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Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel)

Page 10

by Linda L. Creel

  “I’ll agree to stay as a friend, nothing more. Regardless of her memory, she is still my wife. Nothing will ever change that.” A smile crossed Jeziel’s lips. “Where shall we go? Someplace I haven’t been to before would be nice, but I’m open to suggestions.” “Do you like seafood? There’s a great little seafood restaurant not far from here. We could have lunch there, if you like.” “Alright, we’ll do seafood for lunch and then I’ll choose where we’ll have dinner. I must warn you, we may have to cross the ocean to get there. After lunch we can do some sightseeing; your choice.” Jeziel couldn’t believe how easy this was. She didn’t expect Aidan to be so receptive to her suggestions.

  Since Aidan came to the valley, he really hadn’t done any sightseeing. Aura liked to stay at home. He thought it would be better for Jeziel to make a recommendation. “Perhaps you should choose. I don’t really have much experience with this sort of thing.”

  “I know just the place. Jayden took us there, just after Ella died. It’s casual, so we won’t have to change clothes. I’ll grab a pair of sandals and then we can leave.”

  She ran over to Aidan and kissed him on the cheek . “This means a lot to me, Aidan. We can spend the day together, like we used to. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Aidan sat there thinking he may have just made the worst mistake of his life. Jeziel said they could just be friends, but he couldn’t help thinking she wanted more from him. He wondered if Aura would notice his absence. She was probably angry after Jeziel called Bren a brat. She would no doubt take her anger out on him, so it was probably better to give her time to cool off.

  Due to the time change, Jeziel knew it would be early in the morning, where she was taking Aidan. If they spent the day together there, he wouldn’t return home until after midnight. If nothing else, Aura would be suspicious of their activities together.“This plan is perfect,” she thought out loud, as she grabbed a pair of sandals from her closet. “I’ll have Avriels ring in no time.”

  By the time Charisse and Desiree arrived at the island it was late. They both slept in the next morning, and didn’t get out of bed until nearly noon.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” “I’m doing as well as can be expected, under the circumstances. Maybe I will feel better in a few days. It really is quite peaceful here isn’t it?”

  “Your father bought this island for me before we were married. If nothing else, it will provide us some solitude, and allow you to finish your grieving.”

  “I’m not sure I will ever get over Richard’s death,” Desiree said, as she looked at her belly. She was certainly showing. Her son would be born soon. Her mother was right. She should focus on the baby.

  “I know how hard it is for you, but I promise each passing day will get better,” Charisse assured her.

  “What should we do today?” “Perhaps we should do some shopping in one of the nearby villages. We could both use some new clothes, considering we left most of our belongings in Paris.”

  “Shall we go then? I want to be back, in case Natalie or Meredith tries to call,” Desiree said. “Meredith and Natalie do not know we’re here. We have al ready established it was better to remain separated until after the baby was born. Have you forgotten our agreement already?”

  “No I haven’t forgotten Mother, but I do worry about them. After everything that’s happened, the Guild will be looking for both of them.”

  “That’s why I’ve chosen to hide you here. The Guild isn’t aware of this place and I intend to keep it that way. I can’t keep you and your child safe, if you tell Meredith where we are.”

  Desiree nodded. She knew her mother was right. “For now, no one will know we’re here except Phillipe and I’m sure he won’t say anything. He’s already worried about hiding Yvonne and Yvette. I hope you’ll consider my request, it really is for the best,” Charisse said.

  “I’ll honor your wishes, Mother. Keepin g this child safe is my only concern now. If it means not having any contact with Meredith and Natalie, then we’ll do what’s best for the baby. They’ll just have to understand,” she said.

  Charisse hugged her daughter. “I’m glad you agree. Now let’s do some shopping. We have to get ready for your sons arrival. He’ll be here before you know it.”

  In the back of her mind, Charisse was thinking there was a chance she could turn Desiree against Meredith and Natalie. She would wait a few days, and then drop some not so subtle hints as to their involvement in Richard’s death.

  Aura went to Shannon to make sure she was alright. “I don’t want you to be concerned. We won’t let them take you away from us. You’re an angelblood now and we take care of our own. You have the strength of the Archangels to keep you safe.”

  “Aura’s right, Shannon,” Bren said. “You’re family and we take care of family.” “I know you don’t realize all your gifts, but trust me you have many of them. Did you know even before we exchanged the blood, you already had the gift of sight? It is a rare gift, only given to a select few and you received the gift, while you were still mortal. I know you were chosen for a good reason. Perhaps you were born under my greatgrandmothers veil,” Aura said.

  “I’m not sure what you mean?” Mahlyssa said.

  “It is believed seven angelbloods were born beneath the veil of a great angel. When the veil was removed they received certain powers. This is the first time I’ve heard of a mortal being born with the veil, but stranger things have happened. Were you present for Shannon’s birth?” she asked Mahlyssa.

  “Yes, her mother didn’t want anything to do with her, so I placed her bassinette in my room.”

  “Did you notice anything about her eyes after she was born?” Aura asked. “I did notice her eyes appeared black when she first opened them. But the next time I looked at her, they were blue. I thought I might have been mistaken,” Mahlyssa admitted.

  “I’m sure Shannon was born beneath the veil. It would explain her gift of sight if the veil was removed by Esra or my grandmother Alice,” Aura said.

  “Is that the reason I can see things, before they happen?” Shannon asked. “Most definitely,” Aura said. “You need to understand what a special gift you have. I’m sure you can’t see everything yet; you’re only five years old. But as you get older, the visions will become clearer, I promise.”

  “I won’t have to leave Mum, will I?” Shannon asked nervously. “You will never have to leave,” Myra said. “You are my little sister and have as much right to stay here, as any of the others.” “Are you sure she’ll be safe?” Mahlyssa asked.

  “Nobody hurts our family.” Bren said defiantly, walking over to take Shannon’s hand.

  “That’s right,” Tracy agreed, as she took Shannon’s other hand. “Mommy won’t let anyone hurt you Shannon, right Mommy?”Alannah asked.

  “I swear it on my life. Now let’s put all of this behind us. If Claudia is foolish enough to return, she had better bring Lucifer’s army with her. And I promise even then, no one will take you from us,” Aura vowed.

  “Mommy has lots of powers, Shannon. She’ll keep you safe,” Alannah assured her. “I would love for them to return,” Rita said. “They have no idea how powerful we are. If they are foolish enough to come back here, they will soon find out the strength that we have.”

  “Is it true the book has been burned?” Mahlyssa interrupted. “When Claudia returns home, she won’t find a book; she’ll find a drawer full of ashes,” Aura assured her.

  “How could you destroy the book from here?” Myra asked. “Apparently my powers have a long reach. I don’t have to be in the same place to cause a reaction; I only have to envision it in my mind. It’s pretty convenient, don’t you think?” she smiled.

  “I have never heard of another gift being able to reach so far,” Paul said.

  “I’m sure I haven’t even begun to realize my powers. It seems they are making themselves known, when I need them,” Aura said. Mahlyssa returned her attention to Shannon again. “They will return and I have n
o doubt Natalie and Jeziel will want to send a message to all of us.”

  “They should be more concerned about the message I intend to send to both of them,” Aura said.

  Aura thought about the horse’s reaction to Jeziel. Perhaps the animal sensed the darkness in Lucifer’s daughter. Everyone present witnessed the color of Jeziel’s blood, but Aidan seemed oblivious to the dark stain. He insisted on protecting Jeziel, despite the fact that she called Bren a brat.

  Bren thought of Aidan as a brother. But his failure to defend her, had put a wedge between them; a wedge that would never be removed. Bren, like her older sister, had lost all faith in Aidan.

  Her visions had shown that Aidan would be spending the rest of the day, and night with Jeziel. They would return to Aeden in the morning, together.

  Aura wasn’t upset, on the contrary. This was exactly what needed to happen, if she had any chance of rescuing her family from Hell. Jeziel needed to trust Aidan completely, and Aidan was playing right into her hands.

  Aura did make another promise to herself. She would keep Aidan away from Alannah and the girls. He proved that he could no longer be trusted.

  Aura hated that she had to play these mindless games. It was not like her to be so secretive. But there was a lot at stake, and she couldn’t trust anyone else with what her visions had revealed for fear that it might change fate.

  Bren and Alannah had seen the same vision and they kept Tracy informed. But no one else would know about their strategy. It wasn’t safe to include them, not yet.

  Soon, the rest of the family would know the truth, and Jeziel and her cohorts would feel the full brunt of Aura’s fury. No one hurt her little ones, no one.

  Meredith and Natalie shopped most of the day. They were surprised to find Samhael waiting for them when they returned to the bistro. He had something in his hand. “Oliver made a care package for you to take home. I’m assuming you will be returning to Jeziels house?” he asked.

  “Yes, I expect she’ll meet us there,” Natalie said.

  “I wouldn’t count on her arrival so soon. From what I saw, she was spending the day with Aidan.”

  Natalie laughed. “How did she manage to get him away from Aura for the whole day?”

  “I’m sure she has her ways. Would you like me to accompany you back to the house?” “Th at would be appreciated. Even though the house is technically outside of Aeden, it’s still too close to the Guild for my liking,” Meredith added.

  Samhael walked over and picked up their packages and soon they were transported back to Jeziels house. “I trust you will find everything you need here. I regret I must leave you again, but I am only a call away if you should need me,” he said to Natalie. “Perhaps you and I can spend some time together soon. There are many places I’m sure you’ll enjoy seeing.”

  Natalie didn’t know what to say. Even though she knew Samhael was thousands of years older than her, the years had been kind to him. He had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and ice blue eyes. His eyes were piercing, but Natalie didn’t mind. Samhael would become a true friend, and since she was a single girl, there was no reason she shouldn’t enjoy his company. “I’d really like that. Please feel free to contact me whenever you like,” Natalie said.

  “I may do that,” Samhael smiled, and then kissed her hand. “Until we meet again,” and then he was gone. After Samhael departed, Meredith and Natalie started to put their new clothes away. Meredith couldn’t help smiling at her granddaughter. “He seems to like you.”

  “Considering Jayden barely acknowledges our marriage, I see no reason not to enjoy Samhael’s company.”

  “He will certainly keep you protected,” Meredith assured her. “Maybe he’ll call again tomorrow. What do you want to do for the rest of the day?”

  “I was thinking of taking a trip to Utopia,” Meredith said. “Do you think you should return so soon? What if those men are still there?” “I doubt anyone will recognize me, as I am now. I’m not planning to spend the night. I just want to have a look around, and possibly learn some gossip from the servants I left there.”

  “You aren’t planning to tell them where we are?”

  “Of course not, but I will ask them to keep their ears open, in case they hear any news about the Guild’s plans to bring you to trial.

  We can’t be too careful now, Natalie. Jeziel may have her father’s blessing, and Samhael may be a powerful angel, but those girls can wield angelfire. There is no greater weapon,” Meredith insisted.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” “I don’t think that would be wise.”

  “What should I do then? If you and Jeziel are both gone, I won’t have anyone to talk to,” Natalie said.

  “You could always seek out the Devereaux girls in New York.” “They won’t be there. Phillipe said yesterday he was going to move them to a safe location.” “Perhaps you could do some shopping in Paris. I’m sure you’ll want to look your best if Samhael decides to come for a visit. You can still be unrecognized there and I’m sure the spring fashions are out.”

  “Maybe you’re right. I always did like shopping in Paris. It wouldn’t hurt to purchase a few more outfits. I do want to look my best when Samhael returns. Do you really think he might be interested in me, or was he just being polite?”

  “He would never have mentioned taking you sightseeing, if he wasn’t interested. He did kiss your hand.”

  “He did,didn’t he?” she gushed. “Just be careful. If anyone starts to ask any questions about your father consider them an enemy and say nothing,” Meredith said firmly.

  “I won’t say a word. If anything happens, I’ll call Samhael. I have no doubt he will come to my rescue immediately.” They walked out the front door, hugged, and said goodbye.

  Chapter 16

  Meredith used the portal to take her to Utopia. She would stay clear of the sanctuary at all costs. Her appearance may have been changed, but she was still doubtful about stepping foot on hallowed ground. Her first stop would be at the country home she shared with Richard.

  Walking through the doors, would certainly bring back some unpleasant memories. She still couldn’t believe her son was dead. Meredith knew Natalie and Jeziel were likely to declare war on the Utopian colony, but anything she couldlearn of the Guild’s plans, would be helpful to them in their quest. She wanted revenge so badly she could taste it, but as Samhael said, they would have to remain patient, at least for now.

  Meredith hoped that Natalie and Samhael would begin a relationship. He certainly seemed interested. She wondered if he would follow through with Richard’s plans, to take over the colony. She would know soon enough.

  Claudia waited most of the day for Jeziel and Natalie to return, but they never did. She was still upset that Aura had burned the book. She should have taken precautions, and kept it hidden somewhere else; not that it would have made a difference.

  How could she have burned the book? Aura had never been to her home in London. Apparently, her powers were stronger than Claudia realized.

  She sat on the sofa, trying to recall some of the more advanced spells, but it was for naught. She realized the book was gone forever. As she sat alone, she contemplated sending a message to Jeziel. Then, she thought better of it.

  Colin was probably right. Without the book, she would be doomed. They would have no further need of her talents. Claudia thought about her husband. She was certain that Colin had altered his own appearance. He would start a new life without her. With the book destroyed, she no longer had anything to bargain with. She should have left with him, but it was too late now. She wouldn’t even know where to look. She waited for Natalie and Jeziel to return and pondered her fate, in silence.

  Meredith knocked on the door to announce her arrival. She was greeted by Francesca, one of the servants who she considered a friend.

  “May I help you?” Francesca asked.

  Meredith couldn’t help, but smile. “It’s me Francesca. Now let me in. I have a lot to tell you.”
br />   “Madame what happened to you? You look so different.” “I needed to modify my appearance. I wanted to come home and see if there was any news about Natalie.” “We are so sorry about Richard’s death. Henry and Arthur held a meeting and announced the news to the residents of the colony. We were wondering what was to become of us.”

  “You and the others will stay here. If anyone asks about me, you are to tell them I am a friend of Meredith’s. She invited me to stay in her home while she’s away grieving the death of her son. We don’t know her whereabouts, nor do we know when she will be returning.”

  “What of Desiree?” “We won’t be staying together. Charisse has taken her somewhere safe, until after the baby is born. I have no idea of the location. It was decided that it would be wise to stay separated for awhile.”

  “So it’s true Desiree is expecting Richard’s son?” “Yes - and we must do everything possible to keep my grandson safe.”

  “You know you can trust us, Baroness. We would never allow anyoneto harm you.” “I know I can trust you. I won’t be telling you where I’m staying, in case the Guild questions you. Have you heard any news during my absence?”

  “Henry and Arthur advised the residents to remain at the sanctuary. Your daughter’s husband Axel has returned. He and Caspian have both joined the Guard. Caspian told the entire colony, it was Richard who was responsible for the deaths of the others. He also told them Richard was plotting to kill Analie and her family.”

  Meredith was seething upon hearing this news. “My son would never have harmed his sister. I may not have agreed with her marriage, but I can assure you that Richard’s plans did not include Analie’s death. Natalie and her friends are seeking revenge for Richard’s death. Henry has always been a weak man. We need someone in charge who isn’t afraid to stand up to the Guild,” Meredith huffed.


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