Development Department, 83, 85, 87–89, 92
Development Directorate, 82
Devidayal, Meera, 331, 334–37, 348
Altamount Road, 336
“Dream Home” exhibition, 331
Gold Valley, 331
Luxurious 1,2&3 BHK Flats, 331
Objects in the Mirror Are Closer than They Appear, 335
“Tum Kab Aaoge” (When Will You Come) series, 334–36
“Where I Live” series, 336
Devoted Wife (film), 107
Dharavi, 12, 329, 337–39
Dharavi Rehabilitation Project, 330
Dharti ke Lal (Children of the Earth) [film], 136–37
Dhasal, Namdeo, 10, 25, 29–30
Dhawan, Prem, 147, 149
Diamond Queen (film), 109
Dickens, Charles, Bleak House, 69
Diler Daku, or Thunderbolt (film), 109
Dilruba Daku, or Amazon (film), 109
Direct Action Day, 141
Ditchburn and Mistri, 102
D’Monte, Darryl, 353n12, 376n5, 376n10
D. N. (Hornby) Road. See Dadabhai Naoroji Road
Dobbin, Christine, 355n6, 355n11
Doctor, Vikram, 360n55
Doga comic book series, 289–91, 304–24, 347
city as setting for, 305–6
communal conflict in, 317–20
crime in, 290, 308–13
the hero of, 289–90, 306–7, 318–21, 323
law in, 308, 313, 315–16, 321, 323–24
and Mumbai, 289–90, 306–10, 317–24
readership of, 291
religion in, 307
social alienation in, 307–9
violence in, 306, 308–9, 312–13, 315, 318–21
Doga Hindu Hai (Doga Is Hindu) [comic book], 317–20
Doga Ka Curfew (Doga’s Curfew) [comic book], 320
Dominicans, 33
Donde, Kamal, 214
Dongri neighborhood, 56, 297
double colonization, 51–52, 73–74, 326
dredger, 83, 85–87
Dr. Kotnis ki Amar Kahani (The Immortal Journey of Dr. Kotnis) [film], 136
D’Souza, J. B., 270, 277, 282
Dubai, 297, 300–301
Dumasia, Naoroji M., 57–60
Dutt, Rajni Palme, 138–39
Dwivedi, Sharada, 45, 356n32, 357n67, 359n33, 360n38, 360n41, 360n47, 360n50, 360n53, 361n66
East India Company, 27, 34–37, 39, 44
Eckert, Julia, 370n79
economy, 231, 239
edge cities, 20
Edwardes, S. M. (pen name: Etonensis), 61–63
Edward VII, King of England, 26, 29, 51, 74
Elephanta Caves, 267
Eliot, T. S., 134, 255
elites: architecture/design and, 99, 103
and Backbay scandal, 93–94
under British colonial rule, 50–51
Mumbai aspirations of, 14, 22
Nanavati case involving, 158–62, 199, 200
political sentiments of, 18–19
and progressive politics, 137–40
Elphinstone Circle. See Horniman (Elphinstone) Circle
Empire State Building, New York City, 96
encounter killings, 314, 316
entertainment, 104–11, 208
Eros Theater, 101–2, 102
Esplanade, 45–46, 47
Evans, Mary, 108
Evening News of India (newspaper), 5
Evening Standard (London newspaper), 163
Evenson, Norma, 372n8
everyday life, 55, 60–61, 95–96, 144, 168, 303, 324, 348
Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels moderne (Paris, 1925), 95
Express Towers, 274
Fairbanks, Douglas, 108, 109
Farooqui, Amar, 355n7, 355n11, 355n13
Fearless Nadia film series, 108–11, 110
Felden, E. J. Peter, 106
Femina (magazine), 6–7
Fernandes, George, 235
Fernandes, Naresh, 360n52, 377n17
Fernandez, Clarence, 377n17
Fielden, Lionel, 134
film. See cinema
film noir, 154, 303
flânerie, 53, 57, 121
flooding, 13–15, 27, 67–68
Fort area, South Bombay, 27–29, 28, 35–36, 99
Franciscans, 33
Free Press Journal (newspaper), 228, 281, 283
Frere, Bartle, 44–46
Freud, Sigmund, 284
Gadgil, Gangadhar, 5–6
Gama, Vasco da, 30, 33
Gaman (Departure) [film], 332–34
Gandhi, Indira, 10, 166–67, 240, 291–92
Gandhi, J. M., 278, 280–83, 287
Gandhi, Mahatma, 26, 134, 141, 142, 212, 215, 251–52
Gandhi, Sanjay, 292
Gateway of India, 25–26, 28, 326–27, 341, 342
Gavankar, D. N., 133, 213
Gazetteer, 342
Geddes, Patrick, 65, 285–86
Genda (comic book), 309–13
gender. See men; women
generic cities, 21–22
Gera, Nalini, 367n57
German Expressionism, 136, 255
Gilloch, Graeme, 354n27, 356n40
Girangaon (Village of the Mills), 67, 206–18, 246, 249
Girl Friend, The (film), 105
Girni Kamgar Mahamandal, 210, 211
Girni Kamgar Union (GKU), 211–12, 214, 218, 247
GKU. See Girni Kamgar Union
globalization, 20–21, 329
Goa, 244
Goans, 105
Godley, Margaret C., 137, 139–40
Gopal, Priyamvada, 362n11, 364n63
Gordon, A.D.D., 368n21
Gothic Revival architecture, 29, 47, 48
architect of Bombay’s, 101
Art Deco vs., 99
colonial connotations of, 44, 46–48, 50
Government of India Act (1935), 122–23
Green’s (music venue), 105
Gregson, Batley and King, 266
Guha, Ram Chandra, 376n2
Gujarat, 30, 31, 35, 222, 224–25
Gujarati language, 220, 222
Gun Sundari (Why Husbands Go Astray), 107
Gupta, Sanjay, 306–7
Gupta and Company, 275
Haffkine, Waldemar, 69
Hahn, Emily, 174–76
Hanuman Theatre, 208
Hansen, Thomas Blom, 371n79, 371n85
Harding, Gilbert, 134
Harris, Nigel, 376n6
Harvey, David, 354n20, 356n36
Harvey, Thomas, 92
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 48
Hazaribagh, 4, 5
Hepper, Lawless, 88, 90–91
High Court building, 47
Hindi cinema: golden age of, 148–49
impact of, 4
and Marine Drive, 77–78
music of, 343
origins of, 107. See also cinema
Hindi language, 128, 130, 222
Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS), 218
Hinduism: in Bombay, 43
saffron as color of, 205
violence between Muslims and Hindus, 10, 141–43, 205, 236–37, 243, 298–302, 307–8, 317–20
Hindustan Times Tabloid, 160
history, in flea markets, 340–46
Hitler, Adolf, 163–64
HMIS Talwar, 216
Hogarth Press, 255
Hollywood films, 105, 107
Holston, James, 354n22, 372n7
home, meaning of, 330–37
home ownership, 330–32
Hopkinson, Frederick, 91–92
Hornby, William, 44
Hornby Road. See Dadabhai Naoroji Road
Hornby Vellard, 44
Horniman, Benjamin Guy, 89, 163
Horniman (Elphinstone) Circle, 27, 45, 46, 50
Hoskote, Ranjit, 353n9
housing: apartment complexes, 100–101, 113
development justified by need for,
81–83, 274, 329–30
immigrants’, 64–65, 67, 336
and meaning of home, 330–37
in New Bombay, 271–72
of the poor, 70, 111–12
urban planning and, 261
Vision Mumbai and, 329–30
working-class, 64–68, 112–13, 207
Huezé, Gérard, 370n79, 371n87
Human Development Report, 288
Hunterwali, or The Lady with the Whip (film), 108, 109
Hurricane Hansa (film), 109
Hussain, M. F., 255
Hutatma Chowk (Flora Fountain), 27
Ibrahim, Dawood, 295–98, 300
Ideal Home Exhibition (Bombay, 1937), 97, 98
identity: under colonialism, 118
of Marathi manoos, 232–33
as national citizen, 118, 150–51
working-class neighborhood, 207–9
Illustrated Weekly of India (magazine), 6–7, 105, 115
immigrants: to Bombay/Mumbai, 10–11, 23, 234
British colonial commerce and, 36
as cab drivers, 334–37
living conditions of, 64–65, 67, 207, 336
meaning of home for, 332–37
as mill workers, 42–43, 206–7
neighborhood ties of, 207–9
rural ties maintained by, 66–67, 207–9, 332–37
Shiv Sena opposition to, 231–35
success stories of, 337–39
Independence, 117, 140–41, 143
India: cosmopolitanism of, 152, 154
government of, 140–41, 220
national identity of, 118
Pakistan at war with, 239
and Partition, 148
village as symbol of, 251–52. See also nationalism
India Coffee House, 135
Indian Concrete Journal, 99
Indian Institute of Architects, 97, 266
Indian National Congress (Congress), 53, 130, 140–41, 205, 210, 212, 216–18, 220, 223, 225, 238, 240–41, 245, 248, 291, 292, 294, 301, 302
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), 218
Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA), 129, 131–37, 139, 147, 212, 216
Indrajal (comic book series), 304
industrialization: building projects and, 48
negative effects of, 48, 65, 71, 112. See also capitalism
industrial modernity, 2, 67, 98–99, 101, 103–4, 108, 111, 114–16
INS Mysore, 176, 182
IPTA. See Indian People’s Theatre Association
Island of Love, 31, 33
Istanbul, Turkey, 117
Jaffer, Amin, 359n36
Jafri, Ali Sardar, 131, 147
Yeh Kiska Khoon Hai? (Whose Blood Is This?), 132–33
Jahan, Rashid, 125–26, 129
Jains, 36
Jai Prakash movement, 292
Jardine, William, 38
Jardine Matheson and Company, 38
jazz, 104–6, 343
Jehangir Art Gallery, 51
Jehu, Ivor, 163
Jejeebhoy, Byramjee, 40
Jejeebhoy, Jamsetjee, 37–39, 213
Jesuits, 33–34
Jethmalani, Ram, 202, 248
Jewish Center at Nariman House, 17–18
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali, 141
Joshi, P. C., 131, 137, 139
Joshi, Ram, 370n75
Joshi, S. M., 223
Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects (JIIA), 97, 98, 100, 255–56, 258, 263
jury system, 160, 190
J. Walter Thompson (JWT) [advertising agency], 106–7
Kakodkar, Priyanka, 353n12
Kala Bazaar (film), 78, 78
Kala Ghoda, 26, 29, 51
Kamat, Dinanath, 243, 371n92
Kamathipura, 113–14
Kamgar Maidan, 213
Kannada language, 220
Kapoor, Prithviraj, 136, 147, 150
Kapoor, Raj, 78, 147, 150–54, 151, 153
Kapoor, Shammi, 147
Kapur, Geeta, 372n12
Karaka, D. F., 166–67, 193, 276–77
Karanjia, Russi, 5, 162–68, 168, 175, 183, 187, 190–92, 196, 201–3, 206, 292
Karnataka, 222, 237, 239
Karnik, Anil, 246
Kartik, Kalpana, 157, 157
Katari (navy chief), 185
Katzenstein, Mary, 248–49, 370n56, 370n68, 372n103
Kaveney, Roz, 377n30
KGB, 7
Khaki Aur Khaddar (comic book), 313–17
Khan, M. S., 216
Khandalawala, Karl J., 171, 180
Khatau, Sunit, 295
Khosla, Raj, 78
Kidambi, Prashant, 358n1
kinetic city, 339–40
King, Anthony D., 357n71
King, H. Foster, 266
Klein, Ira, 357n75
Knightley, Philip, 7, 353n4
Kolis, 33, 34
Kolkata (Calcutta), 5, 10, 36–37
Koolhaas, Rem, 21, 354n25, 354n26
Kosambi, Meera, 355n25, 361n69, 369n43
Kracauer, Siegfried, 305, 377n32
Krishnan, Parvati, 138
Krishnaswamy, S., 149, 360n57, 364n62
Kulkarni, R. S., 204, 247
Kumarmangalam, Mohan, 138
Kureishi, Zahir Babar, 163
Laclau, Ernesto, 370n64
Lala, Karim, 296–97
Lalbaug neighborhood, 206, 209
Lal Bawta Kalapathak (Red Flag Artists’ Group), 213
Lamb, Thomas W., 102
Lancashire, England, 39
land reclamation, 44–45, 51, 75–77, 79–94, 114, 116, 272, 274–84
language: diversity of, 10–11, 43, 56
newspapers’ use of English, 164
political boundaries and, 219–28
Laski, Harold, 134, 280
Lateef, Shaheed, 126
law. See rule of law
Le Corbusier, 252–53, 256, 257
Lefebvre, Henri, 55, 260, 340, 356n50, 373n23, 379n15
Legislative Council, 88, 92
Lele, Jayant, 370n58, 370n60, 371n86
Lenin, Vladimir, 214
Leon Abbey Band, 104, 106
Leopold Café, 17
lesbianism, 126–27
linguistic states, 219–28, 244
Lintas advertising agency, 106
Little Theatre movement, 132
living conditions. See housing
Lloyd, George, 81–82, 85, 89, 91–92
Lobo, John, 158–60, 173
loknatya, 208, 213
Lok Seva Dal (People’s Service League), 242, 245–46
London, Christopher W., 356n33
Lowther, Kidd and Company, 80, 82
Lucknow, 130
Ludhianvi, Sahir, 131, 148, 149
Lumière Brothers, 107
Lutaru Lalna (film), 109
machine age, 96
Maclean, James, Guide to Bombay, 44
Madgavkar, Govind Narayan, 56–57
Mumbaichi Varnan, 51–52
Madhavdas, Varjivandas, 41
Madras. See Chennai
Mafatlal, 274
Mahadevia, Darshini, 378n6
Mahadik, Wamanrao, 248, 249
Maha Gujarat Parishad, 225
Mahalaxmi, 52
Maharashtra, 9, 10, 219–28, 227, 237, 239, 240, 244, 272, 275, 279, 301, 328. See also Marathi manoos
Maharashtra Girni Kamgar Union, 294
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), 205, 328
Mahars, 34
Mahim, 99
Mahmud, Shabana, 362n8
Mahmuduzzafar, 129
Maidan, 29
Majestic (music venue), 105
Maker and Jolly Builders, 275
Malabar Hill neighborhood, 70, 75, 77, 79, 99, 100
Malayalam speakers, 233
Malihabadi, Josh, 131, 135, 147
Malik, Hafeez, 362n18
Malis, 33
Manto, Saadat Hasan, 118–25, 131, 135, 143–
“Babu Gopinath,” 123–24
“Boo” (Odor), 127
“Kaali Shalwaar” (Black Trousers), 127
“Mammad Bhai,” 121–22
“Mozail,” 145–46
“Naya Qanoon,” 122–23
“Taraqqipasand” (The Progressive), 131
“Toba Tek Singh,” 144
Mao Zedong, 219
Marathas, 36
Marathi language, 220–28
Marathi manoos, 228–41, 249, 291, 347
MARG (journal), 251, 255–56, 258–59, 263, 266, 268, 285, 287
Marine Drive, 5, 9, 13, 76, 78
Art Deco architecture along, 95–104, 100
construction along, 79–83, 99–100
meaning and image of, 75–79, 114
Mark of Zorro, The (film), 109
Marmik (cartoon weekly), 228–29, 231–35
Marx, Karl, 73, 214
Marxism, 129, 131, 138, 140, 209–10, 214, 240
Masselos, J. C., 363n41
Mastan, Haji, 296, 297
master plan for Bombay, 258–65
Matheson, James, 38
Mau, Bruce, 354n26
Mayer, Albert, 258, 260–63, 265–66
Mazumdar, Ranjani, 377n29
McCloud, Scott, 377n30
McCord, Castor, 104
McCormick, John, 368n25
McKinsey and Company, 328
media, terrorism coverage by, 16–19
Meerut Conspiracy Case, 211
Mehrotra, Rahul, 45, 339–40, 356n32, 357n67, 359n33, 360n38, 360n41, 360n47, 360n50, 360n53, 361n66, 375n78, 379n14
Mehta, Pravina, 251, 263, 265–66, 287
Mehta, R. B., 171, 180, 185, 187
Mehta, Suketu, 12, 20, 327, 353n11, 354n18
Memon, Tiger, 300–301
men: Shiv Sena and, 238–39
working class, 206–7
Menon, Krishna, 192, 235–36, 241
Menon, Meena, 367n7, 368n9, 368n16, 368n22, 368n24, 368n27, 369n32, 369n50
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 102
Metro Theater, 101–2
Mhatre, G. B., 104
Miami, Florida, 96
Mid-Day (newspaper), 5
middle-class, morality of, 191
migrants. See immigrants
Millowners’ Association, 212
mills: cotton, 11, 29, 40–43, 42, 293–95, 298
textile, 11, 24, 206–9
Mir, Ali Husain, 362n19
Mir, Raza, 362n19
Miranda, Mario, 6
“Mario’s Bombay,” 6
Miss 1933 (film), 107
Miss Frontier Mail (film), 109
Mistry, Homi D., 183
Mistry, Rohinton: Family Matters, 13
A Fine Balance, 292
Mittal Group, 275
Modak, N. V., 258, 260–66
Modern Architectural Research Group, 256, 259
modernist art, 255–56
modernity: antiques emerging because of, 344–45
Art Deco and, 95–96, 98–101, 103–4
blasé outlook characteristic of, 311–12
Blitz and, 170
Bombay/Mumbai and, 3–7, 10, 23, 44, 48, 52–55, 61, 63, 77, 262–63
capitalist, 96
in Chaiwala’s “Tower of Silence,” 3
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