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Dating Washington (Discovering Me #2)

Page 19

by Ann Maree Craven

  “Well, this wasn’t like that.”


  “This time, I had my agents arrest someone because I do like him. More than like. Kenny—”

  Kenny cut off his words by leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. Asher skated backward, and Kenny walked out onto the ice so it wouldn’t break their kiss.

  Needing some air, Kenny pulled back and gripped Asher’s chin between two fingers. “You, Ash, are mean. Everyone back in that banquet hall now thinks I’m on my way to a jail cell.”

  “Everyone except Wylder.” He grinned. “This was her idea.”

  Kenny laughed and released Asher. “That doesn’t surprise me.”



  “I came here because I needed to ask you a question.”



  “You were saying you had a question for me?” Kenny turned with a knowing smirk as Asher skated in a close circle around him on the ice.

  The asshole knows what he does to me. But Asher couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He felt it in Kenny’s kiss this time. The aloof, I-don’t-care attitude was gone. Coming out to his father seemed to have lifted an enormous weight off Kenny’s shoulders.

  Now, if only Asher could do the same.

  “Right.” Asher came to a stop in front of Kenny, closing the already narrow distance between them. “This is stupid.” Asher’s shoulders sagged. He followed Nicky’s advice with the grand gesture, and now, it just felt silly.

  “Hey.” Kenny tilted his chin with the tip of a finger. “Nothing you do is ever stupid.”

  “All right.” Asher took a deep breath and grabbed Kenny’s hands in his trembling ones. “I’m crashing your Winter Formal because I want to be your date tonight, but I’m still not a hundred percent certain this is what you want. I just…know it’s what I want. So…here I am with the big gesture, probably making a giant fool of myself, but for once, I don’t think I really care about that.”

  “I’ve made a mess of everything. Haven’t I?” Kenny ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Ash. I ruined your first kiss, and I was an ass about the second one too. My life is a mess right now with my crazy mother and Kyle’s betrayal. I don’t know who I can trust. My dad is being weird, and I have all these new meddling friends trying to set us up, and I almost ruined the best thing that’s happened to me, again.”

  Asher chose to focus on that last part. He grabbed the lapels of his immaculate tux and pressed his lips to Kenny’s, partly just to shut him up. But the moment Asher’s lips met his, a weight lifted from his shoulders. This was so right. For so many weeks, they were headed for this moment—finally on the same page like it was always supposed to happen this way. Kenny’s arms wrapped around him, and all the tension melted from both of them. After all the drama, mixed signals, and misunderstandings—they finally made sense.

  Asher reluctantly pulled away. “So…was that a yes?”

  “No.” Kenny stepped back. “I have something to say.”

  Asher’s stomach sank to the ice beneath his feet. This was not how he’d envisioned this night going.

  “I owe you an apology. A long overdue one.” Kenny took Asher’s hands in his. “You were my best friend, and when you came out, you were so confident about it. It scared me. I was only thirteen, and it confused me about my own struggles. I didn’t understand how I could be attracted to you and the girls in my class at the same time. They were pretty and sweet, and I literally liked all of them. But they weren’t nearly as scary or confusing as all the other boys thought they were. You were what scared me, Asher. So, in true Kenny fashion, I was a dick and abandoned you when you needed a friend most. Sure, my parents didn’t want me to have anything to do with the gay kid, but we know they’re bigots. I hid behind their beliefs because I was too scared to confront my own feelings—and too terrified to face the rejection of my own family. I’ve been scared ever since. I dated Nicky for two years. He’s probably the best person we know, and I treated him like a dirty secret. He didn’t deserve that, and I didn’t deserve him. Just like I don’t deserve you now. But I want to, Ash.” He reached to cup his face, his brow furrowed with fear and confusion. “I want to be good enough for you. I want a chance to make it up to you—to start fresh.”

  Kenny’s eyes were so earnest and full of hope, like he thought Asher might turn him down.

  “So…what you’re saying is, you’ve had the hots for me since we were thirteen?” Asher couldn’t hold back his smile.

  “That’s what you got out of my soul-baring speech?” Kenny rolled his eyes and pulled Asher into his arms, his laughter bouncing off the ice.

  “Seriously, if we can be friends again and have this too”—Asher reached to meet Kenny’s lips again—“then I’m the happiest guy in the world right now. I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, Ash. Every day.”

  “So is that a yes to my original question?”

  “What was that? I forget.” Kenny’s face-splitting grin did things to Asher’s insides.

  “Can I be your date tonight? Are you ready for that?”

  “Yes! Let’s go.” Kenny grabbed his hand. “I want you to meet my friends.”

  “You have friends?” Asher couldn’t help the teasing tone in his voice as he changed from his skates, back to his dress shoes.

  “Yes, I have friends. They refuse to go away, so I guess I’m stuck with them.”

  Asher walked with Kenny across the snow-covered campus with the sparkling night sky shining down on them. The secret service followed at a discreet distance. Asher was used to it, but it was a lot to ask of a date—or potential new boyfriend.

  “Listen, before we go in,” Asher said, pulling Kenny to a stop outside the ballroom. “I come with a lot of baggage.” He gestured at Danny and his team. “They’re going to go in there and cause another scene. I’ve lived with it almost all my life, but I know it’s a lot to ask of anyone. So if you’re not ready for that kind of attention, I completely understand.”

  “You’re too adorable for words, you know that?” Kenny leaned down to kiss him again. “I’m proud to walk in there with you. You and all your baggage. Just as long as Super Danny knows I’m going to need some serious alone time with you very soon.”

  Asher grinned and took Kenny’s hand as they walked into the ballroom together. Everyone was still eating dessert, and they stopped and stared the moment the secret service returned. Asher felt all eyes on him—not a new sensation for him, but one that always felt creepy no matter how many times it happened.

  “Sorry, my date was late and decided to pull an epic prank on me. Carry on.” Kenny waved at the crowd and, with a nod from Danny, steered Asher across the room to his table. “Save us any dessert?”

  “Will was about to eat yours, so we had to sit on him,” Wylder said.

  “Hey, I’m still hungry.” Will stood to greet Asher with a curt bow. “It’s nice to actually meet you this time, young sir.”

  “Ignore him.” Kenny said, pulling out a chair for Asher. “You get used to him after a while.”

  “Ash isn’t the queen of England.” Wylder gave Will a shove. “Sit down and try to be cool, man. We know you can do it.”

  “Sorry about the theatrics earlier,” Asher said, taking his seat. He really wanted Kenny’s friends to like him. Wylder he could count on, but the rest of his teammates were a big deal. “A good friend told me to go for a grand gesture, so a fake arrest seemed like a good plan.”

  “You should have seen his face,” one of Kenny’s teammates said. “I thought he was going to piss himself.” His stony face cracked to reveal a semi-smile. “I’m Killian, by the way. Nice to meet you, Asher.” The way he said it sounded so normal, like he didn’t give a crap who Asher was. He liked him already. The others went around the table introducing themselves, but Asher was afraid he’d never remember all of their names.

  Asher and Kenny split a huge piece of black forest cake
as everyone settled down and the stares and whispers died down.

  “I hope you don’t mind I stole one of your dates.” Asher elbowed Wylder sitting next to him.

  “Nah, it’s fine. I have a spare.” She gestured at Killian.

  “She forced me here.” Killian rolled his eyes. “She just hasn’t realized I’m terrible dancing with girls.”

  “What? You need me to lead?” Wylder shot him a glare. “I know I have all the scary girly parts, but I also have two feet and a pair of arms. How hard is it to dance with a girl? I mean, that’s why you’re here.”

  “You’re too damn small.” Killian frowned. “I might break you.”

  “I’ll dance with you, Wylds,” Asher laughed, relieved there were other gay kids at this school.

  “He’ll dance with you later.” Kenny leaned over him. “He’s mine first.” Kenny took his hand and led him to the dance floor where others were starting to gather as the first slow song of the evening began to play.

  It was a little awkward at first, but they found their rhythm together, and to Kenny’s credit, he didn’t seem the least bit worried about what anyone thought of them together.

  “I’m proud of you,” Asher said.

  “Of me? Why?” Kenny smiled down at him.

  “You’ve been on a long road to here, Ken. I’ve never seen you so comfortable with who you are. It’s kind of amazing to witness.”

  “I feel good.” Kenny nodded. “Better than I have in a really long time. A lot has changed for me recently. Some of it good. Some of it I’m still not sure about, but one thing I am sure about is you. I should have been this guy for Nicky, but I wasn’t. We weren’t right for each other. Not like he is with Becks and I am with you.”

  “We do have a pretty big problem though.” Asher didn’t want to ruin their night, but it had to be said.

  “What’s that?”

  “Distance. You’re here and I’m in Washington.”

  Kenny shrugged. “I have a feeling I’ll be spending a lot more time in Washington soon anyway so I’ll be a frequent White House visitor. We’ll be fine, Asher.” Kenny pulled him closer, whispering into his ear. “I don’t want you worrying about that. Just think of all the events where I get to be your plus one. Think about all the private late night pool parties we’ll have sneaking off together at those dull parties. How much fun we’re going to have driving Danny crazy like we did when we were kids.”

  “You’re pretty good at this boyfriend thing.” Asher winced. He didn’t mean to us the B word. It was too soon.

  “I plan on getting much better at being your boyfriend.” Kenny guided them in a slow dance to the beat of the music. They were in their own little bubble, oblivious of the couples dancing around them. Kenny’s lips pressed against his, hard and warm, and a little more demanding. He could get lost in those lips, but now was not the time or the place.

  “I’m cutting in.” Wylder announced, breaking the spell between them. “You’ve had the good dancer to yourself for like three dances. And Killian is awful.” She eyed Kenny with her death glare.

  “He’s my boyfriend, you know that, right?” Kenny laughed.

  “And you don’t do fast dances.”

  The music had changed, and they hadn’t even noticed.

  “I will leave you in the capable, yet terrifying, hands of Wylder before she starts kicking my shins. But I’ll be back.” He kissed Asher’s cheek. “You get one, Wylds.” He left them with a wink and Asher couldn’t help watching him go. He liked watching him leave just as much as he liked watching him approach.

  “Hey, eyes on me, Ash. You know, your friend, Wylder?”

  “Oh, sorry.” He smiled, taking her hand as the beat of the music grew and the lights dimmed.

  “You two are hella cute together,” she admitted. “Just don’t tell Ken doll I said that.”

  “You know he hates that name, right?” Kenny loathed the nickname when they were kids. He’d even wanted to change his name once when he was eleven. Asher had talked him out of it.

  “He likes it when I say it because it’s said with love.” Wylder shouted over the music. “And just so you know, if you hurt my friend, I’ll have to hurt you.”

  “Hey, I was your friend first.” Asher whirled her around, a silly grin on his face.

  “I’ll have the talk with him too before the night is over. Just like I did with Nicky and with Becks when they first got together.”

  “You have a lot of not-so-straight friends, Wylds.” Asher frowned down at his friend, wondering if she maneuvered herself into these friendships to avoid any real relationships of her own. “We need to find you a nice boy you can boss around. No…more like one that can actually give as good as he gets. Or a girl. That would be cool too.”

  “I’m not into relationships right now. If I was, it would be a guy, but it’s way too much drama for me. I just live vicariously through my boys. And I’m perfectly happy on my own.” Her brilliant smile lit her face, and he knew she meant what she said. Wylder was the kind of girl who didn’t need to find her happiness in a boy. She had it in spades on her own. Asher just wondered what kind of guy it would take to break through all of that sass to find the sweet but broody girl underneath it all. He hoped she’d find him soon. She deserved someone great.

  “All right, Anderson, you’ve had two dances.” Kenny towered over them. “Can I have my boyfriend back now?”

  “I suppose so.” Wylder grinned. “You boys have fun.” She turned to go. “Just not too much fun,” she called over her shoulder, her laughter like a chorus to the music.

  Kenny’s hands slid to Asher’s waist as they fell into another slow dance.

  “Wait, is this your first school dance?” Kenny asked.

  “Yeah, actually.” Asher’s cheeks flushed. “I never bothered going to our formal events since I never had a date. Besides, my school is Quaker, so no dancing. Our events are more like the stuffy Washington banquets. It’s like they want to prep us for a lifetime of that scene, and I’ve already had my fill of it.”

  “Well, I have a secret.” Kenny leaned in closer. “It’s the first school dance I’ve ever enjoyed.”



  A Political Dynasty Has Fallen.

  Kenny couldn’t believe the title they’d tacked on to the article about his family. Nobody had fallen. His father still held his influential position. His mother got what she wanted and just disappeared from their lives.

  And Kenny?

  He stared at the two images in the article. In one, his mom leaned in close to Kyle in a restaurant. In the other, Kenny and Asher danced at the Defiance Academy Winter Formal. How did they even get the picture when the media couldn’t get onto campus?

  Both pictures were meant to harm his father. First, his wife left him, and then his now-out bisexual son fell for his political rival’s kid.

  The dance was just days ago, yet it felt like another lifetime. Asher was back in DC, and Kenny was stuck sitting through civics class. He didn’t hear a word the teacher said as he scrolled through the article on his phone. Less than two weeks until the holiday break, but it wasn’t like Kenny had anywhere to go.

  Maybe to Washington? He’d have to train for most of his time off, but maybe Asher could score him an invite for Christmas at the White House?

  The thought of spending the holiday with Asher put a smile on his face. They were boyfriends now, but the only guy Kenny had ever dated was Nicky and their entire relationship was spent in a closet.

  Part of him worried he’d mess it up like he always did.

  Those worries flew out of him when a text popped up on his phone.

  Asher: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.

  He must have meant the article talking about their relationship.

  Kenny: And it’s a really fat cat.

  Asher: You’d tell me if you were second guessing stuff, right?

  Kenny’s thumbs paused over the screen. It surprised him that in this new media
nightmare, the one thing he hadn’t second-guessed was how he felt about Asher.

  Asher: If you don’t answer me, I’ll assume you’re freaking out.

  Asher: Kenny…

  Kenny grinned as the texts came in rapid succession.

  Asher: You aren’t allowed to break up with me.

  Asher: Not after that epic dance.

  Asher: So help me, Kenneth Montgomery, don’t make me come to Ohio and strangle you.

  Kenny: I didn’t know you were that Kinky, Ash.

  Around him, the room cleared out as class ended. He slipped his books under one arm and pressed his thumb over Asher’s name before bringing the phone to his ear.

  Asher answered after a single ring. “Tell me the truth. Are you freaking out right now?”

  Kenny chuckled, but didn’t answer.

  “I like that sound.”

  “What sound?” Kenny asked.

  “Your laugh. It completely betrays your broody asshole persona.”

  “Careful, Ash. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had a crush on me.”

  “In your dreams, buddy.”

  Kenny sighed. “I wish you were here.”

  “Me too. This kinda sucks. Are we worth it, Ken?”

  It was a question he’d asked himself so many times. Was Asher worth blowing up his life?

  “Yeah. We’re worth it.”

  “That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”

  Kenny walked down the Cambridge Hall steps and onto the quad where red brick paths crisscrossed snowy grass. He was so focused on Asher he didn’t watch where he stepped and hit a patch of ice. A scream left his lips, and he slammed into the ground, the jarring force vibrating up his spine.

  His phone clattered to the bricks.

  “Ken,” Asher yelled. “Kenny!”


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