First Love

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First Love Page 38

by Amy Brent

  I loved Christmas and the warmth that filled Declan’s house, but I needed another kind of warmth. Our families were flying out close to each other, so we met up at the airport to say goodbye. I felt a tinge of sadness as I watched Mom and Shelly leave, but Declan took my hand and we walked to the parking garage where he kissed me by my car. “My house.”

  I felt his lips crash against mine again in a hungry kiss before he tore himself away from me. We’d driven separate cars since there was enough of a difference in schedules to do so, but right now I regretted that as I watched him walk away.

  I started the engine and drove as fast as I could while still being safe. I saw that Declan beat me as his car was already parked and hurried to the front door, tapping on it with shaking hands. I wanted Declan more than anything and he opened the door to tug me against his body for a kiss as he kicked the door closed. I felt him slam me into it, his mouth hard and demanding against mine. I moaned against him, my hands gripping his shoulders before my arms wrapped around his neck. He’d already slipped his coat off and I felt his muscled, perfect torso pressed against me in my own thick jacket.

  Somehow, we parted enough to get my jacket off before he was kissing me again as I wrapped my denim clad legs around his waist. He was hot and thick as he pressed against me, something I felt even though our clothes. I moaned, raising my hips to meet him as the hard edge of my jeans rubbed against my clit and making me shudder. “Declan,” I said as he moved down the skin of my neck with his mouth, thrusting into me. “I need you.”

  He carried me to his bedroom easily, holding me tight in his arms. His lips still brushed against my jaw as I clung to him and closed my eyes, basking in the feeling of being in his arms. Declan dropped me onto the bed slowly, and I held on as I slid down every inch of his amazing body. His hands made quick work of removing my soft sweater before he unbuttoned my jeans before he kissed me again.

  Declan slipped his hands down my jeans to cup my ass as our tongues danced together. I was desperate to feel him inside of me and gripped his hair as desire flooded me. “I need you… inside… of me.”

  He pulled away and slipped my pants down before he took off his own I felt a rush of adrenaline and pushed him down on his back as he stared up at me with dark eyes. I watched as he spread his legs open and dropped back onto his pillows as I licked my lips.

  I crawled over him, eyeing his erection as I moved, leaning down to press a kiss against his thigh. He was sweaty, and it turned me on as I moved my tongue along the side of his cock. Declan groaned as he slipped his hands into my hair and I moved my mouth over him, taking him deep in my throat. I bobbed up and down as he moaned my name, feeling him thicken inside of my mouth before he tugged me away.

  “I need you, Madeline. I fucking need you so bad.” He rasped as he stared down at me. “Ride my cock now.”

  I obliged as I moved to straddle him, slipping his cock inside of me as I cried out. He filled me, stretching me open as my walls dampened for him. “Oh, fuck.”

  We rocked together as he closed his eyes, his hips moving with my body until he jerked inside of me. I knew that he was coming and then he turned us easily, so I was on my back. Declan started to move hard and fast inside of me as I whimpered and clawed at his back. I was coming within a few moments as I screamed his name and Declan buried his face inside of my neck.

  We rested together, breathing heavily before he pushed away from me to get us some water from the bathroom. Declan brought me the glass and I drank a long sip before he followed suit, setting it on the table. “I know that I acted like an asshole before, but I was scared. I didn’t know what I was doing but it felt so right with you. I was going on what everyone was thinking about me, about us… and I ended up hurting you by the gossip anyway.” He searched my eyes for a long moment, seeing the pain cross my face as he winced. “That was nothing to me, Madeline. It was convenient at best, but I thought about you with her. I knew that I cared about you in a way I never had anybody. It just took me a while to man up and tell you. Of course, it had to be when your family was there.”

  I laughed, tears sliding down my cheek. “I think they were impressed with it. They couldn’t stop talking about you.”

  Declan moved closer to me, stroking my stomach gently as he pressed his lips to my bare shoulder. “I only care what you think. I want to try this with you. Really try. I want to take you out in town and have the hospital talk about us. I feel like I was hiding you before when I should have been proud of the fact that you were mine.” I gave him a surprised look. “Yes, you are mine. I might stumble in this process, but you made me feel alive again. You made me remember what it was to feel something for someone. You gave me hope for the future.” I smiled as he pressed his kiss to my lips.

  “I want that, Declan. I missed you while we were apart.” I felt him settle beside me and slip an arm possessively over my stomach as I sighed happily.


  I peered out of the back window and smiled at the sight in the year. My parents were there along with Declan’s family while he grilled for the summer. I smiled as I took in the three-year-old twins that were playing on the bright structure on the grass. Brianne and Lachlan were everything to Declan and me, with the only thing held higher was our love for each other. When we found out that I was pregnant six months after our wedding, we were surprised but happy. We weren’t necessarily trying but we also weren’t using any means to prevent it.

  It was a great addition to our lives.

  I turned to pull the fruit salad from the fridge and stir it with a large wooden spoon as I smiled. When we ended up talking about moving in together, Declan offered to sell the house that he lived in with his former wife. I thought about it but together we decided to fix it up to suit us. It brightened the house and gave it color that wasn’t there before, making it perfect to raise the twins in. The house was built for a family so why not fill it with one?

  I got over the idea of Lisa as time moved on and we stayed strong. Life could give you different opportunities and chances at love so who was I to worry about a ghost of his past? Declan loved me and proved that every day, making us the most envied couple in the hospital until I chose to stay home with the kids. I sometimes missed nursing but being a mom was the best feeling ever. I reached down to touch the small curve of my belly that held a new baby that was joining us this winter.

  I never knew if Chicago was going to work out for me. I took a chance coming here and was now convinced that it was to find Declan. Mom had moved here after I moved in with him, renting the cottage that I did when I moved here. She retired from nursing but was still very active with her painting. I loved seeing her relax and enjoy life after she did so much for me. She also helped with the kids and Shelly was in the process of moving here to join us. Once I announced the second pregnancy, she simply couldn’t resist.

  I heard the door open and smiled as someone walked up behind me, reaching around to cover the hand on my stomach. “How’s he doing?” My husband asked, making me shiver with need as his voice vibrated through me.

  “It might be a girl, you know.” Declan loved to tease me, and he kissed my hair after chuckling at my comment.

  “I love you, baby.” How words were soft and sincere as I slowly turned in his arms to kiss him.

  “I love you. You’ve made my life so perfect.” Our lips met in a slow, sweet kiss that promised more when we were alone after the kids went to sleep.

  “You brought me to life.” He pulled back to stare at me as I smiled up at him, feeling content and safe in his world.

  We both heard the shrieks of kids outside and laughed as he pulled away. “I can’t wait to be buried inside of you later, Maddie.” Declan grabbed a platter and some buns for the burgers before heading outside to see what was happening.

  I finished the salads and Mom came in to help me carry everything outside. I sat down and looked around, smiling ay the love that was now in my life.

  *** The End ***

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  Coming Up Next – Knocked Up on Valentine’s Day (An Amazon Top 60 Bestseller)

  Knocked Up on Valentine’s Day

  A Single Dad Billionaire Romance

  Chapter 1

  February 13th


  The annual earnings reports were due to the shareholders in just a few hours, and I was finishing up my review of them. It was tedious and boring but important, especially considering we’d had the best year on record thus far, grossing in the billions. That record year skyrocketed us into some amazing contracts, and I knew this year was going to be even better.

  Cogent Technologies was a force to be reckoned with, and though we did little sales with the private sector, our numbers often surpassed even the biggest computer companies in the world. I was a technological giant among men, or at least that is what Tech World Today, the monthly technology publication, called me. I never thought it would get this big when I’d walked out of my graduation from Yale and into my tiny little shop in Brooklyn.

  Cogent specialized in large-grade, highly-specialized computer hardware. We had contracts with some of the world’s most influential institutions including NASA, the NSA, the FBI, and the CIA, just to name a few. We developed systems capable of handling the newest technology in the most extreme circumstances with no drag or delay. Sounded boring, but our systems had helped track down some of the most notorious criminals in history, we assisted in forging forward into the stars, and we picked up the pieces when a catastrophe happened. It was a good company, and I was proud to say I owned it.

  On a normal day, my work was simple. I signed off on prototypes, checked in with the employees, and then headed downstairs and did some testing of my own. My best friend and VP of the company, Trevor, thought it was silly that I had the most intelligent men in the world tinkering on new toys and I still found it necessary to work on things in the lab. I liked to keep my feet grounded and keep my head in the midst of all of it. I wanted to know what was shipping out those doors, and I liked to create, even if it never went anywhere. Besides, the company was my number two priority, my number one, of course, being my seven-year-old daughter, Sicily. That was my life, the company and my daughter, and I had learned to like it that way.

  “Hey,” Trevor said, popping his head in and interrupting my thoughts. “You about ready to go? Happy hour has started, my friend, and there are drinks to be had, a celebration for an amazing year to commence, and women to peruse.”

  “Yeah,” I chuckled. “Let me send this report over to my secretary so she can get the packets made for the shareholders.”

  “Is that the annual report?”

  “Sure is,” I said proudly.

  “Those were some damn good numbers,” Trevor said, nodding his head. “You took the world last year.”

  “We took the world last year.” I smiled. “And this year will be even better.”

  “So, there’s a band tonight at the bar. You going to stick around?” he asked.

  “I’ll have a couple drinks, but Sicily has school tomorrow, so I can’t stay all night,” I said.

  “How’s Sicily doing? I need to come pay her a visit. You know she loves Uncle Trevor.”

  “She’s growing so fast, dude,” I said. “She has the wit of a thirty-year-old, and it blows my mind. It’s like talking to an adult in a tiny little body. She’s also taken up the project of trying to find me a girlfriend. It drives me crazy. I can’t tell her that women are all the same, and I’m not in the mood for another version of her mother, so I just smile and nod every time she brings it up.”

  “She’s a badass.” Trevor laughed. “She’s just like you.”

  “She is, thank God,” I said with a smile. “All right, I’m ready.”

  I grabbed my jacket and locked my office, nodding to my secretary as I left. We walked down the halls of the building, and I smiled, seeing different projects in pieces on desks inside the passing offices. I loved innovation, so I’d built a company that made sure innovation surrounded me at all times. I got to the elevator and pressed my palm against the hand scanner, waiting for the doors to open. The security in the building was top-notch, and it had to be since we handled classified projects for the government.

  When we got out of the building and down the street to the bar, we both took a seat and ordered our drinks. I stirred my whiskey and coke, thinking about the report I had just read. Trevor was scanning the bar for women. He was always scanning for women.

  “I came up with this really sweet idea for a new prototype for our AI series,” I said. “I just have to get one of the analysts to give me pointers on the information upload.”

  “Brandt,” Trevor said, slapping his hand on the bar. “Enough with the work talk. You are so uptight. You need to loosen up and pick up one of these women. Let off a little steam.”

  “Right,” I chuckled.

  I turned and watched as Trevor walked off into the crowd, approaching a group of ladies in the middle. He said something, and they immediately laughed. He always did have a way with the women. I’d met Trevor my junior year at Yale, and we’d clicked immediately. He was charming and funny, but under that, he was a genius. He was the one who’d come up with the NSA’s new system this last term, but he never wanted to take credit. He liked people underestimating him, and it baffled me. But he was right that I needed to relax, find a release. It had been a few weeks since I’d had sex, and I could feel the tension in my shoulders.

  I swung my chair around and glared out over the crowd, watching everyone talking and laughing. I hated bars. They were like a meat market, with the men trying to get laid and the women trying to find the highest bidder. I scoffed, shaking my head as I watched all the ladies in the joint trying to pick up a man, trying to cement their future with someone who had deep pockets. It was a joke, and all I really wanted was a release, not a headache. I turned back around and took a sip of my drink, figuring I would end up going back empty-handed like usual. It was too much work to try to pick up these women. They were looking for more than a one-night stand, or one-hour stand actually.

  My knee bounced up and down as I sat there, waiting for enough time to pass that I could leave without Trevor giving me too much shit. Sure, I really wanted to get laid, but I wasn’t going to go searching for it. As I thought about it, I felt a hand touch my shoulder and move across my back. A young redhead with bright green eyes sat down next to me. She was wearing a tight red dress that barely covered anything, and her legs went on for miles. It was Missy, my go-to girl when I needed to blow off some steam, among other things. She never gave me a hard time or looked for anything more. I was pleased she’d found her way out that night.

  “Hey there, handsome,” she said. “You look tense.”

  “Missy.” I lifted my glass to her. “I’m always tense.”

  “Not always.” She smirked. “You just get here?”

  “I was actually about to leave,” I said. “Unless you had other thoughts.”

  “I have a few,” she said with a coy smile. “Come with me.”

  I gulped down my drink and threw a twenty on the bar, taking her by the hand and letting her pull me to the back. This was exactly what I like about her. She never made a scene, always had a plan, and didn’t force me into uncomfortable conversations. She was to the point, and the point was, I needed a blowjob badly. She pulled me into the back room and shut the door, locking it behind us. I smiled as she walked forward, biting her bottom lip and sliding her dress straps down, letting her big, fake tits bounce out of her dress. I grabbed tightly to them and pulled her to me, lingering inches from her pouty red lips.

  “Suck it,” I said with a smile.

  “Mmmm,” she said. “I like a man who knows what he wants.”

  She laughed and grabbed a cushion from the stacked cha
irs to the side, throwing it down on the cement floor. She lowered herself down and undid my belt, unzipping my pants, and dropping to her knees. She reached inside of my boxer briefs and pulled out my cock, already hard from watching her bounce those tits around. She smiled and stroked it before pulling her lips around the tip and running her tongue over it. I groaned, rubbing my hand across the back of her head and closing my eyes. She sheathed her teeth and slowly pulled her mouth down my shaft, immediately deep throating my dick. She always did have a way with that mouth.

  She bobbed her head up and down quickly, and I grabbed onto her hair, slowing her down a bit. She smiled and opened her throat, taking my shaft into her warm, soft throat and touching her lips against the base. I slowly pulled her back up, growling at the way she sucked from the back of her throat. Missy was good, and my mind stayed blank for the first time in a while as she pleasured me. I looked down, meeting her watery glance and bit my lip, watching her tits jiggle below her. She had pulled her skirt up her hips and pushed her hand down into her panties, rubbing her pussy.

  “That’s right,” I said, pushing her head back down. “Rub that pussy for me.”

  “Mmmm,” she moaned with a full mouth, her eyes closing as her fingers moved faster.


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