5. Government of Maharashtra, Transforming Mumbai into a World-Class City: First Report of the Chief Minister’s Task Force (Mumbai: Government of Maharashtra, 2004).
6. Darshini Mahadevia and Harini Narayan, “Slumbay to Shanghai: Envisioning Renewal or Takeover?” in Inside the Transforming Urban Asia: Processes, Policies and Public Actions (New Delhi: Concept Publishing House, 2008), 94–131, particularly 121–27.
7. Farah Baria, “A Pile of Dirt Worth Its Weight in Gold,” September 24, 2006, http://www.indianexpress.com/news/a-pile-of-dirt-worth-its-weight-in-gold/13295/2 (accessed July 20, 2009).
8. Cited in Meher Pestonji’s catalog essay in Dream Home (Mumbai: Chemould Gallery, 2003).
9. Nancy Adjania, “Gaman/Aagaman: The Interstitial Spaces between Departure and Arrival,” in Tum Kab Aaoge (exhibition catalog) (New Delhi: Anant Art Gallery, 2005).
10. Nancy Adjania, “Narrative Geographies: Meera Devidayal’s Map of Bombay,” Where I Live (exhibition catalog) (Mumbai: Chemould Prescott Road, 2009).
11. Kalpana Sharma, Rediscovering Dharavi: Stories from Asia’s Largest Slum (Delhi: Penguin Books, 2000), 76–78. Sharma’s sensitive and insightful account demolishes the stereotypical image of the area as a miserable slum of squalor and crime.
12. Ibid., 36.
13. Matias Echanove and Rahul Srivastava, “Taking the Slum Out of ‘Slumdog,’” New York Times, February 21, 2009.
14. Rahul Mehrotra, “Learning from Mumbai,” Seminar 530 (October 2003).
15. Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space, trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991), 86.
Note: The index follows the text (cf. footnote on p. 2) by including main entries for “Bombay” and “Mumbai” as appropriate. Subentries usually combine the two as “Bombay/Mumbai.” Illustrations are indicated by page numbers in italic type.
Aar Paar (film), 303
Abbas, Khwaja Ahmed, 118, 133–34, 143, 147–51, 164, 169, 270
Main Kaun Hoon? (Who Am I?), 148
Yeh Amrit Hai (This Is Nectar), 133
Zubeida, 134, 136
Achanak (Suddenly) [film], 160
activists, 119
Adarkar, Neera, 367n7, 368n9, 368n16, 368n22, 368n24, 368n27, 369n32, 369n50
Adjania, Nancy, 378n9, 379n10
advertising, 105–7
African Americans, 10, 104. See also Black Panthers
Afternoon Courier and Despatch (newspaper), 5
Aga, Haji Mirza, 59–60
agitprop theater, 213
Ahuja, Mamie, 172, 173, 179, 184, 202
Ahuja, Prem Bhagwandas, 158, 160–62, 171–80, 182–85, 187–92, 196, 197, 199–200
Air India, 274, 275, 301
AITUC. See All India Trade Union Congress
Akhtar, Jan Nisar, 147
Alam Ara (film), 107
Albuquerque, Teresa, 355n17, 355n18
Alff, Jon, 359n35, 360n45, 360n47
Ali, Ahmed, 129, 362n15
Ali, Muzaffar, 332
Ali, Sardar Mir Abdul, 57, 59–60
Alig, Bari, 120
Aligarh Muslim University, 133
Alikhan, 360n55
All India Progressive Writers’ Association (PWA), 129–31, 137, 147–48, 212, 255
All India Radio, 120
All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), 210, 215, 293
Alter, Robert, 357n69, 358n77
Amar Chitra Katha (ACK) [comic book series], 304–5
Aminchund, Motichund, 38
Anand, Chetan, 4, 134–36, 147, 333
Anand, Dev, 4, 78, 135, 136, 139, 147, 154–57, 157
Anand, Mulk Raj, 128, 129, 138, 251, 255–56, 257, 259, 266–68, 285–87
Coolie, 255
Untouchable, 255
Anand, Uma, 135
Anand, Vijay, 4, 78, 135
Angaarey (Embers), 126, 129
antiques, 344–45
apartment complexes, 100–101, 113
Apollo Bunder, 99
Appadurai, Arjun, 354n22
Apte, Hari Narayan, 56, 357n53
Ara, K. H., 255
architecture: in Bombay, 97
colonial meanings of, 48, 50
revivalist vs. modern, 263. See also Art Deco architecture; Gothic Revival architecture
Art Deco architecture, 95–104, 100
advertising and, 106
capitalism and, 95–96, 100, 102–3
characteristics of, 96, 100, 103–4
on Marine Drive, 76–77, 99–100
as modern, 95–96, 98–101, 103–4
origins of, 95
technology and, 96, 98–99, 101
Arthur Road Hospital, 69
artists, 119, 131–40
Ashk, Upendra Nath, 120, 135
Asiatic Society Library, 27
Athens Charter, 253, 256
Atre, Acharya, 223, 235, 236
Awara (The Vagrant) [film], 150–52, 151
Azmi, Kaifi, 131, 147
Baazi (film), 156, 303
Babri Masjid, 298–99
Bachchan, Amitabh, 250, 304
Backbay, 80–95, 114, 116, 272, 273, 274–84, 287
Backbay Enquiry Committee, 87, 90, 92
bakhar (traditional chronicle), 52
Bakre, S. K., 255
Ballard Estate, 29, 80
Bambaiwali (film), 109
Bambaiya, 11
Banaji, Mancherji Naoroji, 40
Bandra-Worli Sealink, 22
Banias, 33
Bapat, Senapati, 223
Barnow, Eric, 149, 360n57, 364n62
Barve, S. G., 264, 266, 274
Bassein, 30–31
Batley, Claude, 95, 112, 114
Batman (comic book series), 304, 322
Baudelaire, Charles, 53
Bedi, Kabir, 8
Bedi, Protima, 8
Bedi, Rajinder Singh, 149
Beijing, China, 22
Belgaum, 239
Bengal School of art, 255
Benjamin, Walter, 53, 57
Arcades, 53
Benton, Charlotte, 359n34
Benton, Tim, 359n34
Bhabha, Homi J., 132
Bhagat Singh Road (Dockyard Road), 28
Bhagwat, Vidyut, 354n1
Bhai, Zafar, 340–42, 345
Bhandaris, 33, 34
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 205, 301–2
Bharatiya Kamgar Sena (BKS), 245
Bhatia, Nandi, 363n23
Bhedwar and Sorabji Architects, 101
Bhendi Bazaar, 56
Bhiwandi, 236–37
Bhor, Parvatibhai, 214
Black Panthers, 240
blasé outlook, 311–12
Blitz (newspaper), 5, 161–71, 175–79, 177, 181, 181–202, 184, 195, 197, 198, 204, 247, 270, 283, 292
BMC. See Bombay Municipal Corporation
body, the, 108
Bolshevik Conspiracy Case, 210
Boman-Behram, Nadir, 163
Bombay: bombings in, 300–301
British colonization and, 35–52
colonial sections of, 60–61
colonial views of, 60–67
colonizing power of, 72–73
commerce in, 35–43, 47–48, 103
construction of, 44–60
cosmopolitanism of, 56, 117–19, 152, 154–56, 161
crises in, 10–11, 240, 254–55, 298–302
diversity of, 35, 43, 56, 145–46
early twentieth-century, 49
economy of, 231, 239, 293–95
entertainment in, 104–11
images of, 3–13, 22–24, 52–67, 104, 115, 161, 346
islets composing, 31, 32
linguistic states issue’s effect on, 224, 225
master plan for, 258–65
modernity of, 3–7, 23, 44, 48, 52–55, 61, 63, 262–63
mongrel character of, 6, 9
multilingual character of, 220, 222
negative views of, 8–9, 57–60, 63–67, 11
1, 291
population of, 39, 43, 113, 254, 270
Portuguese colonization and, 30–35
positive views of, 3–8, 53–57, 60–63
as society, 55, 146
spatial patterns in, 60–61, 66
twin city proposed for (see New Bombay). See also Mumbai; urban life
Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indian Railway headquarters, 47
Bombay Castle, 35
Bombay Chronicle (newspaper), 87, 89–94, 133, 147
Bombay cinema. See Hindi cinema
Bombay City and Suburbs Post-war Development Committee, 257
Bombay City Improvement Trust, 70, 79–81
Bombay Development Committee, 80
Bombay Development Department (BDD), 112
Bombay Dying (comic book), 289, 324
Bombay First, 328–29
Bombay Gazette (newspaper), 57
Bombay Green, 45
Bombay High Court, 180, 185, 186–90, 193–94, 196, 278
Bombay Municipal Corporation (BMC), 204, 258, 264–66, 301
Bombay Port Trust, 80
Bombay Presidency, 107
Bombay Provincial Congress, 90
Bombay Sentinel (newspaper), 163
Bombay State, 220, 221, 222
Bombay Stock Exchange, 301
Bombay Talkies, 108, 143
Bombay University, 46, 231
Bombay Weaving and Spinning Company, 40
bombings, 10, 16–18, 300–301. See also terrorism
Bongco, Mila, 377n30
Borkar, Keshav (Borkar Dada), 245
Bowles, Chester, 166–67
Bradby, David, 368n25
Brahmans, 34
Brasilia, 252, 253
British colonialism: advent of, 34
Bombay through eyes of, 60–67
and commerce, 35–43, 47–48
Communist opposition to, 212
construction of Bombay under, 44–60
and cosmopolitanism, 117–18
cultural meanings as object of, 51–52
evidence of, 27–29, 73–74
harms resulting from, 65, 71, 94
and justice system, 190
nature as object of, 51
Bromfield, Louis, Night in Bombay, 102–3, 111, 113–14
brothels, 113–14
Brunswick (ship), 38
bubonic plague, 68–71, 70, 79
Buchanan, George, 82–83, 86, 88, 90–92
Bulsara, J. F., 254–55
cab drivers, 332–37
Calcutta. See Kolkata
Cama family, 37, 40
Cambata, S. C., 101
Camões, Luíz Vaz de, Lusiads, 31
Camus, Albert, The Plague, 71
capitalism: Art Deco and, 95–96, 100, 102–3
colonial governance and, 69, 71
colonizing power of, 73
and globalization, 20
indifference resulting from, 311–12
negative effects of, 113
spread of, 95
and urbanization, 19–20
urban planning in service of, 260–62, 264, 285. See also industrialization
Capitol Theater, 105
Castro, Fidel, 165
Catherine of Braganza, 35
Çelik, Zeynep, 357n71
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 7
Central Theater, 105
Chacha Chaudhary (comic book series), 305
Chaiwala (Chevalier), Phiroshaw Jamsetjee, “Tower of Silence,” 1–3
Chandavarkar, Raj, 40–43, 355n20, 357n73, 367n6, 367n8, 368n11, 368n20
Chander, Krishan, 120, 128, 131, 135
Anndaata, 136–37
Hum Vehshi Hain (We Are Savages), 148
Chandigarh, 252, 253, 256
Chandler, Raymond, 303
Chandra, Nandini, 377n31
Chandrachud, Y. V., 187
Chaplin, Charlie, 105
Chari, A.S.R., 187, 189
Charles II, King of England, 35
Chatterjee, Partha, 354n23
chawls, 64, 64–67, 71, 111–13, 208. See also slums
Chennai (Madras), 4, 10
Chevalier (Chaiwala), Phiroshaw Jamsetjee, “Tower of Silence,” 1–3
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (Victoria Terminus), 17, 25, 29, 47–48, 48
China: Communist revolution in, 218, 219
opium trade with, 36–39
political theater in, 132
yarn export to, 40
Chor Bazaar (Thieves’ Market), 340–46, 348
Christianity, 33–34
Chrysler Building, New York City, 96
Chugtai, Ismat, 118, 125–27, 131, 139, 143–44, 147
“Lihaaf” (Quilt), 126–27
Churchgate Street. See Veer Nariman Road
Churchill, Winston, 215
CID (film), 9, 78, 156–57, 303
Cine Blitz (magazine), 8
cinema: advertising and, 106–7
angry young man films, 304
Bombay origins of, 107–8
comic books compared to, 304
crime melodramas, 154–57, 303–4
novelty of, 115
post-Partition, 148–57
studio system for, 128
stunt films, 108–11
tramp films, 150–54
underworld and, 297
writers for, 128, 135, 148. See also Hindi cinema
cinema theaters, 101–2
cities: crime and, 303, 322
criticisms of, 19–21, 251–52
Doga comic books and, 305–6
generic, 21–22
kinetic vs. static city, 339–40
modernity and, 20–21, 303, 305
visuality of, 305–6. See also urban life
citizenship, 150–51
City Improvement Trust, 342
City Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO), 270–71, 286
class, Indian-British relations and, 60–61. See also working class
Clow, A. C., 142
Colaabavala, F. D., Bombay by Night, 8
Colaba, 80, 99
Colaba Causeway, 28, 101
Coleman, Bill, 104
colonialism: architecture and urban planning expressive of, 48, 50
attempted erasure of, 25–26, 29–30
persistence of, 26–27. See also British colonialism
Portuguese colonialism
colonization, double, 51–52, 73–74, 326
comic books, 304
Comintern, 13, 130, 209, 211, 216
commerce: Bombay natives and, 103
British colonization and, 35–43
Victoria Terminus as symbol of, 47–48
Communist Party of India (CPI): cultural activities of, 212–13
decline of, 218–19, 240–50
Desai and, 241–42, 244–45
founding of, 209
goals of, 205–6
after Independence, 217–18
labor activities of, 210–12, 214, 240
left adventurist wing of, 217–19
legalization of, 215, 216
and linguistic states, 222–23, 225, 244
mutiny supported by, 216–17
and Nanavati case, 189
opposition of, to British colonialism, 212
and Partition, 148
return to center of, 219
revolutionary goals of, 218
right-wing nationalists vs., 204–6
rise of, 209–10
Shiv Sena opposition to, 235, 241, 241–43, 245–49
and World War II, 215–16
writers and artists associated with, 130–32, 137–39
Company (film), 298
Confectioner, A. N., 370n59
Congrès International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), 253, 256
Congress. See Indian National Congress
Contractor, Behram (pen name: Busybee), 5
conversion, to Christianity, 34
Coppola, Carlo, 362
n16, 362n17
Correa, Charles, 251, 263, 265–66, 268, 284, 287
corruption, in real estate and construction, 76, 88, 91–92, 94, 274–84, 287–88, 295, 297, 309–10
cosmopolitanism: art and, 256
of Bombay/Mumbai, 3, 11, 56, 117–19, 154–56, 161, 333
breakdown of, 11, 24, 348
cinema and, 152, 154–56
in Dharavi, 339
Hinduization vs., 205
ideal of, 348
imperialism and, 117–18
of India, 152, 154
mercantile, 35
Nanavati case and, 161
nationalism vs., 118
nation-based, 256
race and, 109
vernacular, 333
cotton mills, 11, 29, 40–43, 42, 293–95, 298. See also textile mills
cotton trade, 39–40, 44
Crawford Market, 29, 342
Cricket Smith Band, 105
crime: in Bombay/Mumbai, 57–60, 154–57, 324
cities and, 303, 322
detectives and, 57, 59–60
in Doga comic books, 290, 308–13
film melodramas about, 154–57
state of law revealed through, 303. See also underworld
Cripps, Stafford, 215
Criterion, 255
Cuffe, T. W., 79
Cuffe Parade, 79–80, 283, 287
cultural modernity, 110, 197
culture, colonization of, 51–52
Cumbala Hills neighborhood, 99, 100
Cunha, Gerson da, 31, 367n54
Cunha, Nuno da, 30–31
Current (newspaper), 166–67, 275–76, 282
Customs House, 27
Dadabhai Naoroji Road (Hornby Road), 29, 47, 342
Dadar, 99
Dadas (neighborhood gangsters), 121–22, 207
Daily Mirror (London newspaper), 163
Dalit, 10, 72
Dalit Panthers, 10, 240
Dalmia, Vasudha, 372n13
Dalvi, Mustansir, 360n51, 373n16
Dandavate, M. R., 223
dandies, 345
Dange, S. A., 209–15, 219, 223–26, 224, 235, 240, 241, 244
Gandhi vs. Lenin, 209
Dange, Usha, 214
Daphtary, C. K., 193
Das Gupta, Jyotindra, 369n41
Davar, Kavasji Nanabhai, 40
Davidge, W. R., 83, 84, 85, 95
David Sassoon Library and Reading Room, 51
Davis, Mike, 354n19
D Company, 297
Delhi, 10, 120, 341. See also New Delhi democracy: erosion of, 10, 292
frustration with, 19
ideals of, 283
as obstacle to rational ideal of urban planning, 22, 280–81, 286
representative, 281
Shiv Sena’s rule of force vs., 238, 292
Desai, Askok, 279–80, 282
Desai, Krishna, 204, 241–47, 247, 293
Desai, Morarji, 166–67, 237
Desai, Sarojini, 248, 249
detective pulp fiction, 303
detectives, uncovering of reality by, 57, 59, 170
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