up her body to cup her face.

  “Yeah,” she gasped. “Ran out of steam. Need to catch my breath.”

  She knew what was coming so she leaned down to rest her weight on Mike’s chest. He hugged her for a minute, and then she looked back at Drayton.

  He was slicking up his cock liberally with the lubricant he’d gotten from the nightstand. But he arched one eyebrow at her when he noticed her look. “Are you ready? Have you caught your breath?”

  “Yeah.” She pulled herself up a little and let Drayton adjust her body and part her bottom cheeks until he could get his cock in position.

  He used his fingers to stroke along the crease of her ass until he’d found her pussy and the base of Mike’s cock. Then he moved his fingers back a little until he’d found the tighter entrance behind.

  Julia closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and tried to relax as she felt his cock pushing against her ass. They’d done this before, many times, and only the first time had been terribly uncomfortable. But it took a lot of mental and physical energy for her, and she hadn’t planned on taking him anally this evening.

  But this was one way the three of them could be together—in the most literal and visceral of ways. And she wanted them together—she wanted them to reconnect. Desperately. And so she wanted to do this.

  “All right, baby?”

  She didn’t open her eyes, but she responded to Mike’s question—oddly touched that he kept checking in with her, even though they weren’t doing anything they didn’t normally do.

  “I’m good,” she breathed, bracing her hands on his shoulders.

  Drayton pushed in about an inch, then pulled out and applied more lube. Then he pushed in again even farther before pulling out again and reapplying.

  Each penetration was deeper and tighter than the previous one, and despite her experience, Julia felt stretched beyond her limit, trapped between these two strong male bodies.

  Soon, Drayton had entered her fully, and both men’s cocks shared her body. Julia gasped and whimpered helplessly as the sensations bombarded her and both of their hands caressed her.

  “You’re so sweet, so hot,” Drayton rasped at her ear, clearly affected by the feeling of being inside her in such an intimate way. “Are you ready?”

  She wasn’t ready. She was overwhelmed with sensation, pulled in opposite directions, stretched too tightly, too fully, both of her channels penetrated by solid, dominant flesh.

  But she could already feel her orgasm developing—the most powerful kind of orgasm she experienced. And, as her cheeks and throat and bottom burned, she choked, “Oh, yeah. Fuck me. Both of you.”

  By necessity, they couldn’t thrust as strongly as they might want. They were too closely aligned in her body, and their positions wouldn’t allow it. But they both started to rock their hips, their cocks shifting inside her body, rubbing against her inner walls.

  She couldn’t really move herself—just respond to their motion, swaying back and forth between the two of them at the demands of their rhythm.

  She couldn’t keep from whimpering, and her hands clawed at Mike’s shoulders as the sensations continued to intensify and gather inside her.

  She could hear Drayton breathing behind her, occasionally letting out husky moans. And she could hear Mike’s rhythmic grunts as he fucked her from below. But she couldn’t open her eyes. She couldn’t handle visual stimulation on top of everything else she was feeling.

  Her body felt out of her control, driven helplessly between the two of them into animalistic, primal pleasure.

  As her climax rose, her whimpers turned into little sobs. “Oh, God!” she choked. “So good. Gonna come.”

  An incongruous panic rose inside her at the same time, a base, irrational fear that her climax would be so powerful it would break her completely, rip her apart between the two of them.

  The anxiety only added to the power of her orgasm, and her motion became jerky and clumsy as she moved between the two men. The bed shook, their bodies shook. It felt like her entire consciousness was shaking as the deep pressure built up from their rutting, the two men fucking her between them.

  Soon she couldn’t form full words, just primitive grunts and sobs. Her voice grew louder though, as the huffs and rasps of the men did too.

  “Come, baby,” a rough voice spoke in the room. “Come now.”

  Her response to the voice—inexplicably coming from behind her—pushed her into climax at last.

  She didn’t scream—she didn’t have enough energy remaining. Her mouth parted in a soundless cry as her body convulsed, spasmed, and pulsed. Her contracting muscles pulled first Mike and then Drayton into climax as well.

  Mike bit back an exclamation as the coiled tension in his body released, and Drayton let out a long, thick groan as his pelvis jerked a few times against her ass.

  They both released inside her, completing the feeling of being overly full, of being ripped into pieces.

  Julia couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. She could only feel—everything—too much.

  To her infinite relief, she finally heard Mike say hoarsely, “Drayton, pull out.”

  Drayton was out of breath, and he muttered something under his breath, but he carefully pulled his cock out of her back entrance.

  Then she felt a pair of hands—they must have been Mike’s—on her ribs. “Baby,” he murmured, “try to lift up.”

  She obeyed, managing to lever herself off of him and collapse onto the bed in a boneless heap. But all she could think about was that Drayton had called her ‘baby’ before she came a minute ago.

  Drayton never called her “baby.”

  It was wrong.

  For some reason, she felt a surge of claustrophobia. She felt surrounded, even though Mike was just lying beside her and had gently reached over to stroke her arm, and Drayton was getting off the bed—heading to his bathroom to shower immediately as he always did after anal sex.

  Suddenly, she couldn’t take it anymore and with a rush of emotion she scrambled off the bed and limped to her bathroom. She heard Mike call something out after her, but her mind was too fuzzy to make out the words.

  After closing and locking the door, she sat down on the toilet. She expelled the semen and tried to clean herself up some, but her hands were shaking and her eyes burned inexplicably.

  There was a knock on the door. “Julia? Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, appalled when her voice cracked dramatically. She cleared her throat and tried again. “Mike, I’m fine.”

  The doorknob jiggled. “Julia, let me in. You don’t sound all right.”

  Her knees were so weak she had to sit down on the toilet again. “I’m fine, Mike. Don’t nag.”

  The door rattled loudly. “If you don’t let me in, I’m going to get my tools and take this door down. I mean it.”

  She knew it wasn’t an idle threat, and she didn’t have the energy to argue anymore. So she got up, unlocked the door, and moved to the sink to stick her hands under the faucet, mostly for something to be doing.

  Mike opened the door immediately. He was still naked, like she was, and his face was confused and angry. He didn’t speak right away—just
stood and watched her as she scrubbed at her hands.

  Finally, she couldn’t stand his silent scrutiny so she glared at him over her shoulder. “Well, what did you want?”

  A muscle twitched on the side of his face. His brown hair was sticking up in all directions, and the bottom half of his face was dark from the growth of half a day’s beard. “If you tell me that you just did that when you didn’t want it, I’m going to go strangle Drayton and then come back here and strangle you too.”

  Julia made a choking sound and sat down again on the toilet, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes as emotion rose to the surface. “I did want to,” she managed to say, wondering what the hell was wrong with her that she was about to completely lose it. “I did.”

  “Then what’s wrong? I thought you changed your mind, but now I’m wondering if he didn’t bully you into it after all.”

  “No!” She dropped her hands with a jerk of her head. “I’m not that much of a wimp, and he wouldn’t do that. I did change my mind about sex. I don’t know what’s wrong with me now.” She rubbed her face and tried to pull herself together, but she couldn’t seem to make her mind or her limbs work.

  Mike stood and watched her, still naked, looking helpless and uncharacteristically vulnerable. Finally, he turned on the shower and stuck his hand under the spray until it was the temperature he wanted. “Do you want to take a shower?”

  She shook her head, not trusting her legs to hold her up.

  Then she felt his strong hands, pulling her up to her feet. “Come on, baby. I’ll get in with you. It will make you feel better.”

  She let him help her into the shower, and then let him support her and lather her up as the hot water sprayed down on her drained, sweaty body.

  It did make her feel better. And it also stripped the last of her defenses. She burst into tears, hating herself for crying for no reason, hating that she was being so silly.

  Mike made a helpless noise in his throat and then pulled her into his arms. She cried for a minute into his chest before she pulled herself together again. But Mike didn’t let her pull away. He stroked her wet hair, her back, her still sore bottom. And as he caressed her gently he muttered, “Damn Drayton. I should have stopped him. What the hell was I thinking?”

  “No,” Julia said, pulling away enough to look up into his face. “You can’t blame him. We’ve had sex like that many times before. And I wanted it tonight. I did. It was my choice. I don’t know what my problem is now.”

  “You didn’t even feel like sex tonight.” Mike reached over to turn off the shower and then grabbed a towel to start drying her off.

  “I changed my mind,” she insisted. It was important to her that no one misunderstand. She hadn’t been in the mood, but she hadn’t done what she’d done against her will.

  She’d wanted it. It just wasn’t exactly what she’d wanted.

  After they’d dried off, Julia went back into her bedroom and put on her pajamas while Mike stripped the bed. Together, they remade it with clean sheets, and Julia crawled under the covers in absolute exhaustion. She stared up at Mike, who was standing next to the bed as if he didn’t know whether he should join her or not. “I just wanted to cuddle tonight,” Julia whispered.

  “I know, baby.” Mike got into bed beside her and pulled her against him. He smelled clean and warm and Mike-like. “I’m sorry.”

  It took a minute for her to register the exact nuance of his tone. But she eventually realized that he’d sounded guilty. As if he were blaming himself for what had happened.

  The thought caused a stab of pain to shoot through her throat. “It wasn’t your fault, sweetie,” she said, squeezing him with her arms. “How many times do I have to say that I changed my mind?”

  Mike was silent a long time before he answered. “Can you tell me why you changed your mind?”

  It was the question she’d been hoping he wouldn’t ask. The question she was hoping she wouldn’t have to ask herself. But she knew the answer already. So she made herself say it. “I wanted us all to be close. Closer than we are now. Closer than we’ve ever been before. I wanted us to be together.”

  She felt another ripple of distress run through her, coming out as a choked sob. It hadn’t worked. They weren’t any closer now than they’d been two hours before.

  Drayton came back in before Mike could respond. His hair was damp from the shower and he was wearing a pair of thin dark gray pajama pants Julia had bought him last Christmas. He got into bed with them without speaking, scooting up on the other side of Julia.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked, evidently noticing her tear streaked face. “What’s the matter?”

  He was genuinely concerned, and she reassured him before any more tension could develop between Drayton and Mike.

  Julia was too exhausted to stay awake very long, no matter how much emotional upheaval she was facing.

  She fell asleep between Mike and Drayton. And just before sleep overtook her she had to admit something bitterly hard to herself.

  She just wasn’t strong enough—no one was—to hold these two men together.


  “Okay. Hold on,” Helen said, as she pulled into the street parking place she’d been waiting for. When she put the car into park, she turned to stare at Julia. “You were fucking both of them, and they were mad at each other the whole time?”

  “Not mad. At least, I don’t think so. There was just tension between them.”

  “You said they were glaring at each other.”

  Julia took off her seatbelt and adjusted to get more comfortable, which wasn’t easy given the topic of conversation. She and Helen were pretty open about things, but they were getting into very intimate details about her private life, details she was insecure about herself. It wasn’t entirely easy to talk about. “Mike was glaring. At least, he did a couple of times. Most of the time he acted normal, though. It was all in undercurrents, so it’s really hard to pin down exactly.”

  “But they were willing to get naked and do the nasty with each other,” Helen said with an arch of one eyebrow.

  Snorting, Julia stared out at the familiar street. “For an English professor, you have a rather crude way with words sometimes.”

  “I use the best word for the occasion.”

  “Don’t forget to turn off your lights.” When Helen clicked the car headlights off, Julia added, “And they weren’t really doing it with each other.”

  Helen stared bluntly. She was still wearing her work clothes—blazer and long skirt—and her hair was pinned up in the bun she wore to try to look more intimidating. “They were in bed together, sans clothes, in various states of arousal and climax, weren’t they?”

  “Yeah.” For some reason, Julia found herself blushing. Despite her lifestyle, for the last year and a half, there was still something bizarre about hearing it spoken so baldly. “But they mostly just fuck me.”

  “Do they take turns and close their eyes while the other is getting busy?”

  Julia turned in her seat with an impatient expression. “Your point is taken.”

  “My point is they are intimate.” Helen was dead serious now. No trace of irony in her face or her tone. “I don’t care if they’re mostly focused on you. It’s an intimate act and they’re in it together with you. You just can’t think about them as normal guy friends.”

  “I don’t. Really I don’t. I used to think they’d been lovers before, since they had such an obvious closeness. But now I don’t really think so. But there has to be something more than friendship between them.” She felt overwhelmingly tired all of a sudden, and she closed her eyes and rested her head against the back of the seat. “But they don’t kiss. They never have sex without me, and they don’t even touch anymore.”

  “Did they use to?”

  “Yeah,” Julia admitted, realizing how long ago it seemed now. “Mostly when I egged them on. It was kind of sexy. You know?”

  “I can imagine.” Helen’s tone was mo
re like normal again—clever and slightly wry.

  Julia grinned at her briefly before she sobered once more. “They don’t anymore, though. I’ve always wondered about their relationship before we got together. All I know is they were friends. I wish…I wish they still were.”

  “People change. They grow apart. It happens in marriages all the time. Why couldn’t it happen between them?”

  Her best friend had just given voice to the fears that had been churning in her gut for the last two months. “Yeah, but where does that leave me?”

  Helen shook her head, her eyes on the pedestrians heading down the street. “That’s the part that sucks. I guess when you have a relationship between three people and two of them pull apart, the whole thing collapses.”

  It hurt. Hearing it spoken like that. Acknowledging it as true. But not as much as it had the night before. Julia realized she’d been slowly admitting the truth to herself over the last few weeks, since it had been too hard to accept all at once. “Yeah, I don’t know how you take a threesome and try to perverse just part of it. I don’t want to lose...” She caught herself subconsciously, before her mind could completely the sentence automatically in a way that had to be wrong. “I don’t want to lose them. Things between me and both of them are still good.”

  “Are they?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you really think Mike has been happy lately?”

  She knew the answer to that question, and she felt horrible about it. “No. He hasn’t. But it’s Drayton he’s distancing himself from. Not me. He still cares about me.”

  “Sure, he does,” Helen agreed. “But do you really think he’s happy with the nature of your relationship—I mean his relationship with you?” When Julia immediately began to object, Helen spoke over her. “Think about it.”

  Julia made herself do so, despite her urge to jump down her friend’s throat. She thought back over the last couple of months. Considered Mike’s behavior, what had been lurking under the surface. She remembered how lonely he’d seemed sometimes, even when he was around her and Drayton. She thought about how—despite his kindness—he’d kept holding so much of himself back.


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