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Her Elemental Dragons: The Complete Series

Page 64

by Elizabeth Briggs

  “It’s beautiful,” my mother said. “I’m so happy you’re painting again.”

  “Why are you here?” I asked again, pinning my father with a steely gaze.

  He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He looked a lot older than I remembered. “I’ve come to tell you I deeply regret what I did that day, and I’m sorry. I thought I was helping you.”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “You turned me in to the Onyx Army. You effectively sealed my death sentence. How is that helping me?”

  “General Voor promised you wouldn’t be killed, only brought back into the Onyx Army and punished. I hoped you would realize the error of your ways.” He shook his head, staring down at his hands. “I see now that I was wrong. About a lot of things. I only hope that one day you’ll be able to forgive me.”

  “We’re moving to Soulspire,” Mom said, surprising me. “The Fire Realm has nothing left for us except bad memories. We’d like a fresh start somewhere near you.”

  I crossed my arms, leaning back in my chair. “You think that by moving closer and saying you’re sorry I’ll forgive your betrayal?”

  “No,” Dad said. “I only hope that you’ll give me a chance to try to mend things between us. I love you, son, and I’m proud of you. Really damn proud.”

  I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I disliked my father, but I loved him too, and I missed my mother. In the past, I would have gone into an angry rage and told them to get out of my office, but I’d changed since meeting Kira and the others. Maybe my father could change too.

  “I’m not sure forgiveness is possible, but it would be good to see you more often,” I said.

  My mother’s smile made it worthwhile, while my father nodded eagerly. Our relationship might never be what it was, but this was a start in the right direction at least.

  After they left, I felt Kira’s presence draw near. I stood and walked to the door to greet her with a kiss. She had a blank canvas under her arm.

  “Everything all right?” she asked.

  “It is now,” I said. “What did you bring me?”

  She held out the canvas. “I thought a few hours of painting might do you good. You seemed stressed, and that guest room in the west wing of the palace needs an artist’s touch.”

  I chuckled softly as I set the canvas aside and drew her close. “That’s very thoughtful of you. But I think I need some inspiration from my muse first.”

  I pulled her into the room and shut the door with a wry grin. As my lips found her neck and my hands slid down her body, she let out a husky laugh filled with desire. I would never grow tired of that sound—or of loving Kira.




  The gardens outside Soulspire palace were full of people in their finest clothes, all of them chatting with excitement and anticipation as they waited for the wedding to begin. When the music ended a hush went through the crowd and the two brides stepped forward, wearing matching gowns in different colors. Brin’s gown was pale yellow and decorated with citrines to represent the Air Realm, while Leni’s was the color of fresh new leaves with emeralds for the Earth Realm. The gown was cut so that it didn’t hide Leni’s missing arm but celebrated it, a reminder of our triumph at the Spirit Temple and everything we’d sacrificed for peace.

  With their hands clasped, Brin and Leni moved to stand in front of the altar, which was decorated with crystals, incense, candles, and bowls of water, representing the four elements. Calla, the High Priestess of the Fire God, greeted them both with a smile and began the ceremony.

  I watched my best friend as she spoke the words binding her life to Leni’s, and I couldn’t help but smile. Brin had become one of my advisers in the last few years, helping me with diplomatic relations between the four Realms. After Kira released all the Realms to rule themselves independently, the Air and Water Realms had adapted easily and were eager for this change, but the Earth and Fire Realms had a harder time with it. They’d relied so much on the Black Dragon’s control and guidance that they’d struggled without it, but things were getting better now. Brin had been a big part of that.

  Leni, on the other hand, worked for Reven. She’d proved to be a good scout and spy, plus she wasn’t afraid of the elementals…or anything else, really. And she never let her injury hold her back.

  As the ceremony wrapped up, Kira took my hand with a bright smile. I caught Slade’s eye and he gave me a warm nod. His large family stood around him, his mother crying happy tears into a handkerchief and his other sister beaming with happiness. Brin’s parents were there too looking much more stoic, although they were smiling, and their eyes were bright. They’d accepted their daughter and the woman she loved, even if they’d once wanted me to marry her instead.

  When the two women kissed and were proclaimed a married couple, the entire audience cheered. Kira raised a hand and petals of all different colors rained down on the garden like snow, and everyone turned their heads up toward the blessing.

  “We never had a wedding,” I said to her. “Does that bother you?”

  “Not at all,” Kira said. “We don’t need one. Our souls are bound together for all eternity. That’s stronger than any wedding ceremony.” She nudged me with her hip. “Besides, we get enough attention as it is. It’s nice to have a day honoring our friends instead.”

  “Yes, it is.” I glanced around the garden, which Kira had put in last year to honor the Life Goddess. Hundreds of people now celebrated on its lawn, dancing to the music and congratulating the happy couple. There were elementals among us too, the ambassadors who had been staying in the palace the past few years while the negotiations with their people progressed. Reven had been a big part of that, and though relations with the elementals weren’t perfect, they were getting better. He spoke with one of them now while sipping a glass of wine, with Jasin beside him nodding at something he said.

  Behind them, I caught sight of Cadock and Faya dancing with her son Parin, now about five years old. They’d gotten married two years ago, and Faya was pregnant with her second child now. She was another of my advisers, helping me with the Earth Realm in particular. As Cadock picked up Parin I noticed his slight limp, another reminder of our victory and everything we’d lost to achieve it. A touch of old sadness struck me as I remembered my brother Garet, who’d also fallen that day. I knew he would be proud of what we’d accomplished since then.

  Kira and I made our way through the crowd, speaking to a few people along the way, before finally reaching Brin and Leni. They were still holding hands, their cheeks flushed, their eyes dancing with joy.

  “Congratulations,” I said, giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thank you,” Brin said, flashing a dazzling smile at Leni.

  Kira gave each of them a hug. “I’m so happy for you both.”

  “I couldn’t imagine two people more perfect for each other,” I said. “It’s about time you two got married.”

  Leni laughed. “Brin was resistant for a long time, but I finally convinced her to marry me.”

  Brin waved her comment away. “I wasn’t resistant, we were just busy!”

  “Sure, that’s what it was.” Leni rolled her eyes with a smile.

  “Excuse me if I was hesitant to get married after being forced to be betrothed to this man for so long,” Brin said, nudging me with her elbow.

  I laughed. “Oh, so now it’s my fault?”

  “Ignore her,” Leni said. “We wouldn’t have met at all if not for you.”

  Slade rested a hand on his younger sister’s shoulder. “We’re all very happy that it worked out this way.”

  We chatted for another few minutes before Brin and Leni were called over to talk to someone else, leaving the three of us alone in our corner of the garden.

  “You and I are officially family now,” I said to Slade.

  He wrapped one of his thick arms around my shoulder. “We’ve been family since Kira first brought us together.”

leaned against me with a smile. “And this is why we don’t need a wedding.”

  “As usual, you’re right,” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

  No, we didn’t need a wedding. As Slade said, we were a family, bound to each other, heart and soul, our destinies entwined from our first breaths to the day we would leave this world. And in a few years, we’d have one more addition to that family. I, for one, couldn’t wait.




  I stared down at the bundle in my arms, taking in her perfection. Her skin was smooth, soft, and dark—not quite as dark as mine, but close. She had my dark hair too, although not very much of it yet. Her eyes were hazel though, like her mother’s.

  Kira watched me rocking little Sora from the doorway for a moment. “Well, there’s no doubt she’s your blood. She looks just like you.”

  I grinned as my daughter stared up at me with her big eyes. Before little Sora was born, we’d had no idea who had sired her. I had to admit I’d been thrilled seeing that she was mine, since I’d always wanted children. “She has my skin and hair, yes, but her beauty is all yours.”

  “Let’s hope she has your calm temperament too.”

  Sora opened her mouth and let out a piercing wail in response, making both of us laugh. Even when she was crying, she was cute somehow.

  “It’s probably time to feed her again,” Kira said.

  She settled in the rocking chair in one corner of the nursery and got all her pillows and blankets together, while I pressed a kiss to Sora’s forehead. When Kira was ready, I handed her our daughter so she could begin nursing.

  “Do you need anything?” I asked as they settled in.

  “I don’t think so, but thank you.”

  I nodded and relaxed in one of the other chairs with a sense of quiet contentment. I’d once wanted a simple life as a blacksmith in a small town with a wife and children. My life had ended up anything but simple, but somehow it turned out even better than I’d expected. I had a woman I loved more than I could ever imagine, three men who were like brothers to me, and a purpose that fulfilled me—and now my life was truly complete with the birth of our daughter.

  Auric popped his head in the room. “The delegation from the Fire Realm has arrived.”

  “Thanks for letting me know,” Kira said. The Fire Realm was in a dispute with the Water Realm over trade rights, and they wanted Kira to mediate. “Please tell them I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  He nodded. “Can I get you anything?”

  Kira smiled at him. “No, thank you.”

  All of Kira’s mates were eager to help out. With four fathers, Sora would never be short on love or attention, that was certain. Each man had already shown that they loved her as their own, and I didn’t mind them sharing in the fatherly duties. Someday Sora would be the next ascendant with her own set of mates, and we would be there to train and guide her.

  When Sora was finished, I took her from Kira again. “I’ll put her to bed.”

  “Are you sure?” Kira asked.

  I patted Sora on her back and got a good burp in response. “Yes. Go meet with the ambassadors and nobles. You know I hate that stuff anyway.”

  “Trust me, it’s not my favorite either, but unfortunately it’s necessary.” She touched Sora’s tiny nose, then gave me a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  Kira straightened her clothes, drew herself up, and prepared to be a leader again. She worked hard, and our advisers had suggested that Kira get other women to nurse the baby and watch over her, but she’d refused. She wanted to raise Sora herself, and I sensed it was especially important to her after what happened with her own parents. The other men and I supported her as much as possible in both of her roles as the Silver Dragon and a mother. I knew there were times when it would be rough, but I was confident she could balance both, and we’d help her however we could.

  After Kira left the room I changed Sora, then hummed a nursery rhyme my mother had sung to me and my sisters when we were little. When Sora’s eyes drooped, I set her down in her bassinet. The future leader of the Dragons let out a big yawn and farted at the same time, making me laugh.

  Yes, this life could be messy, complicated, and dangerous, but it was perfect.




  While I leaned against the tree, Sora picked up the five small knives and tested their weight. Her little brow furrowed, while her dark hair blew in the breeze, and I waited in case she had any questions. When she was satisfied with the blades, she spun toward the target and threw them one by one. Each one hit the bullseye, her aim perfect, her throw confident.

  I couldn’t help but grin, my chest bursting with pride. “Nice job.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” She did a little bounce and ran over to the target to yank the knives out.

  Sora might not be my child by blood, but there was no doubt she was my daughter. I’d never wanted kids or imagined I would have them, but now I couldn’t picture my life without her in it. Naturally I was her favorite dad because I’d taught her all the fun stuff. How to throw knives. How to sneak about without being heard. How to pick locks. Kira joked that I was a bad influence, but I argued these were all things our daughter would need one day. No matter how safe we tried to make the world, there would always be problems the Dragons had to handle, and I wanted Sora to be prepared for anything.

  “Take five steps back and try it again,” I told her.

  She nodded and did what I asked, with all the seriousness of a very determined ten-year-old. These training sessions were my favorite time of the day. I rotated with the others, each one of us claiming a few hours with the ascendant. Jasin taught her combat and war strategy, Auric taught her diplomacy and history, and Slade taught her how to build things. The rest of the time she spent with her tutors, playing with other kids living at the palace, or with Kira to learn about her future role as a Dragon.

  Silver wings spread overhead, drawing our attention to the sky. “Mom’s back!” Sora squealed.

  The Silver Dragon circled down and landed beside us, and Sora ran over and wrapped her arms around Kira’s neck. Kira nuzzled her scaled head against her daughter, before transforming into a human again. She’d been visiting the Earth Realm with Slade and Jasin after reports of shades in the area. I looked her over quickly, checking for signs she’d been in combat, but saw none.

  “How did it go?” I asked.

  She stretched her neck and shoulders. “We didn’t see any shades, but Jasin and Slade are patrolling the area for another few days to make sure. What have you two been doing?”

  “Training,” I said.

  “Look what Dad taught me,” Sora said. She grabbed the five knives and launched them into the air, juggling them with skill.

  Kira arched an eyebrow at me. “Wow. That looks…dangerous.”

  “Oh, Mom,” Sora said, rolling her eyes as she caught all five knives. “It’s fine.”

  “She’s a natural,” I said. “And besides, if she gets hurt, she’ll heal it quick enough.”

  Sora had already come into her healing powers thanks to the Life Goddess, who’d blessed Sora early as a gift for us freeing her. It already looked like Sora would surpass her mother in magic, as she could heal anyone she touched and cause plants to grow. Animals loved her too, naturally. I could only imagine how powerful she would be once she received the magic of her future mates too—although the thought of her with mates was too terrifying to think about just yet.

  “Just be careful,” Kira said, while stroking Sora’s hair.

  “We always are. Don’t worry.” I wrapped my arms around Kira and kissed her, while Sora squirmed away and said, “ew.” She danced off across the courtyard, finding something else to entertain herself with, while I held her mother in my arms. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too,” she said, leaning against me. “Come to my room tonight, after she’s a

  “I was already planning on it,” I said, kissing her again.




  Storm clouds rolled over the garden, crackling with the promise of what was to come. Any moment now the rain would begin, lightning would strike, and my daughter would be blessed by the Gods.

  “Will it hurt?” Sora asked me, as she had done many times while she was growing up.

  “Only for a moment,” I said.

  It was her twentieth birthday, and today her mates would be chosen. It had been over thirty years since that day for me, but I still remembered it well. Enva had appeared to me for the first time and then I’d been struck by lightning, doused in rain, whipped by wind, and had fallen in the mud. Now I knew it had been the four Gods blessing me with their elements, but back then I’d been confused, especially when I wasn’t injured afterward. Sora, at least, was a lot better prepared.

  “Don’t worry. You can handle it.” I smoothed her dark hair and gazed into her hazel eyes. She was so beautiful, a young woman with so much strength and such a good heart, embodying all the best things of each of my mates. “I’m so proud of you. I know you’re going to do great things.”

  She drew in a breath and stood a little taller. “Thanks, Mom. I have a big legacy to live up to, but I’ll do my best.”

  “I know you will.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead, and then I moved back to where my mates were waiting off to the side, giving Sora some space. Though we’d all aged by thirty years since we’d first met, they were still just as handsome, and our love had only grown stronger over the years.

  Slade paced back and forth relentlessly. “How are we supposed to just stand here and do nothing while our daughter is hit by lightning?”


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