Book Read Free

Caged Light

Page 13

by Tom Howard

  Approaching the sniper, he made sure they were alone, then took his hat, jacket, and rifle. He knew most of the men inside would most likely know his face, so he had to keep it hidden. After emptying the magazine, Wyatt took a deep breath and made his way out of the trees and toward the side door, knowing full well if this didn’t work, he’d either be dead…or worse. He kept his head elevated just enough to see where he was going, but not far enough to make eye contact with anyone. As a patrol rounded the corner, he approached the two guards.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be at your post?” One of them asked.

  “It would’ve helped if the person responsible for this gun would have loaded it.” Wyatt snarled. “If Cage comes, what do you want me to do, throw a rock at him?”

  The guard’s brow furrowed as he pulled the weapon from Wyatt’s hand to examine the clip. “Go to the armory and get a new mag.” He replied. Wyatt opened the door to walk in when suddenly he was grabbed on the shoulder. His fight reflex kicked in, but for an instant he held back. “Better make it two, just in case. We don’t want that idiot getting through.”

  Wyatt grinned as he headed inside, closing the door as he went. So far so good. As he entered, he expected to see damage from the explosion and a bunch of dead bodies, but as he looked around, there was nothing! Not even a stray bullet shell lingering on the floor. It was as if a gun fight never even occurred. How in the heck is this possible? He wondered in total disbelief. He knew the place would still be standing, but he never expected this. In that moment Wyatt knew there had to be supernatural forces at work, quite possibly under Damon’s control – it was the only explanation – it had to be. In any case though, the mission was still the same…get the girl and get out.

  Wyatt had to narrow down Michelle’s location, the place was huge and he didn’t have time to search every inch. He ditched the gun behind a stack of crates and began to walk around checking out several rooms on the lower level while ducking a few of the guards. However, as he was peering through a window, he felt a tap on the shoulder.

  “Hey man, you lost?” A deep voice spoke from behind.

  Keeping the brim of his hat covering his face, Wyatt slowly turned around, half expecting to find Damon standing there. Thankfully, he quickly found out it was just a young kid, probably no older than twenty-two. The only down side was he was huge. “Uh, yeah, kind of. The boss wants the blonde and I don’t really remember where the guys took her.” There was no point in lying as long as the he wasn’t recognized.


  “Look man, I’m sorry, I really don’t know what to tell…”

  “You seriously don’t remember them making a spectacle as they paraded her through here?” He seemed perturbed. “Were you on a smoke break or something?”

  “I was doing my job.” Wyatt growled. “No, I wasn’t on a break, I was keeping watch of the parameter, making sure Cage didn’t get through and make another huge mess of things. Or didn’t you hear about what happened earlier, huh? How he took out a couple dozen guys with two pistols and not a mark to show for it! Yeah, I was making sure you and everyone else in here was safe. I came in to get a drink and the boss told me to get the girl. Do you really want me to go back and tell him I have no idea where she is? Come on, man, I was looking out for you, do me a favor and help me out.”

  The guy sighed. “You’re right, man. I’m the one who’s sorry. She’s on the third floor in the holding room. What do you think the big deal is with her anyway?”

  “I don’t know man, I’m just paid to shoot.”

  “I hear you.” The guy turned to leave but caught a glimpse of Wyatt’s face as he raised his head. “Wait a second, aren’t you…”

  Wyatt smiled, clocked the guy on the jaw hard enough to fracture it, then wrapped him up in a choke hold, dropping him to the ground, knocking him out in seconds. Thankfully, despite all of the security, no one saw what had happened. Wyatt quickly hid the body under a tarp lying close by and began making his way to the third floor. With the stairs and walkways being open and see through, he was praying no one looked up, because there was no hiding his face much longer.

  Along the way he passed several guards armed with fully automatic assault rifles. They lined the walkways as though a medieval army awaiting an attack. The only saving grace was the closer Wyatt got to the holding room, the fewer guards there were. He guessed the room was secure enough Michelle wasn’t getting out. As he rounded the corner, the hallway became enclosed from the sides, cutting off all visibility from every direction except the way from which he came and directly ahead. In the middle of the hallway, on the right-hand side stood three guards, who were only armed with pistols which Wyatt instantly noticed under their jackets. The way they were dressed screamed federal agent. But what were they doing working with Damon? That was a question which would have to wait for another time, for now, all that mattered was getting Michelle out.

  “Hey boys, Damon wants the girl downstairs. He sent me to get her.” Wyatt figured it worked once, why not try it again.

  “Really?” The middle one asked. “And what did he say was the reason?”

  “I’m not paid to ask questions, just shoot stuff.”

  “That’s funny, so are we.” It didn’t sound like they were buying the story. “And Damon told us, unless it was him personally, kill anyone who came looking for the girl.” They all pulled their guns and fanned out around Wyatt. “So why don’t you do us a favor and take off that hat so we can see your eyes.”

  Wyatt knew there was no talking his way out of there, it was time for drastic measures. He did as he was told and took off the hat, tossing it to the side. Slowly he raised his head, glaring into the guard’s eyes with malice. “I’m only going to make this offer once, drop your weapons, let the girl go, and I won’t put you in intensive care.”

  The guard in front of the door chuckled. “What makes you think you’re in any position to make threats?”

  Wyatt struck first, fast, and hard, knocking the gun away from the guy in front of him, causing it to fire, sending a bullet into the guard next to him. Out of right field, he was sucker punched. Tasting blood, Wyatt quickly took out the guard’s knees and bounced his head off of the wall to knock him out. As the other guard lay on the floor bleeding out of his neck, Wyatt turned his attention to the first guy, who was trembling. With a single kick to the chest he became airborne, soaring through the door, taking it down with him. As Wyatt entered the room, he landed one more punch to put him to sleep. He stood up, moved his hair out of his eyes, and there tied to a chair in front of him was Michelle, bound and gagged. Quickly, he pulled the knife from his pocket and cut her free.

  She leaped up and threw her arms around his neck as tears of joy streamed down her face. “Thank you. I was so afraid you weren’t coming.”

  “Told you I’d always be there for you.” Wyatt replied as he quickly hugged her back. “It’s not over yet, we’ve still got to get out of here, someone will have heard that gun shot.”

  He was right, as they spoke Damon’s army was already running up the stairs. Wyatt grabbed the rest of the rope from which they cut the piece to tie Michelle and booked it out the door. They turned to go back the way they come, but clearly heard what sounded like a stampede heading right for them. “Come on, this way!” Wyatt urged as they hurried down the other hallway.

  Showing every meaning of haste, Wyatt and Michelle rounded the corner and saw their escape close at hand. About a dozen yards in front of them was an enclosed ladder leading directly to the roof. They ran as fast as they could, however, just as the rungs were within reach, four guys blocked their path. Three were a little on the smaller side, while the fourth looked like he could have given the Hulk a run for his money.

  “I don’t suppose you boys could forget you saw us, can you?” Wyatt knew he had to act quickly to avoid a hail of bullets which would soon be headed their way. The guards only stood there glowering at the two. “Didn’t think so.” In half a heart
beat the three smaller guys were lying on the ground unconscious, and just as Wyatt was throwing a punch at the last guy, the guard caught it, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall. Before Wyatt could climb back to his feet, the guard kicked him over and over in the ribs, finally hearing a crack. Michelle tried to help, but she was pushed back, nearly falling over the railing. Wyatt stumbled back to his feet, and though he tried blocking, his face was being used as a punching bag. The guard used a round house kick to Wyatt’s head, sending him soaring backward to the ground. As Wyatt landed, he rolled, and slowly made his way back to his feet, however, remained hunched over, catching his breath.

  “Why won’t you stay down?!” The guard yelled and a second later charged Wyatt like a rage filled bull seeing nothing but red all around. He lunged forward to knee him in the face but was instantly blocked and put in a head lock. With several sharp, powerful hits to the chest, Wyatt managed to snap several of the guard’s ribs, then let go, sending him to the ground. As he attempted to crawl away, Wyatt put the full force of his weight behind a final punch to the face, knocking the guard out cold.

  Breathless, he walked back over to Michelle, who was ready to climb to the roof, but as she looked back at the big guy on the ground, she froze dead in her tracks. Wyatt caught her stare and they both watched as the strangest thing they’d ever seen happened right in front of them. As the guy lay on the ground, he phased out of a human form directly into that of a demonic creature. “What in the hell is that?!” Wyatt yelled in shock. It was a gangly looking thing whose skin appeared to be a severely burned shade of reddish brown, half of the head was missing, and the nasal cavity was completely exposed. The arms were nearly claw shaped and though it looked meek, from what Wyatt knew of that last fight, it was anything but. He glanced over to Michelle, who was staring so intently, almost as if analyzing the creature.

  Her brow furrowed, then her eyes slowly widened as if remembering something. In an instant, Michelle’s memory came flooding back, overtaking her like a tidal wave. The dreams she’d been having were in fact memories. She remembered being in that small meadow, kneeling a little ways from a blue truck which had crashed into a lone tree. The darkness couldn’t hide anything from her. And as she was looking at the truck, she remembered the blood spatter on the driver’s side window was caused by a creature such as the one before her. It had killed the woman and left the man in the bed of the truck, dismembered and hanging over the side, dead, with a look of pure terror etched on his face. However, as she wasn’t able to see the baby from the over turned car seat before, she now knew what had happened. There weren’t just one, but two babies, both boys, and each of which she was holding in her arms. She had rescued them from the creature after scaring it away.

  Instantly she remembered who she was and where she had come from. “We have to go, now!” Michelle urged.

  “Time to level with me. What are those things?”

  “No time to explain, we have to get away from this place before more show up.”

  “There’s more?”

  “Yeah, and next time the fight won’t be so easy.” Michelle said as she and Wyatt hurried up the ladder. “They’re stronger in those forms.”

  “You call that easy?!”

  “Compared to trying to take on another dozen or so at one time, yeah.”

  “Michelle,” Wyatt said, closing and locking the roof hatch as they climbed out. “if I’m going to help you fight, I need to know what I’m dealing with.”

  Michelle was reluctant to say. “If we’re alive later, I’ll tell you then.” She sighed. “I take it you know how to repel?” She asked, throwing the rest of the rope over the side of the building.

  “When the time calls for it.”

  Suddenly the hatch and many more across the roof were busted open with more creatures and dozens of Damon’s men charging straight toward them.

  “Trust me, it calls for it!” Michelle yelled.

  As Wyatt started down the side of the building he looked toward Michelle who wasn’t reaching for the rope. Instead, she ducked out of sight, then suddenly reappeared as she lunged from the top of the building. “Michelle!” Wyatt yelled, having to watch helplessly as his friend was thrown to certain death. However, to his amazement, she landed safely on her feet. He was in utter disbelief of his own eyes. “How?” he whispered in shock.

  “Wyatt, hurry!” Michelle yelled as she watched several creatures literally climbing down the side of the building. Wyatt looked up to watch in horror as they crawled toward him, then bolted down the rope as fast as he could, barely escaping several swipes of their claws.

  With ever increasing speed Wyatt and Michelle found themselves running through the densely populated woods. The sounds of twigs snapping and leaves crunching could be heard with every step. With every breath taken, neither of the two knew which would be their last. Birds flew from the trees as animals instinctively fled, for what was in the woods was far more dangerous than the fiercest of predators. As for Wyatt and Michelle, they knew they had no choice but to escape…or risk death. Running faster and faster, ducking branches as they went, the only thing coursing through their veins was fear fueled adrenaline.

  Only seconds behind them, sticking to the shadows, whispers and growls could be heard closing quickly. Michelle knew if she or Wyatt slowed even the slightest, their lives would be over. Their only hope was to find a clearing and get in the light of the moon, because what pursued them couldn’t enter into any kind of light without burning.

  “What are those things?!” Wyatt yelled over the crunching beneath his feet.

  “Believe me, you don’t want to know! Keep moving!” she yelled.

  Finally, a dozen yards ahead of them, their salvation could be seen. A clearing! Their prayers had been answered, all that was needed was to get there…alive. Wyatt glanced over to Michelle to find a horrifying sight…a mangled, deformed hand was only inches from the back of her neck and closing quickly. However, just as it was about to grab her, Michelle passed through a beam of light cutting through the tree tops. The hand was singed and pulled back quickly. Then all of the sudden, out of the corner of his eye, Wyatt caught sight of a dark figure lunging down from the trees, right toward Michelle. With complete disregard for his own life, Wyatt attempted to tackle Michelle, but he was too late. The figure caught her, sending them both tumbling on the ground.

  Rolling into the clearing, Michelle was able to throw off her attacker and make her way onto her knee just in time to see the gangly, disfigured creature burn up in the moonlight. Trying to catch his breath, Wyatt caught up to Michelle in time to help her up, all the while completely horrified by the sight before them both. The creature yelled in agony, clawing at its own body as it burned, moments later falling to the ground dead.

  “Michelle,” Wyatt’s eyes didn’t move from the burning corpse. “what is that thing? I didn’t think vampires existed.”

  “They don’t.” Michelle replied, glancing around the clearing. “These are things much more…terrible, the kinds of things nightmares are made of.”

  Coming from all around the tree line, hissing and growling could be heard. The moon was peeking out from behind the clouds, but only just. For Michelle and Wyatt, there was nowhere to run, they were surrounded.

  “Now what?” Wyatt was a fighter, but that didn’t stop fear from trying to overtake him. “The moon isn’t going to stay out forever.”

  Michelle turned, looking Wyatt dead in the eye, her heart full of remorse. “I’m sorry, I never should have drug you into this.”

  “Like I gave you much of a choice.”

  “You would’ve if you’ve known then what I know now…these things aren’t exactly from around here.”

  “Yeah, I kind of guessed that. You want to explain so I know who I’m about to fight.”

  Just as Michelle was finally getting ready to answer him, a dark figure towering seven feet tall emerged from the trees. “We are the fallen.” It spoke with a raspy,
hissing tone.

  Michelle and Wyatt turned to face the creature, only to find their saving grace of moonlight was now gone, covered by thick clouds. Michelle wasn’t fazed by the creature’s appearance in the slightest, but Wyatt was still trying to wrap his head around what he was seeing. The beast looked like the other one, only a bit bigger. Its blackish-orange body was burned and scarred from top to bottom, appearing as though it was only skin and bones, the head was elongated and the face was mangled, its nose was missing, teeth sharp and jagged, and it walked like it was the toughest being on the planet. Wyatt’s heart rate increased dramatically. Sure, he had seen his share of strange things while on the force, but it all paled in comparison to that moment. A cold shiver ran down his spine as he took up defensive stance readying to fight for his life.

  “Damon,” Michelle began. “I know why you’re here, but if you let Wyatt go…you can have my life instead.”

  “Wait. What? That’s Damon?” Wyatt couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You have to be kidding me!”

  “Not the time to joke around.” Michelle’s gaze didn’t falter, her eyes were intensely locked on her foe.

  Flashes of Wyatt’s past began flashing through his mind; his brother’s miraculous recovery, his curious death, the contract he was under, and why he could never physically hurt Damon, or get evidence to bring him down…it was all starting to make sense. “When he said ‘fallen’, he meant…?”

  “Demon.” Michelle replied, watching the creature’s every move.


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