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The Divinity

Page 4

by Chloe Ellison

  “It's not quite as bad as you think. Surveillance isn't 24/7 for potential agents, there's no way. Too many of them. So you may have actually snuck a few in without us knowing.”

  “Beautiful. Do agents ever go nuts? Like completely lose their marbles?” he asked. Max was fully engaged, bursting with interest as always. It's the thing that got him through pre-training, because God knows he wasn't easy to guide through the curriculum.

  “All the time, but never the ones who make it to Divination. We know what we're doing. God never gives you more than you can handle.”

  “Unless you are a lowly potential agent?”

  “Correct. How is training going? I haven't heard about any recent tiffs between you and Agent Brixley.” I asked, starting in on my small checklist of the questions that I had prepared for him.

  “It's all good. I enjoy most of it. Brixley isn't a bad trainer, and I'm trying to keep things cordial between us. You know, for the sake of the team.”

  “I'm glad to hear that. How are you doing with the anger?”

  “In general? Or towards Brixley?”

  “I was asking about Brixley, but I'd be glad to hear about any issues you have regarding anger.”

  “Is what it is. You've read my file, and the poems. I had a lot invested in her, emotionally speaking. But I don't want anyone who doesn't want me, and I'm cool with closure. Plenty of babes who work here as agents and as operatives.”

  “Very true. Women are spectacular creatures, and ours are the cream of the crop.”

  “None quite like you though Mama Maryam.” he said, always the charmer. Unfortunately for him, agents don't score therapy points for flattery.

  “Mmm hmm. I actually haven't gotten around to the old love poems you wrote to Agent Brixley. Despite an occasional peek at your booty in the shower, I actually try to give my agents as much privacy as I can afford them while still doing my job. I will eventually have a look at them though, as I do suspect there will be future couples therapy sessions between you and Agent Brixley. I'll save em for then.”

  “Hopefully we can avoid that, but Mama Maryam does know best. I'm gonna try to keep things cool between Agent Brixley and I. But there is something about her, something that just, irks me.”

  “What is it?”

  “I'm not sure. Old feelings maybe, I dunno. I can't wait until I can beat her ass in problem solving. I'm gonna be such a dick about it.” I could see it in his eyes. He was trying, but there was no closure between them as far as he was concerned.

  “Very mature. That'll definitely keep things cool.” I said. We wrapped up our session a few minutes later.

  DIVINITY Log: Kynsey Brixley

  LOG Entry: 420


  Today I had my final briefing, and the opportunity to speak with Eduardo Garcon regarding the mission itself, as well as my training of Max Speer.

  “I understand that Agent Speer has been a tad unruly, but is advancing through his training anyway?” he asked.

  “Correct. I think we've gotten past our personal issues.”

  “Mama Maryam doesn't feel that way.”

  “Well, at least to the point where we can train effectively.” I said.

  “Good. Look, I know about your reservations, but he is going to be doing ten risk missions, and you are the trainer best suited to him. And don't repeat this, but you have quickly ascended to the level of our elite trainers.” said Mr. Gordon.

  “Thank you sir. That means a lot.”

  “But don't think for a minute it's going to be easy. Your personal history with Agent Speer aside, he's a rebellious fucker. If you are able to see him through his training all the way to risk ten readiness, it will not go unnoticed. You'll be rewarded financially, with a hefty bonus check.” he said, showing an interest in myself and Agent Speer that I had never seen from him before. Not that I'm privy to many conversations with the head of Project Divinity.

  “I won't let you down sir.”

  “I know. That's why I chose you. But for now, I need your focus on the mission at hand. It's in and out, ideally, but you have to obtain their trust quick. It's not a walk in the park, and you've got to watch out for cartel members who have infiltrated the organization itself. We don't know who they are, hence it is imperative that you are disciplined in regards to all classified information that you are able to obtain.”


  “It's always a pleasure Agent Brixley. I'll have my eye on you as always, and I wish you luck in your upcoming mission. You leave in what, 3 days?”

  “Yes sir, on the second.”

  “God speed soldier.”

  “Thank you sir.” and that was the way my briefing ended. Interesting indeed. To go along with that, despite it being our final day of training together until my mission is complete, Max and I had a fantastic day of training.

  We sat through a simulated meeting, where we were to obtain various bits of information simply through observation. Hyper awareness training, as it's called. Max loves spy stuff, and paying attention is our most valuable asset as spies. There is a formal exam given after the meeting, where you work as a team to try and piece together what was obtained to answer certain questions. It's difficult training, where a 60 out of 100 is passing.

  “D for diploma. It's just like high school!” Max’s initial comment wasn't exactly encouraging, but when it came time for our exam, I was pleased to see that he took it more seriously than he had ever taken his academic career on the outside. He caught nearly everything, tiny details that had completely slipped past my awareness. When it was all said and done, we scored a 91. A new record for that particular scenario.

  “Yes!” I said. After learning about the rewards I would be receiving in exchange for his risk ten readiness, it was a promising session.

  “Damn that's my shit. It felt real as fuck.”

  “I know, right? New record. See what happens when we work together?” I asked.

  “We make a good team. I've always known that.” he pulled me close, and squeezed me like an old lover. It was the first time he had touched me since before. “Look Kynsey, I'm on board. I've been talking to Mama Maryam, drinking less, and I dunno, this program is my shot to make something of myself. To be somebody. And I trust you to help me get there. The past is the past, I'll get over it. I can't promise I'll be perfect, because you know, I've established my share of negative behavioral patterns, but I'm on board.”

  “Awh. I hope you don't think I'm gonna go easy on you during problem solving because you are finally being nice.”

  “By the time you get back, I won't need you to.”

  “Whatever you say Max.” I started to walk away, training was over and I was ready to relax.

  “Hey Kynsey.”


  “I know you won't need it, but good luck.” he said, without a hint of his usual sarcasm.

  “Thank you Max. And you're right, I won't need it. Besides, it just a risk level 7 mission for “turds”” anyway.”

  “Hush. Every mission carries risk, don't play around with it.”

  “I'm not the one who calls them bitches missions”

  “I'm sorry okay? You're my home girl, whether you wanna admit it or not. You're my trainer, and we are on the same team. I'm rooting for you. That's all I'm saying.”

  “Thanks Max.” I stepped forward, and gave him a hug of my own. He was right, and there was no need for me to have my guard up with him. We have known each other for a long time, and it felt so natural to re-establish that rapport. Definitely a nice load off of my mind before heading out.


  LOG Entry 11


  I can't believe her, I really can’t. How could I have misjudged someone so badly? I'm receptive as hell, and talented as a spy, but I missed on her completely. I guess that's my lesson. Don't trust a fellow spy, I should have figured it out earlier.

  At least she is leaving. In the meantime I'll be
training with Barthelemy Ewing, who they call Badass Bart for his grappling prowess, and Mama Maryam. No complaints. I'll have switched trainers by the time she returns, and if all goes as planned, we won't even have to deal with each other outside of an occasional awkward hello at Christmas parties, which seems to be what she wants anyway. I actually tried to patch shit up, which isn't even my style, but some people simply won't have it.

  I walked into the lunch area, and was digging around for a bowl when I stumbled across a poster board. It was an office pool for Project Divinity, and what were they betting on? It was a simple over under, with multiple choices. How many years would he survive, and how many missions would he complete? He, in this case, was Agent Max Speer.

  Now I'm all about receiving personal attention, but this was pretty intense. The whole program was literally betting on my life! There was one other agent in the lunchroom, someone I didn't know.

  “Yo! I'm down for 3 missions and four years. I think you've got a shot at the record.”

  “Thanks.” I said, without looking up. There were all sorts of bets on that thing. “Did everyone throw in on this?” I asked, looking them over individually.

  “I mean, not everyone.” he said, before tossing his empty paper plate into the trash can and heading out. Then I saw it, in purple freaking ink. Brixley, with her mark on one year and one mission. My supposed friend and trainer, a liar with no faith in me at all.

  I stormed my way into Mama Maryam’s office. She wasn't seeing anyone at the time.

  “Have you seen this?” I said, my voice breaking with a screech.

  “What is it? Oh, that. Yeah I've seen it, I'm in the pool.”

  “How is this okay? Like what the fuck?” I tossed it down on the floor, slammed the door behind me, and took a seat. Mama Maryam smiled, winked, and moved toward the therapy bar.

  “You've got to have thick skin in this program Max. Especially you ten men. You'll be having red?”

  “Fuck that. Whiskey please, a double.”

  “Ice?” she asked, unreactive to my anger.

  “Why would I need that? Just gas in a glass please.”

  “As you wish.” she handed me the booze and took a seat. “So, you are mad that we placed bets on how many missions and years you'd survive in the program?”

  “Yeah. I mean, whatever. I don't really care.”

  “You seem pissed.”

  “I am.”

  “I thought you didn't care?”

  “I fucking don’t. I'm pissed because, because Agent Brixley is supposed to be my trainer. She doesn't think I'm gonna make it past a year.”

  “Well, will you?”

  “Fuck yeah I will.”

  “So why does it matter what she thinks?”

  “It doesn't matter! At all. But it matters to me. Don't you get it? I'm not exactly hiding my feelings here. The person whose job it is to ensure that I'm ready to take on the hardest missions in the world, has zero confidence that I can actually complete them.”

  “But again, does it actually matter? When you are on mission, will her bet in an office pool have any affect on your ability to actually complete the missions?” Mama Maryam was calm about the whole thing, and didn't seem to understand the core of my complaint.

  “It matters in the sense that this is a team, and with a simple switch of trainers, I can find someone who believes in me.”

  “So your issue is that Agent Brixley doesn't believe in you?”


  “But the others who bet against you, of which there were many, their opinions don't bother you?”


  “Fair enough. Let me start by saying, regardless of the bet she placed in the Max pool, she is completely dedicated to her mission of training you up to risk ten readiness.”

  “I appreciate that, but if you don't mind, I'll take my chances with another trainer.”

  “As I've mentioned before, official training requests must be sent all the way up to Eduardo Garcon. And they do require a session of couples therapy before they can be processed.”

  “Stop calling it that. We are not a couple.”

  “That's what it's called. You prefer the term “pair therapy”?”

  “I prefer that I am no longer associated with Agent Brixley in a training capacity. Please send it up the chain, I'm not afraid to say what needs to be said.”

  “And what about the therapy session? Agent Brixley leaves in the morning.”

  “What are you doing now?

  “I'm not putting Agent Brixley through that so close to a mission. You'll have another trainer until she gets back.”

  “I know. And I'd like it to stay that way. Schedule it for her return.”

  “I'll honor that request if you still feel that way, but can I suggest that you wait until then? Let it cool down.”

  “I love you Mama Maryam, you're dope. I trust you, but I need you to trust me on this. I'm not here to hang out with Kynsey while she fondles wrinkly old balls, I'm here for high risk missions. I'm so expendable that half the agents in the program placed bets on how quick I'll be dead, but I'm also asset number one. Please, until that fateful day comes, help me.”

  “I'm not disagreeing with you Max. It's why you were recruited, invested In, fast tracked, and given leeway in pre-training that other potential agents do not receive. It's also why we're so protective.”

  “I don't require protection. I require big guns and ten risk missions.”

  “Okay. I'll pencil you and Agent Brixley in for a couples therapy session upon her return. If you still feel this way following the session, I'll sign off on an official request to change your trainer.”

  “Thank you.” I put what remained in my glass into my head, and stood up to end our unofficial therapy session. “Before I go, what was your bet? In the Max pool.” I had to know.

  “I took the highest over. Five plus years and four plus missions.”

  “You swear?”

  “I do.”

  “Jesus.” I'm not sure if it was the booze, or actually having the support of someone I cared about, but I broke down. Mama Maryam moved in quick for a hug. “Thank you.”

  “It's okay boo. Being a ten man is hard.”

  “Did anyone else take that bet?”

  “No, but there were a few others who thought you'd tie the record.”

  “I won't let you down.” I wiped my tears and got a hold of myself. Mama Maryam had my back, and no one knew better than her from what I could tell.

  “Max, it doesn't matter how long you last, or how many missions you complete. I've monitored your growth for seven years, you are golden as far as I'm concerned. A true ten.”

  “So are you.”

  I remember the feeling

  It felt so true

  A long time ago

  When I wanted you

  But now it's over

  And I can't pretend

  to identify with it at all

  Monogamy is dead

  Novelty instead

  It's over my head

  And I'm not jaded

  Just having fun

  I am the one

  So I don't need you

  Fell in love with me

  These eyes can see

  That I don't need you

  DIVINITY LOG: Kynsey Brixley

  LOG Entry: 422


  And I'm off. No idea when I'll return, but I'm looking forward to the mission despite my trepidation. This is why I was divined, time to get it done. Mission number three for me, as I bore easily and like to stay busy.

  Gonna enjoy the team breakfast, our standard ritual for all agents leaving on mission. A chance to break bread and say goodbye to the fam, just in case. Wish me grace.

  -Agent Brixley


  Individual Therapy Log: Agent Max Speer

  LOG Entry 6

  Therapist: Mama Maryam


  “I understand
that you weren't present to see Agent Brixley off this morning?” I asked.

  “I was on a run. Felt like running.” he said. Speer often enters therapy a bit on the defensive, but he always opens up. It's in his nature to talk, especially if it is about himself.

  “I see. Did that decision have anything to do with the Max pool?” I asked.

  “Yeah, for sure. Not like it matters or she cares. Physical training is actually important.”


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